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8:00 PM
It's telling me that I am having a huge fps, so it is
pics @Pip
KSP just...crashed.
Does it want me to be productive?
nah it does that all the time
Aidan: Make your time, for great justice.
or, like, it did it twice to me, in about 3 days
8:05 PM
@AidanMueller sure
and then I got bored of the game
I'm bored of it when I'm not playing it, but then when I start again, I'm hooked.
had a dream last night about that puzzle game I'm working on
so now I got back into it, hehe
i had like, a revelation on what I should do
what does this mean?
I just...I just turned off KSP.
I'm cured!
8:08 PM
Error	3	error C2297: '<' : illegal, right operand has type 'unsigned int (__thiscall std::vector<Tile,std::allocator<_Ty>>::* )(void) throw() const'	C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\Jam\GDSE_JAM\GDSE_JAM\level.cpp	31	1	GDSE_JAM
Time to code.
For great justice.
@Pip what's the code?
I always find it amusing when someone acts on a dream they had. 99% of the time it's completely crazy, but that other 1% is sometimes a good idea, and they're the ones that become famous, so everyone's all like "dreams are smarter than you!" and that's how you get the other 99%
@Jon for (int i = 0; i < (tiles.size); i++)
8:10 PM
well... i sat on it for a while, because I didn't nkow how to proceed.. then I dreamt of the game, and woke up in the middle of the night thinking holy fuck
never used the standard library before
And not only that.. it would be mobile friendly -- so I have to get back into this game
@IcyDefiance That would explain PHP.
lol yeah I'm not saying you're going to do something crazy. I've dreamed up solutions to bugs a few times before, too.
8:11 PM
Yeah, when i get stuck on a problem, I tend to dream about it
sometimes it frustrates the hell out of me, because it is kinda nightmarish
alright, wtf
Error	2	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Tile::update(void)" (?update@Tile@@QAEXXZ)	C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\Jam\GDSE_JAM\GDSE_JAM\level.obj	GDSE_JAM
no line number associated
linking error
what does that mean?
@Dave Sorry to bother you with my pedantry again, but shouldn't the parallax layers also scale up as you zoom in depending on the parallax distance?
The parallax isn't scaling.
when i finish it yes
8:13 PM
@Pip check your update() function, make sure it has a definition
@Dave So what's it going to be about?
@Jon kk
not sure yet
The best way, is to move fast and break things.
@Jon had a prototype but not a declaration :P
8:18 PM
that'll do it
pics pics pics
Have you noticed that there is a hidden message in the tool tips on the images on xkcd?
yeah... noticed that like 4 years ago :P
Hmm. I just noticed.
8:22 PM
g/f just turned on mario bros 3 on NES
It even works in the one-boxes on here.
image tags
The one above says that he almost got fired from driving a hearse, but the funeral home realized how much business he was making for them.
if you set alt="" in your img tag... altough i find it strange that it works in here
even links to the original comic
probably a SE feature for XKCD comics
how did you post it?
you just type
8:25 PM
yeah.. its a feature
you know you have it made when your domain name is a SE feature
8:28 PM
Poisson means fish in French
and poison is poison in french
but poisson is fish.. whats up with that?
Ehh, why am I doing art?
The barn isn't bad, but what is that thing?
It's a cow
The left.
8:38 PM
the 3D part looks wrong though
I know but why so big.
j/k, It's a "Mill" that will produce "Power", because you know... cows are created with Power
But windmills aren't that fat.
Certainly not bigger than a barn.
Big, because I'm planning to let you send cows into the mill to work
ooh I get it
8:39 PM
Sounds weird, but whatevs.
This already sounds like an amazing game.
hahah, it is weird.
It's going to be epic
The art should probably be more consistent, style-wise
but its not horrible
8:40 PM
yeah, it could be more consistent, but I'm no artist
I might fix some things up tomorrow, after I make some crude sound effects
best girlfriend ever.. playing through mario 3 on NES righ tnow
bbl losers :P
@Pip That's exactly what your error said, so you know in the future unresolved external symbol means you never included the meat of the function anywhere in the project.
@MickLH mhm :)
Just installed pipelight.
Now I have unity web player.
fuck, I knew it would come to this
8:52 PM
@MickLH What happened?
Those unity ... putty tubes ... lazied all the way out.
60fps youtube videos - some look so weird when watching game play
you know how people say god is beyond the understanding of any human? yeah that's bullshit. but threads... they're waaay beyond human understanding. they're complete anomalies that can only be poked in random ways in the hope that you'll be one of the Chosen Ones with whom the threads will cooperate.
@Dave weird, but good
I can understand Shockwave giving up, and everyone already knew Silverlight never brought anything useful to the table and was just an attack on cross-platform compatibility on the web.
8:54 PM
@IcyDefiance nah, threads are easy
itll be good once my eyes finally accept the movements so it looks natural again
lol this is the first time I've tried using them for anything except a timer, so they're really screwing with my head.
But Unity. fuck that man, if they consider pipelight "good enough" then I'll go to the next step of actively boycotting their shit
@Dave for me, it looks as if I was watching someone play right at his place
@IcyDefiance I'm lucky enough to be a chosen one :D
8:54 PM
now that's immersion :P
@MickLH nobody chose me, I stuck my foot in the door :D
Just saw a political ad for governor of wisconsin which was basically "vote for this guy to legalize pot"
it looks sped up
@MickLH what's pipelight?
shit, I don't even care about pot, but right now the drug war is by far the biggest use for the NSA, patriot act, and police militarization, so any steps against the drug war are a good thing.
so yeah vote for that guy
Not to mention the drug war is wasting all those resources on... non violent offenders
8:57 PM
they trying to legalise prostitution here aswell as certain drugs
yeah what Mick said, too. if the only person hurt is the person performing the action (or if no one is hurt at all), that action shouldn't be illegal. no exceptions.
I mean really, who is such a judgmental prick that they can't even stand the idea of someone doing something they wouldn't choose to do in their own home not harming anyone (except maybe themself, but no worse than a meal at McDonalds)
the problem is some drugs fuck your head up to the point that the user can possibly be a danger to others and themselves
That's TV
The drugs just make people susceptible to it
cannabis how ever - compared to alchahol is so much less problematic
8:58 PM
well, (a) being a danger to others is already illegal, even if it's via negligence
ive never been hassled by people who are high .. but drunk people piss me the fuck off
I mean if you didn't notice, TV is the only thing selling violence to all age groups as a form of entertainment. Well unless you count video games
and (b) using the drug in a way that's not a danger to others still shouldn't be illegal
But video games have been shown to have a different mechanism
@Dave watching some news channels work the same way

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