There are two tags that are subsets of world-of-warcraft and have been incorrectly made synonyms:
"Cataclysm" is a subset of World of Warcraft, it is not an alternate spelling for it. There are tons of questions in World of Warcraft that are not about Cataclysm. Tag sy...
So there are two things that are getting conflated together, which I think is causing the problem: 1) the 2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 patches that Blizzard releases before expansion launches to bring the game up to date with their latest mechanics and 2) the actual expansion
Everyone gets the former, and you can't play the game without the former. So questions about that stuff rightly belongs in the world-of-warcraft tag
But the other stuff, the stuff you can only get as part of buying an expansion pack, is a subset of all that is World of Warcraft, it's not the exact same thing as World of Warcraft, which is what a tag synonym entails (think color vs. colour, or world-of-warcraft vs. wow)
@MarkTrapp That distinction seems... arbitary, though.
I mean, what is accomplished by saying that the new talent trees are not Cataclysm, but Dragon Soul is?
@Koviko How is it arbitrary? We treat every other game the same way. The only game we seem to care about when it comes to patches coinciding with DLC/expansions is WoW
@MarkTrapp That's because of the nature of the game. I mentioned Minecraft because it's also a game where we make special cases.
@Koviko Minecraft follows the same structure: mandatory patches are considered minecraft. If Mojang ever released an optional expansion, that'd get its own sub-tag
@MarkTrapp I understand what you are saying. What I don't understand is why.
@MarkTrapp What would be the point of making the distinction between 4.0 and Cataclysm?
What's the point between making a distinction between Skyrim 1.6 and Dawnguard? They're separate things. One's the main game, the other one is optional DLC
@MarkTrapp Maybe we disagree on the meaning of the term "common practice"
I'd say the majority of players play with the most recent expansion installed.
@Koviko It doesn't matter; it's beside the point regarding tag synonyms. A tag synonym is something that means exactly the same thing as its master. Cataclysm is a subset. It doesn't matter that whether it's common practice or not, it's not the same thing as World of Warcraft.
@MarkTrapp Then maybe we should be removing the tags instead of separating them.
I was under the impression that the synonym was created because it was extraneous information.
There's no reason to say "my question is about Cataclysm" if Cataclysm is the current expansion.
@Koviko They're effectively removed, and we've been removing them for MoP. Like I said, whether we should even have the expansion tags is separate argument. I simply want to remove the synonym
@MarkTrapp In that case, it sounds like more of a nitpick than anything. Maybe what we should be discussing is the removal or insertion of expansion tags for WoW.
@Koviko Saying "my question is about Cataclysm" is shorthand for saying "I want info for >4.0 WoW". But it doesn't preclude questions about Cataclysm-specific content, like the new zones or Worgens or Goblins or whatever. Whether we need a tag to distinguish that is a whole other story
@MarkTrapp In our current state, there is a strong argument for why we would need expansion tags
Since, at the moment, we are discussing two expansions
And, in terms of validity, we should be separating the two.
@Koviko Call it what you will, it's incorrect and needs to be fixed, because it's causing copycat tag synonym suggestions for MoP, and causes confusion for other games when people can rightly ask "Why not do the same thing for game X? Why have expansion tags at all?"
That would mean it'd be formal to do the same for all existing WoW questions.
@Koviko Removing the tag synonyms lets us start to explore that: I know right now it's hell of confusing to have a contest for MoP content but not have a tag for it, leading me to manually create a list of MoP questions.
@MarkTrapp Yes, I agree. That is very frustrating. And the post about the contest said something along the lines of including all world-of-warcraft questions, even though that was only to simplify the filtering process.
Which means that we probably should have a separate tag if we are going to disqualify non-MoP questions.
Aug 4, 2012 18:22
Right: tags are meant to be meaningful collections of content people would follow in their own right: questions about MoP-specific stuff meets that criteria
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I remember seeing that description before and feel that it definitely applies to MoP right now. If removing the synonym is just the first step, then I'm behind you.
I get that when 5.0 is released, you can't play a pre-5.0 Warlock, and questions about them need to be only tagged world-of-warcraft. But a question about Pandaria? Why not have an MoP specific tag?
@Koviko That's all I'm asking for right now: if there's a way to clarify that in my question, I'm all for it