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8:00 PM
@Yuki I think that's a valid life lesson to take from that movie
@Wandang Your tag wiki has 2 approves and no rejects. The excerpt has 1 approve and 2 rejectrs
that test is unfair
i need a german one
I'm not sure how many you need before it goes through, but I'm guessing it hasn't had enough yet.
@Wandang yes! You're expected to retain things from it.
I could've read much faster if I didn't need to do that =[
i did not even understand every word
owe something
like shakespeare english or something
8:01 PM
You're right though. It was approved 52 minutes ago. Slow system.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did... did that sledgehammer have a cross on the side?
@Wandang it's definitely not shakespeare english
@FAE It definitely did.
Ooh, it even says the title of the book "The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells."
@KevinvanderVelden I have to read a lot of nonsense so I've become quite good at it. >_>
8:02 PM
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling in 4 hours and 39 minutes
@Wandang Weirder still, your approved tag wiki shows up in the history and if I clicked the "Edit" button
i needed 4 weeks for harry potter 4
7 mins ago, by Tim Stone
It won't appear without an excerpt, which there isn't one.
@Sterno maybe because i was banned
8:03 PM
@Wandang Chatban doesn't affect site functions... Unless we're talking about a different ban.
Next you'll be wanting me to remember people's names.
No, just to remember all of our birthdays.
@TimStone It's kind of surprising it works that way. I wonder why.
@Wandang I needed 2 days for A Memory of Light which is uuh about 900 pages or so
@TimStone @Sterno's old, you can't tax his memory banks like that. He'll only be able to remember 3 birthdays, tops.
8:04 PM
@FAE it's a righteous sledgehammer.
Course, there was not a lot of sleep that weekend
@KevinvanderVelden i know a lot of people who read books in one day
so i am not shocked but jelly
if you are slow in reading you do not become a reader
@Wandang it was the just released final book of a series I've been reading since I was 12 or so
so i did not read much in my life
@FAE They are actually serious when they call it the "Bible Belt".
8:05 PM
@KevinvanderVelden Ugh the Wheel of Time. I imagine it got a lot better when Sanderson took over but I couldn't get that far.
(By which I mean, I read it at 12, then at 16, then at 22 or so)
@KevinvanderVelden twilight?
@Wandang Wheel of Time
HamStare @Wandang
@Wandang ಠ_ಠ
8:06 PM
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not sure what to say to this. I'm also in no way surprised.
@KevinvanderVelden Screw that series.. leaving Matt under a wall for an entire book..
I never understand why Mat is so many people's favorite.
Screw Perin and his self searching and screw Rand I can undo anything I want if I kill you hard enough
[21:05:59] Tim(Matse): You read 466 words per minute.
That makes you 86% faster than the national average.
friend of mine
Every page Mat is in is "I don't want to be a hero. Stupid women! Okay, I'll go save them."
Except 1000 times wordier.
8:07 PM
@Wandang Sucks to be him since he needs to read 86% more than the rest of us :D
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm reading this in like... a California surfer dude voice.
Though I'll grant you that Perrin is more annoying.
@Sterno he's the gambler/rogue archetype. It's kinda that archetypes thing to be the favorite
@FAE Tubular
@James there are enough books, do not worry
8:07 PM
@Sterno he became slightly less "I don't want to be a hero" in the last few books I think, though it was more a "Oh fuck it, I'm a hero now whatever"
I stopped reading Wheel of Time a long... time ago.
@Sterno Rand just never struck me as worth paying attention to really. Neat things happened around him but Meh.. Perin was a rip off of samwise to me and since this wasnt LotR I was not interested in that
@Yuki well, you should read it again cause it's awesome
I think we can all agree that all 13 books should have been from Nynaeve's point of view.
Matt to me was "Well we are screwed.... might as well see what happens" :)
8:08 PM
@Sterno It's kind of how it involved technically, which is not to say that it's very good design.
@Sterno I would so read that
This sounds like an awesome plan
Every paragraph would start with her hands on her hips or pulling her braid.
@Sterno twitch
@KevinvanderVelden I could probably do it, considering my reading speed, but I just don't want to cut through all the ridiculously unnecessary prose.
FYI I think I got to like book 4 maybe? I dont remember.
8:09 PM
@FAE shall I correct him on the number of books for you or?
ughhh Wheel of Time is the worst thing I ever tried to read
@spugsley then you are indeed fortunate
@KevinvanderVelden I don't think it would make sense to feature her POV in the prequel.
@spugsley It violates my rule against grotesquely long series.
@spugsley Yeah, the content/word ratio was just way too low for me.
8:10 PM
@KevinvanderVelden I'm just trying to imagine the series like that, seeing as I gave up on my first pass of the series partially because of her.
@Sterno a memory of light is book 14, new spring not counting
@spugsley I point you to Atlas Shrugged.
@Sterno jup
We'll give you one book of Padan Fain just so you get something awesome with all that Nynaeve.
8:10 PM
@FAE Why not combine the two and read Terry Goodkind?
A prequel from the eyes of Padan Fain could be interesting
@WorldEngineer I actually did used to read this series. For some reason, I still feel compelled to finish it even though I don't want to.
@FAE Didn't @Fluttershy love this book? Or was that just the movie?
I made it to book 3 of the Sword of Truth stuff and gave up
@WorldEngineer I'm reading through the third kingdom (his new book, also Richard and Kahlan though). And I'm struck with how much needles repetition is in there
8:12 PM
Oddly, I enjoyed the TV show far more than it deserved to be enjoyed.
My friends in high school read the Sword of Truth books so I picked them up.
@OrigamiRobot I've never read, nor seen, Atlas Shrugged.
@OrigamiRobot Uh, no?
Not sure what you're thinking of there.
I mean, seriously. You just told us this on the other page, I could flip back and read it again if I forget it. You don't need to tell us again cause there are 2 people in this scene and they BOTH KNOW IT
Then what am I thinking of?
8:12 PM
@Sterno That's because the TV show basically threw out all the objectivist pandering.
@KevinvanderVelden Demonic. Chicken.
@FAE Oh, Cloud Atlas.
@LessPop_MoreFizz this is probably the best thing I've ever seen. Wow.
@OrigamiRobot Ah, yes, two very, very, very different things.
@OrigamiRobot That's more Kim Stanley Robinson than Ayn Rand.
8:13 PM
better than all the other Super Bowl commercials (minus the one with Tom Hiddleston) because they sucked ass
@WorldEngineer It was basically like Hercules with less Kevin Sorbo and more Bridget Regan.
The two philosophies could not be more different in those.
Hey, I haven't seen or read either. I just remembered him ranting about something with Atlas in the name.
@spugsley pls
@OrigamiRobot Spare yourself Atlas Shrugged.
8:14 PM
@OrigamiRobot There are in fact two different books by the title "Cloud Atlas".
@WorldEngineer I never really got an atlas shrugged vibe from it to be honest. Especially given that in the forming of the D'haran empire one of the first things he does is make fair taxes
@FAE Never planned on reading it.
@FAE Or he could be like the 8th person to watch the movie version!
@Yuki no pls.
Atlas Shrugged is basically take everything @LessPop_MoreFizz says is a bad idea and put it in a book.
8:15 PM
I got an heavy anti-established religion vibe from it though
@KevinvanderVelden The objectivism is the books is really heavy.
Especially in Faith of the Fallen.
I have not read Ayn Rand and from the reaction I find everywhere, I think that's a good thing.
@FAE Plus, I'm pretty much at the point where all I want to read is books I've already read.
I just want Patrick Rothfuss to finish already
That's when it just went from "sort of not really subtext" to "serious author insertion"
@WorldEngineer Eagerly awaiting book 3?
8:16 PM
@Yuki better to read Hayek or similar if you want a reasoned approach to that philosophy.
@WorldEngineer I want him to take his time and make the third book make up for all the slow, WTF parts of the first two.
@FAE I didn't see it that way to be honest, but then I read it when I was 16 so...
@FAE fair enough
More future predicting trees, less sex fairies.
@WorldEngineer Wrong ping?
8:17 PM
That series really doesn't feel ready to wrap up with just one more book.
@FAE Indeed
@Sterno yeah but it's a three day theme. I kind of feel like it might pull a Babylon 5 and do like this arc thing and then you get a season of "eh".
@Sterno wait wait wait. LESS sex fairies? This is a thing you are advocating, how? Why?
@WorldEngineer Salma Hayek? I love her accent.
@KevinvanderVelden Also he straight up pulled ideas from other books, like, well, Atlas Shrugged (like how the Domini Dirtch work).
8:19 PM
Friedrich August Hayek CH (; 8 May 189923 March 1992), born in Austria-Hungary as Friedrich August von Hayek and frequently known as F. A. Hayek, was an Austrian, later British, economist and philosopher best known for his defense of classical liberalism. In 1974, Hayek shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (with Gunnar Myrdal) for his "pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and ... penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena". Hayek was a major political thinker of the twentieth century, and his acco...
@WorldEngineer So, not Salma Hayek? Not interested.
@OrigamiRobot But what about all the books you don't know yet that you want to read?
@FAE I think you're reading what I said wrong.
@OrigamiRobot Oh oh, yes I did.
@KevinvanderVelden spoilers The main character manages to essentially get kidnapped by the Queen/Goddess of the Fairies. She's effectively a non-demonic succubus who doesn't know that she is one.
8:21 PM
@OrigamiRobot Maybe she read what she wanted to read.
@GraceNote I thought you were @Fluttershy.
The first book is decently kid friendly. The second book has sex in quantities that would put Cinemax to shame.
@KevinvanderVelden And then, as a virgin, he goes on to sex her better than she's ever been sexed, repeatedly, for a few chapters.
@OrigamiRobot ...welp.
Frankly that part of the book was embarrassing to read
8:23 PM
@WorldEngineer ...What series is this?
Happy monday, gamers
He then winds up in a country of assassins where there is so much sex that pregnancy is assumed to be spontaneous
@SaintWacko Kingkiller Chronicles
@Sterno To borrow a quote: ...welp.
@Brian happy almost an end to monday @Brian :)
@WorldEngineer I watched a Geek & Sundry google hangout/panel he was part of about sex in fantasy, and he seemed to feel like most people had an issue with the fact that there was sex and sexuality at all, whereas most of the complaints I've seen are what @Sterno said, the kind of... Gary Stu-ness of his sexing and how long it dragged on.
8:25 PM
@FAE It's been so long that I don't really remember that whole book. I remember Vintas and the Rings.
@SaintWacko It's a trilogy (or intended to be) by Patrick Rothfuss. 2 of the 3 books are out. Waiting on the third.
@WorldEngineer yesssssssssssssssssssssssss
@Sterno yeah I think it was over 100 pages
@spugsley Maybe they'll get Tom Hiddleston to play Elodin in the TV show :P
@WorldEngineer I will watch anything and everything with Tom Hiddleston
@spugsley It was so long.
8:27 PM
@FAE embarrassingly long. It was really awkward
Rothfuss did publish some short stories and a pair of graphic novels in the meantime
and he's still outpacing Martin
Correia on the otherhand writes like a locomotive.
@ashleynunn would appreciate that analogy.
@spugsley And like... I mean, I have no problem with sexy sexytimes and I know you don't either, but it just felt like... yeah, awkward and so non-developmental. He made get tired of sexy fairy sexytimes and that's a crime, man, a crime.
@WorldEngineer Yeah, and he's involved in a couple Kickstarters as well, IIRC.
8:28 PM
@FAE such a crime. I was like "When is this overrrrrrrrrrrrr" which is SO unlike me
@FAE World Builders, they do Heifer International and the like.
@WorldEngineer Yeah! Where you can send cows :D I just learned about that recently
it's lovely!
The first book that I can remember with sexy times in it was the novelization of "Star Crusader".
He's going to be doing writing for the new Torment game.
@WorldEngineer mine was Dragonriders of Pern
which I read in 6th grade. Oops :3
8:29 PM
@spugsley Saaame.
@FAE Isn't that the one set in Numenera?
I look forward to HBO writing the end of the Game of Thrones series.
@WorldEngineer Yep.
mine was 4th or 5th grade?
I really need to start running RPG campaigns again
8:30 PM
@Sterno I heard GRRM sat with the HBO writers to tell them the general idea of what he has for the end as part of the deal, since HBO didn't trust him.
@StrixVaria as well they shouldn't.
I... don't recall the first like, novel-type book I read with sexytimes in it.
@WorldEngineer I read all of LOTR in 4th and 5th grade. Then a teacher was like "You know that fantasy is a genre right?" And then I never looked back.
The man moves as a speed that makes glaciers go "Dude, Hurry Up!".
@spugsley I never read these until I was 19.
8:31 PM
@FAE they're still on my list
I just kind of skipped over a lot of the books that people read around 11-13ish or so.
Also on my list is rereading the dresden files I think
I read them when I was 15ish?
16 maybe
Like Lord of the Flies, Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, Narnia.
8:32 PM
Are we talking about books again?
@Frank yes
Pern and then Dragonlance. And then Sword of Truth. And all throughout high school getting picked on. "Why is that book so big?! You're a nerd!" And then they'd grab it out of my hands and throw it or rip it :/
@Frank yes, it is glorious :D
@KevinvanderVelden Indeed.
I started reading adult stuff fairly early, so I missed a lot of the kind of "classic YA" literature.
@spugsley I'd kill someone if they damaged my book.
8:32 PM
More people need to read Stormdancer.
@FAE yeah I think that's why I missed the HP craze
my first actual "fantasy" book was "The Wizard of Earthsea".
@FAE yeah those were dark days
And if you like science fiction even a little, bloody read the Honor Harrington series.
SO good.
@spugsley I got into that after book 4 because I have young cousins and my aunt and uncle were reading them to them and told me they thought I'd like them.
8:33 PM
@Frank I've heard that
I'll have to download it
@Frank consider it added to the endless list of books =p
@SaintWacko I can't recommend it strongly enough.
@KevinvanderVelden Add it to the front.
Even if it's just the first book.
@WorldEngineer I still have yet to read that series. Friend of mine recently started it. He's starting with the prequel short stories I think?
It'll do the rest.
Oh! I also read Dealing with Dragons and all the books that came after at some point. I LOVE those books. Excellently done YA
8:34 PM
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I know how this feels.
@FAE the first three books are good, the last two are a bit preachy.
@FAE This
@spugsley Peeeeeern!
@Frank I still need to read the uplift series, and the furies of calderon series, and the latest 4 maria v snyder books, and the circle of magic series!
@WorldEngineer Isn't there a miniseries in the works now?
@KevinvanderVelden Only heard of Furies of Calderon in that list.
8:35 PM
Also, everyone here should read The Mantle of Kendis-Dai, and Starshield
@FAE SyFy did one like 5 years ago
they done f***ed it up bad
But, I shit you not, David Weber writes excellent space opera.
@SaintWacko yup :) Pern is great
@WorldEngineer Oh... oh. I'm... I'm so sorry.
8:35 PM
Furies started fairly good and ended pretty meh.
@KevinvanderVelden CALDERON DO IT NOW
@spugsley I never got into Pern because it seemed so vast.
Really I just want new Dresden books 3 or 4 times a year.
Old Man's War, Consider Phlebas, Fire Upon the Deep, Snowcrash, Forever War
The Starshield Chronicles have what might be my favorite setting ever
8:36 PM
@FAE it's very vast. But there's one good like...start-up? series within the giant series.
@Sterno haha
@Sterno Also, yes this
@spugsley I typed that list mostly on order of where they are on my book shelf
I love sci-fi
Furies of Calderon will indeed probably be first
8:36 PM
@Sterno Throw in Weber, Sanderson, and Mercedes Lackey, and I would be a happy camper.
@KevinvanderVelden so good. I loved them all. The characters are brilliant
I have read everything by Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Larry Niven, and Terry Pratchett
@SaintWacko then you'll probably also like Uplift en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uplift_Universe
@spugsley I was always like "Waugh, so many books D:" when I looked at them and I'd get overwhelmed. Kind of why I've never read much Discworld.
@KevinvanderVelden That's the only bad thing about Dresden. They don't come out often enough
8:37 PM
@SaintWacko indeed ='[
@FAE That's a real shame, because discworld is amazing
@spugsley I started with the Dragonsinger series, with Mellony.
Not bad at all.
@Sterno I read Cold Front recently and I hadn't read any Dresden books in a while and was struck by how... creepy Harry can get sometimes.
Also! Everyone should read the mistborn series <3
@SaintWacko You'd like Iain M. Banks
8:38 PM
@Sterno @KevinvanderVelden Have you guys watched the Dresden Files TV show?
@SaintWacko I've read Small Gods and the collab he did with Gaiman, Good Omens and that's about it.
@KevinvanderVelden I can't bring myself to read the 2nd book.
You can skip alloy of law, but the main series is so awesome
@WorldEngineer RIP. :(
@FAE Good Omens may be one of my favorite books
8:38 PM
@KevinvanderVelden Yes!
@SaintWacko I love that book. :) It's so fun.
And then his latest work, The Way of Kings.
@OrigamiRobot how so? The ending of book 3 is perfect
@SaintWacko Did not enjoy.
@FAE yeah, that was a nasty blow. Reminds me of Herbert in a lot of ways.
8:39 PM
@Frank Also so awesome! I read 3 quarters of that in one weekend xp
oh zeus, castles + water = <3
@KevinvanderVelden I enjoyed the first book, I am just bad at reading. I can't seem to be motivated to read.
@KevinvanderVelden Next book is next month!
@OrigamiRobot aah, trust me, the payoff at book 3 is worth it in my opinion
@Sterno Really? I quite enjoyed it
8:39 PM
@OrigamiRobot I'll start throwing quizzes into our hunting sessions.
@WorldEngineer I've heard amazing things about the Culture series. I have The Wasp Factory sitting on my bookshelf yet to be read as well.
@Frank yeah, and in half a year it'll be for sale here, and then another half a year until the paperback version
@KevinvanderVelden There are easy ways around that.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not doubting that it's good, I literally can't be motivated to read anything nowdays.
@KevinvanderVelden ABC might get it sooner.
8:40 PM
Modesitt's fantasy is also quite good.
Or do you prefer to read in Dutch?
I started reading The Gunslinger, liked it, but couldn't finish it.
From our conversations, I was assuming you read fantasy and such in English.
He writes much quieter fantasy than most stuff out there.
@FAE ooh right, add another month until the paperback proper version is here (the english one)
@FAE It's probably safe to consider English my first language to be honest
I only use dutch because I have to interact with people in real life sometimes =[
8:41 PM
@Frank Jochem's read a bunch of Modesitt and said he liked it well enough but the overall patterns were kind of same-y to him. "Oh no, the burden of my powers!" but hero goes on to be hero anyway, etc.
@FAE where do you buy your books then? I kinda doubt you mean this ABC
Wow, this chat is going too fast for me to develop apps and keep up with it at the same time
@KevinvanderVelden And here I am having to take language tests to stay here! Man, what system is this! ;)
I am much better with audiobooks because it's far easier to focus on someone else speaking than to read it myself.
8:42 PM
@FAE Much of it is that, yes. I like that he builds characters that are real, and aren't necessarily out for glory at all.
@KevinvanderVelden This one
But they just do what they can.
@Brian This is what happens when we talk about books.
@Wipqozn Why hasn't 36 happened yet?
@FAE sweet, my regular bookstore is (temporarily) closed so I'm gonna need a replacement :)
8:43 PM
@Powerlord Because no one has got around to re-adding me yet so I can be removed again.
@KevinvanderVelden There's only physical stores in Amsterdam and Den Haag though I believe. Not sure what their online ordering's like.
@Wipqozn Uh, yes they have
That's why your name is Wipqozn and not Wipqozn
@Powerlord Since the 35th time that is. Because I'm cu- wait, what? I'm a roo owner right now?
8:44 PM
I can't keep track
@Wipqozn No.
@FAE 2 euro per book it seems (14 flat rate for more than 7)
I get added and removed so often I can never remember if I am or am not a room owner.
@FAE Well played
@KevinvanderVelden They have a Black Friday sale every year too.
8:45 PM
@OrigamiRobot I'm so popular.
@FAE On the topic of fantasy novels, I have to interject with the Wheel of Time series (although also mention that I haven't read the last few books yet)
@Wipqozn Next time, remove everyone else's ownership.
@Brian Also a good series.
@Frank That would be the ultimate revenge!
Hammered through the whole thing last year in about three months.
@KevinvanderVelden You get a 10% discount if you're a member and the Black Friday sale is another 10%, so there's a 20% sale on those days.
8:45 PM
Shipping is 4 cents cheaper than bol.com but the book is more expensive (for this one book Stormdancer)
@FAE nice
I would also, if you like scifi epics, recommend Wil McCarthy's Collapsium
@Brian This series is a contentious topic here!
@KevinvanderVelden That's a good current series.
@FAE It's a good series! Anyone who disagrees is wrong.
@Frank I have not forgotten your recommendation =p
@KevinvanderVelden Honor Harrington, however, is better.
8:46 PM
Also, and I cannot recommend this strongly enough, Ilium and Olympos by Dan Simmons
@Frank I knew there was a reason I voted for you ;)
But it depends what you're in the mood for.
@Frank CC @StrixVaria @spugsley @Sterno >_>
Seriously, those books are amazing
Stormdancer is Japanese Cyberpunk.
@FAE Wrong! All wrong!
8:47 PM
I don't know about everyone else, but the more someone tells me something is good, the less I want to read/watch/play it.
@FAE I lost track of what series we're even talking about. I'll just issue high 5s and disapproving stares to everyone, and they can choose what they feel is most appropriate.
@Frank ooh the Honorverse, I've read good things about that
@Frank Jordan is unreadable.
@StrixVaria as @Frank has stated previously. You are wrong
12 mins ago, by Frank
But, I shit you not, David Weber writes excellent space opera.
8:48 PM
@KevinvanderVelden Also if you ever hit up the Elf Fantasy Faire, they've usually got stands with English scifi/fantasy books. We don't really go there anymore because it got really commercial and the atmosphere's not as nice as it used to be. They haven't had any big names in a while either.
@FAE I've gone once (and got my plush dragon there!) I kinda want to go again
Or castlefest
@KevinvanderVelden Castlefest is great
Much nicer atmosphere.
@Frank Read Ilium and Olympos
Jochem used to go to EFF often, I went with him a couple times. He met Robert Jordan and George R.R. Martin there.
In other news, I've decided that American Gods is too dull for me.
8:49 PM
@Frank That's what I was in the middle of when I stopped reading for 2 months.
I still haven't gone back.
Oh wait no, he didn't see Jordan, he did see Pratchett though.
It was a little too meandering and unfocused.
Because I don't know half these books, I will just throw in a quick recommendation for some of my favourite sci-fi novels: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorkosigan_Saga
So jealous
8:50 PM
My suggestion is for everyone to read 1984.
@FAE bleh, I'm probably gonna go to Campzone when castlefest is happening this year =[
Also Animal Farm. Also Of Mice and Men.
@SaintWacko Well, the UK is right across the pond... easy for them to visit here!
Also Ender's Game.
@KevinvanderVelden Aw. :(
8:50 PM
Also Maus.
@FAE on the bright side, CAMPZONE :D
Dogecoin to have in-built inflation. Finally some sense from the electronic coins movement.
@StrixVaria I spent three months getting halfway through.
@KevinvanderVelden I don't know what this is!
Figured I was just not interested in reading that much anymore.
8:51 PM
@FAE 11 day long outdoor LAN party :)
@KevinvanderVelden Oh wow
@Frank This happens to me when I read bad books.
Then I read a good book again and I remember why reading is fun.
Then I picked up Ready Player One, and demolished it in a day.
American Gods is one of my favorite Gaiman books.
@FAE Pretty sure I just don't like Gaiman.
I didn't like Neverwhere either.
He's good at writing sentences, but bad at writing plots.
8:52 PM
@FAE does Good Omens count as Gaiman?
@StrixVaria I can see that criticism. I love what he does with language though. Have you tried his short story/poem collections?
@Sconibulus Well, half!
@FAE I saw him read "The Day the Saucers Came" live, which was actually really good.
I'd just like to point out that I currently see some italics next to a turtle.
8:54 PM
@Sterno Oh you edited it.
@StrixVaria He's quite a good reader. He does some of his own audiobooks as well.
@Sterno Refresh.
@Wipqozn @StrixVaria did that for me. It all worked out.
Bela wondering why I'm shining a bright light into her face.
8:55 PM
@Sterno @StrixVaria is a hero.
@Frank because you wanted to show off your PC, obviously
@StrixVaria If you want to check out his collections, Smoke and Mirrors is one of my favorites. Fragile Things is the other main one he did. It's all short form stuff, so you may like that more. I adore his short form work.
Sterno's only job was to keep re-ownering Wipqozn
@KevinvanderVelden Nah. She was kinda cute stretching, but I missed it.
8:56 PM
@Frank "That flash is briiiiiight"
it's kind of late, but
@FAE It is, indeed.
Anyways, I have to go hammer out a few more levels, so I can get all the event quests I want prior to Lightning Returns comes out.
8:58 PM
Can someone make me an owner and tell me how to remove someone else from ownership?
@badp I couldn't handle all the responsibility and a deownership slipped through the cracks. I am a failure.

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