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6:00 PM
i mean that was is a simple "can you code?" question
and that's key - understanding when a throw-away snippet of code is all that's expected
its not really solve an algorithm question
in my case, it's an intentional gate
and I'll tolerate a flub at the onset of that question
but I expect a degree of recovery as well
6:01 PM
im not sure how you can flop that question, but then again im not sure how i flopped my question.
over-thinking is the issue
so everything is possible when you're nervous
while (!doneWithSex) {
if (intensity > THRESHOLD && thinkAboutBaseball.isEmpty()) {
doneWithSex = true;
if (!wife.isDoneWithSex())
throw new BitterResentmentException();
@maple_shaft - simply awesome
wish someone asked me to write that on an interview
6:02 PM
I just started yelling the "fizzes" and "buzzes" out loud according to the algorithm. Though I think it was the improvised dance that cost me the job.
That's a go directly to HR and Legal interview question...
those are just names that algorithm can be doing something complety different ;)
@psr - THAT was you? Frak and we passed up hiring on you? </jk>
like..for instance seeing if a queue is empty
anyway im gonna get back to solve euler problems
〈_フソ ̄フ ,=-_,,,,-┴─'
//o /rて__/
,//三/ / ̄"
6:03 PM
@StanR. if you are competent as you describe it may be for the best. lots of people have no idea how to actually interview people, if the interviewer can't make it clear to you what they're trying to find out if you know, that's a bit of a problem for them. When trying to find out what someone knows on a topic, it should be explicit to them what the topic is
@psr when you paste it, a new button shows up "fixed font"
@MichaelT - Not for me it didn't.
Asking a question in the form of "How would you..." when you want one particular answer, is kind of a trick question, if you want one particular answer you should ask them if they know about that technique and have them explain it to you
@StanR. - also look into tips for setting your emotional state when going into an interview. It sounds like some of the issue is your getting wrapped around the axle when you just need to breath and let it take it's course.
just type some text
hit shift return
and look what is to the right of the input box
6:05 PM
@JimmyHoffa not if it means anything, i do have a decent rep on SO. So obviously I am not by any means dumb, I've dealt with a lot of anxiety in my life on a personal level and have overcome it personally, but performance anxiety is one thing that is really affecting my life right now
@MichaelT - Ah, I don't usually hit shift return.
as I am having difficulty explaining to the interviewer that I am not dumb, just nervous.
@StanR. - don't forget to offer up your SO / SE userID then. I make it a point to ask my candidates for their ID and I do look up their profiles
of course, I'm a bit biased... :-)
void foo() {
  print "Now you can argue about brace style";
6:07 PM
i do offer it, i only use my careers resume to begin with.
it means nothing when you cant solve a simple problem
@StanR. - true. Don't forget to send a "thank you" email regardless of your feelings about the interview
i also understand that the person interviewing you already knows the solution to the problem and are highly subjective from that point
IF there's a chance of turning their opinion, a follow-up email is the trick.
@StanR. are you fresh out of college or have you been a working dev for a while?
i have 10 years of experience
in NYC
i can answer/design any .NET questions regarding OO, design patterns, their usage..etc
I can answer and write out on the fly all the major data structures, sorts and explain their running time complexities and why they perform the way they perform
6:10 PM
@StanR. - no wonder you're overthinking the questions then... ;-)
but when im face to face and the person expects me to write a solution in linear time and my brain is thinking of a completely different problem
i was asked to find the maximum sum in a continous array
my brain thought he said "find and store the sequence that makes the max sum
so im thinking binary heap, dictionary..etc
store the start index..and the last index
im thinking double ended queue
think. simpler. For loop and be done.
this is because ive been doing a princeton university course on algorithms in the last few days i have been coding a ton
@StanR. If you've 10 years experience, do your best to imagine it just like a requirements gathering exercise with one of your colleagues you work with every day
or at least start with the super simple aspect (I ignored the "continuous" part) and then evolve
6:12 PM
yeh the continous part and you cant skip
@JimmyHoffa - that's a brilliant suggestion
yeh @JimmyHoffa i try to pretend im talking to a colleague
@StanR. - Once something has gone wrong, explaining that you have a problem getting nervous in interviews and then telling them what you are telling us now might work. Interviewers do know that interviews are a highly artificial environment, it's just hard form them to do much about that fact.
well i asked for a different question
6:13 PM
i said i was for some reason highly nervous
you don't get to ask for another question. It's not like a quiz show. :-)
I agree with psr's comments - explaining that you freeze up during interviews is perfectly valid.
There might also be something to be said for not being focused on impressing the interviewers
It's not a matter of convincing them to hire you, but more of a matter of allowing them to see if you're the right match
@GlenH7 i solved the problem first
but when i realizes that i did terribly
fumbled a lot
for me, since I don't know jack about continuous arrays, I'd start with the simple case. And then as Jimmy suggested, start eliciting additional requirements from the interviewer. The trick is to drive to answering the question that was asked but breaking it down to make sure you're demonstrating some degree of knowledge with the question
6:15 PM
..etc.. i asked to be given another problem
And also a matter of making sure the company is a right match for you
oh, just circle back to your solution then
and call out your concerns about it
i did
i said it was quadratic and im sure there is a linear way
he had to literally hold my hand for me to solve it...which is stupid
i couldve solved it on my own, but obviously i dont have time to sit around trying different things...
@StanR. Keep in mind: Worst case scenario, you can always just start yelling and run out of the building; so there's always an exit strategy.
6:17 PM
@JimmyHoffa i usually get offers from companies im not too excited working for
and i bomb interviews at companies im really excited for
clearly..im overly anxious to impress and perform that i completely lock up.
Work on something beforehand to yell so you have it in your back pocket like "I don't know anything about isomorphic arrows! Why do the computations always end up decidable! This just isn't going to work!!!"
@StanR. - sounds like you're running up against more strict interviewers than I am. If you had answered the question and then said how you would go about improving it, I'd call that a passing answer. I'm not looking for the perfect solution in an interview
I am looking for a solution and an understanding of where you'd start looking to fix it.
"this problem is P = NP complete is this some sort of joke !!!! SCREW YOU GUYS !!!"
thats my exit line
then i tackle anyone standing in my way to the elevator
@Morons Sorry, got called in a meeting.
@RobertHarvey Here now.
6:19 PM
@StanR. perfect. Now next time someone stresses you in an interview you'll think about your exit strategy and start laughing maniacally, they'll hire you for sure!
yeah, for sure.
i'll tell them @JimmyHoffa gave me the inspiration
that'll put me over the top
Sweet, a reference, maybe I'll get a job out of it too
i hope so
@JimmyHoffa - didn't know you were looking again already. :-)
@StanR. Interviews are always fun for me, it's when I get to be truly evil.
Mar 8 at 19:42, by Yannis Rizos
I used to show a 1K loc SQL query to candidates during interviews and ask them to explain it to me. Those that didn't broke into tears got the job. (Dirty little secret: I had no idea what the query was about)
6:24 PM
to be fair most interviewers find these problems somewhere on the web
and already know the answers to them
i hate coding interviews because it doesnt ask you to think in an abstract way, it asks you to write out code for a very narrow problem...
im always better at "tell me how you'd go about solving this problem..."
@StanR. I'm the exact opposite
@JimmyHoffa Nah... go for the break down crying and sobbing "But I can't code without line numbers like BASIC"
instead of "write a function that solves this problem.."
@StanR. - FWIW, I ask a mix of both
Every time I was asked to interview candidates, I told management that I'm not the best man for the job. And they insisted, no idea why.
6:26 PM
well i dont mind asking to write code to see if the person can indeed write code
but i would be more interested in how one would go about solving a problem
which data structure he would use
@YannisRizos - bring your mgmt here to the whiteboard the next time and we'll help explain to them...
@GlenH7 That's all in the past, I'm management now. Which I guess also creates wonderful opportunities for me to be truly evil.
@StanR. - a good whiteboarding session should provide both aspects. yes, I need to perform a gate check and make sure the candidate can code. More importantly, I need to understand how they think and how well they pick up on constructive corrections. FizzBuzz is a silly exercise, but it lets me see how the candidate thinks.
@YannisRizosBoss: Yannis is nuts, seriously, you should get liability insurance and a notarized forfeiture of rights to sue for any interviewee in the same room as him.
@StanR. There will usually be at least one question that just wants to make sure you really know the language you said you did. Don't assume every question is targeted at geniuses unless the company has a reputation for doing that in interviews.
@GlenH7 - I misread "whiteboarding" as "waterboarding" for a second there.
6:30 PM
@psr yannis probably already tried that
I can neither confirm nor deny that.
thanks for your suggestion guys
my main problem is just performance anxiety
not if ands or but's
thats just the bottom line, i don't perform well in an unfamiliar highly stressful environment.
@StanR. Classic anxiety reduction approach - picture everyone else in the room naked. This may not always be a good idea though.
there is no sugar coating it
@StanR. It's a well-known problem at least; go study up on it and what people do etc.
6:33 PM
@JimmyHoffa like i said before i've dealt with anxiety all my life
and i know what TO DO
exposure...i.e. keep doing it over and over
until you are basically desensitized
but the problem is, by the time i'm done im gonna lose all my chances at workin for good companies
i dont wanna bomb an interview at Google just so i can get some practice..you know what i mean?
Few companies will put you on a black list... they will have another opening in a few weeks or months...
@StanR. There's other approaches, like eating copious amounts of food ahead of time, or learning a new language and beginning to speak that instead claiming no knowledge of the previously used one
you guys think its professional to re-apply after a few months?
im not sure about that, i've never done that...
6:35 PM
And honestly, google is not all that is cracked up to be... especially if you are over 30.
@StanR. worst they'll say is "no thanks, no interview"
It shows the interest in the position is genuine which means if hired the person would be motivated to do the job
@MichaelT i was just using it as an example
At one place, we had a serial applier
6:36 PM
lots of people interview opportunistically but may not really care about the job, re-applicants actually want that job
but said person was not qual'd for the role. So they were always declined
One of the worries that a company has with someone who is highly qualified is flight risk. Interviewing multiple times shows interest in the company and a reduction of flight risk.
@GlenH7 did they show growth each time or fail in the same ways every time?
interviewers actually think about this?
i always feel like they forget who you are after 4 hours..
6:37 PM
@JimmyHoffa - no growth; essentially same resume over and over and over. Shotgun blast type applicant
@StanR. Depends on the interviewer. Personally, I thought of waffles during almost every interview.
@StanR. good ones. Note: Good interviewers are surprisingly rare, but so are good companies so that's just the way things go..
As an interviewer in the past, for someone who was applying for entry level and had WAY too much to be entry level... yes. And I said "no, don't hire this person into this position." as my recommendation.
@StanR. - you'd hate to see what I do for prep work even before I'll green-light a candidate to be screened by HR
@YannisRizos maybe you're a secret belgian
6:38 PM
you guys have been a lot of help, i appreciate it.
They got hired into it nonetheless, and 3 months later, after getting trained on our apps, transferred to another part of the company...
We definitely consider previous experience & the position they're applying for. And if there's an obvious mismatch without explanation then we won't pursue. OTOH, if they address the mismatch up front, then they may get a green light
sorry im just bummed out today..takes a while to get over beating yourself up.
@StanR. remember that the fit needs to go both ways. You need to meet their skills needs, but they need to meet your needs to. May not have been a good company for you to work for
They still might be interesting to you, but they can be interesting without being a good match for you. I dodged that bullet two Octobers ago
6:40 PM
@StanR. look at the bright side, you're not in @maple_shaft's shoes right now
i'v never worked at a company that has good work-life balance and culture
nyc is all cut throat.
@StanR. I've yet to see any.
i've seen good "attempts" at it
thats better then no attempts at all..
Companies always want as much as they can get. And if it looks like a nice place to work, its so you will stay later.
@MichaelT whaa? I thought that's what you left silicon valley for, I've seen great work-life balance at most places I've worked..
Maybe I just don't look good to the places with bad work-life balance though, so they reject me and I don't find out. If that's the case, more power to me :)
6:42 PM
I left SV because I was laid off... moved back to the mid west to get a not SV internet time... I assure you, the schedules I have here are just as absurd (if not moreso because the business doesn't understand that we don't just snap our fingers and write code - rewriting 10k lines of code isn't a 1 day task)
@StanR. Greece has a 35% unemployment rate right now, I'm getting resumes from phds for starter positions. I don't know how cut throat nyc is, but... don't come to Greece.
@YannisRizos I remeber the dot.com bust back about a decade ago in SV... PhD's working register at Blockbuster Video because they couldn't find a job.
@YannisRizos "don't come to Greece" somebody joining the shining sun party or whatever it's called? heh
@YannisRizos I also bet you aren't hiring them... would you rather hire a PhD that will leave as soon as a better job comes along? or someone with an entry skill set that will still be with the company a few years from now?
@MichaelT That's more or less what goes on here now, with the difference that it's not industry specific.
6:48 PM
@YannisRizos {politics}btw, Cyprus... WTF? Do you want to start a run on the banks?{/politics}
@MichaelT To be honest, I have no idea. We have one position, and literally hundreds of resumes... On the one hand over-qualified is an issue, on the other they are not really a flight risk, because... where are they going to go? Most of our competitors closed shop or aren't in any position to hire for the next five years or so.
@MichaelT - I'm actually starting to wonder if for some reason they really did want to start a run on the banks. If you know ahead of everyone else that a run will happen, you can make a lot of money on it. And it seems hard to believe they are too dumb to realize that's what they are doing.
i had an idea....im pretty sure i can pass all these interviews drunk...
@psr I, once again, invoke Hanlon's Razor.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity.
6:54 PM
@StanR. - as a professional, I could never advise you to interview in such a manner. If it was detected that you were in an altered state, you've likely exited the interview process. But if you know very well how you respond to a glass or two, then that's a well known way to reduce anxiety.
@MichaelT I'm consciously avoiding following the news about that. It's a f'ing mess, but we got our own problems over here and it's already hard enough to follow the news about our own stuff.
@GlenH7 i know, i was being funny
Apparently, the money that Cyprus has in its banks is several times the size of the GNP of the country. Its a tax haven of the mediterranean (think Cayman Islands)... and in order to get a bailout from the EU, they need to tax something... and looked at the savings accounts of wealthy russians hiding money there.
(The news is making the rounds in the US channels that aren't completely focused on how one party or the other is messing up... which is the majority of the news here)
@StanR. i don't think your anxiety is the issue. People understand anxiety
6:58 PM
what do you think it is?
it most likely your lack of confidance
the two go hand in hand in my opinion
the lack of confidence produces anxiety
i have to heard to meeting... be back in 20
anxiety produces bad output, which results in a rejection and hence confirmation of lack of confidence
pretty nasty negative feedback loop
@MichaelT The core of the issue is that the Cypriot govt. thought a small deposit tax would be a better idea than only going after deposits over 100,000 euros. Obviously, that didn't sit well with the majority of the population.
...and it all went downhill from there.
7:07 PM
im back... biggest waste of 5 min ever
@StanR. why are you so nervous?
very valid questio
@YannisRizos but wont people just stop putting there money in the bank
because they'll give me a question i wont be able to answer
do you always make this much sense?
7:09 PM
so what, you don't get a job you already didn't have!
but what if i really wanted it?
@Morons - Stan is addressing a valid point. He likes the company / he's interested in the company. That raises the stakes dramatically.
i dont want to go back to working at companies i don't really care for
7:10 PM
@YannisRizos I just heard the legislature rejected the EU terms and are now putting together an internal fund managed by the government, wonder where they'll get the money for that though
You're right in that he should stop caring so much about the company. Makes it easier to be indifferent during the interview. But that can be hard to do
i want to contribute to society
@Morons Well yes, but what about the money already in the banks? The first step was to limit how much you can get from an atm per day.
Interviewing is win win... You either get the job or You Loose nothing
@YannisRizos - Hugo Chavez had some ... interesting ... solutions to that problem.
7:11 PM
@YannisRizos they want to tax withdrawals?
@Morons I think they were going to tax principles, who knows, they canned the whole idea though
I am at home..
midwood, brooklyn.
no shit?
and m
maybe i know you
7:14 PM
are you my friend ?!
we never met
assuming stan is your real name ans that is your real pic
are you saying you dont actually look like your avatar?
very funny
do you take the train to work?
7:17 PM
ah i used to take a bus
hate trains
i hate the bus
i dont know.. i like looking out the window
its a small world
yes it is
read the next blog post...
i think its going to be published monday
7:19 PM
which blog?
crazy on tap?
yeh im looking at it now
you didn't know of it?
7:22 PM
i did not, no
i barely ever go on programmers exchange
im mostly on Stack Overflow
how did you end up here?
came to ask a generic question, but knew it would be closed, then remembered that there is a chat...so decided to drop in and ask here.
I haven't interviewed for a Coder Position in 10 years (though still code a lot)
i havent in a while
back then we didn't get hit with complex algorithms type questions
7:27 PM
i grew a lot since i last interviewed (i.e. actually look for jobs that are a good match for me)
this time around, im older and smarter about my career i wanna work for the right company, or rather one that i care about the product
can you give me an example of one you got stumped on>
join a company that will enabul you to grow ... who gives a fuck about the product
well that too
i am looking for growth and motivation in terms of product
i give a fuck, because otherwise i dont feel like i accomplish anything with my career
@StanR. - my comment in your Q was more for anyone coming along later who read your question and that answer. Demian's advice is pretty spot-on, I think.
i know
i knew the question would be closed, but i got a good advice out of it
and came here and met you guys
@StanR. So, you knowingly asked an off topic question? brb, suspending.
(yes, I'm kidding)
7:39 PM
@YannisRizos No, he said he was going to but remembered there was a better way to ask us. I don't think his initial Q was knowingly off-topic
@StanR. were you directed to P.SE to ask that original question by someone from SO?
@YannisRizos - itchy fingers today? Always?
@JimmyHoffa - no, no. Go read the Q. He knew what he was doing. A bit surprising it only ran +/- 1 on the votes
@JimmyHoffa If I'm actually suspending someone, there's absolutely no way I'd announce it publicly. It's strictly a private matter, no reason for anyone but me and the user in question to know anything about it.
im sorry if i posted an off topic question, i couldnt think of a better place to ask
and i figured programmers would help me out...
then i remembered about the chat, but i had posted the question already...
@GlenH7 Always. But today I'm in a weird mood, first thing I saw when I logged in SE this morning was a "question" on Politics that referenced rape and paedophilia. I've seen tons (and tons) of crap on Programmers, but never something that bad.
7:45 PM
must've been about steubenville, that would be my guess
I should hope programmers is never anywhere near as bad as politics.se...
<---- actively avoids Politics.SE
i avoid politics.se like the plague
@StanR. given that you weren't pounded with down-votes, the community didn't think too negatively of your question.
Politics is... experimental. It's an extremely hard topic to get right within the confines of Stack Exchange. No idea if it will make it or not.
7:46 PM
I poked around there the other day just out of random curiosity.. my impression: DVK argues with D.A. while Michael KingsMilll is busy looking for statistics somewhere
@GlenH7 i think this type of question is more often on peoples minds than you think.
That was the appearance of almost every question I looked at
@YannisRizos politics is the definition of "no constructive or too localized or too subjective"
@StanR. never said it wasn't a good question, that it wasn't interesting, or that it wasn't relevant. Just not constructive for SE's Q&A format
7:48 PM
rule of thumb - RobertHarvey generally doesn't answer boring questions. :-)
other rule of thumb - Take Robert Harvey's advice
well aside from project euler i do everything he says
i do have real life experience and a lot of it
believing in yourself can be a difficult task to work through. Learning to let go of a flubbed answer can also be equally difficult. I'd be working in a much different company now if I hadn't flubbed the same part of an interview about 8 years ago.
well to be fair the algorithm that the interviewer provided me with was wrong
i just realized that
maybe thats why i couldn't grok it
@StanR. If it's particularly bad you can speak with a doc and get something to help. There are some things they prescribe specifically for performance anxiety that don't make you all loopy but mute the physical responses that you're only supposed to take when you have to perform, you don't have to take consistently
7:52 PM
ROFL. That's awesome. Put your suggestion in the thank you letter. And yes, you still need to send a thank you letter. Always thank the other person for the opportunity even if you know it didn't pan out.
i understand @JimmyHoffa i prefer the natural way (rest, exercise, diet) if you catch my drift
yeah i just tested his algorithm on a bunch of sets and it doesnt work in every case
honestly, if I got that in a thank you letter (along with the proof), I'd have you back on the phone.
i already sent a thank you letter..
I hire for personality characteristics along with ability
but...i just now figured out the issue
7:54 PM
if nothing else, now you've got a hilarious story to share the next time you get choked up during an interview
9:09 PM
Wrestling all day with designing this overly generic bit of code I've been asked to try and prototype... finally found the solution, and it is a monad... proof I am on the wrong path. This is going to go over terribly.
@JimmyHoffa Maybe you need to join a Haskell shop?
Great idea, find me one that accepts people who aren't complete geniuses then we'll talk
(Seriously, the only places that actually do haskell are only hiring literal geniuses, I don't count)
corp.galois.com being the big name everyone knows
@JimmyHoffa I qualify as a literal genius and I doubt they'd hire me
other places only hiring quants
9:13 PM
@WorldEngineer If that's true then dig your teeth into category theory for 6 months and you'll get to work for one of those places
I could dig into category theory for years and it would still all wash straight out of my brain because that stuff is just too much for me
@JimmyHoffa to be fair, I don't really consider genius to be IQ
everyone has at least one genius
What's that, like everyone has at least one buddha and one inner child?
@JimmyHoffa sorta?
9:25 PM
Q: How to create a backend server

Connor McIntoshI am wondering how to make a back-end server for free with PHP. Can I build it with a free PHP server? And if I build the back-end server can I add custom photo links like what Facebook does for example: https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/y5/r/5rZZyXaEE2Q.png I am trying to create a ...

@Morons - it's about , I'm sure @YannisRizos can answer it. ;-)
Holy crap google is fast. I searched on the link in that question. Came back with a google-whack to P.SE with that question ('natch).
The whole question is misguided
gah how do you model non-determinism in a strongly typed way without algebraic data types...
is anyone else thinking that link was / is a bit dodgy? (re: backend server)
9:33 PM
@GlenH7 was first thing I thought when I saw the Q, I didn't look any harder, it's just got the tell-tale gibberish naming of spammer domains (or foreign, which is often also a sign of being dodgy)
Go click it...
I didn't.
@JimmyHoffa I can activate a sandbox and check
@WorldEngineer - can you check out that question that Morons linked please. It's highly dodgy
@GlenH7 already looking at it
@WorldEngineer - thanks, just caught up with the chat thread. sorry.
@WorldEngineer - What IQ is literal genius?
9:43 PM
@psr 130, it's the bar for Mensa
I don't think IQ relates to being a genius, I do think truly groking category theory relates to being a genius however
@psr like I said, I don't really give it much weight. I'm not as good mathematically as I am linguistically for instance
@WorldEngineer, hmm , that's less than 2 standard deviations - about 5% of population
@psr sounds about right
@WorldEngineer henceforth I'm going to tease you about being a mensa member though
9:45 PM
@JimmyHoffa except I'm not
@JimmyHoffa - there's quite a few folk who qualify or could qualify for mensa but don't bother
I've no desire to join it
I'm long past the age where I care about being the smartest guy in the room
I never really saw the benefit of it. Two friends of mine have been card-carrying members. But they only did so for the gag effect if / when people asked them if they thought they were geniuses or something
@WorldEngineer irrelevant, tell Gina Davis I said hi at your next smarty pants gathering
9:47 PM
ironically, one of those two friends did a stint as an apple genius at the apple store.
@JimmyHoffa - Great, if I just start contributing to Galois's open source stuff, job for me! I just need to figure out how Haskel is implemented, what the heck a type constructor is, how to, you know, write or read any real code, all the stuff I don't know exists (such a transactional memory until a couple days ago), the stuff I forgot in this list, then, BAM!
@JimmyHoffa - Finished all the stuff prior to Yesod but it's just a tad shy of complete.
@psr is that what it says it takes to get into Galois? I didn't even bother looking at their recruiting techniques
@JimmyHoffa - Oh, no, I made that up.
Perhaps it could work though.. Iduno, I did hear comonad questions are the least of your concerns in their interview though so I don't suspect just contributions without knowing the category theory will get you far
@psr cool, how did you feel about the Monad stuff you read? Does it make sense at all?
9:52 PM
@JimmyHoffa - Actually, yes. But making some degree of sense vs. sitting down and pounding out code - orders of magnitude difference most likely.
data SomeAlgebraicDataType a = Arrr a | Nahh
                                                                  ^-- type constructor
                                                     ^------------ type constructor
                                            ^------------------- type variable
                   ^--------------------------------------- type
That didn't work..
@MichaelT Though Hanlon's razor is usually true, in this case it's not malice vs. stupidity, but greed vs. stupidity, which is a more even match.
Nope, still didn't work. Screw it.
@JimmyHoffa - Seeing it happen before my eyes - it's like a veil has been lifted.
9:54 PM
@JimmyHoffa incidentally Old Man's War was the main reason I was able to Grok Monads
FTL in that universe is basically Monadic
you select a location and the drive returns you to where you want to go in a universe that's technically different but so slightly that you don't notice.
@psr yeah, if you just work in do notation and take it all for granted that the monadic composition is occuring you can get pretty far without worrying about it at all. Biggest problem I had was trying to come up with a monad to implement myself that wasn't already implemented; there's an unbelievably robust set of libraries available on hackage
So, what gives a pretty comprehensive treatment of Haskel, and is written primarily in English (math is fine, if it is accompanied by English).
@psr Learn You a Haskell, Real World Haskell and this: yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Haskell-the-Hard-Way

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