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Q: What are the factors that go into the difficulty level of drawing an anime character?

Curtis SumpterI've noticed that in some cartoons (Batman Beyond) and anime (Hunter x Hunter, Naruto Shippuden) some characters are seen a lot, i.e. Inque in BB and Bisky in HxH. I was thinking that some of the calculation behind that should be how easy is the character to draw. But I'm not an artist so I w...

@Sakamoto This question seems like it should be closed, but I can't decide precisely why. Anyone have opinions (or disagree that it should be closed)?
In any case, it should probably get retagged either with or .
lol @JNat did it right before I could.
@LoganM lol
I just came by before going to bed
and I couldn't let it pass
well, see ya tomorrow
Q: Where can I find reliable information about licensing status of manga/anime?

looperOften I want to buy some anime or manga, but after a long time of searching, I find out, that the manga/anime isn't translated yet. Is there a website where I can find information about whether an anime/manga is licensed and/or translated? At least in English, but if there's a source for German t...

1 hour later…
@LoganM I think it's slightly NC because it's hard to objectively say whether or not something is easy or difficult.
Why is this question in the multicollider?
Q: what does $|x-2| < 1$ mean?

themhzI am studding some inequality properties of absolute values and I bumped into some expressions like $|x-2| < 1$ that I just can't get the meaning of them. Lets say I have this expression $$ |x|<1.$$ This means that $x$ must be somewhere less than $1$ or greater than $-1$ which means that $$-1

I could have answered that in grade 6.
@Eric Strictly speaking, that isn't really an issue. We aren't supposed to use our own judgement, but the judgement of professional anime/manga artists. What one needs to do is find interviews which address this question by notable artists. I know there are plenty such interviews.
@Eric That's precisely why it's on the multicollider.
@LoganM I don't think it changes professionally. A manga artist develops a style because they find different things difficult or more natural. Why they're difficult varies by person.
@LoganM I should just go ask what addition is. I'd probably get 200 upvotes.
Things get on (and stay on) the multicollider when there are lots of people answering and voting. That requires lots of people to know the answer. So the math questions that make it there tend to be the kind that the average SO user will click on and vote on. The interesting math questions never make it there.
@Eric I don't think that's actually true. I've only read a few interviews which covered this, but most of them said the same sorts of things are hard.
Why this limitation of not lifting the variable definition and initialization out of the condition? — GManNickG yesterday
@GManNickG Fung shui? — Potatoswatter yesterday
Specifically, complex hair/clothing tends to be what makes a character hard to draw. Nearly everything else on characters is the same for most or all characters. The reason why the artist can afford to have the main characters fall into this is that they get plenty of practice drawing the main characters, but side characters are usually bland because that's easiest to draw.
In any case, if he's asking for our own opinions, it's OT because of our custom reason that questions about making your own manga aren't allowed.
I interpreted it that he wants to know what professional anime/manga artists think. Which I can answer, but the way he's phrased it makes it not so good.
@LoganM Can you think of a way to rephrase it so that it's better? If so, a comment might make have him edit it to be less (IMO) NC.
I think it would be better if he dropped basically everything except "what factors make a particular character difficult to draw?" and start over from there
Also, NC isn't a close reason any more. It's either "too opinion-based" (which I don't think is the case) or "unclear what you're asking" (which is sort of the case right now). Or OT for the custom reason.
@Eric This really requires specific expertise we don't have... I can attempt to answer it, but it's highly dependent on the type of artist (illustrator vs sketch) and the type of position (character designer vs. bg artist) and their skill sets (traditional vs digital)
should be off-topic IMO
Wrote a comment explaining my biggest complaint, namely that it seems to be soliciting non-expert opinions ATM. If that is fixed, I'm willing to overlook the opinion-basedness so long as they are all expert opinions, at least until there are multiple contradictory answers.
> Questions on making your own anime or manga are off-topic as they involve specific expertise outside the scope of this community. See: Are Questions about “How to make Anime and Manga” off-topic?
It kinda correlates with that manga artists training question sometime back.
OPs choice of comparisons is not so ideal either as @LoganM points out..
Like I said, I think if the question was something like "According to notable mangaka, what makes a character particularly difficult to draw?" then it would probably be allowable, but right now it seems to just be asking our own opinions, which would then be both opinion-based and OT for the custom reason.
Normally I'd advocate closing it and reopening later if he fixes it, but this particular OP had another borderline question closed by Madara and me. We offered suggestions for how to change it so that it would be acceptable, but he didn't take them even when we basically fed it to him. I think he might be more responsive if we give him the warning and give him a chance to edit before closing.
You guys vote to close it, if he questions the reason I'll explain it in more simpler terms for him
@Krazer also, the OT reasons are really not enough.. ;)
@iKlsR thus my meta proposal for the custom reason~ ;D
I left a comment, so I'm going to wait until he shows up again or until tomorrow to VTC. Other people can do it without me though.
@LoganM cast a vote before you leave, you can always rescind it
I was bordering on opinion based..
@Krazer I don't think you can rescind close votes. In any case, there are plenty of people to close it without me.
Any answer(s) given will more than likely be speculative at most..
@LoganM had i forgot, but the feature is planned: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/915/…
@Krazer 4 years later.. ;) well better late than never. I would have thought something like that should have existed alongside with votes.
@iKlsR edited this year~
in Jun
@Krazer Oh wow I had thought there was no way that Jeff's -183 answer would get overturned. It seems like the more ridiculous the stance Jeff takes, the more set in their ways SE becomes about following it. Looks like I was wrong this time.
So, SE is a one-mans-ego game now. — Simon _eQ Jul 9 at 19:00
@LoganM I have been noticing strange things too. For one, he gave a completely unrelated rant for a question that asked if mods should be put in charge of their site's twitter accounts.
Woah... I didn't see this till now:
Jeff's REALLY against it...
@Mysticial *was ;)
He's probably still against it.
can't do anything now tho
He still has a lot of influence.
See his answer on this.. I don't understand it..
Q: Would allowing moderators to update their Stack Exchange sites' Twitter accounts improve visibility and offer more value?

RahulStack Exchange sites have their own Twitter accounts, like http://twitter.com/StackUX. These accounts appear to just autotweet the latest interesting questions using the question's tags as hashtags. But there's a problem with this: Twitter is not an RSS feed that happens to have a 140 character l...

The least coherent I've seen him was on a bunch of early Math meta posts. I'm pretty sure the incidents that happened there are a big part of why SE hired more professional community managers and he stopped working individually with all of the sites during their creation.
@LoganM food for thought, I always thought he kinda ragequit in a way.. heh
He made plenty of valuable contributors (including former mods) ragequit, so if they made him do the same it would be even.
@Krazer I think you may be taking "Primarily opinion-based" farther than it's intended. IMO it's supposed to be used when there's no correct opinion, and every user is entitled to believe what they want (e.g. "Which is better, vi or emacs?"). If a question is attracting answers which are still opinion based, but the opinions are held by experts and backed by evidence, then I think that's not what the close reason was intended for.
Otherwise, I think nearly every question on rpg.SE would qualify
@LoganM how do you think I should word it?
I don't know. I think the question would be okay if it were asking for the opinions of notable anime/manga artists.
@LoganM and where would those come from?
@LoganM I'll take that bit out then
@iKlsR For example, from interviews with them.
@LoganM oh, I misunderstood that.
10 hours later…
so what are we gonna watch? :)
@MrPineapple feel free to suggest genres or shows you've like in the past and we'll discuss it later today
i thought it was scheduled to be discussed now
i'm up for anything :P
I've meant to watch Fist of the North star for a while now, if you want a suggestion
Cromartie High School
I'm reading that atm, don't want to get ahead of myself :p
It's really good tho
Aku no Hana might foster a good bit of discussion
any of the new summer anime of interest? anichart.net/summer
1 hour later…
@LoganM one way to grow a beard.. might just work
Lets begin this anime watch overview thing
I propose getting together for about an hour at around this time every week to discuss a predetermined episode from a series we pick. Some ppl suggested we start with a new series while others have interest in older series
New series sound fun, more speculation and ideas to bounce around etc.
@Krazer any in mind?
We could probably do one of each if there's demand for both
if all are in agreement, we can pick something from this past spring anichart.net/spring or summer season to watch anichart.net/summer
@LoganM lets start with one and see where we can take it
I think a new series may be better to start with
do you see a series that interests you?
Ro-Kyu-Bu looks interesting. I recently finished season 1 but season 2 doesn't have enough eps yet.
Here's my list from this season, sorted roughly by how good/interesting I think a series is. I'm not watching everything, but there are only a few that I'm not watching.

Top Priority:
- High School DxD New
- Tamayura: More Aggressive
- Kiniro Mosaic
- Love Lab
- Monogatari Series: Second Season
- Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu

High Priority:
- Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen
- Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!
- Rozen Maiden
- Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya
- Ro-Kyu-Bu SS
Watamote, maybe
Watamote is pretty good. I think most people would enjoy it.
yes it's disturbingly moe
any objections?
is @Eric not here?
nope hes has stuff he needs to do
ah, got it
I'll be his proxy and propose Ro-kyu-buS
Is Watamote viewable for free anywhere
nvm looks like it's on cruchy
5 mins ago, by iKlsR
Ro-Kyu-Bu looks interesting. I recently finished season 1 but season 2 doesn't have enough eps yet.
I like Ro-Kyu-Bu, but we probably shouldn't choose that for this since it's a second season and also not exactly everyone's cup of tea
Watamote it is then.
@Krazer yay
How I think we should discuss the format of the discussion
we want to promote questions on the site with this
Is it something was can obtain easily?
Did I miss anything?
@MadaraUchiha Just that we chose Watamote
I just want to make sure we have enough to talk about
What's Watamote about?
Yeah it's not exactly clear to me what we're supposed to talk about after watching it.
@MadaraUchiha crunchyroll.com/…
I'd like to discuss the plot what you though funny, sad, etc. but I don't want it to seem forced
I usually don't like anime of this type
Anyone here already saw it?
@MadaraUchiha I saw the first episode
@JNat Anything special about it?
@MadaraUchiha Nothing particularly special. It was funny in general, and I got a reference to Death Note which I found particularly funny too
@JNat Do you mean this one?
yes, exactly
I had to pause the video at that moment because I was laughing too hard to keep watching.
Any more suggestions.. comedy doesn't sit well with me often.
what genres sit better with you who don't prefer comedy?
@Krazer something usually unique in a sense you know, like magic etc instead of the run of the mill talking talking..
@Krazer I like fantasy/scifi, mostly with a clever side (Death Note, FMA, etc)
If we want to avoid comedy entirely, the only series this season are Danganronpa, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, and Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou. I can't recommend any of them, though Danganronpa might work.
@LoganM of those 3, I choose Danganronpa too
ON that note:
Gin no Saji might work also if you don't like normal comedies but don't have a vendetta against humor. It's by the same guy who did FMA. However, it doesn't fall into the fantasy/scifi genre at all.
if we hit older series I have 3 suggestions: Time of Eve, Space Battleship Yamato 2199, and Gundam UC
@Krazer one of the first two of those for me
What about Paranoia Agent?
maybe that could work for Madara and iKlsR too
we can consider that, but I was aiming at something with relatively few epis
so you can watch it in a few sittings
Paranoia Agent has 13
is that too much?
Yamato has 26, I think
or 7 50m movies
@Krazer ah, I see
hmm.. I was thinking something like Ao no Exorcist.. but thats 25 eps..
@JNat PA looks a bit tame..
How about the new Ghost in the Shell: ARISE?
@iKlsR I read that as "Lame"
@Krazer I like that
Where are @Mysticial and @Eric to give their 2c?
@MadaraUchiha Eric is not here
hang on, busy at the sec
30 mins ago, by Krazer
nope hes has stuff he needs to do
@Krazer Aren't those only coming out every few months? It wouldn't work if we're planning on doing this as a regular thing.
Watamote it is then.
I don't mind trying something new.
ah, about time to start wrapping up, yeah.. that could work since all the others are either too short or too long.
Watamote it is then.
Awesome :P
Anyone else? :P
Watamote it is then.
I guess we're all in agreement
Watamote it shall be!
I was going to do that :D
a thrilling conclusion
I'll draft up a meta about this in a bit
eek, haven't been on meta in a while now.. :S
Don't you wanna add something to this conclusion, @LoganM?
@JNat looks like I missed the chance.
@LoganM You can still go for it :D
Watamote it is then.
OK I did it
Did we figure out what we're going to discuss? Otherwise I'll probably just be like "Tomoko was really moe again in this episode. Great ep." every week.
oh yay :D watamote
lol with the starred messages
@LoganM reference, what we found funny, thoughts about the genre, series in general
In other news.
One of the new legendary mascots (the X) will be pure fairy-type :D
Anime mods.. I recently voted to close this as opinion based.. I don't think it quite fits but was the closest thing atm..
Q: What are the factors that go into the difficulty level of drawing an anime character?

Curtis SumpterI've noticed that in some cartoons (Batman Beyond) and anime (Hunter x Hunter, Naruto Shippuden) some characters are seen a lot, i.e. Inque in BB and Bisky in HxH. I was thinking that some of the calculation behind that should be how easy is the character to draw. But I'm not an artist so I w...

@iKlsR the close reason has merit imo
@iKlsR You can always make a custom off-topic reason.
It would fall in the niche of too localized and opinion based..
@Krazer it does, it just feels a bit odd
I don't think you understood his question.
He's not asking about how hard it is to draw this or that character
He's asking about whether factors of how easy the character to draw have any effect in deciding how it's common.
@MadaraUchiha possibly. I based my action on the premise that we don't have the expertise to accurately answer this, any answer(s) given would a most be some good speculation.
Keeping in mind that this is anime and half the stuff is already speculation but this one feels different .. but then again, I could be over thinking this.
@iKlsR speculation is fine imo as long as you back it up with some solid facts
@iKlsR that's Portuguese
@JNat that's hilarious
@iKlsR That also, yes
@Krazer exactly, but it is asking for hands on experience..
either one works in thise case imo
the nokia 3310 is virtually in destructible (by conventional means)
@Krazer potplayer is amazing, I uninstalled all my other previous players, the only gripe I have with it is the ugly skins. I am still poking around for some..
@Krazer my phone is also indestructible
@JNat I've once dropped one of those from second floor by accident.
@JNat I beat snake on that when I was like 11 :D
I think the crack is still there.
Space Impact! .. good times
(On the sidewalk that is)
@MadaraUchiha mine has no cracks
14 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
(On the sidewalk that is)
@MadaraUchiha oh, crap o.0
@Krazer I already went throught DA, the skins there remove too much of the functionality i'm used to T_T
such as?
@Krazer I like the slider for one on the ugly blackskin themes or something like that, the boxes etc.. and those little status stuff at the bottom
I'll see what I can dig up
I'm trying to find a good site.. it's not on my usual T_T
@iKlsR crunchyroll is decent
The whole skin thing I don't get.
What do you want, play a video or admire the player?
@Krazer haven't been there since my free trial upped.. lulz
@MadaraUchiha want to look cool while watching it
@Krazer I at 99% of the cases watch full-screen
@MadaraUchiha I watch with some of my desktop bg showing.. it just feels clean
:D <-- psycho
@Krazer that's where I got mine
@MadaraUchiha same
The other 1% is if I do something important, then I go 50~50 with the other window
(i.e. chat, programming something, etc)
@MadaraUchiha i worship minimalism btw so that comes into play, I want a skin with some useful info.. fps etc and a slider, thats all
minimalism iklsr.github.io my css sucks.. lulz
XD never gets old
I keep laughing over and over again
that is one of my fav silly moments along with the time he was picking up the frog
@iKlsR That is awesome :D
A: How true is the Lavender Town Syndrome?

SebeI think it is just a Creepy pasta myth. Creepy pasta is something that is intended to scare. Sorry 4 short answer.

@JNat At least he's sorry.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, at least that... lol
@JNat Question protected. It's now gotten 3 answers from new users which didn't need to get posted at all.
It makes sense I guess. That question gets a ridiculous amount of traffic.
@LoganM Yeah, it's our most viewed question
@JNat How do you know? :o
Didn't know it could be done
@MadaraUchiha It takes a lot of time to update, though
It's probably better to use anime.stackexchange.com/help/badges/27/notable-question since we know the search sometimes has bugs
@MadaraUchiha @JNat this guy isn't sorry. ;)
A: In Naruto, what makes a person a genius?

mawsnaruto naruto and sasuke are battle genius.

@iKlsR I'm waiting a 24-hour period before I delete the answer, to give him time to respond
@MadaraUchiha If you do that search for more than 3k views, for instance, it does not show any questions
@LoganM Yeah, that's better @MadaraUchiha
I think we had this discussion a while back here. lol
Q: Could one get a gold badge without first getting any bronze badges?

Ryan HainingI'm curious. Is it possible to obtain a gold badge without getting any bronze or silver badges? It doesn't seem like it would be.

@LoganM I don't remember?
But that doesn't really matter, like they told him
we have a crappy mod.. dude hasn't been here for like a week then he pops in and is gone again without a word..
@MadaraUchiha Not exactly the same thing, but the conversation starts here, then gets interrupted for a while and restarts here. I don't think it's important at all but I thought it was funny that we discussed basically the same thing here before.
@iKlsR Do you mean at Blender?
@LoganM yeah. I was looking at that post and something Oded said triggered it.. heh
You also have 4 mods for some reason. Most beta sites get 3, so it shouldn't be an issue at the moment.
@iKlsR Seriously though, notify about it in TL or to the community team.
They have tools to resolve issues like this. Pro-temps are critical for a beta.
Specifically such a "hostile" beta such as yours.
@MadaraUchiha I've brought it up a few times but they keep saying minimum time to trigger something is a few months etc. One guy said they had something similar over at Programmers and they eventually persuaded the guy to resign.
@iKlsR Alright I'm guessing that's a conversion for tl
BTW why did Blender get 4 mods? It doesn't seem like any other recent beta sites got 4. Did they give you a reason for taking 4 rather than the usual 3?
@MadaraUchiha yep
@LoganM Activity and a slightly problematic community.
@LoganM I have no idea, we had 6 nominees :/
(I'm guessing)
@LoganM we're lucky to have folks like you and @Eric and @Mysticial who are active and alive from the beginning of the private/public beta and are very helpful
We have 4 and only two of us are doing anything.. one is busy with work and the other has just stopped coming. it seems..
The community makes sense. Activity, not so much since they're only judging based on the first few weeks. Bitcoin, which is extremely active, still only has 3. But I'm not really complaining, just curious because I hadn't seen 4 pro tem mods anywhere else.
Perhaps more interestingly, Network Engineering, a site which seems to be doing pretty well, still has no pro tem mods despite being 67 days into beta. I couldn't even find a post on their meta site asking for mod suggestions.
@LoganM yeah, some sites are built on top of noobs. ~90% of our users are new to SE so they don't know how the site works.
people don't even know about meta.. heh
@MadaraUchiha what was that thing you invited me to yesterday? I only saw it this morning
or chat
If this site were catching on strongly with the anime community we'd have the same problem. Instead, the problem we have is that we can't bring in new users easily.
@JNat Aarthi was making a chat cast in The Assembly
Those Watamote stars.. haha I <3 this community.
@iKlsR Yeah, we're pretty awesome
@Krazer here's the bookmark, in case you need it for the meta

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