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6:32 PM
Ehm.. it's possible that latex doesn't have a command to underline words? :/
@unNaturhal Look at the soul package. However, remember that underlining is frowned upon from the typography point of view
@tohecz ... particularly as it's incredibly hard and messy to do in TeX ;-)
@StephanLehmke That is alibist ;p
@unNaturhal Don't do it. You've been warned. :)
Hi Guys
6:47 PM
@tohecz @egreg oh I read that underlining is not recommended, but I need it to distinguish Primary Keys from other attributes in the ER schema. I found \underline command
I'm thinking about to add a multido option to the standalone class, which changes the definition of \multido (multido package) slightly so that every iteration of the content automatically builds a single page.
@MartinScharrer Hi, Martin! Do you think it's possible to change lang-tex.js so that it highlights correctly LaTeX3 code between \ExplSyntaxOn and \ExplSyntaxOff?
@unNaturhal For single words in a very specific context it can be used. Sparingly. Surely not to underline a whole (or big part of) a paragraph.
@egreg Mmm, I don't think the javascript based highlighter allows different states, i.e. different formatting inside delimiters
@egreg Yeah I need it just for single words (attribute names) :)
@unNaturhal So, \underline.
@MartinScharrer So we'd need a special lang-latex3.js
6:52 PM
@egreg :P
@egreg Why not extending the normal lang file to also cover LaTeX3 syntax?
@MartinScharrer Math with subscripts would come out wrong.
@egreg I agree
@egreg Ok. Getting a now lang file into SX isn't that easy however. We moderators don't have access at this level. It may even be required to go upstream to the Google project itself, i.e. add the "new" language there first. But I'm not sure.
@unNaturhal There is no problem with your document. The left and right margin is pushing your picture.
Include this \usepackage{layout} in the preamble and put \layout command somewhere in your document to see actual size of your textwidth.
7:09 PM
@paulo You are a duck, I am now a chicken, if you refresh you will see!
@percusse Oh, someone red my document :)
@percusse Ehm.. ok, it show me the layout of the page, but how can I fix my "issue"?
@unNaturhal There is not enough space. So either more paper or smaller picture.
Or landscape figures. Search the main site for landcape figures,
@percusse Landscape.. means rotating by 90°?
@unNaturhal Oh yes. exactly. right now it's so-called "Portrait" and the rotated one is "Landscape"
@percusse Mmmmh.. there isn't a way to let the image go out of the normal stream of the page?
As it was "raised" of a level above of the layout
7:18 PM
you mean shift it into the margin a little?
if you want to shift it to page margin, you can say
This need the package `mathtools` I think
But it is not a good way to do things
@percusse Yeah.. something like this..
@unNaturhal that do what I suggested
@tohecz The problem is that my image is not an "image.jpg" or something else.. it's a tikzpicture
@unNaturhal doesn't matter. Whatever you put into \clap{...}
7:23 PM
@tohecz With what I have to substitute "image"?
The tikz code?
@unNaturhal yes
@tohecz Ok I try :)
It gives me back a strange error..
Runaway argument?
{\includegraphics { \scalebox {.75}{ \begin {tikzpicture}[node distan\ETC.
! Paragraph ended before \clap was complete.
<to be read again>

@tohecz It doesn't like blank lines inside \clap
@unNaturhal You don't need includegraphics
just \clap but I think you should not do that if your thesis going to be cut in the print shop.
It prints its actual size on an A4 paper.
7:29 PM
@percusse Yeah it prints on an A4 paper, but the images will be shown not centered anyway.. or not?
As I said, you should never make an image to exceed the margins, unless you really know what you are doing
@tohecz I don't know what I'm doing because I don't know latex so well..
@unNaturhal Your thesis class uses what is called a two sided document. If you open a book you'll see that left page and right page margins are different for each page. That's why you have alternating left margin and a right margin. So when cut in the print shop you page contents will be at a equal distance from the paper margins.
Centering is done within the content area and that area is smaller than your picture. Try to guess where it is by writing dummy text. For generating meaningless text you can include \usepackage{lipsum} and then put \lipsum[1-8] after \begin{document} that would generate 8 paragraphs of text.
I know how is made the layout of the class that I'm using.. but now you told me a new thing.. if my image is greater that the content columns, what will happen when I will print it?
@unNaturhal then I suggest you to either use sidewaysfigure from rotating package, or to redraw your picture in such way that it fits
7:38 PM
@unNaturhal It's going to be cut. That's the reason why we are recommending you to scale your pictures down.
@unNaturhal 1) it will look ugly, 2) it may happen that it gets cropped and part of it disappears
But you can scale it such that it only leaks into the margins but not the paper size which might save you if you absolutely have no other option.
Wait wait.. I can't redraw my picture.. this is the only "appreciable" way in which is drawable with tikz-er2..
I could landscape it, but I don't know if it's a good choice..
@unNaturhal if its wider than high, it might be a good idea
@tohecz Maybe it's better if I ask to my professor first :p
7:49 PM
@JosephWright I think I might fall under that category...
I just checked my flagging history: 702 posts flagged; 1001 comments flagged. Geesh!
@percusse @tohecz thanks for the help :) I go away for dinner.. See ya later :)
8:09 PM
@Werner hello!
8:24 PM
!!/texdef -t latex sloppy
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

macro:->\tolerance 9999\emergencystretch 3em\hfuzz .5\p@ \vfuzz \hfuzz
@tohecz Hi...
@Werner 700 flags? wow! I have 30 :/
@tohecz Actually, a total of 1700, with just over 1600 helpful. At least that's helpful, I guess.
But I'm making the mods work... that's what I meant.
@Werner yeah, but I mean the post flags, not the comment flags
8:36 PM
@tohecz Oh. 30 vs 700... I see.
Just make sure they're helpful. :)
@Werner yeah, I have 2 unhelpful I think
@percusse you here?
Psmith, the TeX bot: The wise David Carlisle once said: That's what happens if you use tikz too much
!!/choose david, joke
@tohecz Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: joke
!!/answer tell me a joke
8:48 PM
@tohecz Psmith, the TeX bot: Q: What's hot, chunky, and acts on a polygon? A: Dihedral soup. :: (according to what passes for mathematical humor (sorry, I only know mathematical jokes), drawn from several sources but primarily from P. Renteln and A. Dundes in their paper "Sampling of Mathematical Folk Humor" in Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 52, pp. 24-34, 2005)
@PauloCereda I remember you have Python experience. Did you try Django at some time?
@tohecz \centering\makebox[0pt]{whatever} doesn't require any package. ;-)
@egreg that was a blind shot
@tohecz I guess that \clap does exactly that. Let's see
!!/texdef -t latex -p mathtools clap
@tohecz Well, Psmith seems asleep. Here's the result macro:#1->\hb@xt@ \z@ {\hss #1\hss } which is a simplification of \makebox[0pt]{#1}
@StefanKottwitz Django as in the last movie by Q. Tarantino? :)
9:09 PM
@egreg If the movie script was written in Python, sure!
@tohecz stop that
!!/eightball Great oracle, should @tohecz stop that?
Psmitty, the fake TeX bot: Who knows?
@DavidCarlisle tell @Psmith ;)
9:29 PM
@tohecz I'm now.
9:39 PM
@percusse that was me:
For the person who awarded the bounty: I wasn't aware of this bounty so I've missed its owner but thank you very much. It feels a little undeserved for this answer :) — percusse Dec 17 '12 at 0:19
@tohecz Oh great to know. Thank you once again
@percusse One can see who awarded a bounty by checking the revision history.
@egreg Ah now I see it under the edits. I didn't read all of them apparently.
@percusse well, I just wanted to stress the importance of this approach.
If one needs some "crazy formatting", he should first think twice if he cannot avoid it.
@tohecz I can see you put your editor hat on reading that question :)
9:46 PM
@percusse lol, it sounds like a compliment :)
Indeed the reviewing process becomes a nightmare with such stuff. Just finished one yesterday.
@percusse I finished 128 pages, on Dec 31
@tohecz Actually it is heheh.
I'm now relaxing with a bass guitar borrowed from my friend... This is great stuff to practice to anyone playing any instrument out there
He goes crazy towards the end.
@percusse I'm in the living room so I cannot play sounds :-/
but I practised my Sunday service organ play today
some crazy things I'll play, Ethno intonatation and accompaniment to a traditional English hymn ;)
@tohecz Ooh some of them are tricky because of the slow ryhthm.
9:52 PM
@percusse yeah, but you see: playing English hymn on an English organ in Ethno style? :D
@tohecz I don't know that style but sounds quite esoteric
@percusse I can scan the sheets, but I don't have the recording
the song is this one:
"Good King Wenceslas" is a popular Christmas carol that tells a story of Good King Wenceslas braving harsh winter weather to give alms to a poor peasant on the Feast of Stephen (the second day of Christmas, December 26). During the journey, his page is about to give up the struggle against the cold weather, but is enabled to continue by following the king's footprints, step for step, through the deep snow. The legend is based on the life of the historical Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia or Svatý Václav in Czech (907–935). In 1853, English hymnwriter John Mason Neale wrote the "...
I don't know if related but I found this thing which I need to finish reading :) A controversial thing it seems
@tohecz Oh it has a nice tempo to keep up to.
But why is this called Ethno?
Ah this one in Ethno style....
@percusse yeah, cantus firmus European, harmony+rhythmics "Ethno"
and btw, the article seems to me a bit screwed
@tohecz oh like helll :) google at its best
10:04 PM
@percusse oh, then all's ok :D
@tohecz I've search ethno style hymn and that popped up
now apologise me, the shower is free and the heating is on there, I should take the opportunity
@tohecz My english is not so good I might have said Oh the pleasure is mine... :) Enjoy
10:20 PM
@StefanKottwitz Sadly no. I'm not familiar with Python for web. :(
@percusse Thanks, it was a pleasure ;)
@tohecz The one that looks down the big square! :)
@egreg what?
@tohecz King Wenceslas; isn't he on the horse?
@egreg @percusse Well, the thing is that in Czech, it is not a Christmas Carol
10:32 PM
@tohecz I thought so. I always go and greet four people in Prague: Tycho Brahe, Jan Hus, King Wenceslas and King Charles (at one end of the bridge).
@egreg lol :D
you might visit our Milicius of Kremsier church ;)
@egreg and Kafka
with that tiny house
@percusse you don't mean this one, do you?
@tohecz Nope the one closer to the castle
@percusse The one in Zlatá ulička!
10:41 PM
@egreg damn you'll again catch a Prague citizen not knowing Prague :p
@tohecz One has to pay to go into Zlatá ulička. ;-) At least you know where it is, don't you?
@egreg yes, I do ;)
@percusse It's not "closer to the castle", it's "in the castle".
@egreg I was completing my search for the proper characters to write it here.
@percusse lol :D and these are not the worst one ;)
10:44 PM
@percusse Google "Vicolo d'oro"; it.wikipedia.org has the Czech name just at the beginning. Copy and paste. :)
btw, I had my appointment with my logopedist again yesterday, to learn to properly pronounce "ř" ;)
but I had to learn the proper "d" first, and now I'm learning the proper "r" ;)
@tohecz I had to look 'logopedist' up :-)
@tohecz That Milicius was from Kroměříž, for instance. ;-)
Not quite sure if it means 'speech therapist' or 'elocutionist'
@egreg yes, exactly ;)
@JosephWright speech therapist
10:47 PM
@tohecz Or Křižíkova
@tohecz Medical not cultural, then
@JosephWright yeah, I need to improve my pronounciation of couple Czech consonants ;)
for some time I didn't get how on earth it can be called legotherapist
I need to learn how to read properly.
@percusse Sounds fun :-)
10:51 PM
@percusse A legotherapist is where @DavidCarlisle goes habitually. :)
@egreg lol
@egreg I think he will eventually renew the Lego standards out of this experience.
@tohecz OK up to this part A specialist who deals with the correction of the speech sounds, the disorders in writing, reading it's understandable now what does this mean and the ability to create any forms of mathematical operations.
Do they excel in functional analysis or algebra?
@percusse what?
@tohecz That's the definition from Wiki page
@percusse Let's say it's not very well written. There are similar disorders for math reading or writing, which can be disconnected from other reading and writing disorders.
10:56 PM
lol ok. Well, they usually deal with children, the biggest problem with children is that the problems with pronounciation are often related to problems with understanding, ability to speak in sequences etc.
One can read and write correctly words, but have difficulties with numbers: Dyscalculia
@egreg Yes I have a friend whose child is having such difficulties. But I didn't know that they are all analyzed in logopedia(?)
or is it logopediatry which is a little more sensible.
@percusse I would say that logopedists try to solve the problems in a more complex way, and they concentrate on children who seem "slower", and on pronounciation difficulties
however, often it is the parents who should change, and spend more time with their children, read them fairy-tales in bed when they're small, read with them when they are older, spend a lot of time with them, chatting, ...
@tohecz Indeed but can't project it directly to the parents too I guess but certainly a major role.
@JosephWright Can I "remove" my flag, e.g. because the post was significantly improved?
@percusse I see your point. However, from my scoutmaster experience, when I encounter a "child with problems", I always seek the cause in the family, and I almost always find it there.
@percusse (I would add specific examples, but I feel I should not share confidential information, even when no names are mentioned)
11:15 PM
@tohecz Yes, that's very true what I meant is that sometimes the parents don't even know if the child has a traumatizing experience or the child might have a different understanding of the world that is around and they all become intertwined as far as I understand from my friend's child.
@percusse Well, I can speak of my own experience :-/ (actually, I'm not of "bad parents", but my childhood was really complicated, because of other reasons)
what's that package I can load to get margin details?
I forgot what it was
@tohecz As my grandfather used to say, count the problems to get the population exact.
@Gnintendo \usepackage{showframe} or \usepackage{layout} or \usepackage[showframe]{geometry}
@percusse yeah, there's some point in this, but I believe it is not as bad with most children
I don't have a problem with speaking about my experience, but I feel it might me pretty annoying to others, because everyone has his own problems
A duplicate I think - does anybody agree?
Q: Using LaTeX to create a resume in PDF

foampileI am a LaTeX noob and I am considering it for revamping my resume. I decided to shift away from MS Word as I dislike using MSFT products and would like something like HTML with hyperlinks but want to create one single file with embedded images. I will also have a hierarchy tree structure (simia...

11:23 PM
@StefanKottwitz I tend to agree, I was just too lazy to search around for the right threads...
@StefanKottwitz I'm leaning more towards the question linked by cmhughes tex.stackexchange.com/q/80, but it's a duplicate nonetheless.
@tohecz Usually, I just like it to be not the only one with the closing vote ;-)
@StefanKottwitz yes, somehow that is a drawback of being a mod, I feel moderators should use the hammer as little as possible
@egreg cmhughes' dupe pointer means "how". I chose the "why", because the question meant "Is it a good tool", not how to do
@StefanKottwitz I believe both of them will show up, I voted for the other one
11:27 PM
@tohecz Yes, both will show up, that's why it's good to choose another one, fine! And closed.
My comment was automatically deleted by the closing routine, why did I bother :-) had to write another one
I'm using the memoir class and I have my page margins set with:
when I do \rule{74mm}{1mm} I get a line that follows the desired width
However, when I create mini pages that are, say, 0.3\linewidth and 0.7\linewidth respectively
the contents will go slightly outside of the line created with the \rule
Do you know how I can make it such that I can have mini pages that stay inside this rule?
@Gnintendo put \end{minipage}\begin{minipage}{0.7\linewidth} on one line, it should help
Seems a problem like
without a `%` to protect against the space
I'll try that
perfect, thanks :)
(derp, can't believe I didn't notice that)
@Gnintendo And don't forget \noindent if you aren't in the scope of \centering
11:38 PM
right, I got that :)
@Gnintendo if you want to have a nicer code, do this:
Yeah, that's what I did :P
ok, I should go. Thanks for the nice chat, @percusse and @egreg !
I'm having trouble getting an image I'm inserting to be the same distance from the top and bottom of the minipage
I tried a simple \vfill above and below my \includegraphics, but I must be missing something
hello to all :)
11:41 PM
@Gnintendo try \begin{minipage}[c]{0.3
@Gnintendo \vfill<image>\vfill, but you have to state a total height for the minipage
oh, are there any useful macros for pageheight, and where do I set the pageheight?
@tohecz was does the [t] do?
@Gnintendo damn, sorry, I meant [c]
what does it do?
11:43 PM
@Gnintendo c as center
what does the t do?
@egreg if there're 2 minipages on a line, it should automatically vcenter the shorter one to the taller one, shouldn't it?
@Gnintendo align minipage to the top of the line
@tohecz Yes
@egreg I mean, is there something like \textheight or the like?
@Gnintendo What precisely do you want to get?
11:45 PM
@egreg a business card
something like 0.7 of the total height of the card would work for the height of the minipage
well, I really gotta go, see ya!
@Gnintendo \begin{minipage}[c][.7\textheight][c]{.3\textwidth}...\end{minipage}
@tohecz Laterz!
@egreg Hmm, my end-of-card \rule isn't turning out like I expect
I'm trying to \vfill before I make it, but it appears off to the right
@Gnintendo Difficult to say without seeing some code.
11:53 PM
@Gnintendo Seems like a \noindent problem.
oh, derp
is there a way to get noindent on the entire document?
to simplify things?
@Gnintendo \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} in the preamble
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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