Conversation started Dec 23, 2010 at 1:06.
Dec 23, 2010 01:06
@GraceNote @oak there is a fundamental and very obvious difference between asking for a technique by which to skin a cat, of which there may be more than one, but of which only one is actually needed for the questions asker to be satisfied, and a question asking for all of the ways to skin a cat, as well as links to a variety of skinning knives, complete with your opinions of them - the latter can not be satisfied with a single answer.
If, your question, to which there are multiple appropriate solutions, can not be resolved by specifically one of those solutions, regardless of whether any of the others show up, that's a problem.
(ignoring for a moment the case of one of said solutions being inappropriate to a particular asker for whatever reason.)
Put another way: If it's possible to phrase your question as "one per answer," your question is probably problematic and could use a little refining.
Conversation ended Dec 23, 2010 at 1:12.