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11:00 AM
After there's enough current, it'll force your muscles (including your heart) to severely tense up, which is something you can survive. It's actually more dangerous to get a high current shock that's below that threshold, because it causes fibrillation instead of clamping
So you should lick high current transformators
open up an old tube tv
and just play around with the connections inside there
mainly around the tube
super fun
@Bálint No lol, because it's only really a decent chance of survival if it's only a split second
Open up a microwave and hit it with screwdrivers
11:02 AM
It can even kill you, if it's not plugged in
touch this pad thing here
I took a 300V pulse discharge of several amps, from arm to leg right across my heart. It felt like getting punched harder than you can imagine in every part of the body at once lol but I survived
I had a chance because it wasn't a very big capacitor and there was no persistent power source so it was just a millisecond pulse
i took 120 a couple times
well like 20 times probably lol
Were you grounded or ungrounded?
11:04 AM
Grounded fucking hurts lol
travels up your limb really fast
has a magnetic effect
I imagine at higher currents you would not even be able to let go
AC shocks are extra nasty because instead of forcing your muscles to clamp, it forces them to vibrate at 60hz and blocks your own control over them
This is amazing
@jgallant I've never got "stuck" but I've seen it happen and had to shove someone to break them off the circuit
Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results 2017: stackoverflow.com/insights/survey/2017
11:13 AM
god damnit why are there 5 genders... there's effectively only 96.2% of the sample accounted for because of that
I don't want to be rude, but how does someone, who is unable to type code?
with assistance?
What in the world are all these: stackoverflow.com/insights/survey/2017/…
methodologies. I haven't heard of half of them
Those are the standard lines of bullshit for managerial purposes
> Not a methodology! The Agile movement seeks alternatives to traditional project management. Agile approaches help teams respond to unpredictability through incremental, iterative work cadences and empirical feedback. Agilists propose alternatives to waterfall, or traditional sequential development.
Some bullshit you can argue about
oh... I get it hahaha... you are an ash puncture #Bálint lol
11:19 AM
That's not even half of it
Basically if you think you need one of those "methodologies" then actually your team just sucks and their manager is also bad, but conveniently enforcing the "methodology" is a good punishment for them too so it works out
I love how there's a section about how you pronounce gif
@Bálint Me too, I'm glad the correct way won also, and not the stupid way the designers intended
And somehow every diagram about experience has a strange bias towards 20 years or more
I'm mad about the tabs vs spaces question, how did the tab win?
I'm mad that you would make such an offensive joke.
11:24 AM
I was surprised spaces had that many!
Using spaces instead of tabs is an unforgivable thought crime
(Unless you strictly use one space only)
Here's option A: The tool built exactly for the purpose of indenting text, with its own dedicated key.
Here's option B: Hack a totally different tool by using it several times, to poorly emulate the behavior of option A.
Why would tabs be better?
@MickLH It's because you misconfigured your meta tool, i.e. your editor :P
Because it's "the right tool for the job"
Tabs are literally meant to indent. Spaces are not.
Using spaces is a HACK. Objectively.
11:28 AM
good IDEs, you can set the tab's width
Even with bad IDEs! The default text editor on Ubuntu even has tab width up front in the settings
Spaces look uniform everywhere
SO's tabs are 8 spaces long
That fallacy is even worse than my fallacy!
Mine was just an appeal to authority
That one is based on the idea that the width of indentation is so important that it's worth turning nearly every line of code into something hacked up
And further, the tab width being adjustable makes that ineffective, even if it were "worth it"
Because once you use a specific number of spaces, it's locked in, while you can adjust the tab width without modifying the document
It's easy to reliably convert tabs to spaces: Just replace "\t" with " "
The inverse transformation occasionally screws something up
Ok, I hate tabs, you love tabs, let's keep it like that
People sometimes say: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." but I think that actually you can just inject water into it correctly and effectively force it to drink
11:40 AM
I imagine if you didn't let it drink for a few days it would eventually drink on command
Ok so I've got 3 game modes so far: GunGame, Scrimmage, and Deathmatch
You already know what Deathmatch is, also there's the teams option
If you haven't played GunGame, everyone starts with a shit gun and each kill gets you a better gun, first person to use every gun wins. (Or it can be in reverse, start with the best gun and progress through shittier guns)
Scrimmage is where everyone starts with shit guns and there's no respawn, and at the end of each round your team's weapon funding is determined by how you did last round and how much extra funds you saved last round
King of the Hill
Steal the Bacon
what was that old CS mode, assassination? where you gotta escort the VIP
hm I guess I could design some King of the Hill maps, I totally forgot about that game mode. I don't remember very many games having it
11:59 AM
I think I want to combine King of the Hill and Steal the Bacon lol
That could be interesting
I'm thinking of it having a main hill but also flag sites. You capture the flags and bring them to the main hill, and you score based on how much time you spend with how many flags inside the hill area
I think it's worth prototyping to see if it can be tuned :P
I'm not sure if the secondary sites should be required or optional, or optional but so powerful that it's basically required
I think I'll try it with score per second as a linear function of the number of flags you're carrying, and as an exponential function. I guess it's time to round up the playtesters again lol
...in a few hours, it's 5AM on a wednesday lol
King of the Hill in Soldat was fun :o
@MickLH just zap yourself with some electricity
There was also the Rambo mode where you'd get the bow and arrow if you picked the flag up
12:08 PM
need a blue shell drone you throw into the air that hunts down the lead player
btw thanks for bringing that up chris
I think that'll lead to a fun game mode
@MickLH be careful not to introduce too many game modes though, sometimes there's just not enough people to play with and they get abandoned or worse divide the playerbase too much and make queues longer on other modes
well I was thinking of only having matchmaking for 2 main game modes, and the rest would just be for custom games
basically pick the best FFA and the best team mode
yeah makes sense
I prefer Bungie's old days of Myth where you would join a host's room into a mini pre-game lobby, where you could actually chat, and the host would just choose a game mode and players would click their Ready button
rather than today's methods of being funneled into choosing one gametype and hoping there's enough other people searching for the same type as you
12:13 PM
ShellShock Live is one of those games and it's pretty recent @ChrisMcFarland
Rocket League kind of gets it right where you can search for multiple game types at once
@JohnHamilton lemme look
Shellshock live is actually old, but 2 it's not that old :P
I prefer server browser style too, but I really want to push one specific mode as "the competitive" mode and have ranked matchmaking with it
ah cool stuff. ShellShock Live looks full of fun
it has been in development for almost two years and it's almost out of early access :D
12:14 PM
But they certainly got that from the most famous game of the genre back in the day, Gunbound
is that still around?
Gunbound is no more AFAIK
gunbound tried to gamify the system too much
man gunbound... I kinda forgot about that one until now
to be fair anything softnyx has made was like that
12:18 PM
Man, but Gunbound was the best game around in it's time
It was tons of fun
yeah of its kind it was
what was the original game of this genre
naw naw
I mean, I know there was a similar game before worms, but the first really famous of turn based mayhem was Worms
I can't seem to remember it but it was much earlier than that
2d tanks and it was like windows 95 stuff before worms was even a thing
If I'm not wrong tho, I was a kid at that time
oh boy, scorched earth
that was it
12:21 PM
But the first worms was for W95 lol
Ah yeah, that was the one
I liked LIERO which was a similar gameplay but in real-time
ooh liero was the game me and my cousin would always play for hours
I gotta make a game like liero, update the interface etc. but not the gameplay LieroX is what it shouldn't have been imho
I guess they sortof expanded the world from 1D to 2D also
ah they already made openlieroX lol
we used to play a "game mode" we called the rabbit hunt
only the missile can be used
you have to take turns using the weapon
and you have 20hp which would mean 1 shot death or 2 particle hits death
fun times when you can actually make your own game modes lol
There's even a open worms armageddon too, but since Worms is still a thing, they made new sprites using hedgehogs, it's called hedgewars
12:28 PM
It's a really interesting talk actually.
I keep having a recurring thought: CS with 3 teams
@PearsonArtPhoto Create what you love is very true
all good points though
@MickLH Why stop at 3?
Well I'd want to pick a specific number so I can design the maps well
different maps for different team sizes
One of the really interesting things is that great artists seek and listen to criticism.
12:37 PM
I always thought that was just common sense to not be too full of yourself :P
If someone has critical feedback about something, it's usually worthwhile and true (unless they're totally wrong)
Common sense isn't that common, remember.
it is a very misleading name
the customer/critic is usually right. gotta attempt to appease them
but not always!
man @ChrisMcFarland you've been especially inspiring tonight
I just realized I can have a "world" that just means the art theme, and then the actual map is the version of that world for however many players
Technically they would be different maps, but designed exactly the same just with a different number of teams
12:41 PM
@MickLH you can thank my alcohol-fuelled refactoring session
but I better sleep, almost 2am, gnite
wow it's almost 6am here, I should probably be asleep already but I feel awake lol
One thing that is important is to know who your audience is, but if the person is in your audience, they have a good chance of being right.
It's good to seek feedback from pros, casuals, devs, non-devs - but certainly the person needs to have a slight interest at the very least
and you actually have to have something to show off :(
True enough. While I can provide some feedback to some projects as a gamedev, I certainly can't give good feedback to something I'm not interested in.
At least, not all of my feeback will be good in such an area.
12:58 PM
@JoshPetrie (or anyone) What's the right version of Visual C++ these days?
@MickLH What's the intention?
I'd say VS2015
@AlexandreVaillancourt I set up a windows machine for building code that I am maintaining, and I could use whatever version, but I don't really use VS very much and so I don't know if there's some version I should use for compatibility or w/e
Ideally I'd like to open source the code eventually but even if not I like to present a nice experience to whoever gets it next
Oh, I think VS2015 has some issues with some older methods with cause security errors.
It depends what features you need: if you need more recent c++ stuff, you'll have to go with VS2015 (like constexpr), but aside from that, I guess VS2013 would probably be what you need.
I guess I'll use 2015 because all the recently added code has been C++11 ;)
Most of the c++11 are in 2013, though. You don't have the info as to what they used to write the code, I assume?
1:14 PM
I think it's a safe bet that it's mostly just code involving auto and APIs like std::thread
no extreme template nonsense ;]
Ok, well you'll see in the first compilation if the code is using windows api, it'll break :P
But otherwise, VS2015 is nice to use, IMHO.
1:57 PM
kickstarter? more like shitstarter
I guess it depends on the project?
There were some projects that were really successful and are really good that came from KS
Oculus rift? :P
2:13 PM
No, I said good things
2:28 PM
Why isn't VS2017 even discussed @MickLH @AlexandreVaillancourt? Is there like a loop I'm totally out of about 2017?
Yeah I'd say the one you want is the newest that will run where you need it. 2017 if possible, 2015 otherwise.
2013 is starting to push it.
2:49 PM
@Tyyppi_77 Ah, well I was not aware it was out :)
I just got home from my math final, I had to do a statistics problem :(
@JoshPetrie We're having issues finding 3rd pary libraries that compile for the newest compilers... we're still with vs2013 :(
Other 9 problems were pretty easy but that one was just overly vague and seemed too easy
I barely started using some C++11 features in my engine because VC see, to always be so behind :(
I don't think it really is anymore
2:52 PM
And then (if) you have to deal with consoles with old compilers ...
@StephaneHockenhull #ifdef? :P
oh god, you had me disgusted for a moment there :)
@Tyyppi_77 I dunno, haven't used it in a while. gcc can cross-compile to windows so I have been spared :P
@AlexandreVaillancourt I try to minimize the #ifdefs as much as possible. I already have too many for my taste to support OpenGL and OpenGL ES in the same code base.
I can understand where they simplified the API but
hrm ...lemme look up the constant...
Okay this is dumb. They improved KDevelop by making it load projects in the sessions in a background thread but if you close it before it's done loading the project it'll save the session and restore it without the projects it didn't have time to load.
Okay. So things like OpenGL removing the GL_RGBA8 macro in ES < 3.0
it's an INTERNAL storage format option
It'll cost 32 bytes of code space to map it to whatever RGBA internal format the implementation supports
Because OpenGL ES still has to support 32bpp RGBA as an input format anyway.
#if defined(X_OPENGL_ES) && (X_OPENGL_ES < 300)
{GE(RGB888), "RGB888", GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, 0, 0},
{GE(RGB888), "RGB888", GL_RGB8, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, 0, swizzleMask_RGB},
3:11 PM
Yep, ugly code FTW with #ifdefs!
They really went overboard when gutting OpenGL into ES
@AlexandreVaillancourt What libraries are you looking at? And what issues do you see with them? I haven't had any trouble with 2017 compatibility so far
Since 2013, especially in 2015 and 2017, VS has been very good at covering new C++ stuff, even stuff that isn't formally standardized yet
And then decided to remove GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA when it's so easy to still map it

{GE(LA88), "LA88", GL_RG8, GL_RG, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 2, 0, swizzleMask_LA},

In fact I do just that myself right there
@JoshPetrie oh, thats a relief. \o/
I still have nightmare from my GBA days being stuck with gcc 2.95.
But in their defense, gcc 3.x was a disaster...
Man, the kerning pair adjustment options in text mesh pro are pimp af
3:19 PM
@JoshPetrie I'm not the one who takes care of that here, but from what I understand, we have trouble getting all the dependencies that the open source projects we use require. For instance (not necessarily these): libpng, zlib, and some more obscure ones,
Do you need prebuilt binaries for them?
I could understand that, but I'm surprised some of those won't compile from source.
Yeah, I guess upper management prefers to wait that they get released than paying someone to maintain them internally...
And maybe there are a couple of these that we need prebuilt ones. As I said, I'm not taking care of that part here, so I don't have the whole picture..
That's fair, maintainence on certain OSS projects... especially the old ones who are still all "AOMG AUTOTOLLS TAH BEST" about their build chain is a pain
We're just about to switch to vs2015 :P
3:26 PM
guys why is that ? as far as i know VS doent care about space or new lines and its reads till ; ?
You can't break a string with open quotes
mysql.PewrteQuery("INSERT INTO characters "
    "(userid, ) "
    "VALUES "
okay tnx
You need quotes on each line
Can't remember a language that supports reading a string with line breaks
two strings that follow another will get merged "abc" "123" will give "abc123" but you can't have line breaks inside a string.
3:29 PM
dont i need "abc" + "123" ?
not in C/C++
i always was doing "String " + "Another string " . so far
std::string will handle the + operator, not literal strings
oh yea + is for variables right ?
std::string draw = title + " " + std::to_string(currentval);
it's for std::strings
3:32 PM
ah okay tnx
title is an std::string so it supports the + operator. but
std::string draw = "abc" + "123";
will not work
okay got you
And if you do `std::string draw = "abc" + 1;` you will get `draw = "bc"`

string literals are actually (const char *)
My hacked up unity mesh text rendering at the top -- tmp at the bottom
And if you do `std::string draw = "abc" + 1;` you will get `draw = "bc"`
whys is that ?
3:35 PM
You could even add more drop shadow if you wished.
if its pointer should it be "adb " or soem randomg shit
Because a string literal is just a (const char * const) to that null-terminated string.
adding 1 to it makes it point 1 character further
@yahoo5000 You can do
int i = 3;
char c = "0123456789"[i % 10];
oh yea sorr missed that
for some reason was thinking it will add one to pointer and also increase strng size , but it will just increase pointer to so he wont be holding the first element
Now, I don't recommend doing that char c = "0123456789"[i % 10]; because it's a bit ugly but it's something valid in C/C++
@Tyyppi_77 not sure if i have asked you yet but what are you using for your game ? i mean you coding in Unity or some other game engine ?
3:41 PM
He's using C++, afaik. And SDL or SFML, one of those.
actually was looking at SFML today , was wondering whats your opinion on that thing
it's a little more barebones than SFML
I really like SDL, just a few shortcomings in the renderer, that's pretty much all I have to complain. And well, thread safety but that's also kinda my fault
i might get them both and take a look later
3:50 PM
what are you looking for in a library?
text rendering
My marketing guy is telling me you now need marketing funds to launch a campaign to promote your kickstarter
It doesn't hurt.
If you really want to get money from it, then that's the way to do it.
I can't argue with the logic
"gotta spend money to make money"
4:00 PM
so far this is my best debugging method when it comes to shader; print out cyan and purple at pixels that are getting errors.
I wish I could have console log or std::cout blocks or just... something...
Or use a GPU debugger.
I just googled GPU debugger... if this does what I think it does...
VS has one, it's okay. PIX is great too, if it's applicable to you.
The Xcode one is awesome if you use Metal, although the bug where it breaks watch window rendering is a bit sad
And in Linux you're SOL. Gotta debug using pixel colors
4:13 PM
I ma gona check that debug tool so hard when I go back to home and get my hands on more comforting enviornment; atm I am working with my small laptop.
If I can finally call debug stuff during GPU dang... it will be so badass.
oh shit, scratch what I said
"Version 2.0 requires Linux driver version 370.23 or newer"
also "Membership Required" I hate those
There used to be times when Unity required membership to do (almost)anything GPU related
They still kinda do for higher advanced features... because it is "pro only"
4:32 PM
"Frame debugging and profiling can be done on the latest Pascal family of GPUs"

Well, poop.
Maybe V1.0 supports my GPU
it puts the PU in GPU
I guess I could just write my own shader debugger...
hehe that is going to be awesome
There is this app called ICU where you can access live memory of a running emulated c64 game
@ around 1minute he shows a custom video memory display he wrote
where it displays the entire map instead of the restricted viewport of the original game
Just thought this was cool
All my draw calls are already wrapped and I have a shader generator with a preprocessor... I could just add macros that compile a special version of the shader to capture variable values.
Redirect the render call to a float frame buffer and dump values.
5:34 PM
Is the GBP still going up, or is it stabilized now?
5:46 PM
Wait when did the GBP go up?
Huh about a month ago
1 hour later…
6:57 PM
need help on mysql query
mysql.PstmtQuery("INSERT INTO characters"
					"(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
what ever i tried it aslways gives me syntax error

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