Conversation started Feb 9, 2013 at 19:05.
Feb 9, 2013 19:05
We have setup a Facebook community page and a G+ community page. Both needs some work and content.
I think we should probably wait until the outage is over.
Because you can't get into this room during read-only mode unless you already have a chat window open.
I'd like to also discuss whether or not we should temporarily take control of our Anime.SE Twitter account and use that as part our site promotion.
What kind of content?
@Krazer We can do that?
@Mysticial We can suggest this to the community mods, but maintaining it is alot of work
Feb 9, 2013 19:07
I believe you can get in to this room. I just opened this window few minutes back.
@Deidara-senpai If you're not logged in already, you can't log in. has done it before
@Krazer I don't think twitter is the kind of platform that will bring in a lot of new people. We're better off letting the SE bot do whatever it wants and focusing on other things.
SE twitter account just posted to say that they'll be back in a few minutes:
@LoganM We are getting a bit of referrer traffic from twitter, it's number 2 since the 30th of Jan
Feb 9, 2013 19:10
Main site is back online.
@Krazer Where's the rest of them coming from?
On Twitter, RT helps. We should do that more often.
I feel that we're not really taking advantage of the the #anime and #manga hash tags
hash tags?
and cross posting from Twitter to Facebook also helps. Word spreads around faster on Twitter than Facebook.
Yes, that's the other thing. Use #hashtags well.
@Krazer ah
If we can either follow or generate followers, it can help increase site traffic
I would go with using the #anime hashtag more often.
By default, Twitter shows what it calls the "Top" tweets.
A secret algorithm decides the top tweets, but I am sure plenty of RTs put the tweet higher.
I plan on spending some time this weekend to make community banners for the FB and G+ pages I'll post them in meta when I'm done
Are we going to move on with out plans for Reddit?
It's kinda all on you right now.
You pick the time tomorrow.
Feb 9, 2013 19:17
A few things
We'll try to be around to help you out.
I've already asked about the Twitter account, and the community team said it won't happen.
@MadaraUchiha That's a shame
I created a Reddit account so I can stick in if necessary. (I created for a different purpose. But I can stick in.)
so the Twitter account just posts a newsfeed? Is there some way it could post more stuff? (I am not sure yet what that would be.)
Feb 9, 2013 19:19
@MadaraUchiha Would we get in trouble if we make our own?
(I'm guessing yes)
Just make sure it doesn't claim to be affiliated with Stack Exchange in any way
It should also make clear that it's unofficial.
@MadaraUchiha That's kinda hypocritical since we are users and you guys are mods selected by SE...
Take a look at
We should get more of our stuff on the front page here. (and this is not the filtered "Top Tweets" page).
Again, using naruto as an example.
@Mysticial It doesn't matter, that's the answer I've got from them
I know. I'm just saying.
Feb 9, 2013 19:21
It doesn't matter who starts it, because it isn't Stack Exchange official.
@Mysticial It's mostly for legal reasons. SE doesn't want to accept any liability for what we are doing.
makes sense
And they can purge all of us for whatever reason they want.
I like to get them to use the #anime hash tag at least
We'll try that.
Outage lifted, by the way
Alright then, I'll try to talk with the community team regarding the #anime tag.
Have you guys decided anything regarding reddit?
I'm fine with posting to Reddit at any time this weekend
Feb 9, 2013 19:25
@MadaraUchiha Yeah good thing for that. The timing of that outage was pretty terrible (for me at least).
Can we have a hashtag to represent our site? Like #stackoverflow.
@Krazer Then pick a time tomorrow.
@Deidara-senpai Even if we do, it can't be affiliated with Stack Exchange
So is out, for example.
@Mysticial What time would be optimal?
Oh, on the official Twitter, I'll try @Deidara-senpai
Feb 9, 2013 19:27
@Krazer I'm actually not sure. Definitely after the west coast wakes up.
But you don't have to make it too late. It's safe to assume the majority of Anime fans don't go to church. So we won't lose that traffic.
lets try 10 or 11 am EST
@Krazer which timezone?
So that's, what, 15:00 UTC?
I probably won't be awake until 11-12pm EST. But that's fine. I don't think I need to be there at the start.
Feb 9, 2013 19:29
@MadaraUchiha Yeah
Or depending on how screwed up my sleep schedule is, I might be up early.
I wonder about the hashtag thing. I mean what can anyone possibly do if someone uses #animese hashtag? or maybe #amse. People use #stackoverflow all over the place.
10-11 EST is pretty early for me, but I'll do my best to make it.
@Deidara-senpai I'll ask them about their policies, I'll probably post a post on Anime and Manga Meta.
Feb 9, 2013 19:31
The optimal times to post something on Reddit and Hacker News for professional stuff is close to 6am EST Mon-Thur. But this is recreational. So it's different.
@Deidara-senpai We can use it but this site is not as heavily trafficked as SO so using our own has tage might not be of much use when filtering right now
@Krazer hmm, That's a good point.
Let's wrap up
I'll ask the community team about the Twitter bot.
See how much degree of control we can get over it, and see if at the very least we can add some hashtags like #anime and #manga
Regarding Reddit, Krazer will add links tomorrow at ~15:00 UTC
Have we decided on which questions?
Feb 9, 2013 19:35
I'll post tomorrow morning on Reddit, but have we decided on the content of the post? will it be a self or will it be link submissions?
I think it's just a general link to the main site, not any specific questions.
What do you think @Mysticial?
@MadaraUchiha The individual question reddits will come later.
Alright then
For now we should re-flood the homepage with fansub/Type B genre stuff.
Feb 9, 2013 19:38
@Mysticial I think it's a pretty good balance at the moment.
So a link to the site, plus preparing some questions
We have 3 Bleach in the row. That'll probably get knocked further down by tomorrow.
How about we retag that Railgun question to bump it?
The vote is 6-2 in favor of Japanese tag names.
I'll review the retagging questions in a bit, and will do the necessary retags to all questions.
Just remember that mod-renaming won't bump the questions.
I know
So that settles it for promotion for now
Conversation ended Feb 9, 2013 at 19:41.