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5:44 AM
The Dutch have found quite a while ago that being at work more hours do not make you do more work, especially when you are not young anymore. It might work if you mostly sit doing nothing waiting till a customer comes in, but in those cases we do appreciate the freedom of sitting home or being free to do whatever you want. Shop owners still do many more hours than people employed, but in that case it is their own decision.
I had a coworker who managed to find jobs needing to do overtime a few evenings per week but looking at his work speed in the day he could easily have done that work in the regular hours if he had not been so tired of doing overtime so often.
Or if he had been more efficient and not working in such a way overtime became needed. Since he stopped nobody has needed to do overtime and the work still got done.
I would prefer to work fewer hours now my age is going on but as I have to finance that on the same hourly wages I am not yet willing to take the risk.

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