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11:14 PM
@IcyDefiance why?
prof wasn't able to make it is all.
one prof is probably the best CS teacher on campus, but he has another job that will take him out of state sometimes
the other one...I don't know, she just wasn't there
heh, I love how you can nearly paste chunks of JS into C#. Most of the keywords are the same: var, if, this, !=, a[i], etc.
I actually got to both level 18 and pretty good items last game @IcyDefiance
such improvement
only had ~150 stacks, maybe a little less, on my q though
Zeke's Herald is such a good item for teamfights... we had a lot of those
such 10% lifesteal aura
and that +20 AD bro
And that Ravenous Hydra did such awesomeness those teamfights too
Such a close game, we both had one inhib down at the end
their nexus was damaged before they killed us all, and went all the way down middle lane to our nexus
11:29 PM
Does anyone know if there's a way to make Unity halt if there's an exception?
It seems to want to roll over anything I throw at it
Would the selected answer here work answers.unity3d.com/questions/485595/…?
I will try. Thanks!
My searching wasn't getting me anywhere, :/
My google-fu has been honed by years of refusing to memorize anything
11:39 PM
Woot! Failing fast now. :)
None of this System.Object o = null; o.ToString(); meh business
On Error Resume Next
can't believe I remember that. facepalm
Ello folks
How goes things?
meh, It's ok so far.
Making the leap and getting a C# book :O
11:51 PM
Jon Skeet, of course ;)
heh, right on. Moving from... Java iirc?
11:52 PM
I just joined one (possibly two) robotics teams :)
welcome to paradise, OMGtechy! :D
I already program in C# a bit, but time to understand it better
@Pip nice :)
I got a C# book to (For a comp sci class)
11:53 PM
@IcyDefiance haha, I know I'll miss some things in C++, but I don't need those things. Just a different way of doings things.
After this I think it's either F# or Haskell
@Serial which? any good?
I just learned C# by making things. used a couple tutorials just to get started, but no book or anything.
I had to buy it, and i got the e-book version
microsoft has their own tutorials that are pretty good, though I wouldn't give them to a brand new programmer. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288436(v=vs.71).aspx
Rubber duck edition!
@IcyDefiance I've learnt it the same way (making things). A little Unity here, a little Project Euler there, but now I think it's time I really understood the intricacies of the language
11:54 PM
lol, nice. Everyone needs a rubber duck to talk to sometimes
I wonder how much there is to understand...
@IcyDefiance how do you mean?
I can write a working program in C#, that doesn't look horrible, but I highly doubt it's done the 'C# way' as such.
I guess the only thing I would worry about people not understanding is the difference between a class and a struct.
that, and don't start public variables with lowercase letters. fucking unity...
That's a C++ thing too
11:56 PM
So I found what seemed to be an awesome AR marker tracking API for unity. But they have zero support and their forums suck.
So Unity agreed with me in that sense haha
well... there are lots of advanced topics too, like reflection, and LINQ
Reflection is going to be a big one for me
and attributes
Oh yeah, Attributes
most of those suck for games though, too slow or too much GC
11:57 PM
Depends how they're used I'm assuming
And on the game
haven't had much reason to use reflection, but that's something you can just google when you do have a reason to use it.
I was using Reflection in Asteroid Outpost. meh
attributes might be worth a book
11:58 PM
Also got my pre-calc book today
It'll be interesting to see how it affects my C++ programming too, I mean it already has
@Serial run away!
@IcyDefiance Well... you still need to know if/when to use it
sure, but that's not a C# thing
I <3 math haha
@IcyDefiance It's more C# than C++
11:59 PM
developer.vuforia.com So this shit looks fucking awesome but it doesn't work right and there is no way to get help for it.
I used reflection to pull kerning info out of XNA's spritefont class. It has its uses. I've never really found a situation where attributes seemed to be the best solution though.

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