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12:24 AM
@AlexM. when do I become a junior programmer?
@AlexM. can you send me the courses too? They're in C#, right?
@PythonInProgress Your not in the club n00b!
(jk man)
not much. having trouble with my email
@CodeAssassin u have a phone?
freaking google wants phone verification from me......
I'm making a new email, since my current one is derpy.....
1:27 AM
@CodeAssassin and I don't have a phone..... so.... can u help pls? it will only be one time, not recorded.
1:45 AM
@PythonInProgress check out voice.google.com. you can get a phone number right there that works like a free landline + unlimited texts.
the NSA gets everything that goes through there, so don't use it for too much, but it's good for this.
1:58 AM
hey @IcyDefiance and @Almo
in LoL
I was in LoL, but then I got really pised off, because I kept getting records like 8/1 and rocking things, while the other two lanes and the jungle all go 0/4 or worse. like 4 games in a row.
I love lol, too bad I'm in bed and can't get my laptop :P
hey icy
I need a current number for voice........ urrrrr
I don't have a fucking phone, how can I verify the fucking email
excuse my language
@IcyDefiance still can't do this...... urr
whoa you do?
well then create a different voice account to send that to :D
u need a phone for that one 2
2:03 AM
I got nothin'
each one needs a phone to use...
u have a phone?
@IcyDefiance do you have a phone that Google could text to verify? Just once, pls
one text message is all it takes
I'll give you one of my GV numbers. one second.
tnx so much
(616) 920-1526 - try that. shouldn't be able to track me down too easily with it, so I don't mind giving that one out.
tnx! my 'net keeps cutting, so if I cut out, that's why
@IcyDefiance k, Google should have sent the verification code
2:18 AM
finally, away from the stupid email
@IcyDefiance thank you. my new email is ward.programm3r@gmail.com
@Almo @ToddersLegrande @Byte56 @IcyDefiance @AlexM. send me your emails, all (if you want to of course). I already have @ShotgunNinja 's and @William'MindWorX'Mariager 's.
I refuse! :O
:ô why Icy, why?
2:35 AM
mostly because I can't think of any reason you could possibly have to email me
@IcyDefiance Meany
(goes back to cleaning twitter account)
and proud of it :D
@IcyDefiance Oh snap O:
hey cod3asassin@gmail.com
2:39 AM
How the hell
My blog :P
I was about to say how you knew my email ^_^
he been stalking you :O
(deletes email from all the places)
I need to get better at Graphics Programming
why? minimal looked pretty good, so does shark
LOL That's not graphics programming. It doesn't even touch the surface.
2:45 AM
"Make sure you understand homogeneous coordinates, matrix maths, dot products, cross products, quaternions, normal vectors, tangent bases, etc and how these things (and countless others) are useful for transforming and lighting geometry."
and that's the hard part.
matrix maths and vectors are the biggest ones to get started. I haven't gotten much farther than that myself, though, so I'm not sure what comes next.
ooh, I misunderstood :P
quarternions sound cool, though, I'll be attempting to understand them at some point in the near-ish future
@IcyDefiance How good are you at Algorithm Implementation?
(no pseudo code just text)
2:48 AM
not sure. I generally just come up with something I want to make and do what it takes to make it. coming up with algorithms is usually part of that, but I haven't focused on it specifically or anything.
ooh, I misunderstood :P
@CodeAssassin "Tweaking Code" as your g+ name?
@PythonInProgress Yeah I changed it alot and they stopped me at that one so I'm stuck with it
nice job, tweak
jk, I won't call you that
I did pip (python in progress) as my first name, then my real last name
cya all, I got to go to bed, its 11:00 PM for me :P
kk see ya
ahh, just by accident found the link to the desktop version of chat for the mobile. much better
bye all
3:18 AM
Oh lame. My JSON merger is only "merging" the top layer, so:
{ "Animator" : { Tint : { R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255 }, Scale: 1.0 }, Health: { val: 100} }
merged with
{ "Animator" : { Scale: 2.0 } }
gives me:
{ "Animator" : { Scale: 2.0 }, Health: { val: 100}}
Only took me an hour to find out that my tint was all 0's, and that's why nothing was drawing. Fun
hate stuff like that
:( yeah. So now I guess I have to try out a third json library, or just merge these on my own
ehhh... Feels like I'm re-inventing the wheel
In jQuery it's just $.extend(object1, object2);
But maybe that doesn't do a deep merge, I donno
Nope, in jQuery, doing: $.extend(true, object1, object2); does exactly what I want, and $.extend(object1, object2); does what I've got now
4:10 AM
Woot! Works!
4:31 AM
anyone here?
how do you deal with bailout during game dev?
that's free game btw
Problem is, I am the sole developer of that game
tired of developement
I think that is a fairly common question, actually
For some background information, someone else developed a game on his own
for years
and then he abandoned development after release
(oh, what that 2372 means.?)
after leaving unnoticed for years, someone else decompiled the game
and continues development
and then I join in
fortunately, he is able to contact the original dev and agreed to make it open source
another year later, only I am working it now
hence, the game's codebase is huge
but not very well organized
I continue develop simply because I love the game
2372 is your network rep
4:44 AM
oh I see
So you feel overwhelmed
sort of
and that game has a fan base now, which I don't want to abandon (and that is very difficult to build)
I should say, that took literally years to build
Q: How to get a game done?

anonMy problem is, whenever I start programming a clone of a game (for practice) or my own game or some other problem I stop somewhere in the middle of the development, because I lost interest in it. How do you keep up the interest in developing a game, or developing in general?

a small fan base tho
thx for link
5 hours later…
10:03 AM
@Noctrine hi man
10:24 AM
you here? I don't think so... on well
1 hour later…
11:29 AM
why is no one online? i feel so alone!
11:43 AM
hi all!
I have a question (can't figure out if it's on topic or not), I have a game idea, got a platform on to build it, but I have no idea on where to start.
I'm a programmer, I want to write it in php connected to a mysql database
basic idea is you have a character and this person can buy stuff for their inventory, go hunt food, sell the food and then earn money, upgrade the gears etc etc..
Where should I start? is this on topic to ask on the site btw?
@PythonInProgress are you here? (:
is it on topic to ask or can you answer it here? :)
i can probably answer\
so, you want to know where to start?
11:47 AM
I got a basic log in system with users and that's it
that's connected to an mysql database, but I don't know where to go from here.
the first thing that you want to do is set up the basic inventory
then figure out how to add items to it
the inventory of the character?
11:49 AM
make a model (graphics) then write code for it
the inventory doesnt have to be perfect while in dev, just functional
I had an idea to get the basics done and then tweak it until it works for me
that is usually the way to go
I got a google docs with all the things i want in it when it's "done"
can you send me the doc?
11:50 AM
@PythonInProgress maybe...
i promise i wont use it for my self :P
@PythonInProgress I don't want anyone to "steal" my idea..
But I'll write it to english first, it's in swedish right now ;)
ik, thats fine with me. i have a few progects in dev now, I DO NOT need a new one
hehe ok
i can use google translate if you need me to
11:52 AM
I'll send the basic idea now and then send more after that..
Well if someone steals it I'll make it anyway, I just have to do it my way :)
:P lol
ill send you one of my project files if you really want to "trade" as insurance
@PythonInProgress haha no problem, I'll just don't give you all my secrets! ;)
@Alvar :P
12:02 PM
@PythonInProgress almost done with the basics
@Alvar good. Im almost ready to look at them :P
@PythonInProgress puh there you go!
kk i shall look now. join me in the doc chat?
@PythonInProgress I just sent you an email of everything, let me make it into a doc isntead brb
12:09 PM
@PythonInProgress there shared
@Alvar i will go there now :P
12:41 PM
this is pretty nice
side to side
im back
hey Icy
only here for a few minutes though
@Alvar im back 2
why so Icy?
12:45 PM
@PythonInProgress did you eat ALL the donuts?
no. just 4 of 12
fairly small ones
why do you ask?
12:45 PM
no idea
creating some documents for the SQL code..
i worked on my game a bit :D
cool @Alvar
@PythonInProgress nice!
What kind of game is it?
a cube platformer
idk what to call it
basically, you grow and shrink to avoid/absorb enemies
a bit like osmos ?
gotta go guys, might bbl today
idk @Alvar
cya all!
12:48 PM
Dungeon is a noun that means the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
nice to know
Osmos is a 2009 puzzle video game developed by Canadian developer Hemisphere Games for various systems such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, OnLive, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Android. Gameplay The aim of the game is to propel oneself, a single-celled organism ("Mote"), into other smaller motes to absorb them. Colliding with a mote larger than the player will result in being absorbed, resulting in a game over. Changing course is done by expelling mass. Due to conservation of momentum, this results in the player's mote moving away from the expelled mass, but also in one's own mot...
might be useful one day
Osmos is a pretty cool game actually. It was in one of the humble bundles, so I have it. Got bored before I finished it, but it was fun for a while.
it's quite fun and it gets harder the more you play it :P
kind of
I could not be convinced enough to play for more than 5 mins
12:51 PM
1:16 PM
@Alvar @AlexM. sorta like that, but you cant manually adjust size. you absorb, but that just makes the game harder. the goal is to stay as small as possible, but there will be powerups and things that make you smaller/other effects
@PythonInProgress cool, I relized i missed the first step, E/R-diagram then SQL code! xD
^15 Things We Can Learn About Humanity From Google Autocomplete
@AlexM. so, when can I become a junior programmer?
1:37 PM
ask people on stackoverflow
@AlexM. for you :P with Code
what's up with people wanting to program for me nowadays
sorry man, but the most important thing CodeAssassin showed me is that he is able to get something playable and usable on the screen
you on the other hand, showed me you're only able to abandon projects and chaotically switch from task to task and in the end do nothing
1:46 PM
if i could get my freaking pygame windows to work, everything would be perfect
@AlexM. so, if i get how many projects finished, i can join?
@Alvar haha is NOT right... im serious for once.
@PythonInProgress WHAAAT?!?!
sorry, had to.
@Alvar that actually wasn't as funny as you would think
1:49 PM
I'm sure @CodeMonkeyAlx can take you in, I'm almost always having all slots filled
@PythonInProgress probably not, I'm just the kind of person that is unserious when I mustn't be serious... if that made any sense...
@AlexM. really? what does Alx do?
@AlexM. Do you watch the office?
@Alvar nope, not at all
hey Noctrine!
@Noctrine tried to since Todders posted a video
but never got the chance
1:51 PM
@PythonInProgress hehe ok, well I'm always trying to joke, it works from time to time :P
not really....
:P jk
@PythonInProgress all kinds of cool stuff
ask him
sometime later, i may have to go in a bit
he's just like me, see? CodeMonkeyAlx
he's just missing an "e" in Alx
merely a typo I am sure
top quality employer he is, I recommend him
why @AlexM.
why do you recomend him?
1:56 PM
as per the FAQ, that question is offtopic here
you should move the question to commonsense.stackexchange.com
you won't get an answer then, I'm sorry :(
this place is "Game Development discussion and other things ." its within boundries
@AlexM. ummm, why do you want me employed by this: (no offense to him)

I'm just a noob looking to learn... Unlike most newbs I run on an honor system. Yes I might grub for answers but I am also not just going to slap those answers into my code. I will look at them and I will see what they do.

Right now my coding level as I like to call it is about 3 on a scale of 10. I know basics if you give me code I can understand what it does, I just cant code it myself just yet.

Thats is all and may we all enjoy ourselves here.
well yeah, see, those are all lies
to prevent people like you to spam him with PLZ LET ME CODE FOR YOU messages
he's a smart fellow
no. just no. are you unworthy?
2:01 PM
What do you think about this E/R-diagram?
@AlexM. he may be smart, but Code is better. I actually like him
well then, work for Code
@Alvar you forgot arrows
Code is my age.....
@PythonInProgress nope
@Alvar why not?
2:03 PM
@PythonInProgress the lines says which entity connects to each other
@PythonInProgress 1 = one, * = many
i feel stupid
looks good to me
watching a PyCon video in the bkg :D
2:04 PM
ok, might get "too" big in the database, that's my only worrie
i got nothing
it's not finished, I need a "catch" box for the fishes..
2:05 PM
the shop too
a second inventory too
great.. this will be huuuge
2:18 PM
@AlexM. @ShotgunNinja @William"MindWorX"Mariager @CodeAssassin @Alvar @IcyDefiance I'm starting over completely. What language should I learn? I want to someday work on Are Ignis with CodeAssassin and AlexM.
@PythonInProgress My last program had 5 entitys, this one will have at least 10! :O
I'm currently making my game in PHP and MYSQL, so it can be available as a web page for everyone to play, (new here, have no idea who those people are or what they are doing)..
2:32 PM
can't find anything about assertions in Gambas' documentation
try/catch/finally is funky
trying to unit test
Private Sub TestVolume()

  Dim Pont As New PancakeController
  If Not Error Then
    Error.Raise("Failed: Volume, -1")

fun times, ahoy!
mmm pancakes...
full project name is Musical Pancake
3:29 PM
yeah! extremly obsolete vertex animations!

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