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2:18 AM
Q: "how quicker" vs. "how much quicker"

Swizec TellerI'm trying to settle a debate with my girlfriend. She says "how quicker" is incorrect and you should always use "how much quicker". Which of these is [more?] correct? See how quicker the cars flow into the city than out of the city. Or See how much quicker the cars flow into the city t...

Recency illusion, or locality delusion, or simply not enough read?
I don’t know. But the answers are worse than the question, that’s for sure, especially that of the scold.
As otherwhere observed: “Turn all her mother’s pains and benefits / To laughter and contempt, that she may feel— / That she may feel / How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is / To have a thankless child.—Away, away!” spoken by the eponymous protagonist of King Lear in Act 1 Scene 4 as written by somebody whose name I forget. :) — tchrist 3 mins ago
@terdon Sad panda.
@Cerberus Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
2:37 AM
That is how I would understand it, too. I have no idea who “him” is, though, nor who these four-legged men are; and a brief Googly look at the context it appears in made me none the wiser. (Yes, I admit it: I am a troglodytic philistine—I have not read The Tempest and do not know what it’s about.) — Janus Bahs Jacquet 18 hours ago
Be that as it may, at least he’s an honest troglodytic philistine.
3:23 AM
@tchrist Which poet art thou?
I see Janus has lots of pictures on the Internet, by the way.
Un poeta lorquino.
Where is that?
@Cerberus Has he now? I saw one once.
Just Google his name.
One can see various parts of him.
But what of all his imposters?
3:26 AM
I don't think he has any.
Ah, Lorca, that is a familiar name.
@Cerberus Yokay.
Not that part.
At least I didn't chance upon it.
I did.
You did!
3:31 AM
If he put it up, I presume it's public?
I presume.
He appears to be left handed.
I refuse to paste it here. I’m sure you will come upon it in time.
Is it...insouciant?
Which album?
Or isn't it albo?
Page 2, I think. Killed by laundry.
3:33 AM
Killed by laundry?
Oh, that.
Well, you must be imagining things.
I am deliriously exhausted, and was bound for bed when you plonked.
Then go.
I should go too.
At least we had our imaginary bit enjoyment.
Got 3" of snow today. It is still doing something now. The mountains are getting 3', the foothills 1', Denver 4", and me somewhere between the last two.
Jesus, still?
It's summer here.
“April is the cruelest month.”
That’s cold.
3:38 AM
Aprilletje zoet heeft nog wel eens een witte hoed.
It was 75 day before yesterday, and has been in the 80s already.
Can you guess what that means? It rhymes, of course.
Your weather is just out of whack.
like something a white head?
Hoofd = head.
Hoed = hat.
Does it never snow there in April? April is our snowiest month.
3:40 AM
Well, the says says it sometimes does.
We really need the moisture. The 3' in the mountains will be good for the snowpack.
Little April sweet sometimes had a white hat.
I covered some tender things.
With laundry?
I am in his position right now: too much laundry. Except mine is my dryer.
> April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade,
And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,
And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.
Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch.
And when we were children, staying at the arch-duke’s,
The lilacs are in bloom.
It’s got more polyglot than most Americans put up with.
German, Italian, French.
I don’t know what the poem means, mind you.
But the first line is oft quoted.
3:47 AM
I know that line.
But none of the others.
I am going before I drop of exhaustion. Good night. You should sleep soon.
4:03 AM
@tchrist Adios!
5 hours later…
8:37 AM
@Mitch Thanks. So in this context if I say "bringing to your household" or "delivering to your household" the latter implies delivery compared to just "bringing"? I mean bringing alone can mean production of product only?
@Mitch What if I only provide and someone else does the actual delivery? I think delivering is better suited for local businesses who actually do deliveries like pizza, sushi?
1 hour later…
9:55 AM
A: How does 'on' + 'against, toward' mean 'again'?

Janus Bahs JacquetIt’s a matter of weeding out the right meanings and tracing them throughout the centuries. The exact original meaning of the second element in again is not entirely sure. It can be confidently traced back to a Proto-Germanic *gagino- or *gagano-, which is most likely some kind of reduplicated fo...

10:33 AM
@tchrist: Do you use zsh?
@Robusto Now that's weird. I was just looking up a zsh builtin and passed by this tab to find your message. And no, I don't really use zsh but a lot of the U&L regulars do. Do you have a question?
@terdon Yeah, but if you don't use it you wouldn't know the answer.
My issue is with the fact that it sometimes seems to lose the effect of my .zsh file.
Hmm, none of our resident U&L zsh experts are in the chat right now so I can't help. We have a couple of true gurus there though and they always answer zsh questions if you care to post one.
I use iTerm on the Mac and I have it set to on invoking a new tab to call my 'rebazh' alias (borrowed from 'rebash', the alias I use in bash to run source .bash_profile. In this case it means cd && source .zsh. But sometimes that seems not to take. And sometimes in the middle of a session I will have to go run that again.
@Robusto No, tcsh for ancient reasons strictly related to interactive features, never for programming.
If cd fails, click your ruby slippers three times.
10:43 AM
cd has never failed me. It has pulled me out of many an abyss.
@Robusto And it fails? Where are you setting the rebash alias? OSX, for reasons of its own, has decided to make interactive shells login shells by default. This means that the normal shell init files (~/.bashrc and presumably ~/.zshrc) are not read. Could that be it?
@terdon No, both of those get read. But you're not supposed to blithely edit those files, and zsh has an include file called .zsh, which is where I put all my junk.
Although to be honest, I have to say that sometimes it "forgets" simple stuff that should be in the path. Like mvn, for example.
Post a question on Unix & Linux. I can just about flat guarantee it will get the attention of either Gilles or Stéphane.
Hmm, good idea.
Q: zsh keeps forgetting PATH vars

RobustoI'm using [oh-my-zsh] in iTerm on MacBook running Mavericks. I have iTerm set to source my .zsh file on load, and mostly that works. cd && source .zsh Except when it doesn't. Sometimes, even in the middle of a session, it will forget my environment vars and aliases. If that happens, even bas...

11:00 AM
@Robusto Welcome aboard!
@Robusto the zsh user guide suggests that ~/.zshrc is the right place for aliases.
> You may be able to think of some aliases you want to define in your startup files; .zshrc is probably the right place.
Hmm, OK.
I'll put all that stuff in there then. There's a lot.
That will be read each time you start a new shell. On a normal *nix, I'd tell you to use ~/.zprofile instead but on OSX, I think that will also be read for each new shell so there's not much point.
@terdon One other thing. Can you explain to me why some shell scripts need to be called from the directory they're in and some don't?
11:08 AM
@Robusto I can only think that the scripts themselves contain relative paths so they break when run from elsewhere.
That's probably it.
I hate relative paths, but sometimes there's no getting around them.
But maybe there's some kind of shell command that says "Here's the path to the script. Run it from that directory, please." Maybe @tchrist would know.
What I want to avoid is having to change directory just to run a script.
@Robusto You really shouldn't need to. If you do, that's a bug in the script. You could, however, use a subshell so that you end up in the same directory you started from:
( cd ~/scripts/; ./foo.sh )
{ cd ~/scripts/; ./foo.sh; }
Hmm, good idea.
@terdon You wrote: "So, you might want to create a file called ~/aliasrc and source it (. means source) from your ~/.zshrc." Do you mean ". . . create a file called ~/.aliasrc . . . "?
11:22 AM
@Robusto Indeed I did, thanks.
thank you for the answer
You can actually call it ~/aliasrc, the dot just makes it a hidden file and the convention is to have rc files hidden. The shell doesn't care though, having it hidden is optional.
@Robusto np. I like learning about this kind of thing.
@terdon So nowhere did your information .zsh. I can't remember now where I was told to use that file. Maybe that in itself could be a problem?
@Robusto Yes, I was thinking the same. I'm guessing you're explicitly sourcing it from somewhere. I don't think it's a standard file.
11:38 AM
I've put everything in the .zshrc file, including aliases. Everything works on startup; now we'll see if it keeps working through extended sessions. The symptoms are not present on terminal invocation, only after a terminal window has been open a long time.
@Robusto That is very strange. Time shouldn't be an issue. If you're seeing that, there's something odd going on.
@terdon Right? Maybe having things in .zshrc will solve all that. We'll see.
@Robusto No. That kinda doesn't make sense. "I hate commands that chdir" --Boyd Roberts
It confuses process cwd with program path.
You can make an alias that'd like "(cd somewhere; cmd)" in a subshell but that seems weird.
If you want to be somewhere, normally you just go there.
Makefiles do this.
Lots of nested cds + recursive makes, sometimes with ./cmds
Note that that is handwriting.
@JohanLarsson Funny addresses in your country. ;)
12:02 PM
@tchrist Yeah, I guess I have to get over my fussiness about being profligate with shells. Unix is a shell game!
On branch release
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/release' by 1 commit.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Huh? How can I be ahead of 'origin/release' by 1 commit if I have nothing to commit?
@terdon ^^
No idea. I don't git.
You already committed locally.
Hmm, I must have forgot that I committed last night.
I keep forgetting that in git, "commit" doesn't mean what it does in svn.
12:46 PM
@Boris_yo 'delivery' means that you drove up to your house in a truck with the package. 'bringing' is vaguer/metaphorical; it includes delivery but also includes 'making available'. GEs advertisement 'We bring good things to life', it's not literal.
@Robusto exactly the problem with git. what it does is great but it's a foreign language with all false friends.
@Mitch But I need something that excludes 'delivery' itself :)
We manifest is close...
@tchrist Look closely at same letters... you'll notice that they're identical: it's a typeset 'handwritten' font.
@Boris_yo Don't use 'manifest'. Very jarring. Way too formal.
create? develop? manufacture?
none of those sound right either.
@Robusto Don't get me started. Somebody could get hurt.
1:36 PM
Indian colleague just told me he'll be busy at home till 12 but he'll be in the office around 11.
Perhaps he lives in part of his office?
@tchrist Ohh I love it, that's cute.
2:09 PM
@Robusto typo? in the office around 1? time travel allowable only right after 12noon back to 11am: so he'll be at home busy at 11am but later in his world timeline in the office at 11am?
@tchrist yep
2:25 PM
@Mitch No, I remarked that it must be great to have a time machine and he just laughed. He stuck to his estimate.
But my point is that I don't have a high degree of confidence in communication between Boston and the subcontinent.
2:37 PM
What an incredibly useless piece of advice, too. If you see someone drowning, call 911, we'll be there in 15 minutes or so and fish out the body.
@Robusto You could just ask outright "So what would be a good time/place to call you?"
@terdon indeed
15 minutes is optimistic.
Except if they already have boats patrolling the beach.
2:45 PM
I guess the reasoning is to stop people from attempting to save them. That would probably result in two people drowning unless the rescuer knows what they're doing.
@Cerberus Yeah, right: "Operator, I see someone drowning", "Yes sir, were exactly?", "Umm, the beach?"
@terdon Ah, yes. Then put that on the sign!
@terdon Well, there could be markings, it could be near a café on the beach, you could send your location via your telephone...
True, true. I'm just imagining the convesation going like "Y'know, like, in the sea, dude!"
I suppose it depends on how densely populated the area is.
@crl Looks like Nantucket Schadenfreude.
@Robusto Which is nothing like Hyannisport Weltschmerz
2:54 PM
There is no Weltschmerz in Hyannisparty.
Just one big Kopfschmerz
And a blitzkrieg
No seriously I don't get your jokes :)
There's not much to get. 'Puns are the lowest form of humanity' somebody like Oscar Wilde never said.
@crl Good, that's a sign of a healthy mind.
3:09 PM
@RegDwigнt As long as they work...
@Cerberus but that's the thing. They don't.
> Das Problem mit den gefälschten Akkus: Die Lebensdauer ist meist kürzer als beim Original.
I see.
Additionally, the point is not that they are counterfeit. Anyone is welcome to buy a counterfeit battery pack, it costs just a couple bucks. The problem is that these packs were declared as genuine, and the full price for the original product was charged.
Basically they sell you a Ferrari, charge you for a Ferrari, and then they send you a Volvo.
But batteries branded as Samsung are often that that expensive on Ebay and such.
3:25 PM
@RegDwigнt Volvos work.
@terdon yes! And for just two million bucks, you may pretend yours is a Ferrari!
An excellent deal for everyone involved.
Especially the sellers of Ferari.
(typo intentional)
Especially the sellers of Vulva-
(typo unintentional)
Shameless, Oscar Wilde was right.
Oscar went Wilde.
3:37 PM
@RegDwigнt And Wilde won an Oscar
The greatest show on Earth.
Dedicated to bring products for your household still sounds best and under "bring" I assume "make" so we are making products for your household and only distributors are "bringing" in sense of "delivering to household"

"To bring" sounds better versus "to bringing"
@Boris_yo No, you can't say dedicated to bring, you need the gerund, bringing
3:53 PM
@terdon Because "dedicated to bring" sounds like one-time effort and "to bringing" sounds like constant activity?
@Boris_yo More because dedicated to bring is grammatically wrong.
Dedicated licenses gerunds.
Hi @RegDwigнt long time no see.
@JasperLoy Hey and same to you!
Congrats @Robusto for 100k finally.
@terdon I just saw you yesterday, LOL.
@Boris_yo that's just one of those weird things. I had asked a question about a similar thing, have a look:
Q: Why is "I refuse running" wrong?

terdonI got into a discussion with another user in the comments section of this question. We disagreed over the following phrases: I refuse running. I decline running. To me, they are both clearly wrong. The correct forms of the above sentences would be: I refuse to run. I decline t...

@JasperLoy Well, yes, but not here :)
3:58 PM
I just learnt that the star limit is not just per day but per room.
@Boris_yo Basically, "each verb “licenses” complements of specific types."
So although I used up my stars in one room I still can star in other rooms.
And dedicated needs a gerund.
@JasperLoy Nice, I didn't know there were limits. I've never had to star so often.
@terdon But I did not count. I am not sure if it is 10 or 15 or 20.
@terdon How about "committed to bring"?
4:02 PM
@Boris_yo Nope, bringing again. You could say decided to bring but I don't think you'll be able to avoid the gerund with any verb that fits here. What's wrong with committed to bringing?
4:14 PM
@Robusto In the ui thing there is a pretty nice view of where branches are in time.
you can probably get the command prompt to draw some ascii art
@terdon Committed sounds like guarantee of some kind...
4:36 PM
@Boris_yo Well, it's marketinspeak which sounds silly by definition, but we're committed to bringing is a classic phrase in that sort of thing.
Mar 27 at 11:42, by terdon
Hey, @Robusto made 100K! I missed that, well done!
You're late to the party, @Jasper.
@JohanLarsson What UI thing? Gitx?
I use Git Extensions, dunno if it is the same thing
I renders a pretty clean view of branches
I try to to rebase before push for a nice linear history
Local commits are nice
There is a squash command if you want to purge wip commits when you push
think the command is called rebase interactive then
@JasperLoy: But thanks for your congrats anyway.
@JohanLarsson I got into a nightmare scenario with git the other day. Someone had fucked up a merge and suddenly a whole lot of java files appeared in my repo as though I had modified them.
I'm coming to the view that git is for those hard-core geeks whose eyes used to light up when they were about to edit a config file in an early version of Windows.
hmm I don't agree
If you keep it simple git just works ime
Very different from tfs & svn
Well, but somehow it's never all that simple, is it?
4:47 PM
it is a methodology thing not git's fault imo
speaking from ivory tower
with git I'm surprised how it figures all things out
with tfs/svn I'm surprised by how it manages to mess simple things up
Well, I'm no fan of svn.
I'm an hg man, myself.
mercurial is also pretty nice, have not usd it much but never had issues with it
2 hours later…
6:57 PM
@Boris_yo 'dedicated' is followed by a prepositional phrase 'to X' where X is a noun phrase, and a gerund 'bringing' can be the noun in a noun phrase.
You're not following 'dedicated' with an infinitive (that's your mistake).
So it should be "Dedicated to bringing products for your household". On second thought, 'bringing' is not the right choice because here it expects a 'where'. And so 'for your household' sounds weird because one wants it to say 'to your household' which is not what you want. So I think you don't want the action of transport (bring or take). Rather "Dedicated to creating products for your household".
I don't think you want 1 half of a pair of pants. — Mitch 53 secs ago
7:16 PM
@Mitch: That was good enough for Long John Silver. — Robusto 3 mins ago
@Mitch You are too dedicated to lose this argument, I applaud you.
@Mitch That, and it is simply meaningless advertisese.
8:14 PM
@tchrist maybe you like this
9:02 PM
bringing dedicated household for your products to
9:30 PM
sad because I think he's going to die
Perhaps he's just playing, like a cat?
@crl I think snakes can puke
@JohanLarsson Wow, that is fantastic!
All that sound just coming from the passing of tubes.
i must sleep nite
9:38 PM
@MattE.Эллен Hi! How is your arm?
@JohanLarsson Early!
2 hours later…
11:55 PM
Someone post something

Something long

Sorry, don't like seeing animals being tortured to death.
Call me crazy.

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