Conversation started Mar 16, 2014 at 16:50.
Mar 16, 2014 16:50
and thus was the Bridge Trolling Time born. It is exactly 42*pi^pi*cos(unixtimestamp^unixtimestamp) forthnights ahead of the Correct Earth Time
It is also absolutely useless.
It oscillates enough however that it's BTT night when you say "morning" and BTT morning when you say "night"
when you say it's "afternoon" because it's one minute past noon, BTT kicks your butt and decides it's Easter.
Uuh, can we not raise stuff by 10 digit numbers? Then it'd actually be calculable =p
@KevinvanderVelden That's the beauty of the Bridge Trolling Time!
If there was a degree in timezones I could go for a PhD by now.
We'd first have to invent time travel for that to become a PhD I suppose
@badp NAN.
@FEichinger you aren't using a large enough number format
Mar 16, 2014 16:55
@StrixVaria @Frank @Fluttershy @OrigamiRobot and other @diablo-people why don't we make an Arqade clan?
Try using every atom in the solar system, that might get you there
@Chippies IIRC, @StrixVaria made it a community so that folks with existing clans wouldn't feel left out.
oh okay, so far everyone I've seen doesn't have a clan
@Chippies You are in a clan.
yes, I made Arqade like 2 minutes ago so no one could steal the name!
unless the names don't have to be unique
Mar 16, 2014 16:57
@Krazer is in a clan too.
I'm not opposed to it being a clan. Communities are kind of weak.
well, I don't care much for the clan, just figured I'd see what you guys think of it
@KevinvanderVelden There are 10^80 atoms in the universe; if you can store 10 bits of state in them, that's 10^81 bits, so you can store up to 2^10^81 = 10^10^1.9 in it. Unixtimestamp^Unixtimestamp is (10^10)^(10^10).
The Bridge Trolling Time defies the universe!
I wonder if you can use the fact that cosine is periodic to avoid half the calculation
@KevinvanderVelden Probably, but I don't think x^x % 2pi has nice properties.
Just gotta define a different epoch.
Mar 16, 2014 17:01
you're welcome
@spugsley HI @SPUGS
@KevinvanderVelden I LIVE TO SERVE
@FEichinger That might make it useful for three seconds.
Is it bad that I started laughing at seeing that?
Mar 16, 2014 17:04
I'm really phlegmy today.
I have a lot of phlegm.
phlegm is a really weird word. Seriously, type it.
It is...
@spugsley phlegm. phlegm. phlegmphlegmphlegm
All the weirdness
@FEichinger see? it's weird.
@badp Not if you, for maximum trolling, use a dynamic epoch!
Mar 16, 2014 17:08
@spugsley You better not get me sick
@OrigamiRobot it's allergies.
@spugsley PAM PAM PAM PAM
Blegh for allergies =[
Stupid immune system, don't use a nuke when a flamethrower would work fine!
@KevinvanderVelden I know. I walked around outside forever yesterday and today my nose and eyes are like nopenopenopenope
@FEichinger DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen (no abbreviation) is defined to be 42*pi^pi*cos(seconds^seconds) fortnights behind the Bridge Trolling Time where "seconds" is the number of seconds since the last invocation of the DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen.
Mar 16, 2014 17:11
@badp $epoch = time()-(time()%60);
This creates the DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen Measurement Paradox, wherein you can't measure the DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen without changing it!
Conversation ended Mar 16, 2014 at 17:12.