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5:00 PM
tough to say
i think you have to put an honest effort into getting the guy productive
and if he doesn't deliver, you have to burn him for it
and since you are "splitting" the management, you ought to get help from your other teammate
that is something of a problem in itself, really
Probably. It's not all my decision to make
5:02 PM
two managers, one underling = bad news
@SethBattin What about it is a problem? The fact that management is split?
it means neither of you is really in charge, and the 3 of you are really just team members (which you should be, it's a class project)
Well, this was a long drawn out thing. I asked if there was a defined leader in the group, and my partner mentioned that he wanted that role. I also mentioned I wanted it, so we compromised.
except your 3rd guy has no responsibility to take initiative and find something to do and contribute
if someone was the dedicated boss, you could steal work from other underling and force 3rd guy to work on it OR ELSE
obviously your situation is not ideal
you could skate through this and do nothing
let the guy get credit
but that would be wasting a chance to learn about managing a team :)
5:05 PM
I'll make a list of possible responsibilities for him and send them to my partner
@Jon Terraria!
rounded corners better?
Your ores are too abundant
yeah, ignore ores for now
So I fulfilled another Fiverr gig last night. If you can buy a pizza with $7.84, then I've won.
@hasherr WOOO
5:08 PM
Can you buy a pizza with $7.84?
@MickLH still arround? I got distracted from interrogating you about MickScript1.0
Lol is that really what it's called?
that's what it will be called, now that i've named it
Lol I'm here
Sorry was just giving the girlfriend a tune up
5:11 PM
Also I called it MagicScript, since the engine is called MagicWorks
ok then
should be MickWorks, but ok
The same guy messaged me about ANOTHER gig on Fiverr hahahahahaha
@hasherr emotional people accumulate stupid crap in their ideas and if you want to deal with them for extended periods of time you have to help them keep a clear head
5:13 PM
Are you referring to my third wheel?
@GnomeSlice What does the name 'tmichelle98' mean to you?
@hasherr somebody named michelle who was born in '98?
Okay, nvm.
You have no affiliation with this name?
What? No.
I'm watching you
5:18 PM
It's just suspicious that I mention it once in chat and get another request
Not sure why anybody would request from me, but whatever
@hasherr you'd be surprised how much contacts you get just by standing in a corner of a street
with a sign "hello"
hello @hasherr and @Lasse
Alo uakim
5:28 PM
The way we pronounce your name in America would be spelled 'Uakim'
then youre pronouncing it wrong
thats better
5:31 PM
That's how you'd say 'Uakim
It then should be "U akim"
Although us with our lazy American accents, we'd probably say something more like 'You-uh-kim'
when americans pronounce my name it sounds like if we would write it as "Lässi" or "Läsi"
I say 'Last-Say'
Without the 't' on last, though
Is Lasse pronounced as the norwegian name Lasse
5:33 PM
yes it's pronounced the same everywhere in scandinavia
@hasherr lol. Lassay?
except some make the double "ss" a bit longer and more weighted than finns do
@joapet99 Lol yeah
How is it supposed to be said?
just like it's written
5:34 PM
@joapet99 It's my spanish influence, se is said like 'say'
@Lasse So... Lass?
like in the scandinavian e at the end
@hasherr more like lasseh
I'm not from Scandinavia, I don't know how you guys pronounce things lol
or Lassay?
5:35 PM
no y
write it in google translate and listen to it
What is the e sound on the end though?
it is like a in gay
i don't think we're going to be able to solve this problem with text
Okay, I understand now
@Lasse isn't it?
@joapet99 "a" in gay is actually like e in scandinavian
I was pronouncing it right
I don't hear a "t" in there hash :P
Then at least I have always pronounced it right
english is a terrible medium to interchange pronunciation. i'm sure we'd be better of in spanish or scandinavian directly
5:38 PM
Everyone switch to Spanish right now
Is that actual Spanish or Spanish According To Google Translate?
@hasherr That sentence didn't give much sense
spanish has colloquialism too
but pronounciation is definitely easier
@Lokkij Real, it means 'why not both'
anyone see that microsoft demo of realtime voice-to-voice translation from English to Chinese?
5:42 PM
Yo hablo un poco espanol porque yo estudio la idioma a la escuela
@SethBattin So weird...
i thought you said you had the background
i guess that is the background, eh?
Spanish influence
I've taken 3 years of spanish, going on my 4th
ah, sure
I can't speak it for shit, but I can write it very well
5:43 PM
that's how american language classes work
never any speaking, but a shit ton of written homework = literacy without conversation
which...isn't so bad
Huh, cool. I've taken 3 years of French and 2 of German, but still can't speak or write either.
can you speak them?
There, fixed
I can read them decently
I've been learning english for 15 years, it's mandatory for all school levels from age of 10
5:46 PM
No, you can learn to read/write a language in a classroom, but you'll never learn to speak it unless you're heavily immersed in an environment where it is not only important to learn to speak, but necessary and required.
well, "mandatory" means "if you can't speak it already"
@hasherr in general, that's true, but not always
i regret not being fully fluent in anything english
I passed all the english studies in my current school already, on the first week of school I went to the teacher and spoke some english at her and she passed me
Sadly, it's also mandatory here (from middle school on), even if you already speak it
5:48 PM
I met a guy in Costa Rica who speaks English perfectly, with almost no accent, and he's never been outside of Costa Rica, nor does he have an English speaking family or anything like that.
but he's just an exception
a very impressive exception
And the classes are still, after 5 years, about really basic subjects
@Lokkij they are here too, but when it's taught to adults it's more of word knowledge than the grammar
what's the word T_T
yes, that
it always makes me laugh, because people who learn english as a second language can often write it better than people who learn it as their first, even if they can't speak it at all
5:51 PM
It's a terrible language
Let's just deprecate the entire thing and move on to something more Object-Oriented like Spanish.
Vocabulary is so much more useful than the stuff I'm getting (currently at "how to use adverbs" again)
it's terrible to learn, but I think it's kind of fitting that it's the common language right now, because of the number of other languages it's taken influences from
@IcyDefiance yeah, words like roundeavu speaks for that
@IcyDefiance I think it's mostly terrible to learn because of the way it's taught
5:53 PM
oh, right
I wrote it as it's pronounced
I think rendezvous is french, and unmodified, but commonly used in english
yeah it's french
A lot of things are like that
Deja vu is a great example too
5:53 PM
genre <- mispronounced it for years because i read it in PC gamer before ever hearing anyone else use it out loud
see I don't think of "rendezvous" or "deja vu" as part of the english language, really. they're commonly used by english speaking people, but not english themselves.
Faux Paux
Or however you spell that
Grey's got it
5:55 PM
Ableton live is so cool
@Grey My favorite country singer
rendezvouz is military term in english, for ships at least
i think it's more john-ruh
^ people switch between ruh and ray
at least in my current surroundings
oh, google will jsut say it
5:56 PM
I've heard people go "geenre"
that's convenient
@Lasse oh that is true. but then the greek alphabet is common there too, lol.
actually the greek alphabet is common everywhere
but yeah, john isn't quite right, either
stupid word
5:57 PM
@SethBattin john-ruh is UK, john-ray is US
that makes sense
i'm surprised it's not john-rayr
head to the south half of the US, it probably is XD
John-Ruh is what I've always sead
or is that Australian?
if the word ends in R, drop it. if it doesn't have an R, add it. Boom, Australian
Damn! lol sorry shit got serious for a second
5:59 PM
Need to get one of those dudes from Perth like Andrew Russel in here to confirm
@SethBattin you also need to make up words ending in "ie" every so often, or shorten existing ones so they end in "ie"
Had to dump a hoe because her ego got in the way again, why do I always date crazy girls?
And I don't mean like how most guys are just douchebags and call a girl crazy for having feelings
But I mean legitimately why do I find someone 1000% more attractive just because they are bipolar
It's my fault though, that's what I get for starting a relationship because of her family calling her an "ego maniac psychopath"
This mobile chat is crap, can't even reply properly
Sooo what kind of game is everyone here working on?
If any
6:03 PM
I'm working on a Fiverr gig
I'm currently creating engine for minecraft-like mods/clones
@hasherr What kind? Lazy student?
Either lazy or dumb
I found a bug in my Solitaire game that I need to fix, then I'll probably make some improvements on the engine behind it before starting on another game
So you guys are basically writing your own engine?
6:05 PM
I did, just for the heck of it. It's not something I recommend to others unless they just want to challenge themselves.
either that or they want something unique like what Lasse is doing
Yeah, it sounds like a lot of work
Not everyone
I'm usually working on an engine, but today I think I'm taking a detour to make a game similar to LIERO
Liero omg
Finnish quality right there
I used to play it with friends so much, we came up with a gametype that we called Extreme Liero
Where the reload time is instant and the health is 1000x
6:07 PM
@Lokkij i'm building a 4-way stop simulator. it's an exercise in AI
The weapons need rebalancing, and the map layout becomes a lot more important, so it's worth doing a remake from scratch
@SethBattin That actually sounds pretty fun to write
i'm hoping so, i've got a little js/canvas prototype structure in place, but i'm still rolling around exactly how to plug in behaviors
@MickLH have you played wings?
Or triplane turmoil
Those are good old games
@Lokkij i got an awesome book on the subject, though: amazon.com/Programming-Example-Wordware-Developers-Library/dp/…
6:12 PM
Yeah I heard that's an amazing book
first chapter blew my mind
@Lasse doesn't seem familiar
subsequent chapters...lots of implementation details
still good
Fiverr gig done
ok, tell me about fiverr, do you actually earn 5$ per job? because there was some stuff posted on there was obviously more costly than 5$
6:14 PM
You don't really earn $5
i thought not
They take a dollar, and then paypal takes some so you really end up with ~$3.92
they didn't want to ruin their gimmick without forcing me to sign up, though
But if you're an established seller, then you can have higher tier gigs
That cost more money
so it's really never more than 5$?
6:15 PM
Or charge more for additional services
ok then
well, intriguing
So you don't really earn Fiver dollars, you spend Five dollars if you buy a gig. You really earn around $3.90, unless you charge more, but you have to build up a rep to charge more. :P
Personally, I think the site is perfect for somebody like me
And people do some really creative things with it
I like the one guy who dances in a chicken suit
So, guess what, guys?
I completed my goal for the year
I now have enough money to purchase a pizza
That's better outcome than joapet's bitcoin mining project
6:22 PM
If he did it a year or two ago, different story
I tried mining dogecoins last month. turns out I can make 20 cents a day on my computer, just by doing that. :D
@hasherr So how much work are those gigs anyway?
@hasherr woot. wtg
Next goal, buy pizza for everyone here
at least for those who helped you complete it ;)
nooo buy me pizza too
6:25 PM
I want pizza
:\ wait was the web service thing for fiverr
@hasherr I'm pretty picky so could you just get me my own pie with olives, mushrooms, garlic, light sprinkling of diced peppers and can you use this one cheese from ireland "Dubliner" mixed with the mozarella in a pretty even 50/50 ratio
dubliner eh
I can deal with chicken, but only if you're getting a nice quality pizza, actually if the quality is good I love bacon too
And feel free to add whatever other vegetables, I don't need my own whole pie
It's really just the chunks of meat thing turns me off
@Lokkij Depends on the project. Some things are really easy, some are very difficult.
6:31 PM
I can't eat these animals without having a mental flashback scene into the fucking horrible facilities the animals lived and the straight garbage they were fed and injected with that I'm consuming now indirectly
If I knew you guys irl, then yeah, I'd send you all pizza
@Lokkij I normally turn down the ones that seem super hard just in case I don't finish them
Makes sense
I find myself confused at the idea of fiverr
Won't want to disappoint your customers
I follow you end up with almost 4 dollars at the end of the job...
but how do you actually make money
6:33 PM
@Lokkij Right, I have a policy that you need to send me your information before you actually submit the gig
Cancelling gigs is bad for the rep :(
@MickLH You do their work for them.
We're talking right now. This is real life!
I have serious trouble figuring out how 4 dollars ever adds up to "money"
lol, it's essentially beer money
@Noctrine :O
@Noctrine I don't know you!
6:35 PM
wait this is real life?
@Noctrine Fuckin trippy bro!
shit, I've been wasting so much time!
@hasherr Lol sorry I'm just fucking with you
depends on whether or not you believe in the matrix
6:36 PM
Wouldn't your life in the matrix still be real life?
beliefs are bad. accepting evidence is good.
Your life just sucks
Pfft life sucks less inside the matrix than outside
@MickLH Haha it's fine
@hasherr I don't know how to describe the feeling I had when I first earned my own food :P
6:37 PM
"this changes everything"
I did someones computer graphics homework for $20
Well, I know that feeling. I've been mowing lawns and picking up dog shit since I was 9.
I earn my own Pepsi. The feeling is sweet, but the sugar sticks to my teeth a bit.
You mean the corn?
6:38 PM
I think that sodas actually don't use sugar anymore
Like literally
Unless you get Mountain Dew Throwback!
You can get some 'throwback' versions
Everything is made of chemically and enzymatically processed corn now
the 2L I have next to me says 41g of sugars
also has "sugar" in the ingredients
That's amazing, I can't find that when I go to the store
6:39 PM
some types of pop don't use sugar any more, like mountain dew I think
I look specifically for it, I've got the "throwback" versions before because that's usually the only thing not made of corn
but pepsi seems to
@Noctrine now that is odd...
I went to the store the other day, and the entire soda aisle there was ONE soda with sugar in it
the 2L I have has corn syrup too
6:40 PM
Sierra Mist Natural
ingredients go "carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, sugar..."
Lol the first two are the same on basically every soda
I have to go to Church in a few minutes cries
6:41 PM
Also the HFCS used in soft drinks is about equivalent sweetness to honey
So if you mix nothing but honey and water, you get arizona iced tea
@IcyDefiance Save me!
shoots hasherr
sorry, best I can do for you
salvation from church
6:43 PM
Bible is fun reading
@IcyDefiance Better than church
It's actually for my confirmation :(
@Noctrine only the book of revelation is, it's imaginitive enough
@Noctrine it could be if you weren't aware that 70% of US citizens actually think it's true
Only 70%?
@Noctrine Lol I thought it wasn't that creative honestly
Although it's pretty hilarious how many people took it serious, epic troll
One of the greatest, truly
6:44 PM
Going to be bad in the distant future, when people get their hands on LOTR
@hasherr Are you christian / catholic? Like actually, not forced.
Although I did just realize something and forgot it before I could type it :D
Forced Catholic, but I am an atheist.
I need to be high so I have an excuse for my thoughts holding together like sheep shit
My parents know, too. They just want me to get confirmed to make my extended family happy.
6:46 PM
I wonder what would happen if you told the priest you were atheist in confession
That'd be good fun
I did say that.
@hasherr That sounds terrible.
I told him that I didn't think God was real
And he told me some bullshit that I don't even remember.
@Noctrine Why is that terrible? They already chose delusion for happiness
@Noctrine Well, it's terrible, but once I get confirmed, I'm done. I don't have to ever go to church again
6:47 PM
Massively hypocritical then?
I don't think catholics care what you really believe. just get confirmed and baptized and buy some shit from them so they can build a more impressive church. they'll be happy then.
For you, it doesn't really matter. But for them to want someone who is against their faith to go through confirmation and comunion
See you guys, we can talk about this later
@Noctrine I'm just saying, if it weren't for the church, sure maybe 20% of these religious people would be smart instead
6:48 PM
@hasherr steal the cracker!
dives into the depths of hell
That's always a good plan that won't piss them off at all
And/or just say you are against canibalism
but what about the other 20%, the ones who are only good people because their ego is afraid of god
Most scary thing ever
Whenever I hear someone say blah blah blah morals if not for god
They immediately get added to the don't ever trust list
@KevinvanderVelden actually I've read christian sci-fi where in the future the christians were called vamps, short for vampires, and it was this horrible swear word on the same level as any of the racist terms we have today.
it was great
6:50 PM
Anyway, breakfast time so that I may go forth and create
Man I was so close to getting started on a productive day
Almost made breakfast and everything, if it weren't for that stupid b**ch I'd already be eating my way out of hunger pain and coding productively today
Turn that negative energy into math!
But at least she's gone forever, I just have to reassure myself that even though I love and forgive her, I never have to take her back :)
Sorry for venting on here, she's actually the same one who betrayed my trust when I left my OpenID logged in on her laptop
6:54 PM
If I have blocks that are 16x16x16
and I want to get tile coords I should be able to do
x / 16, y / 16 , z / 16 right?
floor mode?
@Grey That'd probably work, yeah
I know it's rounded I just don't know how the tile pos's are rounded. Did research and no dice
It should be 0,1,12
Think about the phase
Okay what do you mean by phase
6:57 PM
16 - 31 = block 1
but -15 -> 15 is block 0
so your (0, 0, 0) block is actually 2^n blocks combined, where n = number of dimensions

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