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6:52 PM
@TiagoCardoso have you ever used Git? I don't see any git-related tags here on your StackOverflow profile, but since you're a tech project manager, I was curious if you have used Git.
@ToddA.Jacobs I see that you and Todd Jacobs have GitHub profiles and have visited the PMSE site within the last day or so, whereas Tiago hasn't visited the site for about 30 days it seems. I see that Todd's GitHub profile mentioned DevSecOps. Do you (Thomas) have experience with DevOps or DevSecOps?
Everyone is probably wondering why I'm asking these questions, I can certainly elaborate a lot more if anyone of you are here!
Sorry the message in which I pinged Todd was meant to go to Thomas, since Thomas was the most recent room owner to write a message here apart from Tiago. Also I do see that Thomas has DevOps experience (at least, 10 answers on the DevOps SE site).

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