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12:02 AM
VN translation seems to be pretty slow also, but the project at least exists. They have 4 translators, but given the size of the VN and the likelihood that at least some of them burn out, it'll probably be well over a year before we get a complete patch.
Also no updates for the past month, which is not a good sign. One month isn't enough to conclude anything, but if they don't give any more updates for another 2 months we can probably conclude that it's abandoned.
@LoganM I found one VN forum that was updated on the 13th of April.
It may be a different translation group, but it was there.
I also have the answer to the tongue-twister one but I'm going to see if anyone else dares to answer it before I do.
@Eric You're correct, and it's the same group.
which typically is a good sign.
Only through 15.7% of the common route though, which sucks. Plus, that's unhelpful to anyone for that question because I'm fairly sure that answer will not be in the common route (since that's the one the anime took, I think).
Hey @Krazer
oh hai thar
@Eric Common route isn't a route. It's the content before you enter one of the routes. Anime did some common route stuff, a little bit of each route, and a decent amount of Miu's route.
12:13 AM
Ah, gotcha.
As for the translation, VN translation is a strange business. VNs typically have about 2-3 times as much dialogue as anime, and are very long (probably around 30 hours in this case). So that's like translating over 100 episodes of anime. Very good translators can do a project of this size solo in a couple of months, but I've seen shorter games take years or get abandoned completely.
Yeah. The worst part of translating, I've learned, is not the translation itself (with some exceptions). Much of it is times for subtitles (timing it with the episode), or the dialog controls for VNs.
Based on observation, of course, not experience.
@Eric For VNs, cracking the engine isn't actually very bad. Nowadays there are tools that are built to work for most game engines, and groups can just take those. It really only takes one expert on that sort of thing to get a project completed most of the time. In most cases the translation itself and editing is the longest part.
For anime, though, typesetting and timing are typically also pretty time consuming. Typesetters generally start on signs before they even have any translation, and that part runs concurrently. For an individual anime episode, translation might take 1-2 hours for an experienced person, with another hour for editing, but typesetting probably takes well over 3 hours.
I haven't joined any VN translation groups because most of them fail in translation stage. It's too likely that other people will get bored of it and quit, and I myself can't guarantee that I'll have much time for it in the future. I have done some work on TLWiki projects, but those are different since the projects are openly available for anyone to contribute.
I feel like that should be how most translations work.
Why not have them out in the open? Who knows.
What's a VN? /clueless
12:26 AM
@WendiKidd Visual novel
@Eric VN translation originally started with the same mindset as anime fansubbing. It wouldn't be possible for anime to be done in the open. For one, the translation is done line by line, and editors follow it as it's done. Editors also expand abbreviations. Plus, for anime, the only way groups are able to succeed is if they build a reputation of quality and speed, which isn't really compatible with working openly. New members have to pass fairly difficult tests to be admitted.
Nowadays, TLWiki has had some success and they generally have fairly high quality releases, so there isn't so much opposition to it. But there's also no way to build a reputation for yourself, and if you have high quality standards it's hard to maintain that in a wiki format. You'll generally find yourself just deleting contributions by others.
If we can make real-world production software open-source and contributable, it can be done for VNs. Like, even if you need a certain skill level to participate, that's manageable in a system similar to source control. Editors can still have final say or exclude people from contributing if need be.
@Eric How do you think TLWiki operates?
@LoganM Probably a lot like a regular Wiki, but I can't say for sure.
@Eric It's essentially exactly what you've described. Each project has set editors and they can control who can contribute. The scripts are readable by anyone, but if the editor chooses they can limit contributions to certain users and require others to contact him directly if they want to contribute.
The point, though, is that many of the people who are qualified to undertake in such a large project are very good, and they can do the full translation by themselves. There isn't much to gain for them to make the project open, since contributions by others will tend to be lower quality.
12:40 AM
I see.
I do wish I could find a site that just had readable translations, though.
I've never looked at TLWiki but it would have made the Steins;Gate question a lot easier to answer.
12:57 AM
Our avid user count hasn't gone up in 16 days.
1:30 AM
@Eric It just went up.
That doesn't really solve the problem though. We need more people to be joining and contributing. Right now we really only have a dozen or so active users.
Yeah, considering we have 360 v/d our activity isn't very high.
That's what I'm more concerned about; not hitting 86, but remaining steady like we were before.
I completely agree. I didn't upvote him to over 200 because we need more avid users, but because the posts were ones that I'd normally upvote anyway.
Except for ELL, we have the highest Q/D-to-V/D ratio nearby.
Though we have less overall users than Robots or C(hinese)LU.
BTW @Eric the Tonnura-san one can be answered just by reading the English-translated manga carefully, which is only 14 chapters. That one is probably the easiest of mine today.
lol, I'm only 5 chapters into Attack on Titan. I'll gladly answer that one after the 23rd if it's still not answered by then.
I should have been studying today, but the material is so badly laid out that I don't know where to start, so I just slacked off. But I really can't make that excuse tomorrow or Monday.
1:37 AM
@Eric Yeah, our content isn't getting a lot of visits, but we do have fairly active members.
@LoganM Yeah. The users we have are very dedicated. Even Deidara-senpai, who's busy all the time, still visits almost every day to check the site. (And I assume he'll be back to Q&A soon, too.)
But finding users like that--who aren't occupied on other sites already--is a challenge.
2:30 AM
Arduino beta is getting closed. Apparently not enough volume (though their volume wasn't that low--some sites with comparable numbers have made it to private beta), and also the fact that Arduino is on topic on EE (which IMO is the big reason).
Though I'm not surprised, I was pretty sure it didn't have enough of a following on its own (without EE users).
App Stores

Proposed Q&A site for developers with questions about the technical, business, and legal aspects of submitting thier app to an App Store on any platform.

Currently in definition.

Look what's back!
@Eric I don't see why this proposal even exists, let alone as successful as it was last time.
I know. Any Google Play questions go to the Android SE, Apple App Store to Apple SE, and WP and BlackBerry are getting their own as well. I can hardly see a group of experts in "App Stores" in general.
@Eric They had over 80 questions, and easily could have made it to 100 by the end of their second week (which is what is usually considered the minimum to get out of private beta). The problem is that most of their questions were things that EE people could already answer, possibly better than right now. The only real argument they had for making their own site was that the EE community's standards are too high for basic questions.
@LoganM ELL did fine on that basis. Though it is slightly different.
I have no idea how this isn't closed:
Network Threat Detection

Proposed Q&A site for Network Engineers, IT security, System Admins

Currently in definition.

It even says in the description: "IT Security".
2:38 AM
@Eric ELL had no problems with volume though. Arduino was shaping up to be like "EE for beginners" except focused on Arduino stuff.
@Eric Make a discussion about it. It does seem to be covered by existing sites and much further proposals.
Does this post look familiar at all?
Q: Let's try again for an Espionage proposal

Camil StapsProposals: Espionage, Espionage [closed] The Espionage proposal was closed after spending over 2 years in Area51. This is a site I very much would like to see as a part of the network. We didn't really do anything wrong last time, so let's just try again, and hopefully it will go faster this tim...

Compare to my post:
Q: Let's try again for an Etiquette site

Logan MProposal: Etiquette Proposal: Etiquette [closed] The etiquette proposal was closed today after spending over 2 years in Area51, but it was near to the required 200 commitments. This is a site I very much would like to see as a part of the network. We didn't really do anything wrong last time, s...

@LoganM Apparently you have a way with words.
2:48 AM
me iz ghud at teh inglush raiting
@LoganM u shld go 2 teh harvardz
@Eric I almost did, but they wanted way more money than it was worth for me.
Pfft. They're sponges.
Man, we should just make "Everything" as a Q&A site, then close StackOverflow as a duplicate (as well as all other SE sites).
This entire thing could be handled with tagging.
@Eric It's been tried before, and closed as NAVP
@LoganM Of course, because they don't want to kick SO out. :P
I wonder who proposed Area 51. Proposalception.
2:56 AM
@Eric There was a proposal for Area51 in some other language a while ago. I suspect it was closed and deleted.
There was also a Sleeping proposal. But it's gone now.
It certainly doesn't seem to exist anymore, at the very least.
@Eric That one's probably due to inactivity. They wouldn't normally close a proposal like that otherwise unless it was clearly a troll proposal. Or it could have been closed as a duplicate of some other proposal..
Yeah. It was back in November 2011 so probably not a dupe.
It could be a dupe of Cognitive Sciences at this point, though.
FWIW, sleep is on topic on CogSci.
Also, Atheism/Agnosticism got closed as a duplicate of Philosophy. What the trucking heck.
3:00 AM
@Eric That one I'm fine with. I used to have a problem with it, but after hearing the arguments on both sides, the only real argument for the site is that the people who were making the site didn't really like any of the exiting fora for atheism discussions.
@LoganM I don't see religion as anything akin to philosophy, and the absence of religion (or questioning of religion) is no different.
There are philosophical concepts that apply to both, but the same can apply to any school of thought.
In other news, there's been no announcements so far as to the future of Big Data, but they have even less volume than Arduino. It isn't looking too good for them.
4 days, 24 questions... Ouch.
@Eric The problem is that Atheism, the absence of religion, is not a topic about which constructive questions can be asked. It is not a school of thought. Most of the questions that were asked on the atheism proposal were about things like secular humanism, which is very much covered by philosophy. The remaining ones were mostly not constructive by SE standards.
@LoganM I don't necessarily think it's a viable proposal. But of all the reasons to be closed, being a dupe of philosophy is not a good one.
3:09 AM
@Eric Honestly, IMO they shouldn't have to give a reason for closing proposals. Doing so in most cases will only lead to more debate.
@LoganM Then the debater gets downvoted into oblivion, flagged, deleted, whatever. It's better than a legitimate user wondering why his proposal was closed for a bogus reason, IMO.
@Eric The difficulty is that for all but the most obvious cases, the close reasons are not sufficient to describe the full reason why the site is being closed. Almost every time a fairly advanced site is closed as a duplicate it's controversial. I suppose custom reasons could work, but it's really not worth the time. The important thing on Area51 is the proposals, not the users, so confusing a few users to close a bad proposal is a reasonable tradeoff.
@LoganM I guess. I just think "Not Constructive" would have been a better reason. ("Likely to solicit debate" is the best way to sum up atheist discussion forums exchange networks.)
BTW there was an Atheism beta site, which pretty much failed, a while ago: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/2732/atheism
Yeah, I remember that site. I found it on day 92. xD
Answer ratio: 6.3
Even our meta isn't that high.
3:23 AM
Based on what little I can see of the site, it seems very subjective. Admittedly, there are some SE sites which have succeeded despite that (Cooking and Parenting come to mind) but SE works better when the subjective content is kept to a minimum.
Parenting is a hard one, I'm amazed it succeeded.
But it's weird. On our SE, even when we tell people to be subjective, it's rare.
Our site is pretty factually oriented. Not to the level of the science sites, but I think we probably have less subjective content than at least half of the SE sites.
lol parenting has the funniest questions:
Q: Preschooler can't sing, but sings anyway - loudly!

Torben Gundtofte-BruunMy 3½ year old has never had any sense of music, rhythm, notes, or anything resembling the musical arts. (Motor skills is where he truly excels; he's a sports person, not a musician.) Recently, he has begun to sing loudly all afternoon, literally for hours on end. It's not words, just random sou...

Yeah, but see "How do we get more answers?" There are still questions where a subjective PoV would be useful, but no one's stepped up.
@LoganM I was just reading that xD
@Eric Sure, but we shouldn't be sacrificing quality to do that.
@LoganM Sacrificing quality and having good subjective answers are not mutually inclusive, though.
Q: Where did Gary get these badges from?

looperIn Episode 63 of the Pokémon anime, it can be seen that Gary has ten badges, seven of them unknown. The known badges are Boulder Badge (top left), the Cascade Badge (bottom left), and the Rainbow Badge (next to the boulder badge). Where are the other seven from? And why are there ten of them?...

This question, for example.
I can think of at least two answers that are subjective but not wrong.
3:29 AM
@Eric Agreed, but for our topic, subjective questions which are still high quality are more difficult to come up with.
@Eric By subjective, do you mean speculative? IMO they aren't really the same thing.
@LoganM Why's that? If you have an opinion, back it up and maybe find a source or two. Maybe I'm just thinking too highly of the average user, but I don't think it's difficult.
@LoganM I guess that has some truth to it. Subjective is more based on opinion, the other is based on conjecture. But I think they overlap greatly.
@Eric No, they are completely different. Speculative answers are answers to a factual question which are not appropriately sourced, either because of a lack of sources confirming it or because the answer is wrong. Subjective answers are only appropriate to opinionated questions--that is, questions which could not have a single correct answer, even in principle.
I could very easily give speculative answers to every question on the site. Most of them would be wrong, but they'd still be speculative answers. But an opinionated answer on most of our questions would be not an answer at all.
@LoganM I don't think either of those are entirely true. Speculative answers can exist to non-factual questions. And subjective can be subjective even if there is a single correct answer. "Why did X do Y?" "I believe X did Y because I think ..." is both speculative and subjective.
You are forming a conjecture based on opinion, which--by definition--is both speculation and a subjective response.
Q: Does Doraemon have any gadgets which involve fruits in the anime?

Logan MI've found several fruit-related products which are also Doraemon-related. For instance, here's a coloring book: Here are some Doraemon plushies holding fruits: I don't really know what these are but they seem to involve Doraemon and fruit: However, I can't find any fruit-related gadgets...

@Eric In SE terminology, such an answer would be speculative, but not subjective. It's good practice to omit the "I believe..." part (in general, not just on SE) as it is clearly redundant given the context of the post.
3:38 AM
voted to close this.. how did it slip by cleanup? seems offtopic when looked at now
@LoganM I'm going by dictionary definitions, I don't know how SE defines them.
@iKlsR How is it off-topic?
fruit-related gadgets..
@iKlsR In an anime.
@iKlsR Doraemon is clearly on topic IMO.
Sure, it's a strange question, but that doesn't make it off-topic.
3:40 AM
Only watched a bit of the anime.. and seeing it was on apr 1
Not all the Apr.1 jokes were off-topic, tho.
Only around 8-10 of them (out of 24) were "bad".
IMO it would be acceptable to ask right now if Doraemon has any gadgets for making tea. Not that it's a fairly interesting question in general, but that doesn't make it off-topic.
it seemed to blend with those on meta and had no comments
If you think it's a bad question, you should downvote it, but IMO it's not anywhere near off-topic.
What do we do about this?
Q: How are manhwa and manhua received in Japan?

coleopteristHow popular are Korean manhwa and Chinese manhua in Japan? Is there a market for them as localized manga?

2 votes to reopen, 2 to leave closed, but no mods nor any 2k+s have given a vote. I'm not sure what to think myself.
3:44 AM
@Eric I say reopen it.
Do you think it's constructive?
again our views are skewed
it doesn't relate directly to anime and is extremely localized
@Eric Sure, why not?
@LoganM then why was it closed as offtopic?
hasty judgement?
@iKlsR Because originally, our scope did not include manhwa and manhua. Now it does.
3:47 AM
fair enough
Q: Should we expand our scope?

Madara UchihaThe way I see it, we need to expand our scope a little bit, to be able to accept questions from a far wider audience. Very few people only watch anime/read manga. Most of them watch other series and play games related to the ones they watch. So in the spirit of expanding our site on the social ...

hrrm. k
@LoganM I just can't see it being backed up by facts and such. But I'll reopen for now and abstain from judgment for now.
As for the constructive part, it will be hard to definitively answer for anyone not in Japan, but that isn't a bar on it being constructive. The only possible reason I see to close it now is that it's localized to Japanese culture, but then again it's about Japanese manga culture, which I think is pretty squarely within our scope.
I honestly don't think you could ask a "Too localized" question on our site.
At least, not one that didn't fall under another close reason.
3:52 AM
@Eric It can't be backed up by statistics, but it can certainly be backed up by anyone who knows about manga in Japan firsthand. For instance, they could answer it by saying that "Most shops which carry manga also carry popular manhwa, such as The Breaker and Tower of God". It might be hard to verify that, but it would at least count as an answer.
... Geez, every time I see Krazer's pinned message, I think "Phone Microwave (name subject to change)".
@LoganM That's true. We need more Japanese! :P
@LoganM @Eric true, a good percentage of answers on the site are opinionated and aren't explicit
its anime for gosh' sake.. heheh
@iKlsR No. It's Sparta.
That's right.
3:56 AM
@Eric this is blasphemy, no man dares call anime sparta
I must be a woman, then. Guess I'll change my avatar to Lust.
still pissed at the ending of spartacus but it was inevitable
@Eric XD
cats made of donuts.. wtf
talking skulls.. wtf
@iKlsR Hamlet?
@Eric donyatsu
not really a shakespearian
(if thats how its spelt or those wackos are called)
is there a cat called hamlet?
dunno.. only read a few pages
@iKlsR In Donyatsu? I don't remember any.
That series is really hard for me to read, btw. First, it makes me want donuts. Then I remember that they're cats. After realizing this, I gradually descend into existential dread.
4:08 AM
I hate wanting donuts. There's a donut shop 10 mins walking from my house.
I also like how Chrome spell checker recognizes "donuts" but not "donut".
It just reminds me of something extremely weird..
at times i think fairy tail is softcore hentai..
@iKlsR Fairy Tail? The shounen anime with wizards by the guy who wrote Rave Master?
4:13 AM
I thought that one was a kids show.
fucks no
i rank it awesome
there was this one episode.. a swimsuit contest.. hrrm
yep.. hentai
Swimsuit contest != hentai. Pretty much every anime I know of has swimsuit episodes.
See you guys tomorrow, if I don't suicide while studying first.
@LoganM you would have to be the judge of that one
@Eric o/
Just checked the Sankaku article on the thing. I didn't really see anything bad. They even censored the nudity. Seems like a pretty family-friendly show IMO.
4:18 AM
That being said, I regularly watch shows with lots of nudity, up to and including some hentai, so your standards might be different.
My first time posting a bounty on my question, let's see if I get any response at all now...
Hopefully the only point wasn't trading 50 rep for a bronze badge =P
@Danalog Good luck. Both of the bounties I posted aren't looking like they'll get answered.
@Danalog i deeply regretted my first :P
@iKlsR What question was your first?
@LoganM Mine probably is the same. I don't know if there is an answer, I just really want to know it if there is.
Q: What is the origin of the face fault?

iKlsRIn many anime, when characters are surprised or seen to do something stupid, the other characters will sometimes fall or keel over on their faces in some comical positions with their legs in the air. Where did this originate and is it used in any other case and or culture where stupidity or shock...

4:46 AM
@LoganM I've been thinking about it for a couple weeks, I finally decided I'd rather potentially know the answer then have the 50 rep =)
It wasn't exactly what i wanted but the guy gave a good link and got half the rep
Huh, one answer that got 25 points? I guess I don't understand how this works exactly.
TBH I did mine because I wanted the badges. But I need it to get answered to get both badges, otherwise it was a waste of rep.
Really, I'll take any answer to mine that gives me any interesting info, after a few days.
I don't know how to link questions.
@Danalog If your question gets answered with a +2 or higher answer but you don't award the bounty to it, half of the bounty still goes to the answer.
4:48 AM
I was just practicing what i preached on meta by offering up an incentive
@Danalog Just post the URL with nothing else into the chat window
Q: Do the various kingdoms in The Twelve Kingdoms have historical basis?

DanalogThe world of The Twelve Kingdoms seems quite rich, with a complicated history of the kingdoms, and a backstory of major world events and people. What I'm wondering is, are the Twelve Kingdoms based on historical kingdoms, or just created from whole cloth?

test... neat!
Hey, a rate up, at least that puts me back over 500 rep, thanks =)
np :P
I really loved that anime series, but it seems like nobody knows much about it
Not very popular.. didn't even get to finish the light novel series.
/me shares it to Facebook, also expecting no response
4:53 AM
feeling lazy.. link me to the manga
There is no manga!
Like, with words.
12 Kingdoms isn't that obscure (probably it's among the top 500 anime series or so by popularity), but we don't have a lot of users so it's hard to get anyone who's an expert on it.
And no pictures.
4:54 AM
@Danalog I thought it was a light novel
Oh, maybe I don't know what a light novel means!
I thought light novel meant novella series for youth?
@Danalog Light novels have some illustrations. Typically one per chapter or something. A 200 page novel might have 10 illustrations.
:"Ranobe" redirects here. For the Madagascar locality, see Berevo-Ranobe. A is a style of Japanese novel primarily targeting middle and high school students (young adult demographic). "Light novel" is a wasei-eigo, or a Japanese term formed from words in the English language. Such short, light novels are often called or LN in the West. They are typically not more than 40,000–50,000 words long (the shorter ones being equivalent to a novella in US publishing terms), rarely exceed 200 pages, often have dense publishing schedules, are usually published in bunkobon size, and are often ill...
4:56 AM
yep, that ain't getting answered. ;)
Interesting that it has its own name, since lots of youth novels in the US have illustrations between chapters and nobody calls them that =P
So if nobody answers, the 50 rep just sort of vanishes, right?
That's pretty sad.
Yep, i pulled out some hairs too
@Danalog They'd also be called "Light Novels" in Japanese. It's a waseigo term. But in the west it usually exclusively refers to Japanese-origin stuff.
/me googles "waseigo"
are Japanese pseudo-Anglicisms: English constructions not used in the English-speaking world or by native English speakers, but that appear in Japanese. This should not be confused for foreign words gairaigo, which generally refer to words from European languages, especially English. Wasei-eigo is also distinct from Engrish, as these are actual Japanese words used in Japanese conversation—not attempts at speaking English. These include acronyms and initialisms particular to Japan—see list of Japanese Latin alphabetic abbreviations. Wasei-eigo can be compared to , which are Japanese pseudo...
4:59 AM
I took one semester of Japanese in college =/
This site has become a way for me to calm down while having work on trouble tickets over the weekend =P
Q: What should we do about multi-part questions?

kuwalyI was reading What exactly happened to Tsubasa Chronicle ending? and, as I commented on it, it is really multiple questions. There is the question asked in the title, which is really different than the two questions asked in the body, which are different from each other. What should we do about q...

5:17 AM
That's a good one.
Q: Is there a difference in drawing style between different anime for different demographics?

kuwalyI know that every anime (and manga) has a different drawing style depending on who drew it. Clearly these aren't drawn by the same person. However, are there any set or common differences in drawing or animation styles between those targeting different demographics (shojo, shonen, seinen, j...

5:33 AM
I just realized that I should have been asleep 2 hours ago.
@Danalog はいはい
You too whatever that means!
10 hours later…
4:03 PM
4:26 PM
where can I get yesterday's transcript?
nvm, found it
Good. :3
Editing tag wikis, im looking at some of the others and they have pictures, is it best if they do?
Q: Is it worth adding images to tag wikis?

Jon LinSince anime and manga is a visual medium, would it be a big benefit to add a small image to anime and manga tags (as in, the cowboy-bebop tag wiki would have a small image of the series). It would be similar to the small image you see on the wikipedia pages for these anime and manga, small image ...

It's not necessary, but it's nice.
aye aye
2 hours later…
6:28 PM
Anyone want some purple potato ice cream?
7:18 PM
Q: Can someone become a good Anime/Manga artist without natural talent?

commandoI'm not sure if this sort of question is on-topic here, but this is the closest SE site I've found. I'm a university student who simply cannot draw. I never could. But I always wanted to. And since I was introduced to anime a couple years ago, I've really really wanted to draw anime and manga st...

that looks offtopic..
@iKlsR See the comments on it.
@Eric I'm trying to edit it atm but not nullify what he is asking..
Indeed, be careful.
@Eric as per your suggestion, I was thinking more along the lines of 'Have any successful manga artists picked up their skill without schooling?'. It would make the part where he asks about natural talent more credible.
7:32 PM
@iKlsR True, either way, though, it's going to emphasize current people and the origin of their skill, rather than a hypothetical situation.
but the thing is it's not definitive, everyone has their quirks.. effort doesn't always persevere over being a talentless lump of wood..
It's likely to start a discussion.
No, but SE is not about recommendations. We don't have a way to assess the OP's life, skill level, other talents, etc. So, offering citations of previous mangaka is the only constructive way we can take it.
Yeah but that personal part would have to go, it could just be as a source of inspiration etc
Yes, I agree.
It has to be less about the OP (too localized) and more about mangaka in history.
7:52 PM
Q: Can someone become a good Anime/Manga artist without natural talent?

commandoI'm not sure if this sort of question is on-topic here, but this is the closest SE site I've found. I'm a university student who simply cannot draw. I never could. But I always wanted to. And since I was introduced to anime a couple years ago, I've really really wanted to draw anime and manga st...

@Eric dimmed it down as best as possible, fair?
@iKlsR Looks that way. I'll read over it more later before I approve it (unless someone else does first). I'm still trying to study parsers, lol.
ok, yeah, actually wrote one the other day in python, recursive decent
Oh, no, that's the easy part.
Writing the damn LL(1), LR(0), SLR(1), and LALR(1) parse tables is the hard part.
7:55 PM
what ya parsing? asm?
It's hair-pulling worthy, lol.
No, we finished the class assignment (which was parsing a subset of Java into ARM assembly).
ah neat
I'm studying for the final now which will largely be conceptual. Simple grammars but complex questions.
ah, good luck!
Thanks, lol. I'm feeling good about LL(1) and SLR(1). Hopefully that's enough. xD
7:58 PM
1 hour later…
9:01 PM
@iKlsR Nicely answered.
@Eric :3 thanks
Oh hai gaiz
@Krazer ohallothar
we did good yesterday we maintained typical visit levels
9:06 PM
visitors/day also went up
Excellent job everyone~ we should plan for the next one
@Krazer We could do food. The G+ anime community did that as an event this weekend.
The other thing we could do is wait to see what they'll do next weekend, and plan ahead to match up.
We can consider that how does it usually works? ppl suggest stuff?
Or we could do by tags
@Krazer I'm not sure. I just know Food was the topic this week, I never saw a poll or anything.
9:19 PM
I see if we were to do our own thing what should the topic be?
I'm not sure. I'll give it some thought.
Numerology! lol (kidding, don't do this)
9:33 PM
I was thinking beach/pool/swimming/swimsuits :P no clue where that'll go
E.g. Why are pantsu censored and not bikinis?
Hopefully we wouldn't end up with a ton of ecchi, lol.
lolis the topic should be lolis
Everyone likes lolis!
9:49 PM
loli and whatever the g+ topic is :D if also loli, double lolis >:D
@Krazer It doesn't appear to happen every weekend... plus.google.com/u/0/118067544473995867806/posts/BcoqrZa8NWH
It doesn't seem like there was a vote or anything though.
We should do lolis. Lolis are great.
10:06 PM
The motion has been seconded. Any objections?
@Krazer Who would object to lolis?
10:24 PM
@LoganM roflis
10:47 PM
@LoganM shotas
@Krazer Reminds me of another strange Parenting.SE question
Q: My son Is 5 years Old and sexually active

Mzobe ZodwaI am a 20 years old female student and i have a 5 year old son who is real sexually active. For instance, he kisses girl by force, he forces them to lick his penis, he figures them, he speaks about sex openly with everyone except me, his father and my family. There is a whole lot more that he do...

This one always struck me as a troll post, but who knows.
I wondered the same, but it's a bit terrifying if it's not.
@Eric Personally I don't find it terrifying even if it's true. It's obvious that there are many cases of sexually abused children, and one more case of it doesn't really change anything in that regard. Sure, if it was someone I knew, it would probably affect me, but I can't bring myself to care about some random person on the internet who may or may not be telling the truth, when there clearly are lots of even worse cases definitely occurring.
@LoganM I don't mean this specific post in and of itself is terrifying. The part I'm referring to is the fact that it actually happens. Sure, it's easy to see it on TV and say, "It's just TV," but when there's an actual case of it happening. that's a bit more uneasy. (If this is true.)
Q: Is there a continuation of Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor?

Memor-XI finished watching the second season of Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor, and seeing how it ended it seems like there may be a continuation since there are some questions left answered at the end: I'm wondering if there is a continuation and what form it is in (anime or manga). Since m...

11:13 PM
I just saw a link to my Bakemonogatari tongue twister question on Parenting
Hey, sweet. Involuntary cross-site advertising.
I'm not sure how it picks out questions for those. I think it focuses on high quality posts, but I don't know if we have the same frequency of occuring as, say, Math (which has 60 times as many questions per day).
It probably uses some formula similar to the multicollider, just perhaps not as sensitive to time.
It would probably be based on the views, votes, and total user count of the site.
@Eric I think it is time-sensitive. I usually see recent questions. Some old but very highly voted things make it, but most of the ones I see are from the past few days.
Also, after clicking the link, it suppresses any more cross-site ads for a while.
But I mean, the multicollider pretty much picks things from only today (unless they're really awesome). That formula would have to be slightly more lenient to use one from more than 24 hours ago considering its votes were, what, 7? Something like that.
11:21 PM
@Eric Given that they probably show around 1000 times as many questions this way as they do on the multicollider, that probably wouldn't be an issue.
Yeah, probably.
Argh. I can't find a complete answer to the Love Live! question.
I've found around 10 polls, but I don't think that's nearly as many as they've made.
11:42 PM
@Eric You mean you've found 10 of the polls for character attributes? Even if that's not everything, it's certainly good enough that I'd be willing to award a bounty to it (though I'd prefer if you keep looking for more information).
@LoganM No, not even that much. Character attributes weren't the only thing polled, either.
One was even for the idol group name.
@Eric Well, whatever you do find, be sure to write an answer before the grace period ends. Even if it's clear that there's a lot more that was polled, any leads on this would really constitute a bounty-able answer. If I wanted a complete answer I would have put a much bigger bounty on it.
I'll do what I can!
Also, I'm really in it only for the badges, and I need to award the bounty to someone to actually get the other badge.
@LoganM in what?
11:48 PM
@iKlsR I offered 2 bounties so that I could get badges and also because I have lots of rep to spare.
4 bronze badges for 100 rep isn't a bad tradeoff. I can get that much rep with just a couple of answers, and I'm getting to the point where it's hard to get more badges since I already have most of them.
I worked hard for my 1 gold badge on SO :D
@LoganM about that ad, I saw one for my 'dbz question' sometime back too
when i was on travel
Gold badges here are rather difficult. Madara surprisingly got one by dropping a link on Reddit, but other than that it's just Fanatics.
I come and go so don't see that happening any time soon
11:54 PM
Speaking of badges, Imma go exploit one of the easier ones.
way ahead of you, upvote limit reached XD
I did that one on the 3rd day or something.
also make a lot of rep on tag wikis
+4 for excerpt and body
I'm getting disciplined by self-deleting a post and then undeleting it once the badge appears.
Yh but I can't do that T__T
it has answers
11:57 PM
@iKlsR That's why I deleted one of my answers rather than one of my questions.
Well I got the badge so now the post is back and undeleted.

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