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Kirby, you're up.
"Hoog!" Wil grunts, eyes bulging.
"whats this? more people? where are you all coming from?"
"this is just perfectly horrible"
Kirby will pay careful attention
3 all together
Kirby now has the "Paying Careful Attention" aspect on himself, with two tags.
Wizard Lackey's turn.
He's going to attack Sanguine by throwing a blast of fire at her.
Sang... is looking really nervous. She doesn't seem to have many friends here.
okay, so that's going to be a quick defend of jumping out of the way
That's a +2, and he'll take one free tag from Zem's wind wall to prevent her from jumping as effectively, and he'll spend a Fate point to invoke her "through the stomach" aspect: she's just eaten a lot of scones and cookies, so she's slower than usual.
For a total of +6.
(Sang gets the Fate point because it was her aspect he invoked.)
total of 6
she's going to take one of her staff aspects, cause pole vaulting is fun
and I'll leave him with the boost "sang is out of stance"
She didn't land quite right, damned wind wall
Princess's turn.
(Actually, lackey is going to retreat into the forest for cover.)
Princess makes herself a Small Target.
She's not especially good at this, so that's a +0 total. Her aspect is just a boost.
Sanguine's turn.
okay, so he's thrown the first shot
She's going to skip up the side of a tree and try to disarm him with her staff, (basically by catching his staff, hanging on, and hoping both drop to the ground)
Um. Zemenar's staff?
is this attack or overcoming obstacles?
Technically he only summoned the guy who attacked her.
I'm cool with it if you are, just making sure that's clear.
lackey threw fireball?
no, I though he did
and lackey is on ground?
Yes, in the forest.
She's going to jump over him and quickly punch him in the kidneys.
(cause fire is ouchie)
So, free action to enter forest, then attack?
Defending at +0, so he's likely toast.
kidney punch for unconsciousness?
or rather, incapacitating pain
Should take him out, no?
Despite invoking his tag on her being out of stance, she's still got +5 vs his +4.
That's one stress, which means that he's still up.
she's going to burn a fate point
(He has one stress box.)
invoke mossy ground, and have him stumble due to the hit, and then fall on his arse.
cause moss is slippery
That's two stress he can't handle. Narrate his takeout (I suggest banging his head on a tree as he goes down).
I second this motion
no, he slips and falls, and lands on his ass, and as two bits of his body just ache Sang looks at him and says "Stay. Down.". He... just nods, cause he likes his kidneys.
Lackey's out of the scene.
He no longer is able to provide mechanical influence.
(woot, Sang is awesome)
@Problematic Wil's turn!
(but yeah, I'm going to try to make a point of doing least harm with Sang)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I approve!
Wil has by now realized what's going on, and struggles ineffectually against the tree branch.
(fishing for FP to keep me out of the action this turn)
That puts me at 5, I think
Zemenar is outraged at having his lackey removed so effectively, and wishes to place the "On Fire" aspect on the forest.
Flashily (+4).
can I defend against that, having seen how he casts?
Not based on how we determined environmental advantages work; he's targeting the forest, not you.
Do you have something that would justify it?
just his aspect
so no, not really
I can't identify what he's doing
just that it's badnews
Okay, so the forest is On Fire at +5, with two tags belonging to Zemenar.
Kirby's turn.
that all escalated quickly
"A ... little help, please?"
" ok, I definitely smell smoke"
"who is the wise guy who set the forest on fire?"
[May I suggest that you try to get a vision of, perhaps, a safe way out of the fire?]
@trogdor "Some wizard in the trees?"
I think I will take that suggestion
What mechanic would this be?
No, like, are you trying to Overcome an obstacle or Create an Advantage?
There's a "help" option.
I'll let you use that roll to justify doing it even when it normally wouldn't make sense: give up your turn to give Sang a +1 to get out of the fire.
er, forest and clearing are on fire?
just forest
No, just forest.
cause I'm seeing wall of wind is actually doing nice job of keeping fire out
I will do that then I guess
Look at the combat sheet's zone aspects.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton That makes a lot of sense.
So, Sang has a +1 to her attempt to leave the forest next turn.
Will attempt to overcome her crippling fear.
Nice! She might actually attack or something next turn.
Sang, you're up.
okay, I'm going to hope that the fire and the wind are mostly magical
so now it's time to play "I want your staff!" with mr wizard, especially as she doesn't know to not touch another wizard's staff.
As she runs pass the princess, she drops a small scone onto the princess's hands.
(manipulation starts at the stomach, after all.)
runs up the tree, and jumps onto Z's staff, trying to wrestle it from his hands.
I'm going to be invoking all sorts of aspects on this one
Free action zone move: forest to treetops, and then... create advantage?
I'm thinking overcome
he doesn't have to roll to get out of the forest?
Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out.
or assumed success because of help?
I think it's more interesting if he can do what he's trying to do.
well, for the forest, I've got the assassin stunt for physical obstacles
and we've established that she skips up and down trees
meh, let's go for "I get set up for the jump"
Assuming a roll of 0, that's a total of +6, which is more than the On Fire aspect's value... in the name of Interesting, I'll say it's a success because Kirby is able to talk you through the flames.
quickness, create advantage
er, okay?
fine by me
So, free action to leave the forest if you want. Otherwise, you can spend this turn creating more tags... but Kirby's +1 goes away unless he sacrifices his next turn too.
@BESW then yeah, disarm?
my objective is to get the princess.
not run away
Okay, that sounds like Creating an Advantage in the form of giving Zemenar an Unstaved aspect.
(hopefully it also disrupts a number of his spells)
but it's a mix
He's defending with Flashy (+4) until he loses that staff.
maybe I have to toss the staff to someone who can use the bloody thing
right. Create advantage it is.
quick, still?
that's a neat +3, methinks?
cool, so he's got unstaved, with 2 free tags from us
"Hey, can anyone use a staff to put out this fire?"
He's going to spend an On Fire tag to impede your progress, giving him +5.
and I'm going to spend my tag of Wizzard who casts with a staff
giving me +8, +1 from the seer?
(I don't know how the seer stuff works)
No, the Seer was just helping you get out of the fire.
so yeah, spending my discovered aspect tag on him
He spends a Fate point on his Head Wizard aspect to improve his magical defense, for +7, because that whole "extra tag" thing isn't cool.
@BESW and I'm going to spend protector of the princess, (or ask or something) cause well, fire is bad
@Problematic just a little bit, we've been charging all fight
Since he's what's keeping her from leaving with you, working to make him ineffective is a valid use of that tag.
And there's a Dense Canopy between you and him as you charge, so that's worth another Fate point.
So it's +9 vs +10, I believe.
@BESW hahaha
how did he catch up?
no, +3, +2 (on fire), +2 (head wizard) +2 (thick canopy)
and me, is... +6 +2 (wizzard), +2..
oh, I'm the +10
And I'm out of NPC FP.
I'll burn a fate point on assassin-monk, for extra leaping effectivness!
We just broke the FATE ladder.
Is Sang quite done?
This is the stuff cut scenes are made of
how is he invoking the +5 from fire withought my +1 involved?
@BESW I dunno, you doing anything else?
I mean, I'm spending resources like mad for a temporary aspect..
@trogdor He had a free tag from creating it.
but ... it seems... relephant.
@trogdor (+2 from fire, making him +5)
Okay, Wil, it's your turn to... do... something?
Umm... has Zemenar actually taken any stress?
so far you have done even less than me
(and ignore the giant fwoosh of fate leaving the game)
@Problematic No.
no, that was me taking his staff from him
Seems like the only thing for Wil to do following that epic display of effectuality is spend a FATE point to declare that the branch snaps and he falls onto Zemenar, sending everyone crashing to the ground?
You're the one compelling yourself to stay out of the fight; you don't need to spend FP to stop compelling yourself, only to keep someone else from doing it.
Then I should roll to activate Wil's incompetence and see if he can bring the Head Wizard down?
@Problematic feel free to yell for the staff...
it doesn't work that way
(of course... you're his friend, ... nevermind)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Please. That wouldn't be very wizardly.
Is this an attack?
@Problematic ah, full marks :)
I guess I'm falling Quickly
or forcefully or flashily
Again, is this an attack, or a... um? I'd let it be a roll just to move him from one zone to another against his will.
0, +2 for quick, can I invoke my trouble since Wil would probably think he's helping Zemenar at this point?
@BESW I'd say an overcome
@Problematic That's hilarious, and thus acceptable.
And I want to invoke Unstaved since Zemenar can't control himself very well without his staff
Narrate it, please, so I can determine the appropriate defense?
Okay, so, there's this slightly pudgy 16 year old assassin hanging off his staff.
and they're all up on this wind-column in the tree canopy
I think he means for Prob to do it
And she's just pried his third finger loose
yes, scene setting is important :)
and now...
With one final tug, Wil breaks free of the tree with a yell of "Zemenar, I'm comEEEEEEEENG!" (humiliated hedge wizards scream like little girls when they're frightened), hurtling through the air like a scraggly wizard-seeking missile and plowing through the Head Wizard as Zemenar's attention is focused on Sanguine.
And what's your goal (not Wil's)? Knock the staff out of his hand? Knock him to the ground?
My goal is to splat the bastard. Maybe light his robes on fire.
(ground ground ground ground)
Okay, so he's going to have to defend by Quickly getting out of the way.
3 + 1 = +4
Fie. I'm going to have to dip further, aren't I.
Aaand he's out of FP and free invokes.
well, I'm going to helpfully rock on the staff
so here, have a +1 :)
Wil should be ineffectual with style right now, I think. Can I invoke Distracted since he's looking at Sang and not me?
wait, give up actoin
Umm. Tie to overcome = fail, or succeed at minor cost.
(yeesh, aid another is harsh)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Because it's boring.
@BESW yeah
carry on
I thought I was at +6 with my Trouble and Zem's Unstaved?
Oh. I see.
Wait, no, you're right.
No, I am right. wut.
Sorry, there was such a long time between rolls.
So: you succeed by 2.
So can I call him Distracted?
only if you boost
this was a normal succeed
so you change zone
@Problematic He doesn't have that aspect that you know of.
succeding with style gets you a boost.
Your goal here was to Overcome and make him change zones.
@BESW He's looking at the monk
(not really worth it)
Okay, wait, back up.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton You gave him the aspect Unstaved, but then narrated that he's still holding onto it.
Choose one, and change the other accordingly.

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