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4:10 AM
@NickCox It brings to mind a lecture I heard at a conference. It was a tour de force of analysis. After 45 minutes there was time for a few questions. As I recall, it was Noel Cressie who asked what data the lecturer had used his procedure on.
The answer was "I don't have any data. I don't know how to get data. Would anyone have any data to share?"
13 hours later…
5:34 PM
How does one get suspended for voting irregularities? I noticed that had happened to a user recently.
@whuber That's surprising to me; I guess that must have happened during a time when data were scarce because of the expense of collection. It seems that we have the opposite problem today: too much data and a shortage of high-quality analysis
5:56 PM
@Sycorax Lousy data are abundant. In many fields, good data remain costly and scarce. This was a conference on environmental statistics. Some environmental data, such as groundwater monitoring data, require a capital investment up to $100K (US) at each location and many thousands of dollars to obtain and analyze a single sample.
@Sycorax Voting irregularities can include (but are not limited to) two or more people colluding to vote for each other frequently and opening multiple accounts that vote for each other.
Sometimes such irregularities have benign explanations. That's why we institute temporally limited suspension periods, such as 7 or 30 days, and no public record of suspensions is maintained. Often people learn from the experience and when they return they manage to use the site more effectively and constructively. We have positive evidence that this is a likely outcome for one of the current cases (several user accounts for several users are presently suspended for various reasons).

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