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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

7:01 PM
and for sorting list, do you have any idea?
i could implement an algorithm, but if it was already created
@Maïeul Sorting is very complex
@Maïeul A possible way IMHO is to write a macro that wraps the addition of an element and performs a binary search based on your specific criteria. So, you guarantee your list is always sorted after each insertion. :)
consequently, I hesitate to let sorting for later
and to make it directly in the input
I think I will do it
7:04 PM
it will be speeder in any case
because done only one time
yes, I will do
but maybe, one day, I will do better
@JosephWright Wow, l3galley seems awesome...!
@Werner It's quite clever: mainly of course not my ideas
@JosephWright :)
I was specifically thinking about this:
A: Are there any open research problems in the world of TeX?

WernerBreaking the paragraph hold TeX sets paragraphs as a whole by collecting horizontal lines one after the other and stacking them. These horizontal lists that are stacked usually have the same width. If you which to break the monotony, \parshape comes to the rescue. However, it's very cumbersome t...

Paragraph shapes that change at the page boundary... It's a bit awkward though.
Awkward as in very specialized. And I assume there would be enough of an argument that such edge-cases could stick to manual adjustments.
I am thinking maybe the simplier way of doing what I want
would be do as for some for some tools specific to some language
using external script which transform .tex file to an other .tex file
@Werner Did you watch my talk on this?
7:14 PM
that is what we do for biber / makeindex etc
so why not in my case
@JosephWright I did, yes. I didn't listen to the questions though...
It will be written in a simpler language than tex
and surely fasten
and easier to maintain
where's the talk?
yes, I think I will do that
I have a thesis to writte
7:16 PM
and my thesis in not in computer
@AlanMunn meow :-/
@JosephWright any advice for giving a talk?
@AaronHall Don't put too much on your slides, keep what you want to say to the essentials (I've seen a lot of over-long talks in my time)
@AaronHall What kind of talk?
Python. The DataModel. When and How to write classes.
7:24 PM
@AlanMunn I know for a fact, that the Master/Doctoralthesis-template on the template site will see a public update soon.
@AaronHall So instructional, not research?
Not original research.
A bit of user log just made me WOAH: INFO - This is biber 0.9.2
@AaronHall I agree with @JosephWright . I find it's tricky to give talks about programming without being boring. I would keep code fragments to a minimum unless there can be a hands-on component. And maybe provide some example code that people can download for later.
I'm going to send people to StackOverflow. :D
7:28 PM
@AlanMunn Sounds good to me
@AaronHall Perfect! LOL
@AlanMunn The only time I'd have much in the way of code samples is as you say for something instructional
My code samples aren't for actual usage. Demonstration purposes only. I have a small proof that uses multiple inheritance, and I'm going to hand-wave it and send them to SO for the full explanation.
@JosephWright I once heard Sergei Nirenburg (well known CS person) give a talk where he basically went through lines of Lisp and "explained" them. It was amazing(ly bad).
that sounds foreboding.
7:33 PM
It sounds like my lambda calculus keynotes. :)
@AaronHall I guess what I meant is that if you find yourself explaining lots of code you are likely to bore and/or lose people. So you need to stick to more conceptual issues and pseudo code for example.
Oh yeah, definitely not going to be explaining a lot of real code. I wanted to pull an example out of logging.py though as something I'd rather had been done differently, but I haven't gotten around to making the slide.
1 hour later…
8:40 PM
@AlanMunn Haven't checked out right now; is there anything more than setting up the title stuff, margins, linespread with your thesis class?
Firing up youtube to watch some standup comedy and deciding after a minute that watching @Frank's talk will be more fun.
@Johannes_B :D
1 hour later…
10:05 PM
@Johannes_B Not too much. It also sets footnote text size and there's some boilerplate language. But there's some funny stuff about TOC formatting and a couple of other little things that aren't so easy and one bit of code (which is a class option) that rotates headers on landscape pages. Mainly I got tired of answering questions from my students, so I sat down one day and made a class. The hardest part is keeping up with the idiots in the thesis office, who change requirements on a whim.
@Johannes_B But now lots of people use it around the whole university.
@AlanMunn It seems that american universities are worst with respect to strange settings. Is there anything (in your opinion) that can be done to somehow standardize such rules?
@Johannes_B Only a German could think that this would be possible. :) This is the land of "individual freedom" [sic] which means in this case each individual university should have its own standard... But a colleague and I have been pushing to have looser standards and making some progress. My university is far from the worst. I had to fight my PhD institution to be able to use italics instead of underlining!
@AlanMunn it isn't standardized in germany either. Probably worse, every supervisor has its own rules, they are overridedn by the professor but not overridden by the university (in my experience).
I'll bet these arbitrary rules are for "quality control."
10:13 PM
@AaronHall Well grantied this was in the dark ages of the 90s... But still it was ridiculous at the time.
@Johannes_B Yes, in a way that can be worse, but I suspect that in most fields, people just use something sensible that matches the practice in their field. At least the experience here seems to be that people can do whatever they like.
@AaronHall These days they try to blame it on ProQuest which is the US repository for dissertations and theses, but their standards are very minimal.
@AlanMunn Mostly margin stuff, AND bib-appearance.
@Johannes_B See now bib appearance seems crazy to me, since that's so field dependent
@AlanMunn no, not field, every doctorate supervisinz Phd-student na devery PhD-student supervising a masters candidate has it very own opinion on how a bib should look like.
@Johannes_B This is crazy
@AlanMunn Guessing, i would say two out of three questions over at goLaTeX.de are about bib-appearance.
10:25 PM
@Johannes_B I'm just happy my students have references. :) We have a unified style that is used in linguistics or just use APA.
@AlanMunn Setting up ugly margins is one thing, setting up an ugly biblatex-bib is another.
@AlanMunn Oh APA, screams of my nightmares :-)
@Johannes_B Philip Kime is my hero. :)
@AlanMunn I guess you randomly see stuf likeL I have to cite like APA, but my supervisor wants me to change x and y
@Johannes_B Yes, that's annoying.
@Johannes_B But I think also that those of us in the sciences underestimate the complexity of the problem, since we mainly cite articles and books. But in some areas of the humanities there is a much broader range of sources.
@AlanMunn Out of interest, what's the current temperature in michigan?
10:30 PM
I don't know exactly, but maybe 18-20C?
@AlanMunn Newspapers, patents, manuals, recordings of intervies, software ...
@AlanMunn I currently have 27C in my room. I think @yo's apartement is even hotter. :-(
@Johannes_B Yes exactly. And also separation of primary and secondary sources.
@Johannes_B Well it's 23 right now outside. Inside it's probably warmer.
@Johannes_B Also, if your supervisor uses Word, then asking for changes seems easy.
@AlanMunn Bäh
@AlanMunn That is quite easy with biblatex :-)
@AlanMunn I am sorry, Word? What is that?</russianAccent>
$38 for a pdf of a doctoral dissertation. That's depressing.
@AaronHall I'll sell you mine for $25. :)
10:34 PM
@AaronHall Typeset in TeX?
Probably not even.
@Johannes_B Perhaps you would like to adapt an answer for tex.stackexchange.com/q/261148/3954? I know how to achieve what the OP wants but using fancyhdr; no idea how to do it using scrlayer-scrpage, so perhaps you could adapt my code? (If you want to, of course).
Heres' the code with fancyhdr:

  \tikz[remember picture,overlay] \coordinate (#1);}

  \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
      ([yshift=-5pt]starta) --
Read a mail and thought Sehr schön. A friend is going to do the Introduction to LaTeX this fall :-)
@AaronHall Have you thought about contacting the author directly? People are usually happy to send you a copy or point you to all the articles that it turned into.
I just wanted to flip through the digital pages of a few of them.
10:37 PM
@GonzaloMedina Saw the question but didn't bother to answer. It is late and i had my Feierabendbier. I am very confident that @esdd is going to take it and answer it. If anybody, she is our KOMA expert.
@Johannes_B Ah, OK.
@AaronHall If it's a US dissertation, perhaps your university library has access through ProQuest?
I'm not at a University.
I just like to read.
@GonzaloMedina We have the informal policy of not closing a Q within a few weeks, i think we can wait a day before investing real effort to answer a Q.
@Johannes_B Not following you here. I'm lost.
10:41 PM
@AaronHall I see. That does make things harder.
@GonzaloMedina Meaning: if Elke hasen't taken over, i will have a look at it tomorrow :-)
@Johannes_B Thanks. Now I understand :)
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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