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12:10 AM
heyoh, does anybody know a programming language that allows arbitrary return types, and also allows function overloading during runtime based on these mutable types? obviously this can be simulated in C with structs but it's painful.
Arbitrary return types is easy... though I'm not sure what you're looking for with the function overloading based on the mutable types.
for instance if you have foo(){..if a return int else return double..} and then bar(int x) and bar(double x), I would like a language where bar(foo()); would be perfectly reasonable.

sub foo {
  $arg = shift;
  if(ref($arg) eq "HASH") { print "got a hash\n"; }
  if(ref($arg) eq "SCALAR") { print "got a scalar\n"; }
  if(ref($arg) eq "blarg") { print "what is a blarg?\n"; }

%h = ();


foo(bless \%h, "blarg");
~/I $ perl bar.pl
got a hash
got a scalar
what is a blarg?
Now, I'm not really overloading there... because perl doesn't do that. But you can see I'm passing in a dynamic type there that is being handled as that type.
12:17 AM
The type was created at runtime.
hm yes to be honest I'm still trying to figure out and formulate what I'm looking for. this switch statement is an alternative in any language, but I realize that it won't be much less work declaring all the individual functions for the different types than having one function with all the cases... hm.. thanks anyways.
use OOP?
return a type with a instance method foo and return different objects that have their own implementation
so it become bar().foo()
and which foo gets called depends on the return type
while int foo() { if (...) return 4; else return 4.2; } would be problematic... Number foo() { if (...) return 4; else return 4.2; } would work as both Integer and Double extend from the same base class.
And than taking a Number object... and working off that.
Though most any duck typed language would do what you want without any other hoops.
12:25 AM
yeah but you'd still need to explicitly check the type
or at least the exposed functions
@user35945 Lua should be able to do that
you could really abuse multiple returns and tuple packing
Though the OO approach is probably the best for maintainability.
6:43 AM
@MichaelT But Perl has a number of extensions that do overloading, usually called “multi subs” or “multi methods”. Recently, I've been using the Kavorka syntax extension module for this kind of stuff. It allows us to specify function signatures incl. types, and can therefore handle multi methods.
7 hours later…
1:40 PM
Here's a question that I have been asking myself from time to time: what is the name of the JVM originally produced by Sun and now by Oracle? I usually call it "HotSpot", but that's the name of the compiler, not the JVM. (Well, technically, there are two compilers, and they are called "C1" and "C2" …)
IMB's JVM is called J9, the other JVM by Oracle is called JRockit, the JVMs by Oracle Labs are called Squawk and Maxine, Oracle's JVM for embedded devices is called KVM … but what's the name of their desktop and server JVM?
2:21 PM
@JörgWMittag are you sure it had a name?
May have just been called the Java Virtual Machine back in the day before there was more than one
given the propensity for 3 letter acronyms they had...
But that's not the JVM that was part of Java 1.0 and 1.1. That one was a pure interpreter. There was a separate JIT compiler developed and sold by Symantec, later licensed by Sun, but the JVM we know now was a completely independent project developed by a company called Animorphic Systems, who produced the Anamorphic Smalltalk VM (powering the StrongTalk system), which was then bought by Sun.
However, I just found a copy of Animorphic Systems' press release about the buy, and in that release they talk about the HotSpot(TM) Smalltalk and Java Virtual Machines, so I guess that's the official name after all.
LongView Technologies L.L.C. was the name of the other company involved in the development. Ironically, those two companies were founded by the developers of the Self VM, which was developed at Sun, but abandoned because the company didn't see how a VM for a dynamic OO language could be useful for the company :-D
kinda like how S.Jobs was let go and then rehired?
Google's V8 is based on the same VM, BTW, and is being developed by the same people who developed the Self VM, Anamorphic Smalltalk VM and HotSpot JVM.
2:36 PM
small world
The other irony is that Self is one of the major inspirations for ECMAScript, which essentially lost Sun the web. IOW: Sun already owned the language that would later become ECMAScript, and they owned the VM that would later become HotSpot and they let both go.
short sighted CEOs and all that
Maybe. OTOH, developing a brand-new programming language is kind of a long game, and that's something they did commit to.
and the bean counters said to choose between the language and the VM
Actually, I meant Java.
On the hand, they were short-sighted and dropped Self.
OTOH, they were long-sighted and did Java.
2:42 PM
or partially blind
they probably thought the VM wouldn't pan out because compiled was faster
Can't win every battle I guess
3:14 PM
@JörgWMittag wow I never knew StrongTalk had any relation to the JVM, I've played with it, shit Java should have taken their UI framework as well while they were at it....
The Anamorphic VM is pretty interesting, because it is based on mixins, not classes as the fundamental "template". Even in a language like Smalltalk, the layout of objects in memory is fixed at compile time (unlike Ruby or Python, in Smalltalk instance variables need to be pre-declared at compile time). And many optimizations are based on that.
But Mixins don't know their superclass, so they don't know their layout. This precludes many optimizations that traditional Smalltalk VMs make. And still, it was by far the fastest one around. That's also what makes it such a nice fit for V8.
@JörgWMittag JRockit was by BEA... who was the major competitor to Sun's JVM instance back in the day (Weblogic was the app server)... Oracle bought them too.
There used to be running arguments about if HotSpot or JRockit was better/faster... I wonder if those devs sit near and just glare at each other.
Yeah, I know. Squawk and Maxine were also from Sun Research, and KVM from Sun.
Isn't there are merger planned? I thought all remaining features from JRockit (except persisting compiled native code between instances) were to merged by Java 9/10?
Dunno... though I wouldn't be surprised if there was still a free vs commercial split.
3:22 PM
I think the JRockit management tools are already available for HotSpot for a fee.
And the near-realtime GC for JRockit was also always a paid option, and never part of the free (as in beer) edition, so they're probably gonna keep that, even if merged into HotSpot. Although HotSpot's collectors are pretty darn good anyway.
And regarding the native code persistence, I think they even removed that from JRockit, because they found out that it was just not worth the hassle. You basically open up a giant security hole, by injecting native code into a running JVM instance, and JIT compilation is pretty fast.
It might have made sense for severs back then, but in the could nobody cares if your instance takes 10s to spin up. There's still a couple dozen of 'em running anyway.
@JörgWMittag Makes sense
like you said - that kind of layout makes sense for SmallTalk
@JörgWMittag where does Self play into that? Did this Anamorphic company do Self after StrongTalk on the VM?
I always like finding out about influences on modern languages like that which people rarely know of and aren't obvious at all
Anamorphic and LongView were founded by the Self VM guys, after Sun cut funding to the Self project.
Or at least they were hired by whomever founded to company.
Self is older, the first release was 87, I think.
So, the lineage is Self VM -> Anamorphic Smalltalk VM -> HotSpot JVM -> V8
Even before working on the Self VM, Lars Bak also worked on the Beta VM, but I don't think that is part of the lineage.
However, in between leaving Sun and getting hired by Google, he developed Resilient Smalltalk (a Smalltalk for writing device drivers, operating systems, hard-realtime and embedded systems) and OOVM, not the fastest, but maybe the most efficient Smalltalk VM in terms of memory and CPU usage.
The design of OOVM apparently also influenced V8.
In particular, having no interpreter, and only a not very highly optimizing but in turn very fast and small compiler.
3:44 PM
Hi there
@mebu83 Hi! If you have a question, feel free to ask. You don't need to ask to ask a question, but there's no guarantee you'll get an answer. Coffee is served all day, and lunch is at Noon sharp. We thank you for choosing the Whiteboard!
and watch out for the monads; they bite
@Ampt Hey that means it is almost lunch!
@JörgWMittag I know Self as a language is older, but I didn't know anything about it having an important VM, mostly all you ever read about self is the prototypal type system
@AshleyNunn quite right! And since it's Tuesday, that means the weekly Chipotle outing!
3:47 PM
@Ampt Aww Canadian me is going to have to miss that, we don't have cool things like that :P
@AshleyNunn Just remember, he's missing out on poutine.
@AshleyNunn But you do have Tim Hortons, which, from all accounts is a magical land of coffee and awesomness
(Also it's Tuesday? Where did Monday go? I have seriously been thinking it is Monday all morning)
@Ampt They lie.
@MichaelT Poor soul
3:48 PM
And tire money!
@AshleyNunn Don't ruin it for me!
I want to pretend believe!
@Ampt Sorry!
@MichaelT *Canadian Tire Money
Yeah, it's not just any tire money, it's Canadian Tire Money™
3:50 PM
@AshleyNunn not to be confused with a Canadian Tire Monkey - an alpine creature known to warm itself in wheel wells
what's minimum rep for chat again? 20?
Q: Microchip XC8: How to pack code against an upper limit?

AaronDI have a project for a PIC16F1454 that needs some custom linking. Basically, I've separated my code into two parts that can be downloaded separately in the field and thus update (almost) all of the flash memory, including the bootloader. As part of the plan to avoid bricking itself, I have this...

@Ampt unfortunately something less than your rep
Can I get some attention on that question so I can get him in a chat room?
@JimmyHoffa Aww you'd miss me. Who would you spout about monads to if I wasn't here?
@JimmyHoffa That reminds me of the time someone brought a car into my dad's work and there were squrrels nesting in the exhaust
@Ampt same people I do know, everyone I see.
@Ampt You want Andy in here?
3:57 PM
@JimmyHoffa AaronD, and yes please
@Ampt just based on the subject matter, I'm claiming Andy (OK I didn't read the whole Q)
@JimmyHoffa Lol the question is legitimate. I've faced the same thing in the past, and Andy has never wanted to do anything as small as a Microchip processor
We've already got a comment chain going but I'd like to just chat with him
@Ampt 20 anywhere on SE.
@MichaelT he has 18 across the network
4:01 PM
@Ampt that's because he hasn't heard of them yet
20, anywhere, on one site, across the network.
Odd, it was giving me an error saying that he only had 18 rep... I just invited him and gave him the link. We'll see if that does it
2+2=5 must have gotten linked somewhere again... I've gotten about +200 on code golf over the past few days.
@Ampt I blame caching.
@MichaelT Let's go with that.
4:06 PM
@MichaelT 2+2 = 5?
@AshleyNunn Oh yes. It's magical. Black Magic to be precise.
A: Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5

MichaelTJava Reflection is indeed the right way to go with abusing Java... but you need to go deeper than just tweaking some values. import java.lang.reflect.Field; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class cache = Integer.class.getDeclaredClasses...

@MichaelT Very nice! Although if you did that it would piss people off and break things, no?
Its gotten reddited, hacker newsed... might just be periodic people adding answers to a super popular question.
@AshleyNunn absolutely.
4:08 PM
@MichaelT Glad I can follow that : D
let 2 + x = 2 + (x-1) in 2 + 2 <-- what will happen? Anyone?
that would make 2+2 = 3 by the looks of it
wouldn't you want let 2 + x = 2 + (x+1) in 2 + 2 ?
package dont.try_this.at_home;

class ValueMunger extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        while(true) {
            try { sleep(1000); } catch (Throwable t) { }

    public void munge() {
        try {
            Field field = Integer.class.getDeclaredField( "value" );
            field.setAccessible( true );
            for(int i = -127; i<=128; i++)
                // either the same (90%), +1 (10%), or 42 (1%)
setting the randomness to something more akin to .99999 would be more evil I think
4:13 PM
@Ampt it's tricky, 2 + x is defined as 2 + (x - 1), so when it calls 2 + (3-1) = 2 + 2 = 2 + (2 - 1) = 2 + 1 = 2 + (1 - 1) = 2 + 0 = 2 + (0 - 1) = ...
Close (and delete votes) please: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/255167/…
each reduction causes it to match on the "2 + x" pattern which I defined to have a further reduction to something that matches that pattern again
@MichaelT o.O
but you're limiting it to 2+2 I thought
@Ampt thats from the daily wtf.
4:15 PM
@Ampt the 'in' part of the clause just says "given the definition on the left of the 'in', use that definition "in" the execution defined on the right side of the 'in'"
2+2 becomes 2 + (2 - 1) which becomes 2 + 1 which it has a definition for that says it is 2 + (1 - 1) which reduces to 2 + 1...it's a recursive definition of the unary function 2+
38 mins ago, by Ampt
@mebu83 Hi! If you have a question, feel free to ask. You don't need to ask to ask a question, but there's no guarantee you'll get an answer. Coffee is served all day, and lunch is at Noon sharp. We thank you for choosing the Whiteboard!
@JörgWMittag why should we care about open recursion? Relying on a type dispatcher to indirect things just strikes me as pointless complexity anytime you have arbitrary depth lexical closures. What does using ancestral closure bindings to share data and higher order functions to enclose private values fail on which open recursion through a type system's dispatcher is a better approach?
I had a question that I think is not in scope of any SE sites: webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/66783/…. They suggested going to a specific website or web app. What would the most productive and effective way be to see if a search such as this exists?
@ChrisOkyen Google already does that to a degree.
4:27 PM
ok lets first make sure we are talking about the same thing before moving on from here @GlenH7
They run search terms through some sort of software network in order to categorize the terms and generate contextual maps.
@ChrisOkyen can you give an example of something that returns the wrong result based on context?
"concentration fluoride" I would like the search results having to do with say the affect on concentration due to consumption of fluorinated water.
I DONT want the results to show about the concentration ( or amount ) of fluoride in something
@ChrisOkyen How would you programmatically determine such a thing?
@ChrisOkyen so -amount on your search terms...
4:35 PM
Well I would first need to give some indication of were taking about water... "concentration fluoride water" be able to select concentration definition in tearms of focus.
otherwise, invent magical perfect super search and invent Okyenoogle and go become a millionaire
@JimmyHoffa millionaire Billionaire
@ChrisOkyen Semantic Search is a huge complex area, go read about it if you like
@Ampt from my perspective I can't tell the difference
So what did you mean "amount on your search terms"
@ChrisOkyen -amount
4:36 PM
@JimmyHoffa That's because you're not Justin Timberlake
+ = require this search term, - = do not show results with this search term
ok thannks
@Ampt I sure hope it stays that way
so if I googled "Harry Potter -movie" it would most likely return results about the book
@Ampt or strange fan fic
it's the internet after all
4:38 PM
@JimmyHoffa "Harry Potter -movie -fanfic -fan -fic"
Just turn safe search on and spare your eyes any potential problems.
@GlenH7 at that point you might as well just not be using the internet!
True. I'm not convinced that's a bad thing though.
4:54 PM
@Ampt "Harry Potter -movie -fanfic -fan -fic -rule34"
or +... if you're into that.
@MichaelT Is there a SFW description of rule34?
Or should I just leave safesearch enabled?
@GlenH7 leave safe search enabled.
@GlenH7 Yes, there is. The definition of rule 34 is SFW. The contents generated because of rule 34...not so much.
4:58 PM
"Safe Search, the best way to eliminate 98% of the Internet from your search."
Rule 34 — "If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions" — is a prevalent meme that Internet pornography exists for every conceivable topic. == Origin == This memetic Internet "rule" originated from a 2003 webcomic, captioned "Rule #34 There is porn of it. No exceptions.", which was drawn by Peter Morley-Souter to depict his shock at seeing Calvin and Hobbes parody porn. Morley-Souter posted his comic on the United Kingdom website Zoom-Out in 2004, and it has been widely reproduced. == Popularization == Web users have made Rule 34 into a prevalent meme, owing to the ubiquity of Inte...
Which makes me wonder about...
(turn down volume... just the last bit... and well... don't hit it while at work... its not bad, but the related videos is... well..)
I'm at work. Will I get fired if I click?
5:01 PM
@MetaFight When did you rejoin the land of the working? Last I knew you had been searching.
about 3 months ago.
Wow, I've been out of it.
Belated congrats?
Thanks :) I don't think I mentioned it much, though.
Last I remembered you had interviewed with a group where you knew the cultural fit wasn't going to fly.
5:02 PM
@ratchetfreak only the free ones..
There were two places like that. Neither worked out :) I ended up finding a job with a really good team. And they're willing to let me work from home 50% of the time, which is great.
@MetaFight That does sound like a pretty sweet gig
@MetaFight woot. How terrible are they that they were desperate enough to let you work from home 50%? Or are they not?
I can't complain. The people are nice, professional, smart, constantly looking to improve themselves and surprisingly relaxed. The domain is neat too.
@JimmyHoffa Believe it or not, some places are actually pretty decent to work for.
5:05 PM
@GlenH7 truth. I've worked at some. I just wish the ratio were better
(as do we all)
@MetaFight Awesome. Sounds like they're one of the ones letting you work from home because they're smart enough to know it doesn't make a difference for most of us
I just finished a 3 month contract with them on site. Yesterday was the first day of my 50/50 arrangement. They offered me this deal a few weeks after I first started. They clearly like me, and I had 3 months to see if I liked them. I lucked out!
(well, for those of us with kids it does make a bit of a difference)
I'm at one now, and truthfully, I couldn't be more grateful. With all of the other things goings on in my life, having excess work stress would really suck.
@MetaFight Is contract for hire the norm in your neck of the woods?
@GlenH7 To be honest, I don't know. I'm a newb when it comes to contracting, and I'm still a relative newb when it comes to working in software.
5:09 PM
Fair 'nuff. Was mostly curious with regional differences.
@GlenH7 do you think the frequency of contract to hire vs. full time changes a lot regionally?
I guess higher competition markets may have mo contract to hire... So perhaps that does make sense
@JimmyHoffa I think it depends upon local labor law. Places where it is more difficult to fire an employee tend to rely on contracts and contract for hire more. Or at least that's been my impression.
@GlenH7 really? interesting.
Likewise, I have seen places where it is insidiously difficult to term an employee have a preference for contract-for-hire.
I know for as long as I will be with this company I will be on a series of 3 month contracts
5:21 PM
@GlenH7 Contract is very common around here
@AshleyNunn Is that to escape other employment aspects like benefits?
Mind you I am not really in tech
@GlenH7 taxes, benefits, etc etc etc
and we're an at will state
Part of it is also because of how we work as a thing (because we are technically a company contracted to take care of the betting site and I am contracted to the contracted company)
5:22 PM
people can be fired in Colorado because they look at you funny
@JimmyHoffa Hmmm, definitely a counter-point to the evidence I have seen.
I think a large amount of software dev is contractors
of some sort
@AshleyNunn So they're just creating legal wrappers around the core to protect the owners.
@GlenH7 Yes! Precisely this.
(It is a thing that kinda makes me a grumpasaurus sometimes)
5:25 PM
@AshleyNunn Those legal shenanigans know no borders.
@GlenH7 Aye.
I mostly at this point want a job where they do the tax related stuff because that is the thing that drives me the most crazy.
@AshleyNunn It can be a lot to keep track of
The CRA has a calculator and so I put it all in a savings account (tax, EI, and pension plan) and then when I do my taxes I will get a nice reliable accountant to figure it out so I can send my money the right places
Because I get so lost
5:28 PM
like technically I can stop paying into CPP/EI at a certain point in the year but I can't even begin to understand that so I keep it as if I haven't paid anything and hten whatever leftover there is then I get to keep it.
@AshleyNunn That's kind of how I deal with my withholdings as well. I prefer to overpay during the year and then receive something back after I get my taxes filed. I hate having to come up with a bit more at filing time.
@GlenH7 Makes me feel better knowing I am not the only one who does it that way
@GlenH7 same. I always file an extra chunk of withholding - something small enough I won't notice but big enough that over the year it gives me padding for any mistakes that would otherwise have happened just to make sure I never have to pay (I paid one year, it sucked - never again)
Between being generally prepared AND having tuition and stuff I can put against my owed taxes I should be okay
5:34 PM
if my company weren't doing it for me, ugh I can only imagine - even when I contracted I made sure the business gave me W2 rather than contractor crap
Not something you want to be caught on the wrong side of
you mean tax evasion is wrong? wat
I know it is apparently easier here than in the US but I am still missing the days where my work handed me a paystub and things were done and then at tax time I got my t-4 and that was all i needed
Now I get an invoice and a check and need to determine so many things myself
@enderland The IRS does take a particularly dim view of that, yes.
5:38 PM
Understanding the basic functionality of how taxes work is a painful process, but imo really beneficial to understanding how governmental policies apply to you
too many people just only look at whatever their takehome pay is and don't bother understanding what it means to them
@GlenH7 :)
@JimmyHoffa Lots of states are now days
@enderland I am responsible for my own tax stuff and I still don't really super care or know. It is frustrating. I dont mind paying them, I really don't, I just hate the work of having to do it myself
@AshleyNunn Now which bracket will I be in at the end of the year....
@Ampt 25%
@enderland 25%?
How can you be sure though
5:43 PM
because it's incredibly likely
actually you might be very close to the threshold, forgot you were a student all spring
@enderland You would be wrong ;)
Especially since you haven't been raking in that OT that you wanted. And you'll only have 7/12ths of an annual salary under your belt this year.
I have no idea what you were making at your internship though, either
5:46 PM
@Ampt Are you sure about that? Have a look at the link I gave.
@GlenH7 don't forget the $10k in deduction/exemption
@GlenH7 If things continue at the current rate, yes
if a single person makes more than about $45k total in one year they hit the 25% marginal rate
It's going to come down to tax credits/deductions/exemptions
But I think I can squeeze in under the bracket level, yes.
@GlenH7 I am curious about this for me in Canada
5:50 PM
@Ampt Take the OT if you can get it. :-)
Remembering that the bump in tax bracket only apples to the amount above the minimum for that bracket
@GlenH7 I wish I could imprint this in everyone's brain, so many people think "being in the next tax bracket means I'm screwed!" when it really means you just earned more money lol
It's ok to be paying more taxes in that case, yes.
No, it comes down to how I file. I may technically be a dependent at the end of the year.
Mainly due to the way student loans are doled out through the government
5:52 PM
that's going to suck
@Ampt aye, seems to be the standard
@GlenH7 And I am in the lowest one. That is not a surprise!
@enderland tax credits man!
@AshleyNunn No harm in working your way up through the brackets. :-)
@Ampt not really
5:55 PM
@GlenH7 That's the plan!
I pay more in taxes now than what I used to earn when I was (much) younger.
Hoping the next schoolthing will help.
@enderland Not for me, but my parents. Theres a ton of applicable tax credits they can claim if they claim me.
(a friend who does what I want to do also thinks my plans are good so that is helpful)
@Ampt yeah but then you most likely will be in the 25% bracket
5:56 PM
@Ampt You know it's love when they want you for the tax credits.
@AshleyNunn Hopefully they were able to give you some guidance on the programs you were looking at.
@GlenH7 Eh, they took out close to 6 figures of student debt loan for me so.... It's kind of the least I could do.
@Ampt no, you could do nothing at all. Heck you could burn down their house. Technically that's doing much less favors for them, and possible - so your analysis of the least you could do is sorely lacking in creativity
Granted I'm paying it off but it's in their name and thus affects their credit score, etc.
@GlenH7 They were, it seems to be universal that the one is better than the other
5:58 PM
@Ampt unless you're being a jerk, it's affecting their credit positively
@JimmyHoffa I believe you misunderstand the phrase.
SO I emailed the school and asked them a lot of things and am hoping I will get a reply someday
@JimmyHoffa now, yes
oh that's screwy then
but during my years of schooling that's a large chunk of debt
5:59 PM
@AshleyNunn good to know I can still pull apart Uni adverts. :-)
it wasn't hurting them, but the amount of outstanding debt at the interest rates the government charges isn't exactly great to come up on the credit score
@Ampt which plays very little into their credit score so long as it's in good standing I would imagine - but I suppose I can't be sure
Amount of debt affects credit score. Having too much or too little in relation to your annual income can change your score
@GlenH7 You definitely gave me a lot of helpful advice. :) Now to have them email me back.... (I am kinda hoping that my artsie uni credits will work toward their liberal arts stuff so I have to do less)
@Ampt number of accounts, not quantity (utilization of credit cards does somewhat). your annual income doesn't affect credit score (nor do your assets)
someone making 1M a year with a 10M net worth could have troubles being able to get a car loan for $10k if they don't use credit ever
6:01 PM
@Ampt unsecured debt matters significantly there, but student loans aren't unsecured so they play a significantly smaller role - and having secured debt in good standing even if it's above your wages, so long as the monthly is not significant in relation to monthly income it's usually seen as a good sign that you're taking care of your obligations
which, btw, is one of several reasons why credit score is stupid metric, it only measures past success in paying debt
@enderland stupid or not, it's what they use.
@enderland Their statisticians would argue the contrary with you.
@GlenH7 your income/assets have no input into a FICO score
Also, whichever of you (@GlenH7?) who were like "poke people doing the thing" I love you for it and owe you extra cupcakes because I have learned more today about what I want to do and how to do it from the one person I have talked to who is doing the thing than I have by just flailing on my own
6:10 PM
@AshleyNunn Was one of us, yes. If I weren't lazy, I'd go back in the chat transcript and look. :-)
@enderland As far as you know, that is. :-P And I can say that since they don't reveal everything that goes into a FICO score.
@GlenH7 no, I'm using their published components
@GlenH7 Hey man, there are extra cupcakes on the line ;)
I should add that this is going to slightly change as the company creating FICO scores is going to add something nebulous to address people with minimal credit history
A credit score in the United States is a number representing the creditworthiness of a person, the likelihood that person will pay his or her debts. Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential risk posed by lending money to consumers. Widespread use of credit scores has made credit more widely available and less expensive for many consumers. == Credit scoring models == === FICO score === The FICO score was first introduced in 1989 by FICO, then called Fair, Isaac, and Company. The FICO model is used by the vast majority of banks and cred...
@AshleyNunn I figure I should be okay since I ought to be getting a new kitchen out of the tour. And a few extra batches will have to be made to make sure the equipment is working as expected.
6:13 PM
woot I think I have my hand-spun module implementation done. Mostly ripping the concepts from AMDs but simplifying it to my particular use case, easy peasy dependancy ordering system.
> Although the exact formulas for calculating credit scores are secret, FICO has disclosed the following components:
@GlenH7 I know, read through those though - the only one which is even related to income is the 30% - debt burden (but if you look at the related link you will see that is also marginally related)
@GlenH7 oh yes, one of the stretch goals was a kitchen remodel, wasn't it?
@AshleyNunn Yep!! And a BBQ tour...
@GlenH7 Oh yes, I remember that part
6:20 PM
That part is the delicious part.
And what would be the point of a cupcake tour without extra delicious parts?
@enderland they're also making changes to lessen the effect of specifically medical related debts (woot!)
var bootstrapRetryLoop = function(f) {
  return function() {
    if (!module.require('app'))
      setTimeout(f(f), 250);

$(document).ready(function () { setTimeout(bootstrapRetryLoop(bootstrapRetryLoop), 250) });
@JimmyHoffa as well as adding some nebulous thing to address the "your income/assets don't matter" problem for people who rarely use credit
^-- because, recursion. And fuck this.
6:33 PM
Has anyone read the Kindle version of Intro to Algorithms (CLRS)? I'm curious if the formulas and figures display properly.
@Keen Dunno offhand. Not sure that many here in the chat room are using eReaders for their technical books. @MichaelT uses Safari Books online, but that is potentially a different format than what Kindle uses.
@GlenH7 It would just be pointless, I am telling you.
@GlenH7 It is... and I use ePub rather than mobi... so I don't even have a good rendering system for that.
@AshleyNunn Here's hoping those stretch goals are met
@MichaelT I haven't found an ereader application that I really like. Of the ones I've tried, they are mostly tolerable.
6:43 PM
I'm firmly entrenched in iOS / Mac... so its not even a decision for me. iBooks is quite acceptable for all I've needed.
btw, @enderland hows Slack?
@GlenH7 yeah, I like my actual reader but anything on the computer that says it does ebooks usually makes me frsutrated
"tolerable" isn't going to get me to change my preference for printed material anytime soon...
@GlenH7 An e-reader with e-ink is actually quite good for reading, I love mine, but anything tablet/desktop/phone makes me want to spit rocks
@GlenH7 accessibility is an issue though. Back in my days of being a dev at Netapp... I had a bookshelf in my cube to try to keep up with the technologies being used... that hasn't gotten better.
6:51 PM
@AshleyNunn sun comes out of the clouds: queue shouts of "damnit I was just getting to the good part"
@ratchetfreak laughs Okay, that is a slight downvote for them but I've found that with mine at least it's still pretty okay in sun
@MichaelT too busy to read it :| ;)
@enderland there's an irony there...
It would be intriguing to do a radar chart for each of the strong/weak definitions as a spoke for a given language. Not that it solves the problem but rather sheds more light on it that its not well defined though still allows one to compare two languages. — MichaelT 32 mins ago
I'm still thinking about that now...
6:55 PM
busy getting engaged is that what they are calling it these days?
@enderland have you seen imgur.com/a/L2Rqh ?
@enderland - being busy can be a good thing.
Searching for 'how to eat sushi' on google has not exactly safe for work wording in its one boxing.
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