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2 hours later…
7:27 AM
can I have that on my cyclocross please?
2 hours later…
9:47 AM
why does Vladimir write “6o km per day” with an o instead of a 0?
8 hours later…
6:16 PM
cos some cultures use a "lowercase" zero and o looks better to them than 0 ?
1 hour later…
7:42 PM
Or just a typo because 0 and o are next to each other...
7:55 PM
@Michael Maybe he's a typography geek, and has typed a lower-cased zero, that you have mixed up with a 'o'.
@Renaud I checked the unicode
@Renaud or maybe that was the intent, but the 'o' character was much more accessible
life has many mysteries...
8:25 PM
Maybe he's posting from a typewriter? Some of them used a capital O instead of 0 and saved one whole key/hammer mechanism

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