Conversation started Jul 13, 2013 at 17:02.
Jul 13, 2013 17:02
Lets begin this anime watch overview thing
I propose getting together for about an hour at around this time every week to discuss a predetermined episode from a series we pick. Some ppl suggested we start with a new series while others have interest in older series
New series sound fun, more speculation and ideas to bounce around etc.
@Krazer any in mind?
We could probably do one of each if there's demand for both
if all are in agreement, we can pick something from this past spring or summer season to watch
@LoganM lets start with one and see where we can take it
I think a new series may be better to start with
do you see a series that interests you?
Jul 13, 2013 17:09
Ro-Kyu-Bu looks interesting. I recently finished season 1 but season 2 doesn't have enough eps yet.
Here's my list from this season, sorted roughly by how good/interesting I think a series is. I'm not watching everything, but there are only a few that I'm not watching.

Top Priority:
- High School DxD New
- Tamayura: More Aggressive
- Kiniro Mosaic
- Love Lab
- Monogatari Series: Second Season
- Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu

High Priority:
- Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen
- Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!
- Rozen Maiden
- Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya
- Ro-Kyu-Bu SS
Watamote, maybe
Watamote is pretty good. I think most people would enjoy it.
yes it's disturbingly moe
any objections?
is @Eric not here?
Jul 13, 2013 17:11
nope hes has stuff he needs to do
ah, got it
I'll be his proxy and propose Ro-kyu-buS
Is Watamote viewable for free anywhere
nvm looks like it's on cruchy
5 mins ago, by iKlsR
Ro-Kyu-Bu looks interesting. I recently finished season 1 but season 2 doesn't have enough eps yet.
I like Ro-Kyu-Bu, but we probably shouldn't choose that for this since it's a second season and also not exactly everyone's cup of tea
Jul 13, 2013 17:16
Watamote it is then.
@Krazer yay
How I think we should discuss the format of the discussion
we want to promote questions on the site with this
Is it something was can obtain easily?
Did I miss anything?
@MadaraUchiha Just that we chose Watamote
I just want to make sure we have enough to talk about
Jul 13, 2013 17:19
What's Watamote about?
Yeah it's not exactly clear to me what we're supposed to talk about after watching it.
I'd like to discuss the plot what you though funny, sad, etc. but I don't want it to seem forced
I usually don't like anime of this type
Anyone here already saw it?
@MadaraUchiha I saw the first episode
@JNat Anything special about it?
Jul 13, 2013 17:23
@MadaraUchiha Nothing particularly special. It was funny in general, and I got a reference to Death Note which I found particularly funny too
@JNat Do you mean this one?
yes, exactly
I had to pause the video at that moment because I was laughing too hard to keep watching.
Any more suggestions.. comedy doesn't sit well with me often.
what genres sit better with you who don't prefer comedy?
Jul 13, 2013 17:29
@Krazer something usually unique in a sense you know, like magic etc instead of the run of the mill talking talking..
@Krazer I like fantasy/scifi, mostly with a clever side (Death Note, FMA, etc)
If we want to avoid comedy entirely, the only series this season are Danganronpa, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, and Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou. I can't recommend any of them, though Danganronpa might work.
@LoganM of those 3, I choose Danganronpa too
ON that note:
Jul 13, 2013 17:31
Gin no Saji might work also if you don't like normal comedies but don't have a vendetta against humor. It's by the same guy who did FMA. However, it doesn't fall into the fantasy/scifi genre at all.
if we hit older series I have 3 suggestions: Time of Eve, Space Battleship Yamato 2199, and Gundam UC
@Krazer one of the first two of those for me
What about Paranoia Agent?
maybe that could work for Madara and iKlsR too
we can consider that, but I was aiming at something with relatively few epis
so you can watch it in a few sittings
Paranoia Agent has 13
is that too much?
Yamato has 26, I think
or 7 50m movies
Jul 13, 2013 17:37
@Krazer ah, I see
hmm.. I was thinking something like Ao no Exorcist.. but thats 25 eps..
@JNat PA looks a bit tame..
How about the new Ghost in the Shell: ARISE?
@iKlsR I read that as "Lame"
@Krazer I like that
Where are @Mysticial and @Eric to give their 2c?
Jul 13, 2013 17:41
@MadaraUchiha Eric is not here
hang on, busy at the sec
30 mins ago, by Krazer
nope hes has stuff he needs to do
@Krazer Aren't those only coming out every few months? It wouldn't work if we're planning on doing this as a regular thing.
Jul 13, 2013 17:47
Watamote it is then.
I don't mind trying something new.
ah, about time to start wrapping up, yeah.. that could work since all the others are either too short or too long.
Watamote it is then.
Awesome :P
Anyone else? :P
Watamote it is then.
Jul 13, 2013 17:49
I guess we're all in agreement
Watamote it shall be!
I was going to do that :D
a thrilling conclusion
I'll draft up a meta about this in a bit
eek, haven't been on meta in a while now.. :S
Don't you wanna add something to this conclusion, @LoganM?
Jul 13, 2013 17:51
@JNat looks like I missed the chance.
@LoganM You can still go for it :D
Watamote it is then.
OK I did it
Did we figure out what we're going to discuss? Otherwise I'll probably just be like "Tomoko was really moe again in this episode. Great ep." every week.
oh yay :D watamote
lol with the starred messages
Jul 13, 2013 17:57
@LoganM reference, what we found funny, thoughts about the genre, series in general
Conversation ended Jul 13, 2013 at 17:57.