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8:48 AM
Hi, everyone. In the comments of @Mico's answer (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/714190/tilde-sign-in-url-is-appearing-in-superscipt-position/714193#comment1775314_714193), we discussed if there's any automated method to load the packages and their setup in a proper order and dependency?
Can you tell me if such a method exist?
@raf make a feature request for xurl that it changes \@ifpackageloaded{biblatex} to \AddToHook{package/biblatex/after} then loading order will no longer matter.
9:15 AM
@UlrikeFischer I mean, I am asking here for a general case, not just for xurl and biblatex.
@raf there obviously can't be a general solution to package order problems, you need to resolve each case separately.
I just checked a package named pkgloader (ctan.org/pkg/pkgloader). What's your thoughts on it? I haven't used it yet.
Another day another ucs package upload to ctan :(
@DavidCarlisle ?
9:21 AM
@UlrikeFischer Petra doesn't think it's still 2022
@raf the general case is that package should avoid to introduce such order requirements. It is generally not needed nowadays. see also tex.stackexchange.com/a/709547/2388
@DavidCarlisle isn't it? how times fly. On other news I just mentioned l3sys-query to someone who loops over a directory with io.popen and learned the new words vey and mathing from the package documentation. Beside this texdoc l3sys-query opens the documentation of the tool, wouldn't it be better it opens the package and this refers to the tool docu?
@UlrikeFischer the idea is that texdoc l3sys-query will open the package doc (whcih is why it includes doc for expl3 and the tool itself) but that couldn't be set up until we released the package
@DavidCarlisle sounds good, it doesn't happen currently but that is then only a passing issue.
@UlrikeFischer Thank you.
@raf I haven't used that packge loader but I doubt that I would, as Ulrike says the issue is far less than it used to be and it never was as big a problem as people thought (most problems were due to people loading 1000 packages they don't use in a copied preamble. The problem can never completely go away though, if one package does \def\foo{a} and another does \def\foo{b} you need to decide which you want to win, or ask the package maintainers to change the names not to clash.
@UlrikeFischer do you have the latex-tools/dev version of the package via tlmgr already? I didn't get it in this morning's update/
9:35 AM
@DavidCarlisle I got all the devs yes after a few tries with random repositories.
@UlrikeFischer so what does texdoc -l l3sys-query show?
texdoc -l l3sys-query
 1 c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\doc\support\l3sys-query\l3sys-query-tool.pdf
   = Package documentation
 2 c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\doc\support\l3sys-query\changelog.md
 3 c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\doc\support\l3sys-query\security.md
 4 c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\doc\latex-dev\tools\l3sys-query.pdf
 5 c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\doc\support\l3sys-query\readme.md
   = Readme
 6 c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\doc\man\man1\l3sys-query.man1.pdf
@DavidCarlisle ^^
ah type 4 , I'll mail tl list and ask that changes once it reaches here...
10:23 AM
@DavidCarlisle It's available on the Oxford mirror
1 hour later…
11:43 AM
@JosephWright ah I switched to warwick as oxford hadn't synced initially for the tl2024 full release,
@DavidCarlisle It varies
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer l3sys-query update with CTAN
I wonder when we see the first question about it ...
@JosephWright depends on traffic on the M40, I suppose.
Which reminds me: I should update the answer that prompted me to write it :)
@DavidCarlisle :)
11:56 AM
@JosephWright [ 7/10, 00:33/00:39] update: latex-tools-dev [6286k] (69860 -> 70790) ... done
8 hours later…
8:04 PM
@DavidCarlisle Hi, can you give me the output of this in `cygwin`, first `cp $(kpsewhich example-image.eps) example-eps.eps`, then this test file `\documentclass{article}
\end{document}` (pdflatex) ?
@PabloGonzálezL that will probably not work as epstopdf can't convert files that are found only in a texmf tree.
@UlrikeFischer Yes I understand, that's why first cp $(kpsewhich example-image.eps) example-eps.eps...it is related to (github.com/teatimeguest/setup-texlive-action/issues/292)
I know that Git-bash and cygwin (terminal) are quite similar, I want to know if the error can be reproduced when executing Git-bash and cygwin (terminal).
8:22 PM
@PabloGonzálezL no error and includes the image as expected
@PabloGonzálezL what error do you see?
@PabloGonzálezL ah, well we windows user tend to ignore commands without any vowel ;-) But I can confirm the issue, in git bash it doesn't work.
@PabloGonzálezL ah I see it's already raised at texk and other lists
@PabloGonzálezL use wsl or cygwin instead:-)
Sniiiif....mmm...can see the code (.pl)?...fail un thia case...but why?
@PabloGonzálezL I don't have windows git bash, but in cygwin or wsl you are using perl and bash that come from the same system and share path syntax, but I guess with git bash you are using a native windows perl but a shell using linx style path separators and it gets confused
@DavidCarlisle Mmm...can run (cygwin) perl epstopdf.pl --restricted imagen.eps?
8:37 PM
@PabloGonzálezL ?
I guess you just need an on_windows_or_bash test to add here
my $on_windows = $^O =~ /^(MSWin|msys$)/;
my $on_windows_or_cygwin = $on_windows || $^O eq "cygwin";
but not sure what test you's use
what is $^0 (os name) if you execute perl from git bash?
what do you get for
$ perl -e 'print $^O ;'
Mmm...run it from CMD (not git) using "perl epstopdf --restricted" ...this gives me the same error back
@PabloGonzálezL I don't have a windows perl to try
Give me a moment (I'm on my cell phone)
8:59 PM
```C:\Users\pablg>epstopdf --debug --restricted example-eps.eps
* on_windows=1, on_windows_or_cygwin=1
* Restricted mode activated
* Restricted Windows kpsewhich: c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\scripts\epstopdf/../../../bin/windows/kpsewhich
* Restricted Windows gs: c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\scripts\epstopdf/../../../tlpkg/tlgs/bin/gswin64c
* kpsewhich command: c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\scripts\epstopdf/../../../bin/windows/kpsewhich
* Checking if c:\texlive\2024\texmf-dist\scripts\epstopdf/../../../bin/windows/kpsewhich is in PATH
@DavidCarlisle If I call it directly with --restricted it works, but I don't know why, the path kpsewhich command: c:/../../../bin/windows/kpsewhich is misreported (clearly not there).
@PabloGonzálezL well as explained in the email thread you link to, you are using a windows perl so it does my @pdirs = split(/;/, $ENV{"PATH"}); to split up the system PATH and look in each directory but (I assume) if you echo $PATH in bash you will see directories separated by : not ;
I have started learning about expl3 some days ago. As I'm reading $ texdoc expl3, I'm writing minimal working examples. I just wrote this example for displaying all items in a sequence in separated lines. Any feedback or additional information is appreciated.


\seq_new:N \l_mymodule_seq
\seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l_mymodule_seq {item1, item2, item3}
\seq_map_inline:Nn \l_mymodule_seq{\par #1}

9:18 PM
@DavidCarlisle You know...mmm...I have another impression, I think it works on windows only by luck, the path for kpsewich is totally wrong, I unloaded the version (texlive.info/tlnet-archive/2023/03/06/tlnet/archive) (which still has the win32 search directory which no longer exists) and it works as well.
52 mins ago, by David Carlisle
@PabloGonzálezL use wsl or cygwin instead:-)
@DavidCarlisle Jejej, yes, but git-bash over windows terminal it's nice :D
```pablg@RayzenTeX MINGW64 ~
$ perl epstopdf.pl --version
epstopdf ($Id: epstopdf.pl 64317 2022-09-08 01:25:27Z karl $) 2.30
Copyright 2009-2022 Karl Berry et al.
Copyright 2002-2009 Gerben Wierda et al.
Copyright 1998-2001 Sebastian Rahtz et al.
License RBSD: Revised BSD <http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

pablg@RayzenTeX MINGW64 ~
$ perl epstopdf.pl --debug example-eps.eps
@PabloGonzálezL but I don't have a windows git or a windows perl or the problem that they don't work, so that's even nicer
@DavidCarlisle I'm just intrigued by the detection (just curious about perl).
@PabloGonzálezL what does echo $PATH show on the bash command line?
9:25 PM
```$ echo $PATH
/c/Users/pablg/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/bin:/c/Users/pablg/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Oracle/Java/javapath:/c/WINDOWS/system32:/c/WINDOWS:/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH:/c/Program Files/gs/gs10.02.1/bin:/c/Strawberry/c/bin:/c/Strawberry/perl/site/bin:/c/Strawberry/perl/bin:/cmd:/c/Program Files/PowerShell/7:/c/texlive/2024/bin/windows:/c/texlive/2024/bin/windows:/c/Users/pablg/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl```
@PabloGonzálezL well there you go, a native windows perl (or in fact a native windows anything) will not understand that. In cygwin or wsl it looks similar but the cygwin and wsl perl use the same filepath conventions so it all works out
@DavidCarlisle The truth is that the first thing it takes is perl from Git-bash (not the straberry version).
oh you have a mingw perl? oh then it could work you just need the OS test to special case that and not take the windows rout as splitting that path on ; isn't going to do anything useful
so what does perl -e 'print $^O ;' show?
$ perl -e 'print $^O ;'
@DavidCarlisle The issue is that after the detection of $kpsewhich the correct path is never left (you can put a print "$kpsewhich"; and you will see that it is not right at all).
ooh so you just need a $on_mingw boolean set up at the start by testing that and then adding && ! $on_mingw in a few places so that it takes the right branch I expect Karl will sort it out
but the script already tries to do that: my $on_windows = $^O =~ /^(MSWin|msys$)/; except it's making it true not false... presumably so it uses a windows ghostscript
can't do more without the system to test but it should be easy to fix
9:39 PM
@DavidCarlisle Not very enthusiastic about wind :D
@DavidCarlisle Yes, and I understand that, what I don't understand is why check where kpsewich is, you don't need the full path and it is the base of the installation.
@PabloGonzálezL sorry I'm out: too hard to debug all the conditional code paths if you don't have the system to step through,
@DavidCarlisle I would appreciate it if you could comment something on the mailing list, my English is not very good and I can't explain myself easily :(
@DavidCarlisle Thanks for taking the time with the analysis :D ...now I know that it will fail if I run the test under msys2.
@PabloGonzálezL as i say I don't think Karl will need help, he knows the code, knows perl and (I would guess) has the system available
What does the "e" stand for in LaTeX2e? I searched for "latex2e" in the entire document $ texdoc latex2e, but didn't find an explanation for the "e" in its name.
@rdrg109 epsilon. It is latex 2-and-a-bit, a small step towards latex3
9:44 PM
@DavidCarlisle The tests on Win in general are done by other members of the TeX Live team...I hope it will be solved :D
@rdrg109 latex3 was already an existing format in 1993 but wasn't ready for wider release, and just calling the major new release latex 2.10 so a .1 increment on 2.09 didn't seem to make enough of a "splash" so the name latex 2_e was devised
@DavidCarlisle LaTeX3 is something like Perl 6 :D
Q: Why LaTeX2e has this name?

MaïeulLaTeX2e is, if I don't make any mistake, the successor of LaTeX 2.09, and was published in 1994 (I was 4 year old !). My question is very simple : why has called it LaTeX2e and not, for example LaTeX 2.10 ?

@rdrg109 I just noticed who answered that one:-)

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