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10:01 PM
@OMG Sweet... So it's totally fine to do something like this?
@OutlawLemur polymorphism? Hell yeah, it's used a lot. If you ever need to try and work out the derived type though (which you can do), you most likely have a design problem. Otherwise have fun!
@OMGtechy ok... It seems weird to have an interface only for almost censoring the fact that there is a template there...
Indeed, that's why I was curious. That said, if all you want to do is call member functions on a collection of matrices, without knowing their derived type at any point, I can see no harm in it at all.
Alright sweet! Thanks again man!
No probs
10:09 PM
@IcyDefiance starting game now as Xerath... forgot to change my fucking spells again
have teleport and ghost instead of flash and ignite
Got first blood and all three kills of the game, no deaths!
much better
10:27 PM
and that's when the game gets really fun
went 17/7/13 with talon in 34 minutes my last game. 4 of those deaths were just because I was goofing off and being an idiot. XD
I only went something like 14/10/11 last game, but my excuse is that we had an AFK Xerath from the start :P
it was probably Pip
lol that's actually impressive for having an afk
Yeah we won that. I learned that game that teamworkis still possible (and really important!) in soloqueue.
And that a Shen as support can be super nice.
That's it folks! Word is in, impressiveness confirmed. No room for opinions here.
10:33 PM
He saved so many people with his ultimate that game.
omfg that was awesome
went 12/1/6, in 27:22
that was freaking awesome
I love how bursty Xerath is
He sucks when you're not doing well though
every time the champion I was against respawned, bam, my ult was ready
true, yeah
10:40 PM
nooo xerath is amazing when you're not doing well, because you can still poke and farm from a distance
way better than fizz or akali where you can't do anything at all
ooh, didn't think of that
The jungle and I pushed bot until the inhib was down, then the whole team went and pushed mid to the nexus
ziggs is the same way. almost impossible to counter because he can just turret hug and farm minions all day long.
Whenever an enemy got there, boom Yi and I shredded him
so fun
Anyone have time for a game now? Want to try him against some actually capable people
It says I went AP Mid... wtf :P
I was playing support
But I was pushing the lane by myself, most of the time.... the champ I was supporting died a bunch
I have a new favorite champion :)
building Rylai's Crystal Scepter was fucking amazing
slow on every freaking hit
@Pip have you tried Ezreal? I haven't played Xerath but it sounds like a burstier version of Ez.
Have not, actually
god he costs a lot of IP
and I don't have enough RP... or IP for that matter
10:46 PM
He's by far my favorite champion. And I think he's free this week!
Idk, so is Xerath
Well yeah he is expensive
I want to buy him now
Maybe I have to get some RP sometime soon.... need to convince my parents to drive me to GameStop or something
10:47 PM
@Pip play some more games with him first. How many times have you played him now?
just barely too far to bike, would take about an hour
@Lokkij this once, actually
I picked him at random on the game I had to quit yesterday, and decided I love him today
should play a few more games, yeah
badass skin
Please, play him some more before buying. A game in which you go 12/1/x is not representative of the champion
10:49 PM
Yeah, true
It helps a bit that I have a skill level a bit above the rest of the people that are technically about my level
I think dota makes way more money than LOL, by not charging per hero.
Alternatively, play Ezreal! He's really cool as well, and pretty damn mobile.
Will have to try him sometime
I spent like 50+ bucks for a single hero... just for cosmetic on Dota. IMO that direction is more fitting way even for LOL. I believe LOL can generate "tons load" of $$$ by giving people all the heroes for free. But they are already making tons load of money... so I guess its pointless to argue.
I have all day until about 4:30 tomorrow to play @Lokkij, so I might have to try him
If you make a new account on NA, then we could play a bit, since I am so low level anyhow
we could dominate
que evil laugh
10:51 PM
@Pip Well it's an hour past midnight over here so it'd have to be quick
@BlueBug Honestly, they don't charge much per champion
under 10 bucks, under 5 for a lot of them
and you can also unlock then with points that you earn in game
Also be aware my internet is not perfect. Occasionally I might suddenly stand still & be useless because of lag, but it only happens once every few games.
isn't it usually around 5 bucks but less than 10 bucks.
No prob :)
I guess old heroes are cheaper then?
10:53 PM
@BlueBug depends on the champ. Most are from 2.50 to about 6, then the newest are much more expensive
Especially with me playing on NA... ah well we can always try
We'd be playing a bot game because of the level restriction on live games, so it doesn't really matter
@pip Oh that is an infuriating system. Ah well, testing vs bots is fine in this case.
This is the second time I got complemented by the enemy team in three days, btw! I'm thrilled
In text or through the 'honor opponent' button?
10:55 PM
Once for my 5/7/16 Nasus, once for this game as Xerath
brb, ping me when you are ready
So are you gonna play Ez or Xerath?
going to grab some food
10:56 PM
probs Xerath this time, play a game as Ez later tonigh
I'll play Ez then. He seems virtually unplayable with >100 ping, but we'll see
@pip ready! Nickname = "Lokkij", as you might expect
alright, friending you now
almost ready, have to grab my power cord
What, nooo, why isn't Ez availabe?!
A separate rotation for beginners?
maybe a seperate for EUW and NA
Okay depending on my ping we can just do away with conventions and both go top or something
I can probably carry this
Hmm, 173 ping right now
That's a lot :(
11:17 PM
okaaay I figured out why the starbound server keeps crashing. it has a memory leak of about 250 MB/hour on linux 64-bit
11:30 PM
@IcyDefiance ouch
What was the leak?
no idea, but it's a known problem. I can only hope it'll be fixed in the patch that's coming out soon.
I'm reinstalling the server on a 32-bit system to see if the leak happens there too
Well after a quick google, every instance I see of this is on a 64 bit system.
Might just be coincidence though
yeah, I only found one guy saying it happens on 32-bit, and he didn't sound that smart
and I've already reinstalled this server so many times I have a script for the whole damn thing, so I just have to let it run and wait for it. :D
11:35 PM

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