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12:12 AM
omg I found an image that is making my Inkscape go all wonky, because of the all vertices in it
12:35 AM
@Pip I'm using Unity 5.2.4f1 for Tallowmere, and keeping up with the latest Unity 5.4 beta versions as they come out for Tallowmere 2 so far
1:11 AM
1:52 AM
Can anyone here help me make out these numbers? Most I can read but some I can't quite make out.
first few are 09
096x87 050135
I can't figure out the "x"
It looks like a 1 sort of but I'm not positive.
3 hours later…
5:03 AM
@Pip yup
8:18 AM
096487 050435
I'm with Pip 050135
9:36 AM
096437 050135
this is the number
@sie the question is: what are those numbers???
10:03 AM
You're right, it's 096437, not 096487
However, I stay with 050435, almost very sure about that :P
10:21 AM
096437 050135 <-- that's how it looks to me
kinda weak as a 4, if consider the 4 number in the irst part
what is that anyway?
@PearsonArtPhoto yeah, I do use it. Was wondering about github since I never used it and it surprised me requiring payment
same image, increased contrast
clearly 050435
10:34 AM
it now looks a J
also, last digit is a 6 not a 5
now fuck off about it :P
last is a 5
10:38 AM
036437 050435
100% definitive answer.
I'm a forensic scientist
link @Sie
036437 seems reasonable. With your forensic abilities it's very clear, too
gj @Jon
i watched a lot of forensic files
I really would like to know what you did
@Jon still doesn't look like a 4 to me lol
10:47 AM
ran it through my forensic analysis image decyphering tool I wrote in the 90s
Haha, honestly I just Inverted the iamge @NaCl
Not even messing with the contrast and/or curves? Pff amateur =p
oh gawd so simple
but yet effective
@Darth_Wardy Are you serious? Do you agree with the 4 in the first number sequence? :o
@NaCl yeh the first bit has a 4 in it ... as I said above ... 096437 050135 <-- that's how it looks to me
@Darth_Wardy nope please, nope nope nope nope
yeah, the 4th digit is a 4
10:52 AM
@Leggy7 Sorry not sorry dude lol
The real question is why give such a crappy picture?
keeps the nerds busy
Seems legit
Ok @Darth_Wardy
This is the first 4 you agree with and the "1" in the second number sequence inside a magnified gif animation
Is it still a 1?
11:04 AM
still a 1
the bit to the left of the 1 looks like it might just be damage on the tag rather than part of the number to me
all the other number stuff is raised, that bit seems to be a dip in the metal
so it may not even be part of the number at all
looks like a damaged 4
Might be an ugly 1, I agree
It's not very likely that the hole of the 4 disappeared
@tkausl wheres the right hand part of the 4 though in that second one?
like the font in the first one
too much missing for it to be a 4 imo
@NaCl exactly!
I can go with 036437 050135, @Sie
the question now is
whats the price for the winner?
11:09 AM
3 .. as in 036 ... hmmm ... yeh i'd agree with that actually
@NaCl yeh i think thats it
Although the 1 is really ugly, it doesn't fit the font...
I think that's just damage to the label, notice how its dented in to the metal rather than raised out like the rest of the font
I worked somewhere that had a metal press for labels
You could just press numbers and letters into metal
i played with it a lot
Did you go there, because of the training you had to do to become a forensic expert?
11:27 AM
Hi :)
I am looking for a good router for gaming
Why is https://www.asus.com/Networking/RTN12_D1/specifications/ bad ?
my friend told me its bad, it should be AC & 10/100/1000
but didnt explain further
your link is broken
Sorry, works correctly now.
@Froxer You mean gaming over Wifi??
And you probably meant to be on Arqade(gaming SE) and not here on gamedev
no, i mean i will put a cord in the router and into my comp. The wifi will just act as a gateway for phones et.c.
11:29 AM
Your friend doesn't know what he's talking about
AC modes don't matter if you're wired in LAN, just make sure it fits your bandwidth needs
my bandwith needs are not too much, just be able to surf basically @ the router.
I mean, 100mbit ports aren't good for mass file transfer but work fine for gaming
To me it seemed like a good router for cheap, is like 200 swedish kr in webhallen right now.
Buy it then
11:30 AM
I'm using gigabit wired ethernet because I'd saturate 100mbit with my internet but =p
ASUS is good brand 200kr is dirt cheap
it looked really good, webhallen has a discount right now on it
but friend was like fuck that thing, check for x , x , x and i asked why ? but didnt get a good explanation.
It's not a modern router by any means
but 200kr is like $25, so fair deal
But for gaming it should work fine. I'd suggest one with gigabit ports though
11:33 AM
Why gig ports tho ? I Only have 100down, 10up?
i want to buy a new keyboard and mouse
gig ports for intranet
I want to by Gorb
@Jon have you used Massdrop before?
I dont really switch files around inside of the gateway
11:33 AM
They have wonderful keyboards and mice at huge discounts
i download some files from outside the gateway occasionally.
Ok, some people stream HD video, for example
People vote on the best gear and buy it as a group for massive discount
I dont
to a setup box
Or, game streaming like, Steam
11:34 AM
No, i mean i used to do twitch before
Best to have wired for that kind of stuff -- Gig is overkill though in most applications
i was pretty succesfull twitch.tv/froxerBBQ but i havent streamed in half a year now.
and i used to do it wired ofc.
so tl;dr the router is just fine?
11:35 AM
should be
I'd get one that supports dd-wrt
because I'm a tinkerer
@Jon I second that, but dd-wrt usually has noticable benefits even if you don't like tweaking stuff
if you want a solid router
at affordable price
flash it with DD-WRT and you have yourself a 1000$ router
Make sure it is the L version!
Alright, i will look it up on pricerunner.
how do i know if said router is the L version ?
If you're really a tinkerer, you can build your own router, it's pretty fun
Build my own router? Now we are really talking. :)
11:37 AM
It will say in the model number... the non-L version does not do dd-wrt
If you want to build your own router, that is a totally different lifestyle
@Jon I use ArchLinux, so I've already gone too far down the tinkerer path
try gentoo
you have to compile it on your pc
Is it a good idea to add a game as concept on steam? I mean, it's free, so why not if you can actually show something?
install gentoo
You can, however, it costs 100$
I've really had a great experience with Gentoo for personal computing, although for all of my clients I've installed Ubuntu server despite the fact I hate Ubuntu
11:40 AM
No itdoesn't
Adding a concept costs nothing
Adding it as game for greenlight costs 100$
what is concept?
Where would you add the concept?
Outside of greenlight? or in it I mean?
No, in greenlight
11:41 AM
Just in the greenlight forums?
Someone tried to commandeer my /r/Uranus subreddit
I wasn't aware you could list something in greeenlight without paying?
shakes fists
Uranus is mine!
idk, it says you can add it with the same functionality as possible-greenlight-games, meaning comments and stuff
I laughedtoo hard at that one
I think I'm immature
11:42 AM
It's interesting, but what's the benefit you want to get out of it?
We don't want to trigger you
Why do you use Ubuntu and not Debian?
@MattJensJensen People see your game and tell you if they like it
"hate it"
I prefer Debian, but for a while Debian didn't have good HVM support on AWS
HVM saved about $20,000 per month
11:44 AM
what is HVM?
volt monitor?
Hardware virtualization optimizations
It's good to hate Ubuntu :)
Ubuntu brings linux to your parents though
I like Ubuntu
I hate Ubuntu mainly for the global search and privacy issues
Same reason I hate windows 10
which can be disabled
Windows 10 doesn't allow you to disable it
11:45 AM
True, but I loved the convienient ArchLinux install ;)
I used to like Mints direction
I use Spybot AntiBeacon and disable Cortana in Windows 10
Now I hate it
Mint was great, but a lot of misteps
Debian makes me all teary eyed
Linux needs a visual studio
MonoDevelop is the best option
11:48 AM
@Jon it makes me very sad that I can't get Vim exactly the way I want
in my opinion
I love the linux toolchain
but I wish I could have more type deduction and documentation peaking in Vim
Especially when using OpenVR and VulkanC++
I'm more a fan of modernized IDEs
Their documentation is completely broken, their headers are the only real docs
I love Visual Studio
I wish the full Visual Studio worked on linux
Makes my job a heck of a lot easier.
11:50 AM
I wish SteamVR would make its way to linux too
I think it will
SteamOS will support it for sure
I have an HTC Vive next to my computer waiting for more use
I have a PC that can push the pixels
But no Vive
Debugging tip: be very careful that you don't let your transformation matrix make you throw up violently
Ideally, I'd have one right now so I can write shit for it
But that would take me away even further from my active projects.
11:52 AM
I got so lucky with it
They day I ordered it
it shipped out
Yeah, they are all backordered to hell right now
@Jon NOPE, my dad has Debian and he's not a tech-guy
despite it was only shipping preordered
I can't afford it
Might be able to afford consumer version 2 next year :)
It's a pretty pricy rig
11:53 AM
@Jon it's called emacs :P
You are an early adopter
Honestly I shouldn't have bought it
It is only going to get better
Just quit startup
also, fuck Oculus. :)
closed standards? i spit on you
11:53 AM
Also bought two 980 Ti Classifieds right before 1080 announcement
Fuck Occulus
They are causing a lot of bullshit in the space.. fuck them.
Locking out games
OpenVR API actually looks pretty cool future
oculus is facebook
I'm not a fan of facebook
Yeah, and they have been updating their API to fuck over Vive users
11:54 AM
fuck facebook
I would write a post on facebook saying fuck facebook
Changing standards just to lock them out
yeah, nice DRM
@NaCl naah, emacs is a decent desktop environment, not a modern IDE
@Jon and having that broken again 3 days later =p
@KevinvanderVelden EMACS is more like a full Operating System
With LISP only development
11:55 AM
@MattJensJensen not really, it doesn't have graphics drivers or anything =p
Don't you think the GNU mascot looks a bit like Stallman?
Lord Stallman the holy?
Nah, the mascot has less hair
No insult intended, I like this guy
11:56 AM
@KevinvanderVelden the cat and mouse game is un-neccessary is what I am saying, they are creating hurdles just because they are dicks
They want to be the de-facto platform for VR
By bullying
@Jon agreed, I was pointing out how ineffective it was
I've got a DK2 and was debating on which one to get but I'm just gonna get a Vive now
Not only that, but the original pitch was to keep everything OPEN
I just hate that as developers, we're going to have to put up with Oculus because so many people bought it
11:57 AM
fuck people
Yes, please support Vive.
Steam == Vive
That is a no brainer.
I think most people that are going to invest in this tech are going to put those two together.
SteamVR and OpenVR are almost entirely for Vive
and I'm really happy about it
I wonder if there's a openvr => oculus API library
It does
Yes, it works on all sets
11:58 AM
(The ReVive thing is the other way arround)
That is the entire point.
Oculus SDK is for Oculus
fuck everyone else approach.
Oculus SDK also has a limited rendering model as far as I'm aware
Can't render to Oculus with Vulkan
Have to hack it to render with OpenGL
Cool, but there's a difference between wanting to support multiple things and actually supporting multiple things (fairly sure oculus can decide to not allow openvr to use their API)

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