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12:00 PM
@mikeserv wow, that's quite a story.
It's some of it.
Your uncle didn't rehire you for his new company? And you met Lessig? Cool.
that story could use some dates, if you feel like adding them. particularly the last para, where unix/linux makes a late appearance on the scene. :-)
I spoke with Lessig and interviewed him on the phone but never met him face to face, though my uncle did.
@mikeserv Oh.
I thnk @strugee is also an Arch user. So that makes two of you.
My uncle had a lot more time between gigs than did I. I was halfway to Sgt when his liposuction thing really gained ground.
12:04 PM
@mikeserv I see.
And jasonwryan. And I don't know who else.
If arch is binary based, why is it better than debian in that regard? is it because it is rolling release based?
Lessig did head up an EFF brief on 321's behalf, though.
and how does the archive size compare to debian?
@mikeserv That's nice of him.
@mikeserv you forgot to add a - why i am here bit.
Rolling release is the biggest part, yes. It also tends to assume a little less - it's a little more malleable.
I didn't forget, I just gave up. I'll get back to it.
12:06 PM
@mikeserv Ok.
@mikeserv about my question of moving with chown ? your answer is much slower I presume ?
Anyway, good story.
You should also add the Baptist singalongs. And the karoake.
The archive size is what you make of it as well, more than anything Arch is pacman, makepkg, and, to a slightly lesser degree, mkinitcpio.
The rest is fluff - those are its defining characteristics.
@mikeserv "My dad says today that I might not have lived to see my fourth year if Sear's hadn't taken that microwave back." Was that because he would have killed you, or you would have killed yourself experimenting?
COMPRESSGZ=(gzip -c -f -n -9)
COMPRESSBZ2=(bzip2 -c -f -9)
COMPRESSXZ=(xz -c -z - -9)
COMPRESSLRZ=(lrzip -q -9)
COMPRESSLZO=(lzop -q -9)
COMPRESSZ=(compress -c -f -9)
He would have killed me.
12:08 PM
This all sounds a little like the early parts of "You Must be Joking", which you may have read.
@mikeserv LOL
The above is makepkg.conf
I haven't.
@mikeserv No, I meant the number of packages. Debian has a lot - that is one of its defining traits.
@mikeserv OK. Fun read.
Oh yes - no Arch comes nowhere close.
Misquote, sorry.
12:10 PM
II'm glad you thought so. Who wrote You Must Be Joking?
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": Adventures of a Curious Character is an edited collection of reminiscences by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. The book, released in 1985, covers a variety of instances in Feynman's life. Some are lighthearted in tone, such as his fascination with safe-cracking, studying various languages, participating with groups of people who share different interests (such as biology or philosophy), and ventures into art and samba music. Others cover more serious material, including his work on the Manhattan Project (during which his first wife...
I have read Everything I need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.
@mikeserv by who?
Wow! That's something!
Jeez, I never dreamed I would be compared to Mr. Feynman!
That is a flattery I won't soon forget!
@mikeserv I believe that is Dr. Feynman. :-)
12:11 PM
@mikeserv You're welcome. So, you've heard of him?
It's just hard to think of him as dr. when he sits in his armchair and mimes "jiggly coffee molecules."
Of course!
@mikeserv He was a colorful dude, granted.
@mikeserv Ok. Lots of people haven't. Try asking your neighbors.
The man was a defining voice of his generation!
Yes, I know. I have, in fact. It's disappointing.
@mikeserv Anyway, thanks for writing. It was a good contribution.
@mikeserv Really? News to me.
12:14 PM
No, they're pretty stupid.
@mikeserv ignorance doesn't necessarily mean stupid just unaware
@mikeserv That he was a defining voice of his generation
Well he was!
@Kiwy you should read mikes posting. it is entertaining.
His physics lectures sold out concert halls. How in the hell could you sell out a physics lecture?
He did.
12:16 PM
@FaheemMitha I started it, I have some work to do but I will, and I will also enhanced mine
@Kiwy That's nice.
That lecture above is just a sort of off the cuff how computers work lecture.
For some reason, this reminds me of an exchange in the Big Bang Theory'
Howard: Everyone in the world of science knows who Richard Feyman was
Sheldon: And now you do too!
He was the one whom everyone believed when he said some faulty o-ring caused the Challenger to explode mid-launch.
@mikeserv What year was this filmed in?
@mikeserv They didn't have to believe. He did an experiment. He was a physicist, after all. And I think he said it might have something to do with it, not that it caused it.
12:23 PM
early 80's I guess. Of course he experimented but he wasn't the first to do so or to offer an explanation based on experiment. His was accepted though, even if it's still never been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Well, there you go then.
Sep 26, 1985
@mikeserv Ah, thanks.
I remember reading a extract of his book when I was 15 and physics was like crystal clear compare to what my teacher tried to explain to me
12:45 PM
@Kiwy exactly! He has these armchair lectures that just put it together. I'm a Feynman fan, for sure.
He was a born teacher and you can tell that he has an innate curiosity - he enjoys asking.
Can we stop upvoting this crap?
Q: Does `sl` ever show the current directory?

Lego StormtrooprFor those out of the loop, sl is a humourous command line tool that is meant to trip people up if they mistype ls. When invoked it prints a Steam Locomotive. For example: ( ) (@@) ( ) (@) () @@ O @ O @ O (@@@) ...

who cares that sl doesn't list files? That's what ls is for.
I guess I need to read You must be Joking.
@slm I didn't upvote the question - though I did upvote the answer.
@slm do you need a dwnvote ?
@mikeserv Surely you're joking. The title, not the sentiment.
because I stillcan$
12:51 PM
I see. Surely you're Joking. Yes, I need to read that.
@slm Add that as a comment. IN CAPITALS.
@slm - that got 22 upvotes for the question and 35 for the answer.
That's not very educational stuff, either.
@mikeserv Yes, I need to think of a totally pointless and stupid question. Preferably involving sex. That should get me lots of upvotes.
@Greame got ten just for saying, - "I had a look and the other guy's right."
@slm I just UV'd the new answer. I'm sorry...
12:52 PM
Maybe, how do I type the word BOOBS on a calculator? Do you think that would do it?
That's pretty funny though.
There you go @FaheemMitha - paydirt.
The sl thing is just an easter egg, these get a lot of attention.
@mikeserv I UV'd the A as well but DV'd the question b/c IMO it's just a stupid Q gawking for points.
@Graeme Why? Must be some deep human psychological thing.
@mikeserv Right having these dumb pointless Q&A's UV'd just makes our site look stupid.
12:55 PM
I think it's cause it makes you feel in the know at little cost.
I remember @derobert's moo question got a ridiculous number of upvotes too. close to 100 if i remember rightly.
@mikeserv Maybe. Good insight.
@FaheemMitha people just like entertainment I think. You have the chosen answer on this one - unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92185/…
Amusement literally means without inspiration.
@Graeme Hmm. Maybe. I like @mikeserv's answer better.
@mikeserv agreed. We've discussed that ppl feel empowered to UV things that they understand. I'm all for UV'ing a Q&A esp. if the A is clever or well written. What value is this Q&A actually adding to the site? Not much IMO. The bug comment in the man page implies it's not meant to list the files. It will list files that match character strings that form the train. But really is this a pressing app? Should just be removed.
12:57 PM
I see @derobert is only at 95. Slacker.
@Graeme I know but still. It's a waste of brain power.
@slm I doubt much was wasted.
@Graeme that one is interesting, I mean, is one of the annals of the history of apt
@FaheemMitha I didn't mind that one even though I pull his leg about it quite a bit b/c that atleast was trying to establish the history of the cows significance which IMO is important foder.
@mikeserv so very true my friend
@slm foder? fodder?
12:59 PM
@slm ach, its all about balance. Plus this sl is installed on Steambox by default. In a few years people will be wanting to know the history/story behind it etc.
@Graeme you must be joking...
Surely you're joking.
@Braiam That should be, surely you're joking
@mikeserv :-)
sl installed by default?
1:00 PM
typo, I'm steaming a bit about this only b/c for the UV's this garbage will receive there are many answers by many of us that took actual research and thought that will go without notice.
@Braiam I had to install it on all my RH distros
@slm That is very true, alas.
@Graeme actually did research his, though.
His answer is about looking through source.
@slm is in the hot list, so most comes from other site of the net
buy I remember finding it one day in 2000's on Fedora Core 6
buy? but?
1:02 PM
@Braiam And here we go. It's gonna get like 100 UV's now. Damn hot list
@slm would you upvote a question like this for example ?
Q: Move files and change ownership at the sametime

KiwyOn Linux (Debian, Ubuntu Mint...), Is there any option command or something that I can use to transfer files to another user without having to do : sudo mv /home/poney/folderfulloffiles /home/unicorn/ sudo chown -R unicorn:unicorn /home/unicorn/folderfulloffiles

And besides, this isn't a comedy site, so the occasional comic relief might be appreciated, but a comedian is not going to come by 80k rep in that way, @slm. I think you're secure.
@Kiwy absolutely, these are valid Q's that ppl will have over time so pushing something like this up to the top makes way more sense to me.
As is anyone that tries more often than not, I think.
1:05 PM
@mikeserv I only care about keeping up with Gilles at this point 8-)
I did upvote that one, @Kiwy. I upvoted the other answer too. It was a good question and a good answer.
I don't think a couple of these kind of questions do any harm, just adds some novelty. If people were posting them every day then it would be an issue.
@slm I always try to ask to more general way possible, it always gives you more answer and much more interesting
@mikeserv concerning your solution, it's slower, but it's nice because rsync not always present
I don't think it would @Graeme. Novelty only counts when it's novel.
@Graeme Of course you're right, but I'm venting about it a bit here b/c it's very much like an election where the winner is getting the popular vote, but humans are built to behave this way, which is what pains me...
1:06 PM
@Kiwy That's the only reason I did it at all - the other answer is better.
is it ok to validate those sort of edit ?
I think the retag makes it OK
@slm yeah, I know, if UVs reflected research effort then things would be very different. It does bug me a little when I spend ages researching an answer and nobody cares.
@Kiwy yeah
This one for example:
Though to be fair it was my second on that Q and the other got a bounty.
@Braiam @FaheemMItha, this is going to be the sign that you guys are getting old - when people are sitting around talking about who came up with the idea for sl and you guys are like 'what, this crap again?'
sl exist for a while, it's in my opinion just a joke to make student more careful about what they type
and it's not completely stupid because you can suspend it with crtl C so you're stuck with it
1:19 PM
@Kiwy yeah looks good to me.
@Graeme That was kinda my original point to it. But I think it was either terdon, Gilles, or Braiam that said the issue is that most of the time the more complicated A's the general audience doesn't understand it enough to UV it.
@slm - that's the impression I get.
@slm and @Graeme That's perfectly unfare sometime, I can remember some answer where I spend one hour looking for proof and only get one upvote in the end :D
Also slm you're definitely right
I would challenge each of you to find someone you know writes up good A's and go to their primary user's page, click on A's and sort it so that the 0 UV'd answers are on top and then UV their unloved A's. It's good if everyone tries to do this once a week. You should burn through all your votes on this day, spreading it around. Don't pick obvious ppl, either. I try and find ppl that are close to getting to a milestone in rep like 2k, 3k, 5k, 10k, etc.
@slm long answers are take time to read as well. I find myself hesitant to upvote answers if I don't have time to read through and have some idea if they are actually right or not..
@slm - Gilles is kind of an expert at feeling that out by the way.,
1:25 PM
I think most can count the number of days that they've ever UV'd and run out of votes on one hand. I can count the days that I didn't. (I'm embellishing this just to make a point).
@Graeme Agreed though, that's the trouble w/ longer A's and ones that require you the reader to actually try them out to confirm. That's why I try to make mine self contained even often showing how I generated my sample data.
@slm good point, I haven't got the badge for using all my votes yet. You are making a good case for using up a lot more votes though.
@mikeserv Yeah and if you ever look at Gilles' page the guy is not just a high rep user here. He's high rep on ~10+ sites and the mod on at least 2-3. And also a bit of an honorary mod here.
@slm - I don't think I ever have. I usually test the answers I read that i like so it takes longer than just reading them for me.
Look at this one:
The man's a devil. The answernator
A: How to record the actual running time of a program with other programs running?

mikeservIf you can get the pid, which shouldn't be hard with either ps, /proc/self or $! depending on whether or not you background it you can find this in: /proc/$pid/stat: utime %lu (14) Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user mode, measured in cl...

the sites had a fairly substantial rise in the number of users. I like to think that the UV'ing of high quality A's has had some impact in that. I've been regularly finding Q&A's here now when I google for things. Often for freshly asked Q's.
Same here - but I suspect that's more due to google's tracking my habits than anything else.
1:30 PM
@mikeserv the scary part is that is not unfounded your suspicions
Not at all - it's why they get the $big $bucks.
@mikeserv ah, but the more you do it the more it will do it for others.
@mikeserv duckduck go plus disconnect.me
@mikeserv Yes nothing annoys me more (in a good way) when he A's on Q's that I've A'd as well. 8-)
Grames does this too 8-)
Yeah. I was like "WHAT? time" that's too easy...
1:32 PM
@slm I feel the same way...
this site allows you to test your knowledge too
@Kiwy - you see U&L answers for duckduckgo searches?
He took a accept from me yesterday. I think he's taken 5 or so, I've taken 1-2 from him. These are the mental games you play which keep things interesting s I'm trying to A a Q about "why doesn't my virtualhost" work with Apache for the 10th time 8-)
man, I hate handwriting
@Graeme - I'm assuming you're trying to get to 10k or 20k with your recent pushes?
1:33 PM
@mikeserv NO almost never, but at least they do not spy on you and do not put only the links you want to know which is both annoying and sometime really pleasant
I asked did he at least have mechanical tendencies - crickets
@slm yeah, going for the 10k. 20k is too much though
It's been hard to not be the number one week to week and I don't know why that matters but it does, damn ego.
@Graeme - You should go for the 150 200k days badge. You've been getting a fair amount.
I use ddg too if I want to search for something I don't want tracked. But often it's convenient to have that information remembered and factored.
As long as you're aware it's going on and why it's a tool.
@Braiam I have the handwriting of a dr. w/o the MD degree. It literally pains me to write anything now. Even signing my name.
1:35 PM
I memorized the CTRL+SHIFT+N keyboard shortcut a long time ago.
@slm Gilles beat me to the post last week, overtook me on the Sunday as well
@slm I whoch I could jump to 20k like this but definitely I do not have enought skills both in english explanation and linux/unix system to reach that in less than 2 years
@Graeme I would encourage you to push for 20k too. You write very nice concise A's. They've been a welcomed addition.
@Kiwy definitely my writing skill have improved a lot since I have been answering.
@Graeme mine too :D
1:36 PM
@Graeme I've been pushing too, only b/c I don't want to get teased by terdon about it. I've been #1 for weeks. I think gilles had gotten it 1-2 times.
@Graeme Don't let Gilles fool you either. He's been pushing more recently too 8-)
@slm I've noticed
@Kiwy I would encourage you to write it up as best you can. Anthon, myself and others will smooth out the english if needed.
@slm I've seen Gilles go round and answer a lot of the more difficult questions though, ones that have no answers, then he puts in a really good one.
@Graeme Yes the writing up of things and being more concise has been a pleasant surprise. I find when I'm writing things up for work and describing issues and their resolution my prose has been much improved.
@Graeme that's most of the stuff I normally do
1:40 PM
@Graeme Yeah I've been trying to follow his lead as well. I've been trying to tackle the bountied ones as well.
I don't have time, so I just look for unanswered Q's that are interesting and relevant
Do one for mine, @slm - what the hell is DirectMap?
One thing I've noticed though is if I take the foot off the pedal there have been newer users writing up very weak A's IMO. I can't stand 1-2 sentenced A's that are little more then a link.
@slm it pains me each time I see a memory kernel Q with a bounty, I know they are seriously hard
@mikeserv I was actually researching that last night when I fell asleep at 2:30AM
1:41 PM
@slm I noticed ;-) though when I started I really take those edits as an insult I'm way more humble now, and I'm glad when someone makes a relevant edit
Well, then don't tell me... yet.
BTW a question to everyone of you, which questionv view do you use ?
this one ?
or this one ?
@Braiam Yes, I've done a fair amount of tough Q's that JoelDavis has posted. I've literally spent my entire weekend doing research on these.
@Kiwy - I generally open every Q's that comes in.
usually at night I'll open all the bountied Q's and see if they've sunk in and if I can attempt to A them
@mikeserv - I'm surprised Gilles A'd that Q about time from Tim. I voted to close it as a dup
A: How do you time how long a command took to run?

lesmanause time: $ time longrunningcommand --takeyourtime time is a bash builtin. if you want to use the system time do it like this: $ /usr/bin/time longrunningcommand --getsomecoffee or like this: $ \time longrunningcommand --callmom

1:50 PM
Well, it needed to be said - I should have said it.
@Graeme - what part of Scotland did you say you lived? Or was it Ireland?
Q: Tool to force use FILE instead of RAM

Anomalous AweI'm wondering why there is no such tool like ram2swap, similar to cpulimit in parts. E.g. There is program daemon.bin. Let's create temporary swap file ( 1 Gb ): % dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.swap bs=1m count=1000 Launch: % cpulimit -l 10 ram2swap -f tmp.swap daemon.bin Instead of RAM usage o...

I'd be glad to know so
@slm Glasgow, Scotland.
Even if time is just reading that file, that's what it's for. All ps does is read status but that doesn't make it any less useful.
I think I searched for you and found you
1:52 PM
Of course I lost the tab that had you. I think it was in some forums. Mailing lists
how old are you?
Never really posted on any forums. 30
@Graeme yeah. /proc/[pid]/stat
Status information about the process. This is used by ps(1). It is defined in /usr/src/linux/fs/proc/array.c.
@mikeserv ?
You weren't asking me really?
Guess not.
1:55 PM
@mikeserv asking about what?
@Graeme may not of been you then. I wasn't sure how common your name was. That's your first name, right?
@mikeserv sorry I was searching for graeme
I'd never heard that name before and wasn't sure if that was a first name or not
@slm yeah first name. I doubt you will track me down, I don't have much of a web trail. You never know though.
I see that now. I thought he was asking me really about ps. I think there was a character in The Grey King called Graeme.
@Graeme - yeah if you haven't notice a fair amount of my A's are heavily researched so I'm pretty adept with the search. I like to see if I can find ppl since it exercises my mind on angles to search on
@slm It can be a surname, but I think only with the other spelling - Graham
1:57 PM
That was Welsh though, not Scottish.
Is that how you pronounce it then?
Surely his Graeme would have a little more character than your Graham.
@Graeme okey...
thank you so much @Graeme for this little lesson of pronunciation :D
2:00 PM
@Graeme - what's your day job?
@Kiwy your welocme
So it's more like gray-em. I don't have much of an ear for languages.
@Graeme I just follow the spanish rules and pronounce your name as: gra - e - me
@Kiwy you looking for another job now or are you taking the summer off?
@slm yeah gray-um or gray-em
2:02 PM
All my language brain power is devoted to programming and unix
@slm I'm taking the time to find the job I like to do in the area I like
Not this one though
(meaning anywhere in France except paris)
We have 4 ppl going to Paris in a week for some medical conference.
@slm well in a while when I earn much more money, I could consider paris, but that f$$$$ nice town is so amizifuckinly too much expensive that I don't want to work there
I learn to use fuck with that video :)
2:06 PM
@Braiam - what the heck is your day job?
@Braiam - I asked you once before and you were all dodgy like Gilles so I won't ask ever again if you do not want to A, but I like to know what everyone does only b/c I'm the curious type. I like to know what everyone does since I don't leave my day-to-day much. I've only been out of the US 1 time, Canada doesn't count, so I get to see the world through others.
@slm right now I don't have one since I'm studying
@Braiam - oh yeah, what are you working on?
you had said that the technology/computer jobs are limiting in the Dominican Rep.
@Kiwy this is awesome
@Graeme I had the same reaction
@slm "now"? nothing, just doing classes
2:19 PM
@Braiam No what degree
ah, economy
@Braiam - are you looking to stay in DR or move abroad?
Vivaldi's Spring does not belong.
2:24 PM
@mikeserv if you like classical try this
nicest sonata ever
@slm to work or finish my study?
@Braiam - to work
I don't think my degree will be good enough, actually
I like Vivaldi's Four Seasons. I'm also partial to AC/DC's Big Balls.
3:27 PM
@mikeserv your sed will have two lines in memory, this one and the last one, the awk approaches will only ever have the current line and the saved value of the 2nd field. They'll use less RAM
@slm you keep track of that stuff‽
@mikeserv time isn't the answer though, the answer is the distinction between user time and wall clock time
@Gilles We all do. We post an answer we're happy with and then you come along and post a better one. Of course we notice!
Hi all
A: I want to use a bluetooth keyboard during initram

symcbeanWouldn't it be simpler to have the root filesystem unencrypted and just delay mounting the encrypted /home till after the OS is up?

@Gilles - wha?
For this suggested edit, it was spam yesterday too for the same person.
3:34 PM
Is that about the thing I said before?
And of course we not only not mind, but are very happy that you do so. Don't get me wrong! I love it when you answer something I have already answered since it tends to give me very useful insights into the question at hand.
I am, anyway. Like I said, it needed to be said.
Someone is making changes and putting their advertisements instead of the answer.
@Ramesh voted to reject as vandalism
I also rejected as vandalism. But yesterday also, it happened for the same person. So only it seems little suspicious.
3:35 PM
@Ramesh which edit?
@Ramesh The same editor or the same poster? If it's the same editor, flag one of their posts for mod attention.
A: I want to use a bluetooth keyboard during initram

symcbeanWouldn't it be simpler to have the root filesystem unencrypted and just delay mounting the encrypted /home till after the OS is up?

@Ramesh It listed as anonymous... how do you know its the same person?
@Ramesh that doesn't show the attempted edit, is just an answer. We need the link to the revision task
@derobert, I meant for the same person who had answered the question the suggested edit appeared yesterday also.
3:37 PM
@Ramesh spammers often focus on one message at a time and keep trying to edit it. I don't know why.
@Braiam, It might have got rejected because we voted as vandalism and disapproved it.
Apparently my vote didn't count because you all beat me to it.
@derobert you have 10k and it shows everyones, I'm a mere mortal so it only show mines :(
Ah, I didn't know that was filtered unless you have 10k...
Does the direct link work for you?
@Kiwy that is a nice sonata.
@derobert, the suggested edit appeared for the answer by the user symcbean yesterday also.
That's why it looked suspicious.
3:40 PM
Feel free to flag the answer for mod attention, select other, and explain it
That's the general way to let a mod know something suspicious is going on
Either that, or you can use the contact link
@derobert Glad you liked it
Sure. I will do that in future.
guys, they are blocking a lot more:
A: Automatically reject suggested edits where edit summary is an email address

Tim PostAs Shog said, you're pretty spot on with your observations. In fact, we had not fully realized just how much of a problem anon spam suggested edits actually were until we got the new system in place. The good news is it's working, and it's working very well. Behold, 1800 things that didn't ann...

Q: Masquerade not working sometimes

greg0ireThis is a cross post from severfault, where I got no answer. I have an issue with private network traffic not being masqueraded in very specific circumstances. The network is a group of VMware guests using the network. The problematic host is and the only ga...

@Kiwy tsk, crossposting
3:46 PM
is giving public ip in the question a bit like a painting a target on your belly when surrounded with hunters ?
@terdon - the regex is only ever applied on one line.
@mikeserv Yes, but there are two lines in memory. The current one, and the one in the pattern space.
Also I feel dirty, I'm reinstalling a windows Vista SP0 on a computer and it comes with microsoft works... Should I commit suicide before the end of the re installation ?
I know that, of course. I think awk_FTW already showed that sed was faster.
@Kiwy No need, it happens automatically when you remove the installation medium.
3:48 PM
I don't think it makes a difference.
@mikeserv It doesn't. My point is that your solution is actually the most resource intensive on the page, not the least.
The op would be a lot better off if he handled his output without regexing it in the first place.
Now, that "most" is negligible but there you go.
You wanna see something pretty ridiculous?
@terdon I guess I'm screwed then, so long guys, I'll met with you in hell ;)
3:48 PM
@Braiam Don't you even have the choice of typing it? They won't accept it?
@Braiam I once asked myself dealing with one of those paper evaluation, How can I cancel what I just wrote, I need Ctrl Z
@terdon nopity nope
@Kiwy Remember the sysadmin's motto: non ex transverso sed deorsum
@Kiwy meh...
3:50 PM
@derobert Shouldn't that be ed?
@terdon No clue. I don't actually know Latin.
@derobert Neither do I, was punning on sed/ed
Well, maybe it uses the resources more intensively, but that would be because it's faster. So it's more resource efficient.
3:51 PM
@terdon ah, in that case it should be non ex transverso perl deorsum
means: not from across but downwards source: lists.slug.org.au/public/slug/2006/09/msg00039.html
@derobert even better :)
Weird, first time I've ever seen this message:
WARNING: could not determine runlevel - doing soft reboot
  (it's better to use shutdown instead of reboot from the command line)
(and yes, I just typed reboot)
@mikeserv What's this? ${1+:}
@derobert I never understood the differences between shutdown halt reboot and all other command to accomplished only one thing
3:54 PM
I thought reboot and shutdown -r now were the same thing...
@derobert Yeah, they should be. They used to both call init but I think that reboot now calls shutdown
shutdown don't halt, neither restart/reboot
reboot is a symlink to halt
^ that's the classic thinking
wait, what?
Now, the question is if the machine will come back... :-p
appears to, just saw its ovpn connection
3:56 PM
/sbin/reboot: symbolic link to `/bin/systemctl'
@terdon As long as $1 is set substitute :true.
Jiji:~# ls -l /sbin/reboot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 17  2013 /sbin/reboot -> halt
all those command are all fucked up and nobody is able to recommand one :D
apparently systemd controls mine
So: set -- 1 ; echo ${1+one} ; shift ; echo ${1+one} output: one\n\n
3:57 PM
kiwy@kiwy-univers:~$ ls -l /sbin/reboot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14784 Apr 11 23:58 /sbin/reboot
@Kiwy Ubuntu?
@Braiam got me
I use it in while loops all the time to iterate over my positionals. Like : while ${1+:} false ; do logic && shift ; done

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