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5:35 AM
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer That seems like a more complex request, the bottleneck is probably in the actual processing not just the request handling
@lyxal Whoops, you caught me. I've been sneaking into your computer and inserting typos into all your assignments
Next time you get points off for spelling mistakes, blame me >:)
I already do :p
I get a question wrong in an exam? That's user's fault. A marker finds a bug in my code? User probably did that. Group missed some requirements for a project? Ain't no one in the group responsible except user (who isn't even in the group)
6:06 AM
It's the butterfly effect. I flap my arms here in the US, creating a gust of wind, which changes weather patterns, causing a wildfire to happen in Australia, giving my agents the perfect cover to sneak into your room and sabotage you

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