Conversation started Mar 29, 2016 at 17:56.
Mar 29, 2016 17:56
Abou your suggestion with, it is worth considering extending that close reason... we just need to find the wording for that
@Martin-マーチン It's slippery, because sometimes there are questions (usually ones that are categorically unsafe), that it might be worth answering.
> Consider taking a look at [health.SE's on-topic page] to see if your question is suitable there.
yeah something like that...
(Depending on what you meant, Martin -- with that above I'm thinking of safety questions &c., too).
just included in a new meta post that could offer a little more guidance...
Mar 29, 2016 17:58
It would really be helpful to whiteboard the scope of the various close reasons
yeah the safety issue is also on my mind
That's both the GR close reason and has the wording you like. The best of both worlds.
@IͶΔ yeah, that's definitely a good start for both the 'easily searchable' and 'gah, just look it up in a reference book!' sorts of questions.
Mar 29, 2016 18:00
we already have the medical close reason, we just need to extend that a little...
and finally draft a meta post about the guidance
<nod> the main reason for the medical close is avoiding legal problems, right?
@Brian It's the "general reference" close reason on language sites. "GO LOOK IN THE FRIGGING DICTIONARY YOU #$%^&*%#"
AH. "GR" = 'general reference'. Got it.
So if we do want a "GO LOOK UP THE FRIGGING GOLDBOOK/GOOGLE/LOONG" then it might have a similar wording.
A: How should we approach questions asking for chemical hygiene or safety/medical advice?

AesinI'd go with sticking to hypotheticals with an understood disclaimer that nothing here should ever be regarded as medical advice - linking to and extrapolating from existing safety information seems reasonable but possibly off-topic in some cases. Getting specific and individual about personal dos...

that is the part where the medical reasoning comes from.
Mar 29, 2016 18:02
Should we try to lump the following two categories into one close reason?

1) 'easily googleable' and/or 'GO LOOK IT UP'
2) 'do my work for me'
it is a form of protecting us from giving bad advice
On the one hand: economy of close reasons = good.
On the other, the two seem pretty different
@Brian The latter is HW, the former is the GR we want to come up with.
@Martin-マーチン <nod>. Medical, controlled substances, and safety questions all seem to fall under this sort of umbrella
I think @IͶΔ and I were converging to Homework/exercise + Gen Ref + Med
Mar 29, 2016 18:04
Yep, I'd be good with those, I think. I really would like to include 'controlled substances' and 'safety' in with 'med', though
Some Qs in all of those categories give me the willies when contemplating answering
We need a close reason: "No. ಠ_ಠ"
And, rather than adding a 'migrate to Health.SE' option, a "if your question is medical in nature you might consider asking it on Health.SE" bit in the close text might be feasible?
Also the migrate paths are not coming.
Probably never.
@Martin-マーチン Not if we want them, but it seems we don't want them.
It's just no use. We have to few questions to migrate, it would make more work checking the migrations after they have been performed than before...
@IͶΔ We simply have not enough data to justify migration paths.
and I am uncertain if that will ever change
Mar 29, 2016 18:09
Somebody, I think it was @Martin-マーチン explained well why migration paths should be rarely used... only really good questions that are completely off topic are suitable for migration. If a question won't be kept open on the destination site, it's not a good candidate for migration.
@Brian Shog9?
Was I the one that showed you a link?
Deja Vu
Yeah, could've been. It was a while ago. 's hard for me to keep straight discussions in comments, they don't have the character of chat.
(Why have I not come in here sooner........??!?)
@Martin-マーチン I'm on board with these three custom closes.
Q: When should we consider adding a default migration path?

Jon EricsonWhen users vote or flag to close a question that should be migrated to another site on the network, they usually can only choose to migrate to meta: Occasionally we get requests to add a new migration path, which can only be done by employees. Typically we reject such requests because migratio...

Q: Enable migration paths to Physics and Biology

ringoAccording to an answer to this question, now that Chemistry.SE is out of beta, it is eligible to have migration paths to other sites. I think paths to Physics.SE and Biology.SE would be very helpful now that this is possible. Is this already in the works or is there somewhere we have to go to ask?

Okay, I'm going to bed now.
!!greet/@IͶΔ with a !!gun
Conversation ended Mar 29, 2016 at 18:16.