Assuming a roll of 0, that's a total of +6, which is more than the On Fire aspect's value... in the name of Interesting, I'll say it's a success because Kirby is able to talk you through the flames.
So, free action to leave the forest if you want. Otherwise, you can spend this turn creating more tags... but Kirby's +1 goes away unless he sacrifices his next turn too.
Seems like the only thing for Wil to do following that epic display of effectuality is spend a FATE point to declare that the branch snaps and he falls onto Zemenar, sending everyone crashing to the ground?
You're the one compelling yourself to stay out of the fight; you don't need to spend FP to stop compelling yourself, only to keep someone else from doing it.
With one final tug, Wil breaks free of the tree with a yell of "Zemenar, I'm comEEEEEEEENG!" (humiliated hedge wizards scream like little girls when they're frightened), hurtling through the air like a scraggly wizard-seeking missile and plowing through the Head Wizard as Zemenar's attention is focused on Sanguine.
"And I think you're a fool. You know why only a fool steals a wizard's staff, don't you? They're filled with all manner of deadly traps. Give it to me and I won't set them off."
@Problematic Wizards know that a wizard's staff is almost indestructible. Dragonfire and the magic of a fire witch... the King of the Enchanted Forest...
But if he takes 3 stress on a single attack again, it shifts up to.... no box to put it in, so he has to reduce the stress by taking consequences or he's taken out.
@BESW love it. I want to Talk the Talk, describing what each of the players might be, based on my vast book knowledge and shaky grasp of what's actually going on. Clearly, Sang is the Travelling Goddess of the Baker's Way. And Kirby must be a dragon disguised as a human, given his impressive knowledge of wizarding secrets.