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@BESW granted. He's unstaved, I'm on the ground.
(without the staff, wouldn't he already be on the ground?)
no, he's still magical
Not without his staff he's not.
we didn't narrate him falling, though.
Unless he enchanted himself to fly instead of using the staff for propulsion
I was going to leave him in the air Coyote-style until his turn.
@BESW is far funniner. And I'm on the ground with his staff.
Very well, he's getting an early Christmas present then
So, @Problematic: no, he is not Distracted by the immediate presence of a pudgy girl hanging onto his... I can't finish that sentence.
Well, I'm still up 2 on him
Wizard, meet ground
SMACK. Zemenar forcefully changes zones.
Wil of Renn follows immediately thereafter. THUD.
@BESW "Hello! Want a cookie?"
Wil, you may now change zones as a free action if you wish. Otherwise, it's Z-man's turn.
Well, my zone change was Treetops to Dirt, I thought
Fair enough.
Zemenar rises from the moss and smiles evilly at Sanguine. The effect is slightly marred by the green chunks in his hair.
"I don't know why you attacked me. I think you're rude."
"And I think you're a fool. You know why only a fool steals a wizard's staff, don't you? They're filled with all manner of deadly traps. Give it to me and I won't set them off."
@BESW "Uh... no? Your staff seems quite small, really..." (completely innocently)
That's a Clever Lie, giving him a +7 modifier to Create an Advantage.
@BESW right.
Aaand... probably clever defense
where's that +7 coming from?
+5 Clever, and a stunt:
he has a stunt
Because I am Schemingly Evil, I get a +2 when I Cleverly create advantages by telling lies.
so that's +2 clever from me.
He wants to make Sanguine Scared of Crossing Zemenar.
["Gee golly, Mister! Traps? That sounds awful!"]
That's... three tags?
you don't get extra style, I don't think.
You're right.
You succeed with style if your total is at least three greater than your
opponent’s total.
so yeah, overkill, much?
Little bit, but it's his only "without my staff" stunt.
It's not her turn yet.
It's Kirby's.
Kirby: you have something great to do now.
If you can get a +10, you can use your visions to realize that the staff isn't trapped, and remove the aspect on Sang.
didn't Brian already toss it away?
no, I haven't acted
No, it's not Sang's turn yet.
Zem asked that like a question
...this is true.
Fair enough.
> Because I am an oracle, once per game session I can accurately answer a question someone asks me spontaneously, whether I knew the answer or not.
So, that's not enough by itself, I think, to remove a +8 aspect.
But it'll surely give you a free invoke, at the very least.
@trogdor well played
The answer isn't "because they're trapped," the answer is "because they're crabby and likely to turn you into a newt"
so what are we talking here?
Okay, so you're rolling to remove an advantage.
cleverly or carefully?
You've got a free tag on Paying Careful Attention, and a free +2 for knowing the answer; your challenge now is convincing Sang of the truth.
That sounds like something you could do Cleverly or Carefully.
carefully then I suppose
You need a +8 to succeed.
2 +3 +2 +2
Narrate, please.
"You Do Not Take A Wizards Staff Because It Deflates Their Ego And Impedes Their Magical Powers"
"they most certainly cannot "trap" them with magic"
that first one was in the Oracle voice
Sanguine, you are no longer Scared of Crossing Zemenar.
so ... does the staff... feel like wood, or magical wooga wooga
Zemenar is ticked.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Wood, but kinda tingly.
@BESW hrmmm
I want to cleverly break it. Maybe use leverage.
cause I don't think the fire is going to burn it fast enough
I would be disappointed if you could.
and I'm certainly not strong enough
I don't think that will happen chief
But, Zem doesn't have to know that
naah, pudgy 16 year old girls do not get to threaten breaking inch-think staves.
@Problematic Wizards know that a wizard's staff is almost indestructible. Dragonfire and the magic of a fire witch... the King of the Enchanted Forest...
The Princess smacks Zemenar across the shin (-2).
Too bad Sang's not a very good liar. She could very well be any of those.
@BESW okay, so I think I'm going to jump over him and poke him in the kidneys. It seems to be effective. and I'll just use his staff to vault with.
mine's on the ground somewhere anyways.
Zemenar defends Quickly (+1).
That's... -2 vs -1. Classy.
Sanguine, your turn.
Pole-vault with his staff, then punch him in the kidney :)
(quick attack)
aaaand fate point for assassin-monk, cause no
Having seen Sang's acrobatics before and expecting the attack because of Kirby's pronouncement, Zemenar Sneakily (+2) tries to duck behind Wil.
Point of stress!
he bleeds!
aaand tag with unstaved (using the stave to polevault)
for an extra :)
Now, remember, stress isn't damage. It's stress; Zemenar is now more frazzled, tired, or the like, because of a very near miss.
Okay, so that's 3 stress?
oh, it doesn't work normally?
yeah, 3 stress
Stress clears at the end of a scene.
sorry, I thought it used the 0 / +3 model
Damage is represented by the consequences you take to avoid stress that would take you out.
Umm. I don't know exactly what that means.
"Look, mister, just leave her alone! Have a cookie!"
I thought it worked like create an advnatee
And whoever is Xing out more than one box needs to stop; stress doesn't work that way.
so success/success with style
X out the O that corresponds to the amount of stress taken.
I cuase a 3 shift attack on him
it is just his 3rd box
the other 2 stay un crossed
Now if he takes 1 or 2 stress, he can keep going.
[He's looking at you, Anonymous Squirrel]
But if he takes 3 stress on a single attack again, it shifts up to.... no box to put it in, so he has to reduce the stress by taking consequences or he's taken out.
ah, neat.
so, someone else... some more help, please? :)
Wil's turn!
I already removed an aspect from you
That is true, you sir, get a cookie!
Suggestions on something inept Wil could do in an attempt to help, but would actually hinder Zemenar?
what are you looking for
create advantage?
Yeah, maybe I can trip him or something
Clearly, he needs to have his clothing neatened...
his belt tied....
he's covered in moss.
yes, that too. A vigorous brushing :)
brush him off
Not that inept.
he is missing his staff
or, hrmmm, yes, hand him the staff I dropped? :)
clearly, trading is good?
(my staff is... just a stick)
@Problematic It's All Academic. Distract him with a steady stream of "advice" in his ear.
that sounds doable
@BESW love it. I want to Talk the Talk, describing what each of the players might be, based on my vast book knowledge and shaky grasp of what's actually going on. Clearly, Sang is the Travelling Goddess of the Baker's Way. And Kirby must be a dragon disguised as a human, given his impressive knowledge of wizarding secrets.
and deep voice
@Problematic Excellent. Roll!
That's... +8?
That's at Clever +3 +2 for stunt, so... yeah.
However, Zemenar is also pretty Clever (+5), so he might be able to recognize your twaddle for what it is.
+6. Nope!
I want to spend a FP to get +2
What aspect justifies the FP?
It's All Academic; Wil can be convincingly wrong on occasion.
Gotcha. What's the aspect you're placing on him?
And now it's Zemenar's turn!
He knows I'm probably full of dragon dung, but if I'm not...
Beware the 16 year old... goddess... OF PASTRIES!
Zemenar is Alarmed, Unstaved, and just got knocked out of the air, his staff taken away, one of his best lies was oracularly dismissed, and he got three stress aimed at the kidneys.
"Flee flee flee the overwhelming odds!"
We're going to have him try to remove the Unstaved aspect, 'cause without his staff his defenses suck.
Sanguine still has the staff, right?
@BESW yes
She's behind him, having just used it to vault him.
(she does seem to like doing that.)
Then she gets to choose: make an opposed roll, or use the original Unstaved aspect's roll.
@BESW I forget what...
wait the original was like +12, wasn't it?
that depressingly epic fate-burn?
yeah, she'll keep the +12 thankyouverymuch
No, it's the difference between the rolls.
It was 9 vs 12, so it's a +3.
no, I'll go for the roll
bring it, pointy-headed meanie
Okay. He's going to try to Flashily (+4) distract Sanguine with a feint into the woods, and when she goes to trip him he'll grab the staff.
(I think I've got a use of unstaved left...)
It says "0" on the sheet.
I rather too proactively burned it.
ah, no
2 uses
okay, lets see here
quickly dodge out of the way
Oh, by the way, the wall of wind has died down to a fading breeze.
I think quick, cause she falls for the feint and then tries to pluck the staff back?
"ohshitohshitohshit that was a lie"
3+2 =5
He's got his staff back, then?
tie on overcome
and fatepoint to tag... unstaved
cause he really is unused to doing stuff the hard manual way
(and I'm starting to run low on fate, folks)
Ah, but Zemenar is Schemingly Evil. Fate Point.
from what?
you said he was out
@BrianBallsun-Stanton looks at mad FATE ARMS RACE I can see why
Every time you burn a Fate Point on someone else's aspect, they get that point.
@Problematic And I'll tag alarmed
you spend FATE against his aspects
he gets that FATE
Somebody's already spent an actual FP on Unstaved.
The one you just spent doesn't go to him until the action's over though.
Otherwise it'd be ridiculous.
... urrf
so I'll tag alarmed, cause maybe I'm going to turn him into a croissant or something.
So tied at 5, then at 7, now it's 7/9 Sang.
Okay, she pulls the staff back from his grasping fingers.
Zemenar reverses again and makes good on his feint into the woods: zone change to Forest.
through the fire?
Ooh, right. I'm still thinking in DFRPG sometimes.
Then he's done.
I want to walk up behind him and kick him in the back
prolly sneaky
He'll defend with Clever, to notice the Sneaky.
So, anyone can invoke it, but Wil personally gets 2 free invokes, yes?
@Problematic Right. And you can pass them to people if/when it makes sense.
@BESW oh, then I'm out of fate
I can get 6 more on my own
But one roll can only take advantage of each aspect once.
(That's why having lots of different aspects is so powerful; not only do they increase the chance some will be applicable; with enough aspects your bonuses are only limited by the FP you have to spend.)
Wil seems like an aspect machine. You're welcome, powerhouses.
paying close attention is 2 (free invoke) unstaved is 2 (Fate Point) and I am specifically "blind" in my High concept
so if I can invoke that he is less wary because of that, thats another 2 with my last Fate Point
That'll meet his defense.
then if Will hands me the free invoke its +8
Wil? Are you feeling generous?
with all that
I think Alarmed might apply if he thinks Kirby could be a dragon. Let's do it.
8/10 Kirby on a regular old attack, then.

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