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12:06 AM
I sent the solution to them.
@robjohn I didn't see you around for some time.
I need some sleep (it's late - new energy needed for tomorrow, the book is waiting for me to finish it)
1 hour later…
1:29 AM
Exam went badly, for everyone.
I'd say I should have put 7-8 days worth of preparation, not 3-4 like I did.
Eh, maybe Im just stupid.
2:05 AM
@Owatch just learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them
@SamuelYusim what course are you taking ?
dif geo?
if I remember correctly you study in waterloo right?
Hey guys! Assuming I have two (2D) convex polygons A and B, overlapping each other, how do I know the minimum displacement only on the x-axis to move A so that it doesn't overlap B anymore? Thanks, I would really appreciate some hints!
2:17 AM
@dermetfan project them down to intervals on the x-axis
@anon Thanks. If I'm right that would give me a distance to move them so they don't overlap anymore, but not the minimum distance.
ah, you're right
@SamuelYusim It's fully gray now
Hey @TedS
Hi @anon, @AlexC, @Karim, @Samuel ... Whew
2:24 AM
Here's an illustration of the problem: I'm searching for MIN, not SAT min :/ sketchtoy.com/65161070
@dermetfan That's a pretty cool little program
Yeah, really useful to explain stuff if text isn't enough
Hmm, did the ignore rampage expand to include me? :D
@TedShifrin I don't think so, I don't think you were mentioned haha
I meant by everyone here ...
2:32 AM
ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Clarinetist Woooooooooo
Hi @Clarinetist and @Stan
Hi @Ted
@Clarinetist What do you need linear algebra for? I think I recall you said you needed to relearn it
@AlexClark Reviewing for a part-time M.S. stats program
2:34 AM
@Clarinetist Ahhh alright, that makes sense. Do you need/know measure theory?
@TedShifrin Hey Ted!
Wow, I'm kind of a lily green today lol
How are you set to keep transmogrifying?
@StanShunpike Did you change your email address?
@AlexClark I can't say that I've mastered it, but I do know, for example, what a $\sigma$-field is, what a measure is and how you use the idea to rigorously develop probability definitions. I would, though, like to take a graduate-level (math-based, as opposed to "for statistics") measure theory class sometime.
@TedShifrin I swear these people are making it up haha. The gravatar is based on your email address running through a code
2:36 AM
@TedShifrin I'm not, I am just an anomaly. I thought everyone did that at first, but I have realized it seems to be just me.
@TedShifrin The code is even open source...
Interesting @AlexC
Really? That's interesting. Yeah, mine shifts every day. Periodically it gets stuck on grey
I really enjoy it :D I hate static gravatars
@Stan is speshul.
Stan, the only input in the code is your email address, the code is static
2:38 AM
LOL or weird. But I prefer your version
So random question
Where can I find a book on matrix algebra which covers pseudoinverses?
Lots of good applications
Not good for learning proofs, however.
@StanShunpike For example I got this one from playing around with random email addresses: lea.verou.me/demos/gravatar.php?email=blue123456%40gmail.com
2:40 AM
There is a demo with my fake email^
puts in wish list
Lin Alg & Applications, @Clarinetist
Yep I found it
He has so many books ...
@AlexClark wow, that's cool. How did you learn about this?
2:42 AM
I rather like his applied math book, too. I taught a year-long course based on it about 30 years ago.
So I haven't done anything at work for the last week. Definitely wouldn't do that in academia, but dang, the business world... when you put in your two weeks, your coworkers and manager alienate you. It's strange
No wonder you didn't finish your report, Alex :)
@TedShifrin Hahaha this was before the report, and heyyyy I did finish it
@StanShunpike More interestingly, if someone makes an account and adds an image to it, like of a cat
And they delete there account and you guess there email
2:44 AM
You get their cat
I have literally spent 8 hours a day for the last week waiting for Excel to take 3-4 hours to calculate cells and save.
and then calculate this next block of cells, etc.
rinse and repeat...
I should just flood my cubicle with measure theory formulas in my last day just for the heck of it.
Hey @paul
@AlexClark wow, that's crazy too lol
@PaulPlummer Got a current project?
2:47 AM
@TedShifrin so you wrote a book on calc and another on differential geometry. Why those two subjects? Just because you teach them?
@StanShunpike That would be a weird causation :P
@AlexClark lol
And Algebra and Linear Algebra.
That's awesome. I love all those subjects.
Actuarial Science text next :P (actually, in all seriousness, you would just need a master's to publish an actuarial text...)
2:51 AM
@TedShifrin I love your ratemyprofessor haha, almost perfect helpfulness and almost no easiness hahaha
@AlexClark I've been watching his lectures. Wish I could take one of his classes
Well, @AlexC, that's only a tiny number of students out of over a hundred classes. But i threw out all my 34 years of evals today.
@TedShifrin Whaaatttt??? That's so sad to throw out
@TedShifrin I guess you didn't have need for them anymore but still
@TedShifrin Did you keep any good ones. Do any have sentimental value from good students?
2:54 AM
Much sadder getting rid of all the books and notes.
@TedShifrin Oh, I bet
@TedShifrin What books and notes? Why did you get rid of them?
@TedShifrin By the way, if I ever decide to get into academia... question, should I keep these TA evals from a Calc. I class I TAd for about 2 years ago?
Lots of sentimental stuff, including over an hour at my retirement thing Friday. Two former students basically broke down in tears after 5 minutes ...
2:56 AM
Scan em or a compiled version, @Clarinetist.
Man it makes me sad just thinking about it haha, I dunno I don't do well with big changes and throwing out things
I probably gave away more than 400 books.
Don't accumulate too much, Alex.
2:59 AM
I can't wait until I start TA'ing(as Americans seem to call it), I can actually start buying my textbooks then
@TedShifrin Yes I know, I have to counter hoard by throwing out things that I keep :\, it hurts every time
Hi @TedShifrin
But in the modern era you can scan stuff ...
alex how come you don't use your old account anymore
Hi @AlexClark btw
Hey @Karim . I wanted to disassociate from it since the challenge was a failure
3:00 AM
I said hi ages ago, Karim. :)
yeah I am just back
The challenge had bad direction and a bad premise, and really it was just to motivate me when I did have no direction
oh I see
Yes, it is unfortunate, but now I know that projects shouldn't be planned for longer than 6 months unless it is really indepth and well planned haha
I'll probably plan my next few projects for 3 months or less until I get consistent
3:03 AM
@AlexClark Sort of, right now both of them are on a temporary hiatus. One of them was the project that I have told you and BalarkaSen, on small cancellation theory and some game stuff related to that post I did, and the other is a paper (maybe...) that I am working on with a friend.
@PaulPlummer Oh that's cool, the friend never comes here?
I'm bored
Not that I know of, doesn't really do much on stack exchange @AlexClark
Anyone want a crash course in actuarial math (more interesting than the job itself, I promise)?
@Clarinetist No thanks haha, I am doing some ring theory
3:04 AM
I am doing physics
solving mechanics assignment
I gotta get a new hobby. Haha. 'Been too used to my time being eaten by actuarial exams
@Clarinetist Find something you enjoy in math, or get an instrument or lift some weights :P
Maybe I should give Tao's Analysis a better look...
@Clarinetist I find all of these things make me feel way better
3:07 AM
Sad to say I'm out of shape, but I have managed to start exercising daily for a few days now :P
How about you @AlexClark, any projects? Have you decided on that tropical geometry thing?
I run and do math and physics and some programming in C for fun :D
Hmm, I really should learn C++ too
@PaulPlummer I will definitely do it, but I don't know too much about it, I really need to look into it over the next few days. It will start with Eric and around 2 other people(not including me) on the 8th of June. With communication between all of us 3-4 times a week I believe
i learned coding when I was young like 12 I learned C,C++,x86 assembly and html :D
3:08 AM
@TedShifrin 400 books?!?
LUCKY! @KarimMansour
@AlexClark Cool, did you have other mathematical plans or do you think it will take most of your time
@KarimMansour I can't code which makes me sad, but I know I am not motivated enough to actually learn it. I.e. I wish I could do it, but I don't care enough to fix it
yeah but wished I also learned math when I was young too that would have been nice :D
@PaulPlummer Well I need to get a good understanding of the first few chapters of Armstrong and Lee's topological manifolds for algebraic topology next sem. That should eat up most of my time
3:09 AM
I think if you learn abstract math you can easily learn how to come @AlexClark it has same flavour
@KarimMansour Yeah I know, it doesn't seem like it would be hard to do, but it would take up a heap of time. Much like learning a language(which I also want to do, but without necessity it is hard to make yourself do it)
Is it planned that most of the stuff will be done during the meating, or you are expected to be doing stuff outside. Because that will basically make it an everyday thing, of something that is probably totally new to you, not sure how much time you will have for other things. Is this suppose to be like research or just learn tropical geometry? @AlexClark
@PaulPlummer Research, but with no prerequisites - Yes full time thing pretty much, but it is happening mostly outside of semester(i.e. here in between sem 1 and sem 2) so I will have the time to spare
@PaulPlummer Apparently it is a new field that has low hanging fruits - and it is accessable to undergraduates, which is why CRP chose it
tropical geometry
sounds so funny
3:16 AM
I guess, I sort of think you may be underestimating the time commitment though... @AlexClark
@KarimMansour Hahaha it sounds to nice
@PaulPlummer Nah I get it, but it has a finishing date, so it won't last forever
@PaulPlummer My ex-girlfriend(who I still live with) will be going into uni to do her testing for her thesis the entire holidays, so I will have massive amounts of time to do study
@PaulPlummer You changed your gravatar? I liked the old one
you live with your ex gf?
3:20 AM
@KarimMansour My very recently ex-gf yes
@AlexClark No I updated my email
@PaulPlummer That's what I meant haha
@KarimMansour 20 days ago
oh I see makes sense
3:21 AM
This one is not bad, I guess the cool thing is that it I can try bunch of email accounts, now that I have my own domain name and see what I like.
@PaulPlummer I don't even have this attached to my email address haha
I have it as Blue123456@gmail.com
Oh did you just make it
Oh just put someones email in there
How about this one
3:23 AM
You can try any there(mine is in there
One suspicion I have is that MSE renders them case sensitive and that website doesn't(which is weird since emails are not case sensitive)
But I can't render any of my old email addresses correctly(from old accounts)
I'll brb
Huh, it seems like you could figure out someone email from the picture, that does not seem secure (given that they say email is private )
@PaulPlummer Yes you could
3:29 AM
Although maybe it is suppose to be like a hash, hard to figure out where it came from
@PaulPlummer It would be very very hard though yep, but it is entirely possible
@PaulPlummer It's equivalent to a known plaintext-ciphertext attack
I guess one could get a database popular emails, put them in and collect the pictures then start comparing
Well with that you can literally try any plaintext and see the corresponding output and with sufficient cryptanalysis you could work out how it works(but worse still the code is opensource)
@PaulPlummer Ahhh you are right it is hashed, so only some of the information is used, so nvm
3:48 AM
@PaulPlummer Are you working on adding commenting on your website?
@PaulP Why do they constantly say $x$ in the ring, or $y$ is an element of the ring now, is there some problem with saying $x\in R$, $y\in R$ now?
4:05 AM
@AlexClark Did you want to comment on the site? That gravatar thing does not seem to be accurate
@AlexClark Who is they? And there is no difference
Some people do different styles, like some books never use $\in$ and some almost always use it
I have tried like 4 different emails that have cool gravatars and I get shown something else on stackexchange, maybe they modified the code or something
Is there a particular commenting system you wanted? I was thinking I would try to set up something so that comments get emailed to me, and the I would approve and it would update, or just use already made systems, like google comments or disqus, but not sure if comments are really needed
And why would you want comments? It seems like for the most part math blogs do not get many comments, and half the time it seems like correction, so email seems good enough for that
@PaulPlummer I think people won't give you corrections if they have to go to that much effort. I don't have any particular reason to believe this, but it just seems like very little effort to drop a comment
Also take Mike's blog for example, he got a comment very soon after posting, and it added plenty of information
From someone he knows...
and could just talk to
Oh how do you know that? Is Hard arithmetic someone he has talked about?
4:13 AM
@PaulPlummer Are you so sure? Their blog rolls aren't mutual?
I thought it was from the other Alex @AlexClark
@alexC when is your birthday? It was in may i just cant remeber the date
@Rememberme It was 7 days ago
Sorry i forgot
Happy belated birthday @AlexC
4:15 AM
@Rememberme Haha that's alright, I can legally drink in America now(although Aus is 18)
@PaulPlummer What other alex? The one on here with the animal picture? If you click the commenters name it goes to hard arithmetic.com and that website doesn't have mike in the blog roll
Oh the other other alex, which I thought I saw here once
Alex Youcis
@PaulPlummer AlexWertheim?
4:17 AM
Last seen 165 days ago
He is at berkley
So different uni's so it still counts as an example
Okay, maybe I will find a good commenting system
@Paul I like your current picture. I'll brb
It was suppose to be something way cooler....
but the gravatar thing misinformed me
4:19 AM
Yes, I could just talk to Alex. But it's reasonable to comment on someone's blog so that others get something out of the conversation.
So what would your comment have been the post? @AlexClark
@PaulPlummer Oh nothing yet haha, but when I am reading posts I usually do check the comments. They often complement the post
Hey guys, I'm looking at this answer, math.stackexchange.com/questions/225942/… and am wondering how to show |ab| is not always finite only knowing |a| and |b| are finite (ie. not knowing if G is abelian)
You would give an example
I can't think of one though, do you know of one?
4:30 AM
I know of a few :)
Do you know anything about presentations of groups (like $\langla a, b \mid a^2,b^2 \rangle$)
I'm not sure what you mean.
I think the classic example come from matrices though
If I could see that latex actually rendered I probably would understand.
@BradySullivan Go to the star board and click the latex in chat thing
E.g. go here for latex in chat: math.ucla.edu/~robjohn/math/mathjax.html
4:35 AM
@AlexClark gracias.
A zero-divisor in some commutative ring is $x\in R$ such that $ax=0$ for some $a\in R$. So then multiplying a zero-divisor by any other element in $R$ should still be a zero divisor, i.e. $rax=r\cdot0$ means in a commutative ring $arx=0$ so $rx$ is still a zero divisor for any $r\in R$
@PaulP Does that sound right?
@PaulPlummer could you expand on the matrix example?
Sounds right @AlexClark
@PaulPlummer Sweet, I am getting the hang of this
4:40 AM
Try calculating $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$ and $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & -1 \end{pmatrix}$
and the product
@PaulPlummer An element of a commutative ring is nilpotent iff it is a zero divisor, correct?
$\Bbb Z/6\Bbb Z$
Wait of course
Is that to me @MikeM?
there are no nilpotents in that ring
4:51 AM
@MikeMiller How is that a counter example sorry?
Because none of the elements are nilpotent, but there are zero divisors
Oh crap
So nilpotent implies zero divisor ok
(But zero divisor doesn't imply nilpotent)
That is correct atleast right?
4:53 AM
Since $x^m =0$ implies $ax=0$ when $a=x^{m-1}$
@MikeMiller So zero-divisors form an ideal in a commutative ring
@BradySullivan Another example is to consider the functions $r,s:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$, $r:x \mapsto -x$ and $s: x \mapsto 2-x$ (which can both be seen as reflections of the real line), then you calculate (rs)^n, which you can show is not the identity since you can just plug in points
(this is actually called the infinite dihedral group and is isomorphic to $\langle a,b \mid a^2, b^2 \rangle$ )
no they don't. nilpotents do

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