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12:25 AM
@slm I'm kind of surprised anyone has it, but apparently a bunch of people do. Odd.
1 hour later…
1:49 AM
@FaheemMitha Well, of course @jon-skeet has it. ;)
2:33 AM
@slm actually only one got that badge recently... everyone else grandfather it
3:25 AM
Well, it's 500 posts edited. That is quite a lot in itself. And simultaneously answered within 12 hours. And with an upvote. Though I assume the upvote doesn't have a time limit.
Granted SO has been around for some time at this point (7 years)? So people have had time to accumulate stuff. Still, lots of work.
4:18 AM
@kyrias of course. Whenever Jon Skeet wants a badge, he just stares at the SO homepage and it mysteriously appears. In front of him. In his hands. In actual gold. #skeetfacts
1 hour later…
5:41 AM
Yeah for CPU melting!
top - 01:41:18 up 49 days, 23:27, 38 users,  load average: 41.90, 35.45, 25.02
Tasks: 440 total,   3 running, 433 sleeping,   4 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  1.4 us,  0.6 sy, 97.2 ni,  0.0 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.8 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem:  16342196 total, 16062776 used,   279420 free,    92632 buffers
KiB Swap:  8388604 total,   925500 used,  7463104 free.  8295148 cached Mem

23406 anthony   30  10 1775248 771324  20816 R 189.4  4.7 226:31.16 ffmpeg
Amazingly, SCHED_BATCH works so well that this machine is still usable.
5 hours later…
11:13 AM
Two melters done, four still running. (Two done ones were processing SD video, 4 still running HD) /me goes back to bed
4 hours later…
3:02 PM
@derobert What is a CPU melter? Google doesn't give anything useful.
6 hours later…
8:51 PM
@FaheemMitha Well, something that melts CPUs, obviously. Like ffmpeg.
@derobert ffmpeg melts CPUs? I hadn't noticed.

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