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12:19 AM
@AlanMunn <3
3 hours later…
2:57 AM
so... to what extent is whitespace significant in LaTeX?
a code review would be nice! ^^^^^^^
@DavidCarlisle ok, who did that?
@barbarabeeton to "pull" from github (and push back), you fork the repo you want to pull via github's web ui, then you git clone your fork locally, (probably should branch here) make your edits (in your branch), add any new files, commit them, then push back to your remote repo at github, the submit a pull request from your repo to theirs (if they like your change, they'll pull it in).
It's really quite simple.
4:11 AM
@AaronHall Oh no, please. Not another template. :-/
@AaronHall The same strange spacing commands over and over and over again? This means, you are doing something strange.
@StefanKottwitz LC: A user with 5 different but closely related topics, none of the question can be answered by me for a lack of information. It would be better for the user to stop and calm down for a second, i think. Can you take care of it please?
2 hours later…
6:13 AM
@AaronHall to pull from github, you simpl download the zip file :)
6:28 AM
@AaronHall documentclass is latex2e although syntax is similar to the latex2.09 \documentstyle[options]{style} but did you mean to write \documentclass{style}[options] rather than \documentclass{style[options]} (which would be very odd!!)
6:38 AM
My favourite font is Georgia. What about you guys?
@JasperLoy I think we better don't start this discussion...
7:31 AM
@AaronHall In code I suppose you mean. Spaces at the beginning of a line are stripped. Multiple spaces between words is the same as one space. A line break is the same as a space, which means you in some cases need % at the end of a line to avoid spurious whitespace in the output. Two or more line breaks indicate a paragraph break. (ctd.)
In math mode spaces are ignored, but paragraph breaks (i.e. empty lines) are not allowed. The space after a macro without arguments will be gobbled, so \LaTeX is ... generates LaTeXis. Use e.g. \LaTeX{} is to remedy that.
2 hours later…
9:31 AM
@StefanKottwitz In the end, I chose OVH hosting (I think you may know it; it's an international service provider)
@Paulo ^^
@yo' looks ok!
@StefanKottwitz and cheap, if you order here. I'll be about EUR 30 a year for me for a reasonable hosting
@yo' what product did you choose?
Now tell me: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, ... ? @Paulo any idea?
@yo' Wordpress is ok for many purposes. Today there are nice responsive (mobile friendly) themes.
@yo' Drupal is a monster in my opinion. :-)
9:44 AM
@yo' Personally, I think Joomla is quite complicated. Drupal and Wordpress are more straightforward, I guess.
@yo' Joomla is not so easy, kind of bigger CMS (as Drupal), Wordpress is slim and easy and there are a lot of solutions (plugins)
@egreg: someone brought a song named Verbum caro factum est, sung in Italian/Latin. Do you know it? :)
@StefanKottwitz ok, I'll start with WP
@yo' Today users often browse the web via mobile (bus, train, lessons, school :-) ) , so take a look at responsive themes
@StefanKottwitz WhatsApp generation :)
9:47 AM
@yo' try with your phone: tex.my, tex.tips, mychemistry.eu I think it's good on mobile phones
though they tend to loog "big" on a desktop
@yo' I liked some themes on designorbital.com so I bought them all >:-)
@yo' There are also ready-to-use security plugins, as login limiter, anti-spam, statistics
@StefanKottwitz looks good
well, it will take about a week for the domain and hosting to be ready :)
@yo': Something Jekyll-powered is also an interesting approach. :)
@PauloCereda I've got WP, Joomla and Drupal pre-installed with the hosting, so...
@yo' ooh
@yo' I want some bread too. :)
10:01 AM
@StefanKottwitz o.O
@PauloCereda ok more Paulo-friendly:
@StefanKottwitz oooh I approve. :)
@Johannes_B I answered some of that LC user questions.
10:23 AM
@PauloCereda Yes, I know it: a very old Latin Christmas song, I believe
2 hours later…
12:25 PM
@AaronHall -- thanks for the instructions. actually, since i don't intend to make any changes directly, at least this time, i'd rather not fork the material (and possibly make a mess for someone else to clean up). but i'll try to remember this for the future.
@yo' -- bread isn't really good for ducks. but for this "duck", ...
@barbarabeeton :)
@barbarabeeton if you wanted to make some changes, you know how to reach me, even if you wanted to fork the repository and then ask me to pull
(either way is fine to me)
12:53 PM
@yo' -- that's actually what i was planning to do -- comment via email, since i'll most likely have questions rather than code suggestions.
@barbarabeeton fine with me, especially as emails have good history, which could be useful. Gotta go catch the train. See you later!
1 hour later…
2:19 PM
I need help
how to draw this
thank you
2:32 PM
@Vrouvrou it's all straight lines and labels, you should be able to do that yourself in TikZ quite quickly, see the examples in the manual or at texample.net for inspiration....
Any jabref users? Can someone confirm that the "export" preference for bib files is broken.
@yo' i'm not good in tikz
@Vrouvrou maybe this simple plot is a good opportunity to start working on this? ... :-)
@Vrouvrou So what would be your choice as drawing tool?
3:28 PM
@StefanKottwitz the problem is i don't know how to start
3:56 PM
That is from Henri Menke posted on TeXwelt.de: Illustration of linear regression, with full source code. See also: LaTeX version on TeXample
4:24 PM
@StefanKottwitz thank you
4 hours later…
8:03 PM
Any template-kind of way to re-produce images like graphicallinearalgebra.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/… How is this kind of pedagogical tool for adding numbers called anyway?
By reproducing, I don't mean exactly.
@VincentVerheyen xlop‌​?
@PauloCereda I tried that as a test and I really like it! I'm still not entirely sold on how it will make my diffs when it's editing time, but (while I'm still in full writing mode) this has been the best argument I've read to learn vim. — cjm 5 hours ago
@DavidCarlisle: ^^
@PauloCereda I saw that earlier and wept
@DavidCarlisle <3
8:31 PM
@wilx Amazing thanks @wilx How did you figure that out so quickly?
@VincentVerheyen I searched for latex addition column. :)
@wilx My google just started speaking Czech. :)
@AlanMunn Heh.
@AlanMunn Ay, chihuahua!
@PauloCereda woofinho?
8:40 PM
@AlanMunn LOL
If you had to use Time New Roman lookalike font, which one of the many would you use with XeLaTeX and/or LuaLaTeX? I see at least STIX and TeX Gyre Termes or copy of Windows' original Times New Roman.
@wilx It would depend probably on if the document font really requires Times New Roman (e.g. because of some actual check of the PDF). Since I've got the MS Times New Roman I usually just use that, but not for any principled reason.
@AlanMunn I see.
8:55 PM
@wilx Of course if you have lots of math, then STIX would make sense.
@AlanMunn No math, just text.
@wilx Can you tell which is which?
@AlanMunn Left is Times New Roman? :)
@wilx Yes, and the other two are close to being identical.
@wilx So if you need to save space, the choice is obvious. :)
I have noticed some small differences between TNR and the other fonts in shapes carons and a-acutes.
...in my tests.
@AlanMunn OK.
9:44 PM
hello someone help me
dot/.style = {
inner sep=1pt,
minimum size=7pt
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label={below:$t$}] (xmax);
\draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,7) coordinate[label={right:$y$}] (ymax);
\path[name path=x] (0,0) -- (7,7);
\path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)};
\scope[name intersections={of=x and y,name=i}]
\draw (0,0) -- (5,5) node[pos=1,below right] {f(t)=t};
i got an error hi does not know i-2
how to do ?
@StefanKottwitz Why did my Gravatar on TeXwelt change? I didn't do anything.
@StefanKottwitz On my profile page it's still the old one, though.
10:04 PM
@Vrouvrou Why don't you just ask a question?
@HenriMenke because i thinked that is simple if i ask this question all makes me -1
@StefanKottwitz Thank you.
@Vrouvrou In case you haven't found out the big secret here, we very rarely vote down questions. You may get comments to improve them and if you don't only then you may get a single downvote or more likely just a close voter.
@Vrouvrou But one thing we really don't like is questions with code fragments. Post a complete minimal compilable document that shows the issue, with all extra packages removed.
11:00 PM
Hi everybody! Is anyone around to help me getting tex.stackexchange.com/questions/325669/… reopend? I'd like to post an answer.

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