Conversation started Apr 15, 2021 at 13:23.
Apr 15, 2021 13:23
@RedwolfPrograms mhm pepperoni is so problematic. You should use vegan pepperoni, which is probablly denser and won't fall off :P
No, if it was denser more would have fallen because the pizza was at an angle :p
Plus vegan pepperoni probably smells worse when it catches on fire
I kinda like it when stuff gets burned a little, it's nice and crispy
There is quite the difference between "burned a little, ... nice and crispy" and "partially on fire at the bottom of the oven" :p
besides, quesadillas are superior to pizza in every way
Not sure if I can agree with that, they're good for different reasons
Apr 15, 2021 13:27
@Wezl Y'all have clearly never had pizza crumpets :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing do not get me started on crumpets
@pxeger As soon as you do, you'll eat a whole pack :P
þat's precisely what I mean
@pxeger Oh dear, it looks like you've turned to þat side!
I've only tried handmade crumpets
Apr 15, 2021 13:29
@user really stretching it þere to find somewhere to put a þorn in þat sentence
@pxeger I was very confused for a second, cause I thought I'd turned that userscript off and had to double check :P
@Wezl I prefer crêpes to those
Those are awesome
I like the cheesy kind with chicken in it
crêpes and crumpets are completely different categories þough
I like tank tracks more than wheels but I wouldn't put them on my bike :p
Apr 15, 2021 13:31
okay is my ignorance showing? :P
@pxeger So? They may be apples and oranges, but I like apples more than oranges.
I'd star this but I like oranges more :P
@user I'd give you a star too if it weren't for þe fact þat oranges are better þan apples
Actually a bicycle with tank tracks is totally the kind of thing I would want to own
Apr 15, 2021 13:32
Meh, some oranges are better than some apples, but I usually find apples less disappointing.
@pxeger Why do you need context? A bike with tank tracks is always a good thing.
I find apples extremely disappointing
1 min ago, by Redwolf Programs
I like tank tracks more than wheels but I wouldn't put them on my bike :p
@user Pears are better than both
You know that feeling when you're riding your bike and suddenly reach the front and there's all sorts of trenches and mines? It's way more convenient to have tank tracks.
I once gave someone I didn't like apples, and I too was pretty disappointed because there doesn't seem to be a lot of cyanide in them, but I've gotten over it now.
@cairdcoinheringaahing true
Apr 15, 2021 13:33
@cairdcoinheringaahing The crisp kind are, but I hate it when they get old and mushy.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pears are objectively bad :p
pears are like... yeah ok? but why wouldn't you just eat an apple?
@RedwolfPrograms I think you dropped an ass there
@pxeger Because apples != pears
@user ass-pears?
Apr 15, 2021 13:34
That sounds awesome with or without context
If I hadn't had breakfast this morning you all would be toast
what if I already am toast
@user I liked the old one because of the ambiguity :p
@pxeger pears asparagi (?) are objectively bad
@RedwolfPrograms Should I revert to it?
Apr 15, 2021 13:35
@Wezl asparagus is an uncountable noun, so it'd just be "asparagus is"
@Wezl Asparagus is the best vegetable
You just have to cook it right
@user Just to clarify, I meant "badass"
@RedwolfPrograms Courgette (zuccini) is better
@RedwolfPrograms touché, I probably haven't had it cooked right
Apr 15, 2021 13:36
A good ratatouille is divine
@RedwolfPrograms There are plenty of better vegetables that you don't even need to cook right.
Why is it that the TTNB keeps coming back to food?!
Because we're all hungry
@user because it transcends cultures golf
@user because programs was making food
That was more than 12 hours ago :p
Apr 15, 2021 13:37
Redwolf, stop making food and/or consuming it.
@RedwolfPrograms and then I replied way too late
@RedwolfPrograms Don't post about the food you make in here, I'm hungry because of y'all.
Usually I make asparagus by mixing it with some olive oil, salt, parmesan cheese, pepper, and a little bit of garlic power (or real garlic), then putting it on a baking sheet and baking it at 425 °F for about ten minutes. You have to cut off the woody part if you want it to be good, though. The thin ones are the best, resist the urge to get the biggest asparagus to get your money's worth.
See people like me don't do all that
@RedwolfPrograms What's that in non-freedom units?
Apr 15, 2021 13:39
> garlic powder

You heaþen!
It's actually better than actual garlic for this imo
@pxeger I disagree
@cairdcoinheringaahing ~220°c
Potatoes are objectively better because you just chop them up, fry them, and dip them in the blood of tomatoes
And then you can say you ate French cuisine
although I am growing garlic and hopefully I can use real gralic more after this
Apr 15, 2021 13:40
@user or really do anyþing wiþ þem and þey're still great
Crispy potatoes = heaven
Potatoes are good one of the best foods but I don't really consider them vegetables
@user they're not even French
@user bUt FrEnCh fRiEs WeRe InVeNtEd In BeLgIuM
@Wezl It was a joke about French fries
Apr 15, 2021 13:41
potatoes are awesome, but they're boring fried
@pxeger Belgium ≈ France :P
@Wezl Season them with some oregano and spices and you're set
@user that is correct
@RedwolfPrograms If you fry steak on a griddle, then fry salted asparagus on the used griddle immediately after, the juices from the steak flavour the asparagus and it's great :D
Add a dash of pepper and Worcestershire sauce to make it even better
> If you fry steak on a griddle, then fry salted asparagus literally anything on the used griddle immediately after, the juices from the steak flavour the asparagus food and it's great :D
That sounds good, but then your steak would get cold :p
@pxeger FTHFY?
Apr 15, 2021 13:43
Fixed That For You -> Fixed þat For You -> FþFY
@RedwolfPrograms þe first letter of "þat" is Þ
Makes sense
CMP: In a fight between potatoes and Superman, who would win?
@user potatoes hands down :)
@pxeger TBH add Worcestershire sauce to anything and it makes it better :P
Apr 15, 2021 13:44
@user Obviously superman
@user Potatoes aren't a vegetable (at least not according to the UK government IIRC)
(Technically they are, but they don't count towards one of your 5 a day)
Ha, the UK gov't agrees with me on potatoes!
@pxeger Aww, you ruined it :\
@user I see your sneaky edit, I raise you anoþer sneaky edit
@Wezl I need to know your reasoning here :P
Apr 15, 2021 13:47
@cairdcoinheringaahing So I can eat as many potatoes as I like without gaining calories? Good to know :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I need to know your reasoning seasoning here FTFY
@user context for posterity (and for þe purposes of ruining þe joke): þe message originally said "Which is the better vegetable: potatoes or asparagus?" and it was þen edited to say "In a fight between potatoes and Superman, who would win?"
@Wezl basil garlic oregano salt
@Wezl Paprika, salt, pepper, tabasco and Worcestershire sauce
@pxeger >-(
Apr 15, 2021 13:48
@user See, potatoes have much larger fighting forces, and much more popular support. Regardless of how strong superman is, potatoes have more time on earth to get familiar, considerably larger forces, get stronger after being cooked or mashed, and don't care if you threaten innocent civiians in order to push them around.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I really should try paprika more
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm not quite wiþ you on þe Worcestershire sauce tbh
@pxeger TBH I typically add it only with a specific "format" of potatoes
they're so flexible
Dice them up, throw them into a frying pan with olive oil and those seasonings, fry until crispy brown and eat
Apr 15, 2021 13:50
I should try that
And by dice, I mean inch long (side length) cubes maximum. Smaller is even better
s/olive/cheese/ g
@Wezl Cheese... oil?
from quesadillas
Isn't that just butter?
Apr 15, 2021 13:52
Cheese oil does not sound like something I would voluntarily eat
no bc it's flavored
I'm not sure I understand this, but I guess anything that comes from cheese must be good.
@user Except some weird molds
@RedwolfPrograms Oh right
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ people eat them, they can't be that bad
^ not true for everything, obv
Apr 15, 2021 13:54
People also eat each other
user image
Great combination
I'm just guessing here, but I think more people eat blue cheese than people
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm sure there's some overlap, though
I suppose I can't argue with that :P
Apr 15, 2021 13:56
Blue cheese salad dressing isn't awful
But it only goes with very specific stuff
very very true
but ranch is easier to make so I don't have enough experience
@RedwolfPrograms Things like blue cheese salad dressing and ranch are foods I will never not associate with americans
I don't think I've ever heard of them outside the states, let alone seen them
> foods I all never not associate
caird now has a prion disease
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's interesting, blue cheese dressing seems like it'd be some fancy thing us americans wouldn't be able to find
Apr 15, 2021 13:58
Nah, I just can't type :P
Hell, I've bought Twinkies in my local Asda, but not ranch
I've never actually had blue cheese dressing
The first four digits of my class's zoom password are 6942 but they ruin it with a 5 after that :(
@RedwolfPrograms what are the rest? ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Are there any Subways near you? They may have ranch
Conversation ended Apr 15, 2021 at 14:00.