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12:09 AM
@egreg Oh no!
12:23 AM
@PauloCereda :)
5 hours later…
5:51 AM
Good maen
3 hours later…
9:12 AM
@ChristianHupfer Hi!
@PauloCereda Good morning to Brazil. What time is it there? 4 o'clock?
@ChristianHupfer 7:13 :)
@PauloCereda 7:13? This would mean you would been back in time only 3 hours -- or you're not in Brazil right now ;-)
@ChristianHupfer :)
1 hour later…
10:40 AM
@Joseph: in retrospect, you got all teensies in the game! :) I always suffer with the Dark Rayman levels. :)
10:57 AM
Chris's sis here
I wonder if it's possible to somehow have in a tex file a command that every time I run the tex file send the whole content to a certain mail address.
@OFFSHARING I was here before :-P (This message was brought to you by another bloke named Chris... ;-))
I'm worried about my work due to some strange coincidences.
@ChristianHupfer Ah, I see. :-)
Is it possible to have such a thing in my tex files?
@OFFSHARING not without some heavy external trickery. And certainly not from TeX.
@PauloCereda I see. This makes me feel somehow better, I'm not an expert at all in the area of tex files.
11:01 AM
@OFFSHARING Do you want to spam the mail account? Each TeX run?
@PauloCereda ARARA can do. Please say, that ARARA can do this! Please!!!!!! ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I only wanted to know if it's possible that every time I run a text file then automatically the content of the file is sent to a certain mail address. I hope such a thing is not possible!!!
@ChristianHupfer Of course arara can do. But it is insanely complicated to write such rule. :)
@OFFSHARING to run any system command then the user needs to run latex --shell-escape (but if you do do that then it can run any command that you can run, including mail, or whatever) Otherwise it is prevented from running commands and from writing files in unexpected places
@PauloCereda Insanely complicated, even for an insane Duck? :-P
@ChristianHupfer: I once wrote this when I was working with nightingale (which is my arara sandbox): vimeo.com/103023271
11:04 AM
@DavidCarlisle I mean I worked in a file that was sent to me, and now I'm concerned if within the file one can hide such a command such that I cannot see it.
@OFFSHARING the other person can hide such a command but it will not activate unless you choose to allow commands to run by using latex --shell-escape instead of latex to process the document.
@DavidCarlisle Not sure I understand these details, but this is due to my knowledge. How may I see what is hidden in the files?
Say I have the file aaa.tex I open it and see a lot of commands. Then I wanna see what is possibly hidden.


run that and look in the log, it will say
runsystem(ls)...disabled (restricted).
@DavidCarlisle I have \documentclass[reqno]{amsart}
Then try running it with latex --shell-escape and it will list the directory, (unless you are on windows, in which case use ls not dir0
@OFFSHARING the class isn't relevant here
11:12 AM
@DavidCarlisle a stupid question (probably): how do I look in the log?
I use TeXworks.
@DavidCarlisle I think I know your point. Reading one of the files created after the lunch of the files.
LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 68 languages loaded.
("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\article.cls"
Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\size10.clo"
File: size10.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
@OFFSHARING By the way, you could do an update ;-)
@Johannes_B hehe, true! :-)))
So, runsystem(ls)...disabled (restricted) means that there is nothing hidden, no hidden command like sending mails with the content of my tex file?
What does it mean "running it with latex --shell-escape "?
OK, I think I know how to do that. Let me see.
@OFFSHARING it means the file tried to run the command ls you are on windows so change that to dir but that latex did not run the file. If you (or texworks for you) used pdflatex --shell-escape instead of pdflatex then teh command would have run and listed all the files in the folder. I hav eno idea how you tell texworks what commands to run, but somewhere you must have told it to use pdflatex rather then tex or luatex or MSword.
@OFFSHARING but the point is that system commands are disabled by default, the user (not the document author) has to enable them. If the user doesn't know how to do that that's a security improvement not a problem:-)
11:29 AM
@DavidCarlisle I mean I only used a single file I received, I didn't activate anything. I only hope that file won't send the content of my work to any mail address. This is the only concern.
@DavidCarlisle Then I shouldn't be concerned at all.
@DavidCarlisle Thank you a lot!
I simply don't have time to learn more latex, doing other things, I'm totally dedicated on a project, but after finishing it I'll spend some time learning more latex stuff.
11:50 AM
Herbert is –724 from 200K!
@egreg yay!
Hi, so, in the macro/function:
 % #1 = list of rowIDs
 % #2 = database to search
 % #3 =caption
  \begin{longtable}{r l p{1.2in} c c p{2.2in}}
   & \colhead{Date} & \colhead{Filename} & \colhead{From} & \colhead{To} & \colhead{Subject}\\\hline\endhead
Is there an easy way to say: don't put \\ on the last line? Should I ask this as a question?
@FaheemMitha ask the guy who is responsible for longtable. Hint: He is currently in chat right now , but I give no name ;-) ( @DavidCarlisle )
@ChristianHupfer So a question then? This is really more a loop question. Maybe a datatool question.
@FaheemMitha No, ask the guy ;-)
12:05 PM
@ChristianHupfer I think I'll ask a question. But not right away. Need a MWE first. <Sigh>
@ChristianHupfer not a longtable it's a datatool question and unless you are Joseph, that person has been gone to long to ping them.
Well, it's kind of a loop question, really.
@DavidCarlisle Is Joseph the maintainer of datatool?
@ChristianHupfer I think it's because Joseph works with Nicola, so they can easily talk to each other. :)
@PauloCereda @ChristianHupfer no but Joseph has special powers and his pings ping further than the pings of normal users
12:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle I know of the mod ping ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh.
People trying to cheat. :)
@PauloCereda ???
@ChristianHupfer Are you a mathematician?
@ChristianHupfer Can you calculate without pen and paper $$\int_0^1 x^{n-1}\log^3(1-x) \ dx, \ n\ge1$$ using high school tools ?
(and, of course, the various definitions of generalized harmonic numbers)
@OFFSHARING Integration by parts? Well, not without paper and pen, it's recursion due to x^n And I am a Physicist and do not need to prove my math skills here ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Take it when you have time and will, it's very enjoyable.
12:26 PM
@OFFSHARING I am writting at the documentation of my LaTeX package(s) right now, so perhaps later on ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Whenever you want to.
@DavidCarlisle His pings are pingalicious. Or maybe pingarrific.
Hmm, those aren't going to catch on...
@ChristianHupfer undelete, can't be bothered to make an answer:-)
@OFFSHARING Since when is integration by parts enjoyable?
@DavidCarlisle Ok, but I am unsatisfied with the output. The j letter does not really look nice then
@FaheemMitha I think, it was pure irony ;-)
12:42 PM
@FaheemMitha Can you calculate it? Then what kind of integration by parts are you going to apply? You might be surprised to find out it's possibly over your head.
@ChristianHupfer Curious form of irony, if so.
@OFFSHARING I was merely contesting your claim of enjoyability, not one of difficulty.
@ChristianHupfer too bad, blame the grand wizard :-)
I don't even know if integration by parts is the correct thing to do.
But only children find calculating closed form integrations of interest.
@FaheemMitha Calculating it it's not the thing I like in math, but bringing the calculations to the artwork level.
@OFFSHARING Art? Umm... not sure how to respond to that.
@ChristianHupfer What are you guys talking about?
12:45 PM
@FaheemMitha My mathematics means art first of all.
@FaheemMitha There's no correct or wrong about integration by parts or by substitution method. It might be that the integration gets more difficult after integration by parts, however (untested for that special case)
@FaheemMitha I find closed integration very nice and I am no child ;-) It's quite aesthetic to have a closed form of an integral
@ChristianHupfer hehe, right! :-)
@ChristianHupfer "Very nice?" Seriously? Ok, I guess there is no accounting for tastes.
@DavidCarlisle I am writing a mail to DEK right now and complain about the output of \jmath ;-)
@FaheemMitha What's wrong with having an directly computable result or formula? If the evaluation or solution is possible only with a numerical method, fine (I have done that a lot of times for my PhD) but I prefer an analytical result
@ChristianHupfer Nothing wrong with it. It just isn't interesting.
And of course a closed form is better, if available. Nobody would dispute that.
I'm undecided whether draftwatermark is useful. On balance, I think it is. It makes it easy to distinguish between drafts and final versions. Which is usually an important distinction.
1:06 PM
@ChristianHupfer Mod ping. :)
Does anyone have a fix for this?
How could one put one of these in each margin, in the interests of symmetry? I tried adding a similar stanza for the west. And it does indeed appear in the west, but the one in the east disappeared. — Faheem Mitha 21 secs ago
It seems a trivial kind of question...
Maybe Harish could expand his question...
His answer, I mean.
1:24 PM
@JosephWright new disk?
@DavidCarlisle Which element is next to palladium?
@DavidCarlisle Yes but too late last night to pick up. Not in Norwich today so will have to get it back tomorrow and hope they installed the right OS
@JosephWright Windows 10? :)
@PauloCereda VMS
@DavidCarlisle BeOS
1:35 PM
@PauloCereda Mavericks (my Parallels set up is Win7 to match work)
@PauloCereda ^^
@DavidCarlisle ooooooh
What is Ag? Don't tell me, I remember from Minecraft...
@JosephWright interesting set of patches from phg (if you have seen mail yet)
@PauloCereda beware the lone ranger if you take Silver
@DavidCarlisle something very wrong with that horse? :P
@DavidCarlisle Will read the detail. A bit tricky on back up device :-)
@PauloCereda I usually go with rhodium (second favourite element)
1:42 PM
@JosephWright ooh I was off by one. :)
@JosephWright need to do some checks on the argument = nil tests, as i said in my reply to phg I confused myself this morning. Anyway I'll wait until you're back with a working environment before changing anything
@JosephWright because of chemical properties, or because the jewelry matches your outfit?
@DavidCarlisle Will leave work early tomorrow and get laptop. I need it for work (off site part of this week)
@DavidCarlisle Chemistry of course :-(

@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle British humour FTW
@JosephWright: You can be cooled to -273.15C and be 0K.
Bad joke. :D
@JosephWright Wow.
@Johannes_B ? (No threading on the version I am having to use on backup device)
1:57 PM
@JosephWright I was just writing in a fb chat: s/:-)/:-//
@Johannes_B Ah :-)
1 hour later…
3:19 PM
@PauloCereda A ping having mod(est) effect rather :-P
3:43 PM
@Johannes_B Do you know where \everymath{\displaystyle} comes from?
@Johannes_B I found it, in the usual Wikibook page. :( en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/…
@egreg Same as usual. :-(
4:29 PM
I had a question similar to this:
Q: Two images with background package

masfurGood morning. I'm using background package. I think that I follow the package istructions, but I have two questions: The second image don't appear. Where I'm wrong? It's possible to move number-page image up on text? Thank you. Here the code: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{report} \usepackage[...

Is there some reason why background does not support multiple images?
4:47 PM
user image
@DavidCarlisle I see you decided to go with the check in
@ChristianHupfer Who is that?
@barbarabeeton Congratulations for your round rep number!
@ChristianHupfer and @egreg -- thanks, guys! you noticed it before i did.
Congrats to Barbara
4:59 PM
@barbarabeeton Solidarity between squares!
@barbarabeeton I noted 5 rep missing ;-)
@ChristianHupfer -- you're being very naughty, but thank you. next goal: a palindrome.
@barbarabeeton I upvoted a question. So there you go.
@FaheemMitha -- oh, you're naughty too! both on one day! thank you. (i hope you really thought it was a good question.)
@barbarabeeton Of course.
But your scruples do you credit.
5:12 PM
@barbarabeeton We upvote only good posts
Hi. Can someone explain to me why this works?
A: How do you add multiple watermarks?

JesseUsing background package is also an option where scale, angle, position, color, (x, y) shift can be controlled by users. \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[showframe,margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{background} \begin{document} This is a text. \SetBgContents{This watermark is at the top} ...

This part is particularly mystifying:
\makeatletter                % For a second watermark on the same page then repeat
What's the point of that?
@ChristianHupfer -- well, i try hard to ask only good questions. (at this point, the only questions i feel justified in posting are ones that i haven't been able to dig up with a few hours of research. so even if they're not "praiseworthy", i think they're relatively obscure.)
@FaheemMitha -- my guess is that it was cut-and-pasted from somewhere without noticing that it's not needed by anything that follows.
@barbarabeeton Sounds plausible. The \makeatletter, \makeatother come in pairs, right?
@barbarabeeton Did the author add an indent key/option, then?
@FaheemMitha -- yes. i can think of a reason that \makeatother might be wanted by itself (after reading with \input a file that ends with an active @), but \makeatletter by itself, when not followed by any definition containing @, doesn't make sense.
5:28 PM
@barbarabeeton Ok
@JosephWright yes there were other bits that seemed a bit more mysterious (because I had messed up my test setup mostly) but decided to check those in as that one seemed pretty clear cut you shouldn't get a lua type error on nil there.
@FaheemMitha -- i'm not really familiar with the background package, so i'm not qualified to answer your question about another option.
@barbarabeeton No problem.
5:46 PM
@barbarabeeton Well, it's doing something. Since it works with, but not without. So it's doing something, but I don't know what.
Oh, there's a \bg@material
@FaheemMitha -- ooops! missed that! (have to put on my glasses.)
6:09 PM
Hi guys. I'm becoming mad with tcolorbox. I've sent an email to the original author (Thomas Sturm), still no answer yet.
I'm trying to understand why this code is not compiling. https://goo.gl/5f84k5
When I try to use plain lstlisting env instead, this is working. (see the question I asked here https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/279653/lstlisting-environment-with-caption-on-the-first-line-separated-with-a-dashed-bo/279675#comment676211_279675)
This is never ending in LaTeX. Each time I think I'm reaching a possible solution, I've another issue that arises.
@ChristianHupfer -- i'm curious about your antipathy to \jmath. it's exactly the same shape, except for the dot, as the ordinary "j" from cmmi. i agree that it's not super-elegant, but what might you suggest as an alternative?
@ChristianHupfer You can't. He doesn't use email.
cc @ChristianHupfer regarding the comments I made on your answer to my question.
@wget no idea what the code's doing but %borderline north={1pt}{1.2\baselineskip}{red!25,dashed}, is the problem if you lose that it runs
@DavidCarlisle Thanks for your return. But if I remove that line, I loose the main purpose of my question asked here --> tex.stackexchange.com/q/279653/66964
6:23 PM
@wget well the reason that you get the missing number error is that 1.2 gets typeset as text then \baselineskip is seen so tex starts an assignment expecting \baselineskip=5pt or some such but it sees } so gives the error you report
is that #2}#1 on the line above right, looks very odd to have a keyword setting following '#1 (but I don't know the package details
@DavidCarlisle Then, how to solve the problem?
putting a hardcoded pt value seems to work btw
@wget as I say I have no idea what the code is doing, I just ran your code with tracingall and report what it said
Maybe the \baselineskip command is not inherited in that environment.
Thansk for the tip. I didn't know there was tracingall
@wget no it's gone wrong before then it is typesetting 1.2\baselineskip as text then gives an error just as if you wrote {1.2\baselineskip} after \begin{document}
6:47 PM
@DavidCarlisle In such a use case if I have to specify a vertical space of 1.2 * \baselineskip. How should I proceed?
Typing {1.2\baselineskip} would be what I would have done in such a case, but like you said, this isn't working.
@barbarabeeton It's a matter of taste, a personal opinion.
@FaheemMitha It was irony, as almost any of my remarks ;-) (But not this one -- well, you can't know ;-))
@ChristianHupfer -- yes, i gather that. but i'd like to know if you also are not fond of the cmmi dotted "j" as well, and if not, what would you like to see changed in the shape?
@barbarabeeton Just because I don't like a special character I won't demand a change in the shape.
@wget I was busy doing other answers/stuff so far. I'll take a look later on (which could be tomorrow or Tuesday)
@ChristianHupfer No problem ;-) Thanks for your help.
@ChristianHupfer -- not what i was asking, or rather, perhaps, not why i was asking. in my opinion. the dotted and undotted forms should be identical except for the dot. and i'm not able to tell whether you think they needn't be. (apologies for being a pest.)
7:02 PM
@barbarabeeton Let's just say that the \jmath does not really remind me of j letter.
7:15 PM
@ChristianHupfer Ok. This was what @DavidCarlisle said:
I replaced 1.2\baselineskip by 14.4pt and this solved all the issues: the ability to select the content of the lstlisting environment without selecting the numbers and the ability to have long special code inside the tcolorbox environment.
The reason why this is appearing like that is still unknown.
Can I edit your answer or do I need to propose a new one?
@wget I changed
@ChristianHupfer Ok. thanks. Just put a comment for those reading the answer.
*I've just put
7:34 PM
@barbarabeeton I think @ChristianHupfer expected \jmath to make something more like
@DavidCarlisle -- then it must be assumed that the shape of the dotted cmmi "j" is also not "satisfactory". (the reason i'm asking is that one might ask the same question about the stix fonts. so i think those need to be looked at too. i will do so.)
@barbarabeeton you should have commissioned me not that other company as type designer.
@DavidCarlisle -- i had no control over which proposal got accepted. i recommended someone else. they took the low bid. you get what you pay for.
@barbarabeeton oh I'd assumed after v1 you went for the expensive option for v2 :-)
@DavidCarlisle -- i prefer to think of it as the "competent option". but there was/is just an awful lot that needs cleaning up, and since unicode is so random in the assignment of codes, it's a real problem to pull together all the symbols that need to be looked at together. if you question my sanity, this is a good part of the reason why.
7:50 PM
@barbarabeeton i guess we've both spent too long looking up and down the unicode lists trying to make sense of the code point arrangements over the years:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- touché
8:49 PM
@DavidCarlisle I know that \imath and \jmath don't have a dot ;-) Even before that answer

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