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3:00 PM
I completely agree with you @Almo. Chance has to be used properly.
This is what really killed it for me with Darkest Dungeons.
Awesome game, awesome atmosphere, but horrible game play.
You could have a full team, just getting started, and bam, one bad chance roll and you're pretty much wiped.
@Jon besides actually being drunk
heh yeah
You know what I like about C#? I never have to deal with a freaking linker
I'm sure that I'm doing something wrong again, but I have no idea what :P
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __imp_glClear referenced in function "void __cdecl render(void)" (?render@@YAXXZ)	Runaway	C:\Users\user\Desktop\workspace\Runaway\build\Runaway\src.obj	1
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __imp_glClearColor referenced in function "bool __cdecl initGL(void)" (?initGL@@YA_NXZ)	Runaway	C:\Users\user\Desktop\workspace\Runaway\build\Runaway\src.obj	1
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __imp_glDrawElements referenced in function "void __cdecl render(void)" (?render@@YAXXZ)	Runaway	C
haha linker errors are the fucking worst
well... maybe. C++ template errors are pretty bad.
The annoying thing is that VS can find all of these in headers
And I have no idea what else could be going wrong since it looks like everything else is working correctly
3:11 PM
Most of the times VS can't find the implementation
So you might be missing a .lib or something
At least that's what causes linker errors to me
The path to the lib is definitely correct (I'm using CMake to generate the VS project)
__imp_glDrawElements these can't be found
are you missing perhaps another library reference?
3:13 PM
Do you actually link the DLLs?
Correct bit versions?
Looking in the generated VS project file, the paths and lib name are correct
yep (At least I'm 99% sure)
I'll go check that
A: GLFW - Failed To Open A Window

John ChadwickYou need to link to opengl32.lib. Like: except with opengl32.lib. edit: I should note that you don't need to do anything except add opengl32.lib. That other stuff is irrelevant. Additionally, if both are present, try swapping the order, which matters in some cases.

3:15 PM
Uh I did not do that
Do you have opengl32.lib?
That did it, thanks Tyyppi
opengl32.lib is part of Windows
np, happy to google for you
It also made me clean up my CMake file a bit more, which is good
(I think I've run to this too BTW)
3:16 PM
Btw with GunHero
I'd be happy to add you to the repo where I have my CMake stuff setup for VS/SDL
So you can try to build it for multiple platforms if you'd like
I'm so heavily dependant on VS currently so I'm probably going to have to redo stuff anyways
But thanks anyways
I mean
You wouldn't have to change a ton
You'd just write a CMake file, which with a simple command generates a solution
And I've actually never done Linux stuff
So I need to learn this stuff anyways
3:20 PM
Fair enough
It's not amazingly difficult
> Remember to link your project with glew32.lib, glu32.lib, and opengl32.lib on Windows and libGLEW.so, libGLU.so, and libGL.so on Unix (-lGLEW -lGLU -lGL).
Wow, I can read
C++ feels like a brutal language to use ... I've never used it in anger but I have learnt the basics of it
It's not bad IMO
I've used it for robotics before but never for a project like this other than some little things
It seems to make you jump through a lot of hoops for basic stuff I just take for granted in c#
That's why C# exists :P
Vs => new project => c++ console app => Tada ... Here's 4000 files ... My reaction: Meh ... Back to c#
3:28 PM
VC++ is much different than the rest of the world's C++ because it provides access to windows-specific shit
@Darth_Wardy That's a VS problem, not a C++ one.
So while you can write code to run on both, that's a VS issue because it includes Windows-specific stuff and also a bunch of other junk
You have to check the "empty project" option and uncheck a few other things.
VS's templates largely suck.
3:29 PM
@JoshPetrie oh really ? ... maybe that's what's "skewed" my understanding of c++
I mean, it is an older language and provides far fewer modern amenities. So it is considerably less friendly overall than something like C#.
It's much harder to learn, I think, because it expects you to basically already know how it all works.
Once you learn it, beyond a point, the difficulty curve evens out considerably.
Although there are always annoying aspects like header files making to waste time duplicating code.
The way things are going with C# though ... I suspect I will never likely find a reason to start using C++
3:33 PM
I wish the unreal engine supported C# as a scripting language
Blueprint is pretty awesome.
Yeh I keep meaning to learn blueprint
it looks amazing
it's interesting.
makes some easy things hard, but overall it seems nice
3:59 PM
@jon you at home right now?
argh, would not play this
4:16 PM
Just got home
Leaving again though
waiting on my mouse
says its out for delivery
lol, tomorrow
wait and hope :)
4:32 PM
@jon rokit leeg
4:43 PM
I've been toying around with Linq Expressions. Flexible stuff.
Linq is pretty great
collection.SetCommonValue(o => o.Name, "Some Name");
An extension method I made. Sets the field of everything in the collection.
Strongly typed.
hey english people... what's the idiom to say? when you start talking with someone and the shyness and awkwardness fades away?
like breaking the ice? :)
Hmm, you warmed up to the situation?
Breaking the ice is more like, starting conversation from nothing. Can still be shy and awkward after breaking the ice. :P
4:47 PM
@Leggy7 yeah.. for some reason I had "melt the ice" in my mind...
which seemed weird :|
true, btw I'm not english
@Leggy7 well you know English... that's english enough for me :D
in italian is literally break the ice
but william correctly points out that after breaking the ice shyness coud last
even if i'm not sure
should go deep into this
according to The free dictionary the first result is 'to attempt to become friends with someone.'. which is exactly what I meant...
that IS awkward!
oh, as you can see, dear Ali, I'm becoming friend with you.. if you know what I mean ;)
4:58 PM
@Leggy7 no i don't :P
that's asking way too much from me... to know what you mean
public Int64? GTIN
        Int64 gtin;
        if (this.selectedTradeItems != null && this.selectedTradeItems.TryGetCommonValue(o => o.GTIN, out gtin))
            return gtin;
        return null;
    set { this.selectedTradeItems?.SetCommonValue(o => o.GTIN, value); }
Now I just need to repeat that for a few hundred fields ...
me and almo make a really bad team
at what?
rokit lerg
wokit lag
5:00 PM
(Rocket League)
(Rocket Legends)
we are better than the worst
ok this mouse is done
lol isn't really in my taste
@Jon hahah
I'm just not good at the game
I can hit nice aerials a lot, but I'm just no good at aiming the ball to hit goals.
we missed many goal opportunities because I missed the shot
@WilliamMariager I think you can automate it somehow using reflection
5:03 PM
Yeah, I'll likely give that a go.
I think that's pretty much key to preserve some sense of maintainability in this. Something dynamic.
5:58 PM
My new mouse is ridiculous
Feel like royalty
what kind you gotted?
pix plz
6:24 PM
My son is taking it for a test drive in minecraft
Pretty solid mouse
M65 recommended up to now
looks mean
its not actually that one
no red led
how old is your son?
wow, big guy
that mouse looks quite ergonomic
6:39 PM
feels good
it goes up to 10000 dpi
which is ridiculous
not that mass buttons
i need to get a 4k monitor now
but the right ones the right place
oh shit
the middle buttons adjust the dpi settings
that is amazing
yeah, in my mouse too
but I don't think mine goes up to 10k
6:43 PM
Totally unnecessary
5000 seems to be plenty
800 seems to be plenty
is fine for me
@Jon but does it go to 11?
This one goes up to 11. Yours only goes up to 10.
Amplifier company actually did that and it worked
6:46 PM
Fuck you, you dont know my story!
That looks really badass though
Good evening
What's up?
all kinds
7:02 PM
cool... cool
I know that when I'll light a cigarette I'll need to shit crossing the children room
to reach the bath
oh man i have a button on the thumb of my mouse
if you hold it down, the mouse cursor moves slower
its called the snipe button
And it is awesome in FPS wow
turn around fast, but steady tactical movement when required
almost not fair, lol
a couple people said my q3 config was cheating because of the mouse sense and zoom fov switches I had set up
it is seriously debatable
similarly to those quickshot controllers back in the NES days
mouse should have 3 buttons
7:16 PM
a game cannot control mouse hardware drivers
But we already have 3 buttons
Most mouses allow you to click with the wheel
clicking with the wheel is horrible
if you need fast clicking yeah but it works well as a support button for something
@Almo Depends on the mouse. If it has ridges like mine it works great but depending on the wheel/build quality it can feel pretty terrible.
7:39 PM
So, hey smarter people than me
At first it's really convincing, even more to me because we don't have those things in schools of my country :P
How can you prevent the badness that happens with just looping through game entities and updating them?
@Pip We should start a club.
I don't get it Pip, what badness?
7:40 PM
what's bad about that pip?
something has to update them
why not a loop
Ya. I don't see the issue either. Is it causing lag or something?
Not anything like that
your profiler saying it's a problem?
(I'm betting no)
Not at all
so... don't worry about it
7:42 PM
It has some interesting ramifications on mechanics though
For instance if you update the player before a bullet or whatever, and the player moves first, then the bullet won't hit when realistically it could have
and if you update the bullet first it will definitely hit when realistically both should have been moving at the same time
And this issue isn't as bad at high update rates but it certainly still exists
This might matter when your tickrate is at 1 per second
shouldn't be noticeable with 30+
this is something for the architecture of your collision system to handle. has nothing to do with whether you use a loop to update your entities
How so, Almo?
tkausl: yeah, I agree but it's still something I'm considering
You cannot update your entities at the same time (unless you're multithreading everything... good fucking luck with that). So they will be updated one at a time no matter what you do, so your collision system has to do stuff like flag things that collided for processing later.
Huh I'll have to consider that as well
I'm working through designing the platform layer of my engine right now
uuuuh let me mock up a pic to show what I'm doing
7:55 PM
Er... I swear to the old gods that I setup this Unity project as 3D
But every time I go back from the test to edit mode the preview goes to 2D
Do any of you know what I can do to fix that?
Wow well my little thread really blew up: reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/4l48q5/…
no idea DH
@DH. Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Default Behaviour Mode
and there's a 2D button just under the Scene tab
i've re-written my implementation for a feature in unity like 6 times now and its still failing hard - thinking to just abandon and give it up. :(
8:09 PM
i lack the thinking ability to design it properly lol
What are you trying to make?
im trying to have character use an elevator to go between two floors. sounds easy - and it is kinda. the problem comes when the user decides to click some where else to change path then theres so many situations i have to check for it becomes messy as hell
yeah i hate stuff like that
its gotten so messy ive confused myself so there must be a more elegant solution that i can't think of
8:13 PM
there are multiple reasons the games I make tend to be simple puzzle games or action challenges, and that kind of thing is one of them
Why not just lock it and make the player wait until the elevator gets to the floor? I mean it's not optimal but it will at least make it simpler.
i guess @Sie but it feels too weird to have the character still moving when you told him to go else where
here it is in action
as long as i don't change path mid way through the sequence it won't be a problem xD
Or you could queue the floors like a real elevator does. Usually if your on a real elevator if you press floor 6 but someone else presses 3 it will stop at 3 and then continue on to 6.
@Sie i've yet to even include behaviours like multiple people using the same elevator thats another complication to add in later
@Dave dood taht looks cool
8:17 PM
lol thanks
Yeah that looks awesome
shame it's unusable for a game in the long term unless i flesh out all these annoying edge cases
8:33 PM
@Almo check this out btw
@Dave Can you just have a thing saying "Please wait"
That's what I was working on earlier
(eg like The Sims, sometimes you gotta wait a moment for them to move for whatever reason)
queuing system or something
i guess
ill try it and see how responsive it feels
9:11 PM
man the owners of overwatch.com must be getting a lot of traffic
Wow yeah
I hadn't thought about that
should send the tech support requests for the game
do you know what sucks
I want to play Mirror's Edge Catalyst
But EA is making it
so Steam is out of the question
And it is probably gonna cost 200$
4 levels on release... 100$ for season pass
games have gotten fucken stupid... i'm almost ready to just quit AAA titles
i quit on AAAs a long time ago... not because they cost a lot, but because they don't deliver FUN the way certain other games do
9:28 PM
too cinematic?
EA has become the real asshole of the industry
medal of honor did the d-day invasion sooo poorly
seriously, I quit halfway through out of boredom
9:50 PM
EA is literally trying to fuck you out of as much money as possibly , and is very blatant about it
I can't remember the last AAA I bought
maybe Rock Band 3
which is a fucking good game, BTW
I wanna buy Doom and Uncharted 4, but not for $100 NZD each lol
I always read that as NaZi Dollars
yeah heheh
9:54 PM
"aaa" is the name of an unknown ancient sickness
I bought Soulcaster 1 & 2 last night: http://store.steampowered.com/app/460970
Haven't played it yet but it looks amusing
the triple A bug is real
Guess my last was Bioshock
That was a fun game
I never completed it
I didn't like the lack of penalty on death :(
9:57 PM
What penalty?
You don't even loose money or something
there were all these clever ways to interact with the AI, none of which mattered since dying cost nothing.
I recognize that this doesn't mean the game isn't fun for people who like to play with systems.
the art in that game was amazing.
cuz the game didn't like load the savegame, right? you'd just respawn and zerg again
9:59 PM
I just need more structured challenges.
I like playing the Uncharted games on the hardest difficulty from the get-go
I really liked the atmosphere
@ChrisMcFarland Ever played Kaizo Mario?
Never heard of it
It's a very, very hard to beat hack of Mario World
Ah, heheh
10:08 PM
Oh kaizo is stupid hard
@Jon That is underestimated
10:19 PM
what was that mario type game, with a yellow rabbit type guy
similar to kaizo.. super hard, but had like stupid hidden things
But it's nothing compared to kaizo
you are nothing compared to kaizo
That's true
Less people know me compared to kaizo
10:31 PM
10:47 PM
anyone play this?
Google vs Sun --- Google wins.
court ruled fair use.
no brainer to everyone
but finally after a costly retarded battle, the courts now determined that Google was right
@Jon no
11:04 PM
implementing 51 achievements to my xbox port atm ._.
boner material right there bro
points are life
make em feel like they are accomlpishing something
I don't do any "kill x mobs" or "gain x gold" ones
say "fuck you" in the mic
Achievement Unlocked: "Potty Mouth"
11:16 PM
@NaCl she realizes that the code she is writing is not actually valid?
I mean where the headers? the main function? etc.
unless this code is going to be included somewhere else, and in that case, it's really a bad coding style
#include "asmr.c"
I don't get the point
The whispering is fucking annoying
And the code is boring as hell
11:33 PM
strange how his streaming software continues
@Jon Windows probably hasn't killed the process yet.
@NaCl Perhaps she would have been better off with this: hackertyper.net
I think it is fake
It has clearly started the update process
I doubt it would without having halted core processes
It probably is. For one when that screen comes up typically it covers up EVERYTHING. Right? I don't see why the streaming process would stay on top like that regardless. Try pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and it will cover anything regardless. Almost identical in looks.
He is not playing he is streaming over an actual gamer
A guy with no charisma
@Jon I thought it was similar to the shutdown procedure (with auto updates). It brings you to a blue screen and shows a list of programs as it goes down the lists and attempts to close them.
11:44 PM
Oh my God we just exposed the mini vanili of game streaming
@NaCl Are your glasses real? I swear it looks like you slapped them on in MS Paint but you have no good reason to do so.
@Sie Yes, they are real
@Jon maybe he got a second pc and streams with that
46 secs ago, by Sie
user image
@NaCl solved chapter 3 in like 16 minutes...
11:47 PM
Who is playing then
well I saw a complete game about 2 months ago, and I remember things here and there
@Ali.S kaizo!?
cat mario
give a link to kaizo if you have
Oh, yeah. cat mario is easy
found download link
11:48 PM
@Sie you like my glasses?
@NaCl Ya they are pretty cool. I was actually going to buy a pair but I was not ready to spend $300+ at the eye doctor. It's already insane how much it costs for a piece of plastic as it is.
Yeah, mine cost 400 bucks without the actual glass-segments
@NaCl it's way too much work to start it :|
@Ali.S haha, trust me, you'll just miss you raging around if you can't start it
the thing is I never played the original super mario...
actually played almost none of mario titles ever
11:53 PM
@Sie And the worst of all: The black color begins to fray :(
neat about roller coaster loops
The Euthanasia Coaster is an art concept for a steel roller coaster designed to kill its passengers. In 2010, it was designed and made into a scale model by Julijonas Urbonas, a PhD candidate at the Royal College of Art in London. Urbonas, who has worked at an amusement park, stated that the goal of his concept roller coaster is to take lives "with elegance and euphoria". As for practical applications of his design, Urbonas mentioned "euthanasia" or "execution". John Allen, who served as president of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company, inspired Urbonas with his description of the "ultimate" roller...
cool link
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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