You know that feeling when you're riding your bike and suddenly reach the front and there's all sorts of trenches and mines? It's way more convenient to have tank tracks.
I once gave someone I didn't like apples, and I too was pretty disappointed because there doesn't seem to be a lot of cyanide in them, but I've gotten over it now.
Usually I make asparagus by mixing it with some olive oil, salt, parmesan cheese, pepper, and a little bit of garlic power (or real garlic), then putting it on a baking sheet and baking it at 425 °F for about ten minutes. You have to cut off the woody part if you want it to be good, though. The thin ones are the best, resist the urge to get the biggest asparagus to get your money's worth.
@RedwolfPrograms If you fry steak on a griddle, then fry salted asparagus on the used griddle immediately after, the juices from the steak flavour the asparagus and it's great :D
Add a dash of pepper and Worcestershire sauce to make it even better
> If you fry steak on a griddle, then fry salted asparagus literally anything on the used griddle immediately after, the juices from the steak flavour the asparagus food and it's great :D
@user context for posterity (and for þe purposes of ruining þe joke): þe message originally said "Which is the better vegetable: potatoes or asparagus?" and it was þen edited to say "In a fight between potatoes and Superman, who would win?"
@user See, potatoes have much larger fighting forces, and much more popular support. Regardless of how strong superman is, potatoes have more time on earth to get familiar, considerably larger forces, get stronger after being cooked or mashed, and don't care if you threaten innocent civiians in order to push them around.