Conversation started Jun 30, 2014 at 12:47.
Jun 30, 2014 12:47
@KitFox And here "Erica would love my cake if she were here with me today" and "Erica would have love my cake today if she were here with me today". These both grammatical? If 'yes' then how because both are talking about 'today'.
Erica would love my cake if she were here today. Eric would have loved my cake today if she were here.
That's that backswitching thing again.
Both are fine.
You're talking about a hypothetical situation.
@KitFox Thanks. So both can be used to mean the same thing Right?
Jun 30, 2014 12:50
Which one would you prefer?
If it were "Erica is here with me today and she loves my cake." that's different than "Erica is here with me today and she loved my cake."
Yah that I know :)
@Arrowfar "Would love" to me implies that in general Erica would enjoy the various cakes that you make, and that you plan to eat or are currently eating. "Would have loved" suggests possibly a particular cake and there is no possibility of Erica eating it in the future.
But that's just a vague impression, and not a distinction that I would hold anyone to.
And if "Erica" is someone (who is deceased) then?
Still either way. Erica loved cake. If she were here, she would love this cake. She would have loved this cake, if she were still alive and here with us.
I think I'd have a tendency to use "would have loved" if Erica was dead though.
Jun 30, 2014 12:54
Oh, okay
Because there is not really a possibility that she will have cake in the future.
I see
Clear as mud, huh?
Yeah haha
Jun 30, 2014 13:04
@KitFox Can you tell me how do I save the particular comments (from here in chat) where I ask small questions like these, so I can save them on my computer?
I don't know.
You can put a bookmark, but everyone can see those. Still, it's OK to do if you are specific enough with the name that you'll be able to find it.
You mean my name?
Thanks, Matt. I'm a little scattered right now.
This delicious bagel should help.
@Arrowfar there's no automated way to save a conversation to a text file, but you could just copy/paste the text
@KitFox mmmm bagel
Jun 30, 2014 13:10
mit cream cheese
unt chives?
@MattЭллен Sorry to ask this but how do I bookmark my conversation here?
@MattЭллен Not this time. I particularly like with green olives though.
Can't seem to locate any button here?
@Arrowfar in this room, you can create a bookmark.
Jun 30, 2014 13:11
Yeah how?
@MattЭллен I poverty all the time. It's not very comfortable.
@Arrowfar Use the room dropdown over above the avatar list on the right.
@Arrowfar over the list of avatars, under the title, there is a menu item "room▼". click on that. the second item is "create bookmark"
Conversation ended Jun 30, 2014 at 13:11.