Conversation started Jul 17, 2012 at 16:22.
Jul 17, 2012 16:22
Question: Do we approve edits of questions or answers that drastically modify the intent of the question/answer?
@FAE Now that it's gotten so much attention on Steam though, I probably wouldn't be very good at it anyway.
@fbueckert No.
So why does steam seem to be selling todays games that are exactly the same as yesterday's games?
@Fbueckert ive seen a few rare cases when it was done to rescue and otherwise terribly written question, but thats about it.
@James Because it doesn't roll over for another 30 minutes
@GnomeSlicE Psst~ the Rokko Chan arranged chipped tracks and original album are on out (pay what you want).
Jul 17, 2012 16:28
@FAE So either Steam is 10 hours behind me or 14 hours ahead of me?
@Ender If you need to drastically change the intent of the question to make it appropriate for the site, then you should close it. That question can be asked on it's own by someone who actually wants to know the answer.
@GnomeSlicE I don't neccesarily disagree, I was just saying I've seen it done a few times. As I mentioned, its rare and generally circumstancial.
@fbueckert I wouldn't call it drastically alter
I made it into an acceptable question
with the answer being what the original poster was looking for
Of course I'm assuming you're asking about
But this leads me to another question, if a question gets closed due to not constructive, whats the policy of asking the same question reworded so it is constructive?
Jul 17, 2012 16:37
@QAzer I don't actually know what this is, but WTF, one of them has 65 tracks on it.
@BrianColvin Yeah, you're thinking right. That's the one I was asking about.
@BrianColvin there isnt one, edit the first question to make it constructive and it will be reopened.
@brianColvin unless of course your not the original poster of the question. Then you'd have to make your own if I'm not mistaken.
@Ender thats where the problem comes in, the original poster worded the question horribly
@BrianColvin I see your dilema, I'd open my own question, worded properly, and leave it at that. However most everyone in here is more experienced than I at the websites policies and habits so you'd be wise to get a second opinion
Personally, the suggested edit still seems to be too vague; it will garner lots of opinions and extended discussion.
Jul 17, 2012 16:41
That edit is still subjective and dependent on the metagame.
The subjectivity isn't so much the problem...
its asking how to play an ad carry vs a normal top lane champion which is pretty well established among the LoL community
@BrianColvin But you're referencing the meta game, which throws a whole new wrench into the ballgame.
@BrianColvin Asking about the viability is dependent on the metagame.
Unfortunately, the metagame is more factual than theoretical
But i see your point
Matthew Read approved the edit anyways, but it still shouldn't be re-opened.
Jul 17, 2012 16:45
@BrianColvin I disagree. Everytime I have asked someone why X role goes in Y lane, I always get "That's just the way the metagame is."
@BrianColvin I also disagree.
Would it be more appropriate to list the champtions and state how to play an AD carry solo lane vs x,y,z champions?
unfortunately you cant classify normal top champions without referencing meta
@StrixVaria Another recommendation for your workplace Xbox: Bang Bang Racing
@BrianColvin Why is each champion fitted into a lane for meta, anyways?
What the fuck Steam. Don't tell me my games are unavailable.
Jul 17, 2012 16:53
@fbueckert as of right now certain compositions for particular lanes seem to be most effective. IE: This formula works best, so he goes there, she goes over there, and we stay here.
What, you want low prices AND games you can play?
@Ender And that still requires knowledge of the meta game.
Which is something I had no idea existed. At all. Until today.
@fbueckert but the people answering/asking/viewing the question will know what the meta is
@BrianColvin How do you know that?
it is localized though as eventually if zombies attack the meta may change
Jul 17, 2012 16:55
The point of a question and answer is to provide knowledge, regardless of skill level.
@Fbueckert you dont hear of it referenced by name often. but , to keep things somewhat simple, pick a spellcasting mana heavy hero and take top lane and you will be flamed like a peice of kindling every game. almost everybody who plays knows of the meta. (i'm assuming we are discussing draft and ranked games, blind pick is a different story)
Awww, ConspiracyTheories.SE didn't make it
so much trolling potential!
@Ender And that's one of the main things I don't like about LoL; meta knowledge is required to do anything, and there's no friendliness to help newbies learn said meta knowledge.
I feel like asking a question: "What is this meta game everyone is talking about?"
@fbueckert I really think you should now that you bring that up, considering most players have only loose knowledge of what it is by word of mouth and paying attention to others conversations. If it can be definitively answered (something i'm skeptical about) that would be very helpfull.
Jul 17, 2012 16:59
Huh. Apparently, it's already been asked:
Q: What is the Meta Game?

DarkAveril Possible Duplicate: What is metagame? I have heard a lot of people tell me that your Meta Game is just as important as playing well. What exactly is the Meta game and how does one go about improving it, or even getting it to begin with?

@Fluttershy @wipqozn @murgatroid99 I ordered the BEST DoctorWho/MLP crossover shirt ever. :D
@fbueckert figures lol. The answer is a good one though.
Q: Does one show up on the enemy radar if he uses unsilenceable weapons (MW3)?

VictorIf he fires an RPG or M203, which do not have silencers, does he show up? What about knifing? The knife doesn't have a silencer, so does that mean knifing gives away your position?

Q: How do you watch videos from recent matches if possible?(BF3)

user29484I was beasting on BF3 and there is this one match that I want to watch again.

@Ender But that sort of proves my point; every question and answer we get about is heavily influenced by the meta game. The assumption is that people will play according to the meta.
How the crap is someone supposed to learn the meta without getting flamed into pieces?
@Fbueckert Sure, but, every question and answer for ANY constantly evolving competitive multiplayer game is influenced by such.
Jul 17, 2012 17:05
@Ender Any answer that relies on the assumption of meta knowledge is a bad answer.
@Fbueckert some games are easier to learn than others, MOBAs such as LoL are famous for being difficult to learn, usually due to their highly aggressive\immature player base.
Meta knowledge is a moving target. Without actually specifying your assumptions, your answer becomes moot as soon as meta changes.
@fbueckert Perhaps you should take the idea of meta reliant answers being bad ones to OUR meta.
Unfortunately asking, "What is League of Legends metagame" will get closed as being too localized as this isn't a wiki, so the best way to learn is to find someone who's knowledgable and not an a** and ask
I don't think the Call of Duty franchise really understands how Steam sales are supposed to work
Jul 17, 2012 17:07
@BrianColvin Good luck with that one. The fact that you had to qualify that means 95% of the playerbase will kill you for even asking.
Yea, so we need to find a way to get around the rules to provide meta answers here :)
@fbueckert I learned the meta mostly by paying attention and asking my friends the questions that didnt have obvious answers. I suspect most players do the same. If you read up on patch notes, pay attention to tournies and follow the forums, you generally know most of what you need to.
@BrianColvin The rules are there for a reason. Trying to get around them is usually asking for a suspension.
@Ender can't just play the game to learn, then? That's not intuitive.
And stupid.
@Fbueckert sure you can. thats what blind pick and vs AI games are for
@fbueckert I wasn't speaking of taking the gnomeslice approach, more of getting the rules changed via a meta discussion
Jul 17, 2012 17:10
@Ender Blind pick games are all I've played. The amount of rage inherent in that is astounding.
(meta being arqade meta)
@Fbueckert see my message above about MOBA player bases, lol.
Trying to ask questions of people who are screaming at you for doing something you have no idea is wrong leads to bad experiences.
many players are turned off of MOBAs for that very reason. I can't really blame them.
matter of fact, dota2 is attempting to fix that problem as we speak with some kind of new 'coaching' system
not too sure how effective that will be, but we'll see I'm sure.
@Ender You're still not really helping, though. :P A game is meant to have fun. Why would you play something that heaps that amount of abuse on you as soon as you do something "wrong"?
Jul 17, 2012 17:12
@Fbueckert fun is different for everyone, I in particular embrace the challenge.
When i'm getting flamed by players a, b, and e, and still win, carry the team, and make everyone look stupid by doing so, I had a good game.
LoL has single-handedly made me write off the entire MOBA genre, due to it's hostility and toxic community.
@fbueckert i'm sorry to hear that, but I completly understand all the same.
@Fbueckert I strongly advise you find some friends who also play the game. it changes the entire experience.
A mashed potato machine? I can't decide if this is awesome or gross.
@Ender ...And I'm going to stick my hand back into the fire why? Once burned, twice shy.
@fbueckert ive been playing with the same group of buddies since dota first game out on warcraft 3. thats more than ten years of moba fun, simply because its been an inside friendship team thing the whole time
Jul 17, 2012 17:14
@AshleyNunn Awesome, obviously. Add gravy for bliss.
your friends (if their real friends) wont flame you, they will help you
@GnomeSlicE it's a ridiculously enchanting Mega Man parody called Rokko Chan. Plays Like MMX and Super Castlevania IV. By indie developer King, came out late last year.
@fbueckert Fair enough.
@Ender I'll stick to games where the community doesn't try to burn you the instant you tell them you're new.
So... Ticket to Ride, one of the 5 games in the Indie Bundle, is the same price as the entire indie bundle...
Jul 17, 2012 17:15
@Fluttershy Ticket to Ride is on sale? :D :D :D :D:
@Fbueckert whatever makes you happy :D
@Ender I play RTS's in LAN cafes. Delivering soul crushings on demand!
@fbueckert if you ever change your mind feel free to look me up :D (Bardov on LoL)
@AshleyNunn Ticket to Ride isn't on sale. It's the same price alone as it is buying the entire Indie Bundle. <_<
@fbueckert wow i wish we had lan cafe's here. that would be awesoem
Jul 17, 2012 17:16
@Fluttershy With DLC, or without?
@AshleyNunn There's DLC?
Yx. just wrote a great answer that kind of got lost in the huge answers already on this question
A: Building Barbarian in Inferno

yx.While the other excellent posts on this topic has addressed mostly the skill issue I'll go into a little more depth about gearing for act 3-4 inferno: The primary factors to consider for inferno is survivability. As a melee, if you can't last at least a minute against a group of white monsters,...

Just wanted to give it some attention!
@Ender Funny story; I love to play RTS's with friends, especially in LAN cafes. I got a reputation at this one cafe as being really good at RTS's.
@Fluttershy Yeah, Europe, Switzerland, and US DLC stuff
@fbueckert No offense, but if you have a reputation at a local LAN café, you're spending too much time there...
Jul 17, 2012 17:18
So one day, he tells me of this kid who was bragging he was so good at C&C 4 (this was a few years ago). So, he asked me to, and I quote, "crush his soul". So we played a 2 on 2, him with a buddy, me with a friend.
Turns out I didn't even need my friend. I steamrolled with massive amounts of zone troopers.
i used to do that in broodwar
Kid watches the replay, and tells me, "You play like a computer".
like reguarly, you guys vs me. 2 or 3 vs 1 lets do it
That's the best compliment I've ever gotten.
I'd be pretty head swole. hehheh.
Jul 17, 2012 17:20
@GnomeSlicE I was there for several hours every Saturday evening. Dropped TONs of cash.
You haven't played multiplayer until you play it in the same room as friends.
@Fluttershy I won't play the stuff in the bundle, so I am buying it separately + DLC - I know that I could get the other games for the same price, but I don't care for the other stuff. Weird Ashley logic is weird.
@Ender The owner of the LAN cafe talked to me the next day. "I asked you to crush his soul, not stomp all over it and piss on what's left!" It was amusing.
@AshleyNunn How much is the DLC?
Having never bought DLC on steam - if I am buying a game + DLC and install the game, does the DLC get installed with it automatically?
@Fluttershy 10.97 for all 3
Jul 17, 2012 17:23
@fbueckert LOL
I'll be the 200th to mention Psychonauts is €2.24
@AshleyNunn I'll just play the regular Ticket to Ride... >_>
@Ender I don't like to play easily, giving the other guy a chance. I'm going to try to steamroll you as fast and as hard as I can.
So, there are two modes available: Off, and Soul Crusher.
@fbueckert Play to Win. Fight to Kill. Live to Die.
Just tried to fit the problem faced into a meta question
Jul 17, 2012 17:26
@Ender Hence why people play me; even when they lose, they know I didn't take it easy on them.
That's boring! You could've played a billion times worse than that and you would've still won!!
or at least very poorly optimized.
In case anyone was wondering, even if you have the strongest intentions to not speak in that weird baby-talk voice to your baby, eventually, it's going to happen and become your normal speaking mode.
@Sterno I disagree.
Q: Do AoE teams outshine those without AoE?

SamI've been thinking to myself recently - why would you pick a champion who has no AoE abilities? What would be the point in picking a team of champions that were not able to deal significant amount of damage in an Area instead of just single targets. Surely, a team with Kennen, Amumu, graves, Wuko...

Q: Questions regarding established metagame

Brian ColvinMany games (LoL, SC2, etc) have established metagame. Unfortunately, its sometimes difficult to pick up the metagame without being called a noob for the first many games you play. This often discourages people from playing games just because they don't have an understanding of how it works, and...

@Sterno father of 4, and I don't constantly (and never have) baby talk any of them
@Sterno educationally, its actually bad to do so, as it stunts their language growth.
Jul 17, 2012 17:34
I mean tone of voice, not actual words, though your comment probably still holds
@BrianColvin Response provided!
It's definitely a very different tone of voice than I speak to my coworkers!
@Sterno tone of voice is less critical, but still important. it would eventually effect pronounciation and accent.
@badp I actually do that; when I play against someone who I know I'll win against, I try strange, oddball things just to see how they work out.
Once I filled the center of a Starcraft map with Pylons and Photon Cannons. Hit the building limit.
@BrianColvin That might be one of the reasons I don't like LoL; the meta game is seen as "insider knowledge", and it's extremely difficult to retrieve that knowledge in order to improve yourself.
@fbueckert I agree but under current rules we can't provide an answer to metagame questions
Jul 17, 2012 17:41
@BrianColvin We shouldn't be asking metagame questions.
well we can, but we can't get the questions openned to begin with
If someone asks a question, any answers that draw on meta should be providing that knowledge of meta in their answer.
Enriches both established players and new players alike.
If I ask "What is the metagame for League of Legends?" it will get closed, if every question asked about metagame must first establish what metagame is then we have alot of redundant information
The problem with LoL is the reciprocating cycle of abuse. "Well, I got flamed to pieces trying to learn this. Now that I know it, I'll abuse you until YOU learn it."
@BrianColvin hm why?
Jul 17, 2012 17:44
@badp why can't I ask the question? Because someone will close it as too localized
what? that's... interesting. What about is too localized?
that its localized to the current time the question is asked and the metagame may change
maybe i'm using the wrong word
Mind you, I pretty much refuse to moderate LoL questions because I know nothing
@BrianColvin Yeah, that's what I feared. "Too localized" never means "this may change at some point in the future"
@badp how about "this will keep changing in the future"?
@murgatroid99 So what? Did we refuse answering questions about Minecraft because minecart boosters would have been broken at some point in the future, maybe?
My rule of thumb for what too localized in time means is it means "the past or the future". The present is never too localized. But that's just my rule of thumb.
Jul 17, 2012 17:48
@badp OK, I see your point. But should we have "What is the metagame now?" or "What is the history of the metagame?" or what? Metagames are not constant
Roughly how often does the community's opinion on something change?
For example, I don't think there's ever been a point so far in the history of TF2 where the metagame didn't dictate "Stock weapons are best weapons."
@badp Maybe some of them evolve more than others
or "The best composition of a six person team with a limit of 1 medic and 1 demoman is two scouts, two soldiers, 1 medic and 1 demoman"
@murgatroid99 Yes, that's why I am asking
@badp It could be that I have a limited perspective, since this article is the main one I think of when trying to understand what a metagame is:
Perhaps the best approach is to answer the questions about metagame for how it works currently and if it changes return to the question and fix the answer? With the prevalence of pushing new content to online games, many questions may have their answers change in which case its encouraged to go fix the answers, not close the question
Jul 17, 2012 17:53
Yeah, it either changes because of massive rebalancing of everything across the whole board, changes in design issues or strategy breakthroughs. None of those are so terribly common
At least that's what I think; again I don't play LoL* so I don't know the specifics and all I can do is wonder aloud pointlessly
@badp well, LoL isn't the only game with a metagame, and we should probably be considering this more generally
I think LoL is the only game right now where we don't do "metagame" = strategy
SC2's metagame is treated as strategy, heh I agree @badp
@BrianColvin The GSE metagame dictates that agreeing with me is a sure way to lose in an argument :P
I think current metagame for LoL is basically "rage and flame". Repeat until you win.
Jul 17, 2012 17:56
@badp what makes LoL so special thats its metagame is offtopic?
@Ender That's what I'm trying to understand
I guess we'd need more LoL-heads like FAE and pals
I am confused. As far as I can tell, strategy refers to something like a particular playstyle and metagame is a description of commonly used strategies currently
Honestly too localized is not the only reason I see when people close metagame questions, there's also not constructive
and the discussion reason i forget the exact wording
more than about discussion, it's about bad subjectivity
or "How should I counter X?" "I do Y." "I do Z." "I do P." rather than "I do Y because A, B and C. It doesn't work when the enemy does T but then you can use K."
Jul 17, 2012 18:03
Well @StrixVaria and @FAE can come deal with it as they are the big SE LoLers, My opinion is that I would like to be able to come here and find out the metagame for LoL rather than learn it on my own. And questions involving LoL metagame shouldn't need to explain it first as to cater to people who don't know the metagame because the question will be less valuable to them if they don't know the meta even if it is explained in the question.
but asking a question about the current metagame is too localized so that can never really happen
the answer is subject to become obsolete, often
When was the last time LoL metagame changed?
I can't say for sure. I was deployed when it happened.
In all honesty I do see an issue in people asking "How do the pros counter X" rather than "How to counter X"
Does it solve a practical problem to know what this group of people you're not part of does to solve a practical problem?
Perhaps you just want to know how to solve the practical problem yourself.
So you should be asking that.
Q: Is Binary Domain playable without a mic?

NigralbusBinary Domain has interested me for a while and is currently on sale at Steam. Thing is, I've played the demo and came across a few occurences of dialog where I was supposed to answer to my teammates through a mic. Long story short, I don't have one, and the way my PC is set in my room makes it ...

Jul 17, 2012 18:06
Metagame: where my brother uses Ike and his overhand swing, then I learn how to air-dodge, then he switches to Metaknight (against whom air-dodging is worthless).
I know that I'm really bad at recognizing the difference between complicated multi-perspective based answers and answers\questions that are too objective. I tend stay away from questions like these for that reason. I think my skarner question two nights (one night?) ago was my first.
(too objective?)
@DavidB Good example.
@DavidB but that's not so much "hat the pros do," it's just "what works best according to what we now know"
but is that strategy or metagame? ;)
Jul 17, 2012 18:08
I realize there's some difference as in you're assuming you're playing vs somebody who knows what he's doing rather than a first minute button masher
"How do I counter X?" is a fine question. If the problem is bad answers, then deal with the answers. Downvote answers that don't give enough detail.
"How do I counter X?" is pretty much part of the whole point of this website
If people have an issue with low quality answers, then downvote the low quality answers.
someone ping wip later and let him know sfm is in public beta, since I won't be around and can't ping him anymore
Asking how to deal with game situations is exactly why we exist.
Jul 17, 2012 18:10
@BrianColvin there can be good metagame questions and good strategy questions imo. and if the metagame changes over time, then the answers will get updated or new answers will get upvoted
Metagame questions are on topic; strategy questions are on topic.
Not sure where there's any room to argue those points.
@StrixVaria So me asking "What is League of Legends metagame?" is on topic?
@BrianColvin The topic space is valid, but the question itself is awful and too broad.
as a terminology question, that's fine :)
"I play LoL, help me understand metagame"
what are the important facets of the current LoL metagame? way too broad
and localized at the same time
Just because broad questions exist in a topic space doesn't make that entire topic space off topic, though.
@DavidB No.
It's not too localized.
Jul 17, 2012 18:15
No? ok
I don't know where all the meta posts about too localized are, because I don't hang around Meta.SO all that often.
But it's really, really rare that a question should actually be closed as too localized.
that's fine, I should read up on my own
Asking about the current metagame is completely legitimate.
I think there was one by Joel that was really important.
@StrixVaria how does a question about the current metagame receive an answer that isnt localized due to a timeframe?
@Ender Cause the time frame of meta games lasts until the game changes which are not predictable
Jul 17, 2012 18:25
I've been commenting in the meta post, but I don't understand the fundamental problem here
@Sterno the problem arises with asking questions relating to metagame that may change
Answers to questions can change.
chess rules/gameplay don't change
If we were talking about chess on the B&CG site, would discussion of chess's metagame be off-topic?
Any game can get patched.
Jul 17, 2012 18:26
When games change, we just update the questions or remove the ones that are out dated (Look at minecraft for example)
If we were worried about that, every question would be too localized.
Just remove the word 'Current' if it bugs you I guess?
@James What does being predictable have to do with it? This is similar I think from questions involving beta gameplay. They are closes as being too localized due to timeframe.
Yeah, I kind of feel like if the problem is that LoL changes too often, almost all questions would need to be closed for the same reason
@Ender Because it's not a ridiculously narrow scope in time. Metagame shifts are crazy slow, and the questions are completely answerable. There's no good reason to close them.
Jul 17, 2012 18:26
similiar I think with*
Even old metagame questions are still useful after the metagame has shifted away.
@StrixVaria but games are sometimes in beta phase for a year or more. Thats quite a long time.
And couldn't a good answer be worded in such a way that it communicates what strategy elements you need, rather than "use champion x?"
@Ender I didn't say anything about beta, and I have no clue what point you're trying to make with that.
@Ender A game unreleased to the general public vs a game that just evolves over time. We stay away from the first and go with the second.
Jul 17, 2012 18:27
Ok so can an expert edit this… so we can reopen it heh I'm interested in the answer
@James negative, open beta is frequent.
Even metagame questions about prior states of the metagame that don't exist any more are still useful if the answers are good, because you can see how the game evolved and it gives insight onto the current state of the metagame.
@Ender And, when Diablo 3 hit open beta we let the questions flow man.. I am still not sure what point you are making
I mean, heck, parts of my Diablo 3 Barbarian build for Inferno answer have become outdated as the game has been patched. But most of it still applies, for now. Maybe it will be wholly invalid in 6 months if they keep changing Inferno. But it's still useful. And can be fixed in the future as needed.
@StrixVaria I This is similar I think with questions involving beta gameplay. They are closes as being too localized due to timeframe.
Jul 17, 2012 18:28
@ThomasMcDonald uh, it's been in public beta for more than a week now (@Wipqozn)
@badp Sidenote: What's sfm?
@James i remember seeing beta questions being closed for that reason, perhaps my memory is flawed or the situation was somewhat different
someone who knows how should probably bookmark this chat and add it to the meta topic
Conversation ended Jul 17, 2012 at 18:28.