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10:51 PM
Welcome to chat for: Windows Phone
This is a general discussion room, but please feel free to create more subject-specific rooms (a single room with every possible discussion isn't very helpful)
For playing with chat features:


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
and remember; please read the FAQ ;p)
11:21 PM
Woo, party.
Side note... what kind of smiley is ";p)"?
Is that a weirdly-shaped nose? Or perhaps a double chin?
11:41 PM
Haha, that should be our first question.
11:52 PM
Aw, my question is getting downvoted.
Indeed, it's a bit subjective... I think in the long run it's useful to have something of the sort on the site, but perhaps it's too early.

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