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12:02 AM
@DavidCarlisle @egreg: Don't pay any attention to David, you are not forgotten. And @DavidCarlisle you are not going to stay ahead for much longer if you don't even get to a rep cap, a per your rep for the last two days!! Hey, looks like it is David that is on the second row, and I am ahead of egreg and David for once, wow... Now you guys need to really start worrying...
@PauloCereda A kick from 35 meters which the goalie just touched (but it was raining hard) and a very fine goal by Klose. I saw them when I was visiting my brother; his wife is from Rome and a Roma supporter. They decided to go outside: the weather was getting better. :)
Oh, and Herbet is way out there only due to a bounty!!
@egreg Ah! :)
how would I put an author in biblatex as Leonardo da Vinci in such a way that \citeauthor will give me Leonardo?
author={{Leonardo da Vinci}},
12:07 AM
@egreg oh, the short author field. derp.
@egreg Why the double brackets? so it doesn't try to do Vinci, blah blah?
@Gnintendo Otherwise it would use "da Vinci" as family name
right, k
@egreg How would I use his full name in a document, then?
(if \citeauthor won't pull it up anymore?)
@egreg Oh, I'll just use your usebib
@egreg Is there an easy way to list a bunch of new fields without doing stuff like \newbibfield{author} over and over again?
@Gnintendo No, you have to declare all fields that you need. But only once for each one.
@egreg: I added a code verification to avoid tragedies with the clean directive. :)
@egreg Is there a better way to get the full author than what I'm doing?
12:22 AM
@Gnintendo My feeling is that in citations it should be always the same. Outside a citation you type the name directly. Or you should define some Biblatex functions to allow using the full author instead of the shortauthor field. I believe it's possible.
@egreg I normally do:
but that picks up the shortauthor field :s
@Gnintendo Sorry, biblatex is not my cup of tea.
@Gnintendo Maybe this answer can give you some ideas
A: How to print shortauthor in the references as well?

domwassYou could redefine the bibmacro begentry: \documentclass[ngerman]{scrartcl} \listfiles \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @book{iea, author = {{International Energy Agency}}, title = {World Energy Outlook}, shortauthor = {IEA}, date = {2005} } \end{filecontents} \usepac...

1:23 AM
@egreg Do you still know much about media9?
2:21 AM
@NicolaTalbot I was just going to say, this would be a nice example for the use of \DTLiffirstrowand then point from the index to it with a lemma “booktabs”, but found this lemma is already existant. Now I’m confused. Where to set these renewcommands, directly in front of the tabular, I think.
@Speravir Do you know much about embedding music into beamer?
@JG No, but there was a package “media9”, take a look. On the other side it may happen, that the audience is embarrassed depending on, how you use it.
@Speravir yeah, I am having trouble with media9. It is telling me that I need another .sty for it to work.
@Speravir embarassed?
@JG Yes, a lot of people consider such things as bad style, but I don't know, what you want to do. (English is not my natural language.)
@NicolaTalbot I meant these:
And must anyone of them go into the tabular or not?
2:39 AM
Hi all
Has anyone actually used Cygwin in Windows here?
@Speravir I may not actually use the video, but I want the option to do so.
@Speravir But I want to have a song in the background at the start of a lecture to set the context for what the material is on.
@hpesoj626 @DavidCarlisle uses it regularly. Ask again, when he is logged in here.
@Speravir @HarishKumar asked about making the fancy-preview work in windows in his comment to my answer here: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/82336/…. Unfortunately I haven't used Windows for the past two years.
@JG Do, what you want, you’ve been warned! ;-) I’ve never used beamer and media9, so can’t help there.
@Speravir Thank you for the warning. I don't think I'll do it anymore.
2:48 AM
@JG If the song was somehow related to the content, then this would be in my eyes a rule exception, as long as it is used rarely.
@Speravir Yes, the song is related to the content! I am not sure I will even use it. I am curious how to do it so I have the option
@JG Then ask a question on the main site, but be prepared for other warnings. grin
@Speravir I get discouraged easily :(
Do you know what expl3.sty means?
3:04 AM
@JG It’s one of the kernel packages or it is the kernel package of latex3.
@Speravir How do I get it? It is telling me I need it when I compile the program with the song in it?
how should I typeset something in small caps?
I'm using fontspec
@hpesoj626 Some remarks: Could you link to the resource of this bash script? And the AcroTeX bundle is in MiKTeX already installed, at least in a full installation. (The latter I always add, why I can’t remember anymore the contens of the basic installation.) I will add a comment right now, so you can refer to it.
@Speravir The script is available for download at user.mendelu.cz/marik/fancy-preview It is bundled with the fancytooltips package in my full TeXLive installation. I don't know if it is the same with miktex.
@hpesoj626 Oh, I see just now on Robert Mariks website, that the script is converted to Perl. Then in Windows there's no problem, you only need a link to an answer, where the installation o fa Perl distribution is already explained.
@hpesoj626 Shameless self promotion In this answer it is explained in “Prerequisite”: tex.stackexchange.com/a/71168/9237
3:22 AM
how should I treat names such as "of Rhodes" in a biblatex author field
I have three authors that are all "of Rhodes"
Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes
@Speravir, thanks. I was having a hard time looking for a link. I was about to put a link to the ActivePerl website in my edit but you beat me to it. Thanks!
@hpesoj626 Another addition: In my portable TeX Live there is also an extensionless `fancy-preview, which is a perl file!
@Gnintendo Polydoros was a noble man. ;-) Actually I would put him into additional braces {Polydoros of Rhodes}.
{Polydoros of Rhodes} and {Athanadros of Rhodes} and {Hagesandros of Rhodes}?
@Speravir, I have updated my answer. I included the link to your answer and upvoted your answer as well. Thanks. Indeed, fancy-preview is bundled with fancytooltips however, in my version of the script, the explanation at the beginning of the file on how to use it is missing. The newer version contains the explanation on how to use it.
3:38 AM
@Gnintendo The three biblical magi wise men from Rhodes. Can they be confused with others? If not leave this “of Rhodes” out.
they were sculptors
and yes, there were other Greeks with the same names
For instance, there's an entire Wikipedia disambiguation devoted to just the various Greek men known as Polydoros:
In Greek mythology, Polydorus ( or ; Greek: , i.e. "many-gift[ed]") referred to several different people. *An Argive, son of Hippomedon. Pausanias lists him as one of the Epigoni, who attacked Thebes in retaliation for the deaths of their fathers, the Seven Against Thebes, who died attempting the same thing. *Polydorus (son of Cadmus), son of Cadmus and Harmonia, and father of Labdacus by his wife Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus. *Polydorus (son of Priam), a Trojan, and King Priam's youngest son during the Trojan War. *Polydorus (son of Astyanax) or Polydore *One of the three Rhodian sculpt...
@hpesoj626 You should also change the bash call to perl or does this not matter?
@Gnintendo And the other two?
Athendoros is a further 6 people: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenodoros
@Speravir Yes. I will update my answer again.
@Speravir Done. Thanks.
@Gnintendo Ask again, when people with more biblatex knowlegde are around. Perhaps also {Athandros, Hagesandros and Polydoros, sculptors of Rhodes}`?
3:50 AM
@hpesoj626 I think, I will take a deeper look later and make perhaps some edits of your answer. But we need also a TeX Live user under Windows – neither a CygWin user nor user with TeX Live portable, what is very special in this way, I think. He must say, if the script works though not in the system path. I know there is kpswewhich.
4:27 AM
@JG Oh, overseen! Which OS, which TeX distribution? It is part of the l3kernel bundle.
4:42 AM
@Speravir TeX = MikTex 2.9 ?
@Speravir Thanks. I don't have a ready Windows test machine.
@JG Then go into the Package Manager and install at least l3kernel, but it useful also to install l3packages and, when you are on it you could also install l3experimental. Or if drive space does not matter install all packages no are declared as not installed.
@hpesoj626 I did not mean you, but another user. WE could tease @PauloCereda, or @JosephWright or @MartinScharrer, who all have Windows test machines.
Guys, I’m off now.
4:58 AM
@Speravir I tried going to the Manager, but I'm getting errors :(
1 hour later…
6:05 AM
I don't know if the poster is just trolling around tex.stackexchange.com/questions/82359/…
@hpesoj626 Looks like SPAM to me...
@Stephan First time I've seen this in tex.stack. Does this kind of question get closed?
@hpesoj626 I don't know the established procedure. In my opinion it should be deleted by moderator.
@StephanLehmke I agree. tex.stack must be getting very famous. somebody thinks it is a good advertising procedure to spam it :)
6:44 AM
Can someone else also nudge this user into submission!! Opps:-), I meant add a second opinion and suggest that he will not get a faster response based on posting a question as an answer: tex.stackexchange.com/a/82363/4301
@hpesoj626 Yep, they get deleted here fairly quickly. I think I have only see 3 cases in the 20 months I have been on this site.. I think that is extremely low noise.
Usually I would delete the obvuious SPAM postings, but perhaps this new user is just confused and posted in the wrong place so only voted to close it.
@PeterGrill Done.
Thanks. Lets see if that helps him along..
@hpesoj626 Looks like you are more convincing than me. :-)
Well, at least he posted a new question, but also linked to his non-answer!!
@PeterGrill Nope. I just added to the pressure :) Just edited his post.
7:00 AM
@hpesoj626 Not sure editing help. I will nudge him at the question...
It doesn't. But I like the code typeset in code environments. More beautiful to look at them so. :)
@hpesoj626 Yep, I think we all do.
7:32 AM
@PauloCereda Maybe add cleanexp that would clean only some extensions in the current directory, and if no parameter is specified, these will be out,aux,toc,lot,lof,log
1 hour later…
8:59 AM
@PeterGrill So you don't have an opinion whether this is a bug?
Those commands are used by `\DTLdisplaydb` (and the longtable version). They're just a convenient way of adjusting the format of the auto-generated tabular material, so redefining them won't have an effect if you explicitly write the `\begin{tabular}` bits. For example, the code for table 5.2 on page 44 of datatool-user.pdf can be modified for use with booktabs:
\caption{Time to Growth Data}
Wondering whether to report it or not...
@FaheemMitha Since I don't use edge I can't say...
@FaheemMitha Give it some time -- am sure someone here is more edgey then me...
@PeterGrill Ok, will do.
@PeterGrill I've changed the colors in your second example. However, you have fill opacity=0.7, text opacity=1. I've removed those. Is it Ok? At least the first presumably make the colors even lighter than they are. I'm not sure what the second does.
9:19 AM
@FaheemMitha let me check. Those were needed before I used layers...
@FaheemMitha \tikzstyle{line} = [-latex'] seems to work. edge is already drawn even without specifying draw option. I don't know what happens in the macro level, on how edge and draw conflicts with each other.
@FaheemMitha Did you already post the change? I did not get notified.
@PeterGrill Not yet, I need to make some minor adjustments. Also, wanted to check with you about the opacity thing.
@FaheemMitha Looking at your commented code snippets, it seems you are using edge all throughout. It might be for the best to just remove the draw option.
@hpesoj626 Hmm. So edge is not the problem, but draw is? edge already does a draw?
@hpesoj626 Could you comment on the question for posterity?
9:23 AM
@FaheemMitha You can find the edge in Section 16.12 of the pgf manual version 2.10
@FaheemMitha I think you should leave those. I tested the second code and it makes a difference, as the fill is too over powering.
@FaheemMitha will do
@PeterGrill I'm dialing the colors down, eg blue!20 etc. It looks Ok here.
@hpesoj626 Thanks.
@FaheemMitha Ok, how about text opacity? Does the text not get faded if you remove that?
@PeterGrill Not noticeably.
9:24 AM
@FaheemMitha Ok, take 'em out then. I'll check when you update it...
What is the default value for text opacity?
@FaheemMitha Well I thought it would be 1, but I see a difference in the output for the second case. But perhaps with you colors, and removing fill opacity it is not needed.
@PeterGrill Perhaps.
Good night all!
@hpesoj626 good nite and thanks for your help earlier... I guess I should go too....
9:33 AM
@PeterGrill It seems OP has not yet responded to your comment. Well, you can't get all of them to reply asap. Good night. :)
@PeterGrill Do you want me to reupload the graphic?
@FaheemMitha if it has changed, you probably should so that it corresponds to the code.
@PeterGrill Ok, will do.
@hpesoj626 as @Speravir said I use cygwin all the time (it's the pnly think that makes windows usable:-)
9:48 AM
@PeterGrill My attempt doesn't look much like your uploaded versions. In particular, your code does not use a preview type format, but the uploaded images have a tight boundary. All the apparent size of the image is smaller. Shall I upload anyway?
sure. I can fix the images if needed.
@PeterGrill Ok.
@PeterGrill: Ok, posted.
@FaheemMitha so you only changed the second part?
10:09 AM
@PeterGrill Yes. If you think it looks Ok, I can change the first part as well. If you want.
@FaheemMitha up to you but not necessary
Yay, now arara speaks French! :)
@PeterGrill Might as well. Can you adjust the images as necessary?
@FaheemMitha sure,
@PeterGrill Ok. Thanks.
10:32 AM
@PauloCereda Yes, but you can get the normal Desktop back, which works for me.
@PauloCereda: But I have issues with Ubuntu on my new PC. Can't get the Nvidia Graphic Card and Creative Soundcard to work properly
@MartinScharrer Luddite:-) You are supposed to abandon the desktop and your keyboard and mouse and make your pc look as much as possible like a windows phone
@MartinScharrer Interesting, I thought Ubuntu had a nice history with Nvidia cards. If I'm not mistaken, Fedora comes with the noveau drivers, but you can install the proprietary ones afterwards.
@DavidCarlisle Yeah ... I will do that ... ;-)
@PauloCereda Didn't had issues with my other Nvidia cards under Ubuntu. There I could install it over an UI.
@PauloCereda Fedora 18 is delayed by 2 months, from Nov to Jan!!!
OMG, there is another Jasper in this room now!
10:44 AM
@WillHunting I saw it. :( I'm sad, but I can wait. :)
@MartinScharrer /whispers Try Fedora.
I only use Debian now. I look forward to the next release in Dec/Jan.
@PauloCereda By the way, I have a problem with Brasero. It keeps burning with errors.
@WillHunting Really? It's been a while since I used Brasero. I used to play with GnomeBaker.
@PauloCereda Then what do you use now? GNOME Baker?
@WillHunting Yes, but I don't burn DVD's a lot.
10:59 AM
@PauloCereda Are you able to change backlight brightness in Fedora 17? I still can't. After reboot brightness settings are not retained.
@WillHunting Hm now that you mentioned, I think I had a similar issue in my netbook. But my laptop seems to be working fine.
@PauloCereda I searched the internet, it seems many people have this problem. This is a HUGE BUG IMAO.
@WillHunting Indeed.
@PauloCereda The tortoise went down well - thanks!
@AndrewStacey Yay, nice to hear! :)
11:07 AM
@PauloCereda And I'd left the \let\qedsymbol=\duck in "by accident" so my proofs were all verified by duck. "Quad erat duck", as they say.
@AndrewStacey OMG <3 This is so epic. :) Are the slides available? :)
@PauloCereda Will be soon. Need to make a couple of edits (I'm giving the same talk today and on Wednesday).
@AndrewStacey Ah I see. :)
@AndrewStacey :-) New answer for tombstones and beer mugs. Immediate necromancer badge.
@PauloCereda Tres bon :-)
I've had an idea of a story about a duck, a hat and an arara
11:14 AM
@NicolaTalbot :) I must confess, the translated messages sound so beautiful that I'm actually considering to deliberately trigger lots of errors in the application just to display them. :)
@NicolaTalbot OMG! <3 Do it please please pretty please with sugar on top. :)
@PeterGrill Gonzalo's answer already contains everything of import (the \resizebox is important as the duck is quite big) so maybe just a comment there.
@PauloCereda I'm still trying to think of an ending :-)
(Nice idea though)
@PauloCereda :-)
@NicolaTalbot THEY ALL DIE!!!
11:16 AM
@NicolaTalbot "And the duck ran away with the hat"?
@DavidCarlisle (slow motion) noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
@NicolaTalbot do you think I have a promising career as a children's author?
- Dad, why didn't my TeX file compile successfully?
- Because you didn't eat your vegetables.
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle With everyone dying at the end? Oh definitely. Maybe you can be the next Roald Dahl :-)
@DavidCarlisle :-)
11:19 AM
@DavidCarlisle ooh Shakespearean vein.
@NicolaTalbot reading James and the giant peach at mo, they don't die in that though)
One for @JosephWright too. :)
@DavidCarlisle Oh you must be reading the director's cut ;-)
@AndrewStacey :-) Actually I was thinking of the duck chasing after his hat ;-) Maybe they could all end up eating ice cream.
@NicolaTalbot ooh this story is getting better and better. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
Oh, there's a jpgfdraw question. I'll have to look at that.
11:29 AM
@MartinScharrer: Thanks, I'll try the varwidth option.
@NicolaTalbot Roald Doesn't don't have everyone dying at the end. Mostly bad things happen to the bad people, and good things to the good people. Typical childish wish fulfillment.
@DavidCarlisle Throw in quantities of wish fulfillment and maybe a bit of power fantasy, and you'll be all set.
@PauloCereda Seems really in the friendly style we used for other translations
@egreg Indeed. :) I'm very happy with all the translations, they are all friendly. :)
@egreg: speaking of arara, I added a new helper method in the code (RC5) to provide a reference for the original file name, even when file is overriden. Now the new clean rule doesn't damage the original .tex file. :)
identifier: clean
name: CleaningTool
command: <arara> @{remove}
- identifier: remove
  default: <arara> @{isFalse(file == getOriginalFile(), isWindows("cmd /c del", "rm -f").concat(' "').concat(file).concat('"'))}
If provided without arguments, % arara: clean does nothing.
11:46 AM
I've just read this:
A: How to type NOT \delta and NOT \ll

Hendrik VogtLeo Liu told you a great way to define the symbols; I'd like to explain the odd behaviour you observed. Sometimes the placement of the "not" over the "delta" is a little off but it varies throughout the pages. The reason for this is that \not is a relational symbol, and TeX inserts a \thick...

And so am wondering if anything can go wrong with this:
\newcommand\OO{{0 \mskip -2mu 0}}
@PauloCereda: So, I'm now under Linux Mint
@MartinScharrer Ah a nice option too. :) And Cinnamon rocks! :)
Yay, @topskip is here! :)
@PauloCereda It's always great to log into this chat, many nice people here
@marcodaniel I have removed the todo notes. Can we upload a first version of l2kurz onto ctan?
@AndrewStacey something can go wrong with anything but 0 is a mathord and the whole construction is a mathord so there's no stretch there
@PauloCereda Works better with my HW so far as Ubuntu
and I didn't had to install Cinnamon myself
11:52 AM
@MartinScharrer Yay! :)
@DavidCarlisle Thanks. More generally, if I wanted to move two symbols together would it be enough to do \math<overall type>{{<symbol one>} \mskip <neg space> {<symbol two>}} since then the inner braces make everything a mathord and so avoid the stretchy issue.
@PauloCereda 150 MB updates with a freshly burned installation dvd ...
I think so, no harm in using mkern rather than mskip as well just to make sure there is no stretch
@DavidCarlisle Good point. (I'm afraid that \kern and its ilk are still a bit of black boxes to me ... time to re-read that section in TbT.)
@PauloCereda That's very good
11:56 AM
@AndrewStacey I don't think it makes any difference in this case if you don't actually use a plus or minus cpmponent to the glue, but skips, as a type are stretchy glue whereas kerns use non stretchy dimens
@MartinScharrer Wow, not even with Fedora I get that! :) (though delta RPM's reduce the size up to 90%)
@AndrewStacey Making the inner atoms ordinary ones has nothing to do with stretching or shrinking spaces, but rather with the automatic insertion of spaces; for example, \mathbin{=\mskip 1mu X} would result in a thick space between = and X in addition to the 1mu.
Note that the (automatically added) thick space wouldn't stretch or shrink, because it is inside a subformula.
@egreg Ah, I hadn't grokked that about the subspace not stretching (or shrinking) because of the subformula. That was one of my reasons for making the inner ones ordinary. The other was simply neatness: if I'm going to remove space I should probably not automatically add any in in the first place! The other danger that Hendrik points out is of page breaking - that was one of my reasons for making the whole thing a single atom via the \math<whatever>.
(the other reason being that as the whole thing is semantically a single atom then I ought to tell TeX that so that it can do the outer spacing correctly)
@AndrewStacey TeX will never break a line in the middle of a subformula nor between two ordinary atoms (unless an explicit penalty appears between them). Line breaks are allowed only at explicit penalties or after a relation or a binary operation.
12:13 PM
@egreg Right, so if one of the symbols that I'm trying to combine happens to be a relation then I want to avoid the potential for a line break there.
@AndrewStacey as @egreg says the outer {} is enough to prevent breaking (and stretching) a brace group in math pretty much ends up being \hbox. Actually I'm just waiting for someone to say you should be using \ooalign to combine symbols.
I'm updating glossaries today. If anyone has any burning desire for a new feature, let me know --- as long as it's not too complicated :-P
(I'm trying to take my mind of my hedgehog proof still being wrong. I shall drown my sorrows in TeX code.)
12:59 PM
@DavidCarlisle \ooalign is quite good for combining symbols.
@PauloCereda: So, finally I get my native screen resolution again
@MartinScharrer Really? What happened? :)
yeah, audio too (well only the on-board card, the 3D audio card isn't supported yet)
@PauloCereda I got the nvidia driver installed. Seems not to work yet with the 3.5 kernel
but works with the 3.2 one
@MartinScharrer Ah.
2 hours later…
2:43 PM
@AndrewStacey changebars just needs to remember a point on the page and a point on a possibly later page and draw a line between them I have a feeling maybe tikzmark may be simpler then figuring out the dvipdfmx special....
Q: Is there a way of using changebars with XeLaTeX?

Norman GrayIs there any way of using the changebars package with XeLaTeX? The current release of changebars doesn't support a xetex option. Almost three years ago there was a discussion on comp.text.tex about a patch to the package to support XeTeX, but nothing seems to have come of it; there was a simila...

3:04 PM
@DavidCarlisle Who are you and what have you done with the real David Carlisle? He would never suggest a TikZ solution.
3:43 PM
Anybody here know anything about texlive?
@JG I'm using TeX Live since version 2007. :) Fire up.
I need expl3.sty
When I try to get it from MixTex manager, I get the error message: Unknown archive file size.
So I was given the suggestion to download texlive
But it takes forever
@ClaudioFiandrino: could you write an answer here? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/78357/… :)
@JG Did you try changing the MiKTeX repository?
@egreg I don't know what that means.
3:53 PM
@JG What version of MiKTeX have you got?
@egreg 2.9?
@JG Well, it should have a good expl3 version. If the update machinery doesn't work, then the repository you're downloading from is at fault. Check the preferences in the MiKTeX control panel. But I'm afraid I don't know much more about it.
@egreg Yes, expl3 is in the Package Manger. Just when I click to add it, I get the error message: Unknown archive file size.
Would TeXLive be a solution to all of this?
@egreg I misunderstood.
@egreg You are suggesting that I go to Update MixTex ?
@egreg Then click "use nearest package repository" ?
@JG Yes. Maybe the current repository is down, so the update can't work. Otherwise, there should be a list of available repositories.
@JG TeX Live is a different TeX distribution than MiKTeX; so usually one has either TeX Live or MiKTeX, not both.
@JG Some time ago, we renamed expl3 to l3kernel, although the package you load is still expl3. Look in the MiKTeX manager for l3kernel.
4:06 PM
@JosephWright I can't find 13kernel
@JosephWright Should I try to the Use nearest package repos?
@JG In that case, make sure you synchronise your database with the remote one. The rename was some time ago now (over a year): all MiKTeX repositories should have this!
It's L, not 1. :)
l3kernel, not 13kernel.
@PauloCereda I cannot find the L3kernerl either in the list
@JosephWright I don't know what this means
@JosephWright: you missed an interesting talk this morning about ducks, hats, araras, ice cream, children books, Blackadder, and David wanting to kill everybody in his books. :)
@PauloCereda Lab work to do: will read log after work :-)
4:10 PM
@JosephWright ooh. :)
@JosephWright Should I not do it?
@JosephWright I am trying to embed a soundbite into a beamer presentation
@JG MiKTeX's manager has an menu entry called (I think) Synchronise Package Repository. (At work I have TeX Live: MiKTeX is on my own system, which is better for testing stuff)
@JosephWright When I tried to run a program that I found through this website, I got the error message that I need expl3.sty
Q: latex beamer: \includemedia won't play video

timonthe code seems to be correct, with compilation no error appears. The code is \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Singapore} \usepackage{media9} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{frame}\frametitle{Title} \includemedia[ width=\paperwidth,height=0.7\linewidth, activate=pageopen, flashvars={movie.mp4 &...

@JG MiKTeX usually sorts this out itself: which MiKTeX version do you have?
@JosephWright 2.9 ?
4:15 PM
@JG OK, you should have no issues then. As I say, no MiKTeX on machine I'm on at the moment, so I can't directly check the menu entries.
@JG If you can wait until around 1900 GMT I will check, or we could see if @ulrikefischer is about (she's a MiKTeX expert)
@JosephWright Is 1900 GMT UK?
@JosephWright I've been downloading TeXLive in the meantime. Is that unnecessary?
@JG Yes
@JG Might be faster, over all :-)
@JosephWright You mean texlive, I should go that route? Or no, I should not?
@JG I use TeX Live routinely, so I'd go that way myself. The 'auto-install' option in MiKTeX does seem to cause as many issues as it solves.
@JosephWright Ok, it's been taking a very long time to extract. I just didn't know if it would be worth it.
@JosephWright After extracting the files, would that change anything in a bad way?
@JosephWright Like will my old TeX files no longer compile?
4:29 PM
@JG No, should be fine. TeX Live and MiKTeX have very similar package coverage.
Any English speaker please: If for three I have a triplet, what do I have for two?
@tohecz Context is everything: could be a 'doublet' or 'pair'
@JosephWright So, I'm extracting TexLive. Then, do I automatically have expl3.sty? Do I have to do anything after that?
@JosephWright "doublet" sounds good. I was thinking of "duplet" and "tuplet"
@JG You have to install TeX Live: I'm not quite sure what you are extracting!
4:34 PM
Errata: TLC2 comes with TeX Live 2003! :) I bet even @egreg doesn't have that one. :P
@JosephWright At tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html I downloaded the first option for windows install-tl.zip
@JosephWright Now I have a .zip
@JG Ah right. Inside there there is install-tl.bat, which actually sets up TeX Live
@JosephWright Yes
@JosephWright Although I can no longer remember if I did that one, or the install-tl-advanced.bat
@PauloCereda Yes, I have it. Two copies.
But TL 2003 was already obsolete when I got the first copy (for free from AW) and at the time the best TeX distribution for Mac OS X was Gerben Wierda's.
@egreg ooh! :)
@egreg Cool! :)
4:40 PM
@PauloCereda I wrote to AW telling them I would start a LaTeX course and they sent me TLC2. Later I bought my copy to keep at home.
@egreg Ah, so one copy is in your office? :)
@PauloCereda Yes. And I made the department buy one for the library.
@egreg :P
@JosephWright So I after i finish downloaded (if that ever happens), what comes next? Does everything automatically compile?
@JosephWright Also, do I need to be connected to the internet for this?
@JG If you are running install-tl it should set everything up
@JG Does need a net connection
4:46 PM
Yes! At long last my hedgehog is okay :-)
@NicolaTalbot Yay! :)
@PauloCereda I'm now about to perform a victory dance :-)
@NicolaTalbot OMG! Do it! :)
@PauloCereda Lots of erratic dance movements
@NicolaTalbot Yay! \o/
4:49 PM
@JosephWright How long should it take to install? Would it mattered if I had clicked the advanced one?
@JosephWright I've been at it for over an hour now, I believe
@JosephWright That is why I think I had clicked the advanced one
@PauloCereda :-)
@JG Depends on your net connection, but I usually allow at least 90 minutes
A song I like (needless to say, I'm a Cookie Monster fan. If Brazil had Halloween, this would be my costume. Every year). :)
@PauloCereda Mmm cookies :-)
4:56 PM
@NicolaTalbot :P

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