@Krazer I don't think twitter is the kind of platform that will bring in a lot of new people. We're better off letting the SE bot do whatever it wants and focusing on other things.
SE twitter account just posted to say that they'll be back in a few minutes: twitter.com/StackStatus
Take a look at https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=%23naruto. We should get more of our stuff on the front page here. (and this is not the filtered "Top Tweets" page). Again, using naruto as an example.
I wonder about the hashtag thing. I mean what can anyone possibly do if someone uses #animese hashtag? or maybe #amse. People use #stackoverflow all over the place.
The optimal times to post something on Reddit and Hacker News for professional stuff is close to 6am EST Mon-Thur. But this is recreational. So it's different.
@Deidara-senpai We can use it but this site is not as heavily trafficked as SO so using our own has tage might not be of much use when filtering right now