Conversation started May 20, 2013 at 17:05.
May 20, 2013 17:05
Oh! I know. People have been loving to use the PM feature of XBox Live to send each other corteous messages of admiration for their respective skills in videogames.
Wouldn't it be magical if that really loud 11yo could compliment your sniping skills with personal video messagging?
No longer will you have to imagine them typing "faggot" when you can actually see them pronouncing the word with their mouths so you don't have to ask them, "are you for real?"
That'll make communication 35% more efficient.
And, you can teabag someone in game AND in effigy, and now they'll know!
I don't see how this could possibly go wrong.
@badp It would give me a photo to crowdsource a manhunt kidhunt brathunt with.
Another feature people really loved about the game was the permabans and the accounts thereof. Unfortunately the permabans aren't actually permanent, they only stretch to the year 9,999. With the new XBox, they still are not going to be permanent, but they will reach the year 99,999.
Also, it will be possible to modify your profile in "illegal" ways without having to mod your console and voiding your warranty! It's the inbuilt idiot cull you've been waiting for.
On the controller side of things, the game will ship with none. People loved flailing their arms wildly in Kinect games, so all games will be body-controlled. Since the previous technology of Kinect devices isn't quite up to par for the job, you won't have to buy a Kinect 2 with HD recognition and a bunch of other software-only features that makes no sense to tie in to a new piece of hardware, but you'll really want to.
As far as backwards compatibility goes, we thought it'd be a shame to make your old XBox 360 just collect dust in a corner, so there's none. You're welcome.
The XBox 360+1 will actually run Windows 8, but we won't admit it. The executable format will be slightly different so the .exe files won't run: we'll change the extension to .xbx.
We'll have a state of the art computer with 2 more gigabytes of memory than whatever Sony announces for the Playstation 4, powering a video card that looked awesome in 2011 and a hard drive that'll be every bit as reliable as the other generation's to enhance our games' replayability.
But videogames are boring, let's talk tv. The XBox 360 has been bringing a lot of entertainment value to only a few countries in the world. This allowed players to get an unparallelled level of elite service. Gamers love to feel elite. It's why they game. This is why we're happy to announce that our new services will only be available in US states the names of which end with a vowel.
@badp has reached critical mass! Evacuate The Bridge!
May 20, 2013 17:24
@OrigamiRobot but wait, there's more! I didn't even begin to mock their ad strategy!
Don't you want to know about how Microsoft solved loading screens by placing video ads in them? It's why the games are online-only to begin with! Offline mode won't have this enhanced experience.
@badp Wow, do I still get to pay for this amazing online experience or has it been downgraded to being free like the PS3, PS4, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, and PC?
@Ullallulloo It's being upgraded to the subsidized contract Live+XBox model you know and love and games will be 70 Microsoft Points each instead of 75 for GOLD subscribers.
May 20, 2013 17:29
However, if you want even more, you can upgrade to PLATINUM level to adorn your XBox Live avatar with HATS.
Did I mention that to make games feel more personal your whatever-Microsoft-calls-the-Mii will be the leading star of all XBox 360+1 titles?
That's right! You can put your hats on in any XBox 360+1 game.
You will have a wide variety of brands to sponsor on your ad, I meant hat, so you can put some PRADA swag on your HALO 5½ The Prequel Sequel experience.
PLATINUM users can also record a variety of voice clips to use throughout games. You'll be asked to shriek in pain five or so times for all games to use.
You can use an XBox Live Shock Collar to make more realistic shriek noises for MAXIMUM realism.
Those shriek noises will be downloaded by other players in online games so that you'll be able to hear other people's shrieks as you hit them! We're totally sure people won't put curse words in these clips.
This will make your videogaming experience even more personal.
Your whatever-Microsoft-calls-the-Miis, your voices, your faces, your XBox 360 Plus One. All for $20/mo, or 25 Microsoft Points for those who still have those. (Losers.)
Conversation ended May 20, 2013 at 17:35.