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2:00 PM
So, basically, @AndyD273, you want me to re-release smallpox?
@FutureHistorian It's your world you can do what you want.
If you think that a plague of smallpox will provide a plausible explanation for your desired worldstate, use that.
Well, I can actually use it to justify a totalitarian state in America instead.
If not, use something else, pink bunnies, or infectious ennui.
Alright, so can I ask something first?
Really should use this as a map of making countries!
2:04 PM
How would that smallpox be released into the public in the first place? Bioterrorism?
Does it matter? What would change depending on how it was released?
And who would commit to a biological terrorist attack to trigger a smallpox pandemic across not only the US, but also the world?
Well, what would change is the response to how the WHO and other organisations and nations respond.
@JDługosz, indexed color did the trick. While the index itself has more than the required 9 colors, I've edited the pallett so that only the required 9 colors are in the image. NumPy doesn't care about indexes, only pixel values.
@FutureHistorian somebody dug up a grave, and introduced it by accident. People had stopped vaccinating as it was thought to be extinct.
I am thinking that POTUS decides to pull an Operation: Northwoods and stages a bioterrorist attack to justify his power grab.
2:07 PM
I'm assuming you want to write a story about your future dystopia. Write about that and only give the minimum of details necessary to explain how we got from here to there.
@FutureHistorian how soon do you want the totalitarian thing to happen?
Though NOTE: this is not about Trump at all.
Think between 2025 - 2027.
Since 2018 is not going to work.
And Trump is incompetent, not an autocrat.
Either way, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioterrorism#Category_A is where smallpox ends.
And this particular strain is gene-edited.
@FutureHistorian I'm not convinced he isn't both.
Well, I am not saying Trump would be allowed to stage the attack.
I am saying that by the time anyone tries, he is already being replaced.
As in: assuming the Democrats fail to take power.
It could very well be either a 2nd term Trump........or Pence.
It doesn't have to be small pox. Super flu, Ebola, something new. Actually, for maximum effect you want it to be something new. Something with a mild first contagious stage for maximum spread, and then a fast decline. So it looks like you have a cold for a couple weeks, and then you keel over.
@FutureHistorian But you don't need a nuke for that
2:12 PM
Or even an attack
So, how would you justify a dictatorship in the US (which results in an armed insurrection across the nation) if you were POTUS?
@FutureHistorian Don't call it a dictatorship. Be a dictatorship but don't call it that.
Or in this case: "If I was a 2nd term Trump or Pence, what would I need to justify being a totalitarian dictator"?
I know that.
So, how do I get smallpox back into the world, especially a modified strain?
The trend across the world is mass surveillance everywhere, locking things down, more rules...
2:15 PM
Lab accident?
@JDługosz Can I get a little help?
Because I am thinking that pulling a Northwoods on the American public could be useful and more dramatic.
But lab accident works as well.
@FutureHistorian you'd want it to be spread intentionally. Otherwise it's confined to a small area
So, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle and possibly Houston all get hit by the "terrorist attack", and since it is now modified to spread by air, it starts to spread across the globe, not just the US.
Which might be a problem
That's the danger of biologicals
2:19 PM
Well, actually, that should still be enough to make a justified dictatorship.
"The rest of the world could still get affected, but who cares?" The President might think. "So long as the American public is kept in fear and in check, and other powers have their own problems, my path to power is secure."
Is that accurate?
So, I'm hearing conflicting goals: End the US as a nation, or turn the US into a totalitarian police state... which one?
Well, the former needs to happen so the latter can kick in.
Does it?
If it ends in a worst-case scenario.
Best-case scenario: the States get a new government after a Second American Revolution.
Worst case scenario: the US balkanises as the insurrection worsens.
@AndyD273? So, after the staged bioterror attack, and establishment of a totalitarian state, what are your best and worst-case scenarios for the US at least?
Because as far as I know, the rest of the globe is still going to have a bad time without appropriate distribution of a vaccine.
New idea... you can take or leave any of this :)
2:25 PM
Well, I am really actually going to take advantage of the chaos in the rest of the globe, though.
So, @AndyD273? What is your idea?
How about this as a scenario; Trump turns out to be as incompetent as liberals fear. There is a nuke attack (as you planned), and some of the top military leaders get afraid that he's going to botch it and start WW3, and so they decide to stage a coup for the sake of the nation. Martial law is declared, the military is deployed domestically, you get curfews and restricted travel, and this either leads to the second revolution, or your balkanisation as states rebel from the unlawful government
That can work.
He doesn't even have to be that incompetent, just have the right people feel that he is
That can work.
But wait, wait, wait.
2:30 PM
Where does the nuclear attack happen this time?
You implied it was not Washington, since Trump is still alive somehow.
@FutureHistorian It could be, and he was just away
or got evacuated
Or maybe he's dead and pense is the perceived weak link
Or the secretary of education
Or whoever happens to be left
Doesn't matter really, just that someone thinks that they should be the one calling the shots, possibly for all the right reasons.
Well, I am going to guess Tillerson is the new POTUS after Trump's death, but he gets deposed by Mattis.
Who imposes a totalitarian state and results in an uprising that either replaces him in the form of an insurrection or collapses the States.
As someone else said, the constitution is kind of a big deal here. If the states/people think that someone is trying to overthrow it, even if they have good intentions, that would cause an uprising. Way more than a nuke would.
2:34 PM
So, I can roll with that.
I think so. If I was reading this in a story I'd buy it.
Tillerson is new POTUS, Mattis becomes the Secretary of General Affairs (reference to the plans for the Business Plot) and the American public attempts an insurrection.
What happens is purely up to me the minute that insurrection erupts.
Wait, wait, wait.
@RedactedRedacted with what?
So, @AndyD273. If not for Mattis, you are telling me Tillerson would have started WWIII by invading Iran?
Since the terrorists are Iranian.
And the nuke originated in Pakistan.
@JDługosz look at the comment section
A: The Centaur--Let's Get Real, Shall We?

Redacted RedactedAnatomy traditional centaurs are portrayed as having two torsos. Why? Just...WHY? In genetic engineering, there is no why. Stomach (all four of them) Horses don't have four stomachs, I would recommend a hybrid, human/horse stomach because then they can occasionally munch on grass, and...

I don't know, why he snapped.
2:43 PM
@RedactedRedacted because you're provoking him openly..?
@FutureHistorian It's possible. Say the new president feels like they are under a lot of pressure to retaliate with a full scale nuclear launch. Glass the country. Even making the order. They are getting ready to put the launch codes in, and Mattis or whoever decides that this can't happen. Snap decision. "I'm sorry, this isn't right, you're not fit to lead."
They even justify it as protecting the nation. "We need to do a full investigation. We need to make sure that we don't nuke the wrong country. Or kill a lot of innocents just because of a small group of crazies."
He doesn't have to be a bad guy to be the bad guy.
I was just interrupted by a phone call, “<long pause> hello this is customer service! You have been selected to win a free vacation!! …” rather than hanging up, I gave the phone to Diamond.
Who's Diamond?
I know that, @AndyD273. And that is a good suggestion.
In fact, we could safely say that this means that the Mattis leadership had good intents but bad means of achieving them.
Many rebel groups, however, are only seeking vengeance on the nation responsible, and they feel General Affairs Secretary Mattis is only stopping them.
Right, and it could be a pretty gradual decline into madness/dictatorship. He takes over and stops a war, some people are happy, some are upset. There are protests and some violence. Call up the national guard to try to calm things down, but it doesn't. "He's trying to take over more power!" More riots. Martial law is declared. The military is deployed, things go from bad to worse...
2:54 PM
Besides, in Mattis' America, POTUS is merely symbolic, but he has all the real power.
Similar to the Business Plot's idea back in 1933 - 1934.
Remember that?
I don't know if I've seen that one
The Business Plot was a political conspiracy in 1933 in the United States. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler claimed that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler testified before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormack-Dickstein Committee") on these claims. No one was prosecuted. At the time of the incidents, news media dismissed the plot, with a New York Times editorial...
This was under discussion at the time, though whether it was close to execution is...unknown.
It'll be interesting to see where you end up going with all this.
2:59 PM
I will. I am going to ask about foreign involvement now, though.
So, what are some foreign powers you could see being involved in the Second US Civil War/Second US Revolution?
Hmm, that's a good question
And may depend on where you want the story to go
Like, if it's the people taking back their government that's one thing.
If it's states deciding they want to leave the union that's another
Well, alright.
Also, question: where would the new US capital be, now that Washington is destroyed?
and which states makes a big difference
Do you know which way to want it to go?
Can I have both?
That's a possibility
3:04 PM
You know: some states in the Western US, along with Texas want to leave the Union, while the remaining states fight an insurrection to stop Mattis.
I wonder what that would be called. The Second US Revolution or Second US Civil War?
Say some states decide to take back the government, some want to leave, and then after mattis is overthrown then they decide to bring those states back in, one way or the other...
Civil war seems possibly more fitting
Could be both, for the two stages
Well, alright.
So, I am thinking: the overall conflict is the Second US Civil War.
I'm trying to think who might want to step in internationally... UK and EU might step in to help overthrow Mattis, maybe Canada too. Russia and maybe Mexico on the side of people who want to leave?
Or China
Basically anyone that want's the US to be weaker
heh, you know, if you don't want to use Iran and the usual Islamic terrorist organizations, you could say that it was North Korea, and lil kim finally snapped.
Well, alright.
I still used Iran already, though.
Just a suggestion
Anyway, I gotta get some stuff done for a while. Maybe outline it a little, and the pieces might clarify some...
Please don't think that I'm trying to change how you want your story to go.
As I start thinking of stories ideas just pop in and I throw them out there.
3:18 PM
So apparently, there is a limit on URL size for photo's in SE's programming
ah, yup
was mentioned on meta
If you go into my profile, there may or may not be a 1 x 1 white square that I use the description of for storing url's. Now there are going to be two
4:15 PM
Well, @AndyD273. I think I forgot to account for the earlier idea you had about Mattis having good intentions, before going mad with power.
It's just an idea. He could start out being mad with power.
Or just mad
I know.
I went with your idea, but turns out that the response.....well.....worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/80441/….
@FutureHistorian Perhaps you should get feedback on your questions in the sandbox before posting them.
Well, I forget to do that.
There is always next time. :)
4:26 PM
So, anyway, I clarified.
Who would have limited intervention in the chaotic US (as in: supplies, funding and shipping of weapons to either side) and who would be involved directly?
Most of your questions are interesting, but a bit too broad. If you got some feedback on how to narrow, and any sticking points you hadn't thought of they could be well received.
Well, then.
Plan B. I am splitting this question into two parts: Part I will detail those who might be involved, but choose to limit their involvement.
Part II will deal with foreign powers that are directly involved.
Post them to the sandbox first.
@FutureHistorian Just a thought... outline a little bit. You might find that the answers just come to you
4:31 PM
a lot of the conversation earlier wouldn't work as a question because it's very story based. Your new question is semi borderline. It's not over the line because there are real life things like treaties.
But it worked in chat
because you can talk out all the little details, and chat is open to whatever
So yeah, boil it down, outline, timeline, talk it out, sandbox it, and I'm sure that there will be great questions that will surface during it.'
@AndyD273 And that in one sentence is how you write a good question.
@sphennings It can be taken too far. That's why I only have 9 questions, and 5 of those are semi-silly one offs. I keep finding the answers to my questions before I can type them out.
Well, thankfully, this can work.
So, which foreign powers or organisations could get involved without sending troops to the US itself?
@AndyD273 Of course. The primary reason I haven't asked any questions is that I figure out the answer while trying to figure out how to ask it correctly.
@AndyD273? Who could likely be interfering in the conflict without deploying troops?
4:44 PM
@FutureHistorian Say California decides they want to leave. They have lots of people, but not enough tanks, so Russia or China could ship a bunch over. Don't supply troops, but weapons. Or loans
And I just mean supplying weapons, equipment or even money.
Direct intervention....well, that is for part II and UN intervention in Part III.
So, when I get the answers I need in Part I, who do you think can send troops to the US itself in Part II?
And be directly involved?
Canada could provide aid, like food. EU could provide weapons to the revolutionaries on the east coast. Like how France helped out in the first revolutionary war
So, Canada likely counts as either the UN in Part III or as its own program to send humanitarian aid.
4:47 PM
It's all about motivations
So, what about Mexico, though?
Are they likely to take the American Southwest while the Americans are busy destroying each other?
Or will they just be too concerned with the cartels by late 2021?
That I don't know...
They might side with Texas, "Hey, you know that whole Alamo thing? Lets put that behind us and work together. Our cuisine will reign supreme!"
Well, I feel they can only ally with Texas just to make sure that they can leave the rest of the American Southwest exposed.
Some governments want us weak and divided. We probably wouldn't take aid from the middle east once they nuked us, but there are a handful of governments that might throw some scraps to the Separatists as a way to weaken the giant.
Other governments want stability, and so would help out the revolutionaries.
Looking at Iran or Pakistan's government (even though Pakistan is in a civil war)?
4:53 PM
Oh, oil. Food, weapons, money, oil.
Makes sense.
Saudi Arabia might get in, maybe Egypt. Israel would probably help, so long as they aren't in the middle of their own battles while we're out of the picture.
And it's kind of a stereotype to say that Russia would try to divide us more. They could easily go the other way for their own reasons.
Same for China. We're a huge trade partner, so keeping the US healthy might be something they'd want
Well, I could easily say that PLA and Russian involvement is more likely to be direct.
South Korea would probably send help to the revolutionaries if asked, so long as NK doesn't get feisty. Samsung used to make tanks, so they could probably do it again in a pinch.
Aka: they might deploy troops to the US. Russia retakes Alaska (and renames it to the Alyaskan Oblast), and Hawaii is used by the PLA as a staging area to help out California and Cascadia.
However, Canada might not like Russian troops on their doorstep, would they?
5:03 PM
Maybe. We do have some military in Alaska that is ready for something like that though, and that's a lot of wilderness. It might not happen right away, because a terrorist dropping a nuke is one thing, but outright invasion is another. Though Texas might be ok with Alaska being gone, since they'd be the biggest state again...
Yeah, Canada might try to either defend it or anex it
I agree that Canada could try to defend it.
So, if that happens, Canada is more of a co-belligerent.
Also, I finally have some expansions.
Q: Who would likely intervene in as foreign powers in a Second US Civil War (Part I)?

Future HistorianAlright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a civil war following anti-government protests turning violent and later spawning an insurrection....

So, what would you boys call the attack?
As in: what name would you give to that specific attack?
The Red Inauguration?
@AndyD273? Any good names for the day of the attack?
Especially for the historians?
Anyone? No?
Well, fine.
Just got here, what's the question?
Q: Who would likely intervene in as foreign powers in a Second US Civil War (Part I)?

Future HistorianAlright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a civil war following anti-government protests turning violent and later spawning an insurrection....

Oh and I also had a question for this chat: for the nuclear terror attack on 1/20/2021, what names would a historian give it?
@James? Any ideas for how a nuclear terror attack destroying DC would be named?
5:23 PM
@FutureHistorian The Whiteout?
What else could I use?
The Whiteout sounds good, but what else could I use?
@FutureHistorian Bittersweet Armageddon.
The Whiteout - Because it wipes out the White House
@FutureHistorian I'm pretty sure you're the historian here... I'm not great at naming things. Though invading Alaska in January is a ballsy move. It'll be very dark up there at that time of year, with the days being only 7 hours long... So The Night Invasion?
@AndyD273. I meant the nuclear destruction of Washington DC.
5:25 PM
Ah, never mind then
Still, I am not sure whether the Whiteout is better, the Red Inauguration or Reckoning Day is better.
Whiteout sounds like snow/cold (why I thought Alaska). Red Inauguration sounds interesting... Game of Thronesy. Maybe The Nuclear Inauguration?
What...no love for mine!?
It can work, James.
That would be the common name at the start, but the Nuclear Inauguration could also work for the more formal fields.
5:37 PM
I'd probably just call it "The Inauguration" Or "The Last Inauguration"
The Last Inauguration has a nice ring to it...
You people just don't get the reference to The White House
@dot_Sp0T Its not that I don't get it, its that I don't care.
@James but you should
I dare you to convince me of that.
5:41 PM
"We ain't seen tech like that 'round these parts since before the last inauguration"
@James it's the probably most important building in a country that doesn't really have anything old in it
6:03 PM
@dot_Sp0T But whiteout is what we call a winter day in these parts...
Also that stuff that used to be used before spellcheck to correct spelling.
The place is stuffed with antiques. I'm not sure what your definition of old is but if that isn't it. No place in the Americas is going to satisfy your criteria.
@sphennings Dot comes from a place where you don't really call something old unless it's been razed and rebuilt 8 or 9 times
The White House has only been razed once, so it's pretty young
I misread "in a country" as "in the country"
It especially helps if one of those 8 or 9 times was those upstart Romans.
Is there like a list of general traits all creatures share in a certain environment? I had something like this from an old biology class once upon a time and I seem to have lost it. Which sucks because it was really good for creature design.
6:12 PM
@Pleiades There really isn't.
Unless you accept "adapted for environment x" as a trait.
Well, back.
So, the Last Inauguration is it.
As for the idea, I expanded upon it.
Q: Who would likely intervene in as foreign powers in a Second US Civil War (Part I)?

Future HistorianAlright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a civil war following anti-government protests turning violent and later spawning an insurrection....

@sphennings I think there's older stuff in the house of my grandparents.. sorry :/
So, now we have Libertarians (the NSF), members of the Democratic and Republican Parties (the UDF), left-wing populists (the Popular Front), Tillerson Loyalists (the FAA), Maoists (the PLAA) and Marxist-Leninists (CPUSA). and Neo-Confederates (FDM), and Neo-Nazis (ANP), fighting Mattis' government and each other. And I mean actual Neo-Nazis, not the alt-right.
Then again, the alt-right = Neo-Nazis with a different name slapped onto them, so.....
@dot_Sp0T? Are you or @sphennings even paying attention?
6:28 PM
@FutureHistorian to what?
Oh. To what I just said or the updates I made in the post.
I also gave a disclaimer, just in case I have angry Communists and Neo-Nazis spamming the comments.
Then again, I am a Communist myself, and I can tolerate this as a work of fiction.
So, any opinions on which of those movements could gain traction?
This will end well.
awaits angry comments
Well, either I drove the users away or my patience just dried out and died.
@dot_Sp0T? Any bright ideas as to which movements could likely gain traction?
So, in regards to the question, who can enter the conflict without being directly involved for the entire duration?
Because Canada, Russia, Mexico, and China would all intervene directly.
Well, I reposted the question, due to comment clutter.
Q: Which foreign powers would likely intervene in a Second US Civil War (Part I)?

Future HistorianSo, due to the comments clutter, I am going to repost the following: Alright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a civil war following anti-...

6:43 PM
Q: Keeping the Sandbox Clean - Delete Unchanged Posts

JamesIn consideration with other conversations regarding the sandbox I had a thought as there have been complaints of the sand box being crapped up with posts that users apparently have no plans to update. Can we set a two week time frame for posts to be edited and finalized for main before users/mod...

Q: Why the downvotes?

Redacted RedactedThe Centaur--Let's Get Real, Shall We? So basically, knowing all this. Can somebody tell me why my answer is at -2, even against the fact, that it highlighted few other problems, and offered a solution to them?

Here we go.
Well, this will end well.
@sphennings? You do realise I posted the duplicate because the comments got too cluttered, correct?
@FutureHistorian Please use the sandbox to work on questions you are unsure about.
This one I was sure about.
@FutureHistorian You really shouldn't do that.
I just wanted to repost that so that I can get rid of all those comments.
6:48 PM
@FutureHistorian Don't.
@FutureHistorian Definitely don't do that
Well, alright.
I deleted it, then.
And I need to reopen it.
comments can be moved to the chat. You can ping a mod if that's what you want.
Oh. Alright.
So, thinking I could delete this question, I may have had accidentally voted to close it.
Questions can be reopened once they have fixed.
6:50 PM
Well, how do I fix this one?
Q: Who would likely send supplies, weapons and money to the various belligerents of a Second American Civil War?

Future HistorianAlright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a civil war following anti-government protests turning violent and later spawning an insurrection....

Is it better now?
@sphennings? Any moderators that can reopen this question? Or is it still too broad?
Reopening is done by vote similar to closing.
@FutureHistorian I have enjoyed exploring this topic with you, so please don't take this the wrong way... You are an impatient person.
The good news is that I don't think it's terminal.
But you gotta let people have time to react to it.
7:05 PM
@FutureHistorian I'd STRONGLY recommend posting your next question to the sandbox to get feedback.
7:18 PM
@AndyD273 @FutureHistorian Especially since your question tend to be on rather complex topics. It just takes time to reason all that stuff out.
7:47 PM
@JDługosz Is this question ready for reopening?
And undeleting?
8:06 PM
@RedactedRedacted IMO it looks pretty good, except that it kinda looks like you answered your own question? "How to I explain there being a lot of pipe bombs?" "Pipe is plentiful and grenades are scarce and hard to come by, and pipe bombs do a good job blowing bits off."
So, I am back.
Also, good point.
Either way, I am going to go down and hopefully make Part II in the sandbox.
Speaking of which, LINK!?
and no need to use capslock
I lost my patience there.
@AndyD273 Thanks, but I need to get the questions back to a better rep to lift the curse, and how about this one?
Q: Flying Stingrays

Redacted RedactedIn my story, a member of the highly advanced alien civilization (let's just call them Annunaki) decided to make a species for his own protection, the Wingrays. His proposal The Wingrays are (just like their DNA origins) 1m in length, they all possess an in programmed intelligence, loyalty wit...

Well, I did it.
I posted mine on the sandbox.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Future HistorianWhich foreign powers would likely be involved directly in a hypothetical Second US Civil War? Alright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a c...

8:18 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Future HistorianWhich foreign powers would likely be involved directly in a hypothetical Second US Civil War? Alright, so thanks to @AndyD273, I am now able to provide a coherent scenario of the situation I proposed earlier. So, here goes nothing.... In late 2019 (originally late 2017), Pakistan falls into a c...

@sphennings that fluoride question was fun.
So, is someone going to reopen Part I?
Or am I going to have to come up with my own conclusion for Part I?
Based on that one answer?
And by "someone", I mean a moderator.
@RedactedRedacted Gotcha. Well, maybe get rid of the funky text? It's a bit hard to read...
It's intentional, his friend hacked into his draft...
Oh, and you can view this too:
My little Laser weapon project
@AndyD273 Sorry, that I pinged you here.
Did someone say "laser weapons project"?
8:27 PM
Well, then.
I wonder how AMPEW (Advanced Man Portable Energy Weapon) would sound like as a catchy name for a program like that.
@Green I'm a big fan of Things I Won't Work With
@sphennings Here's another one for your archives then:
"Hehehe, Sarge said poo."
And I am serious.
That is actually hilarious.
8:39 PM
@Green I'm surprised the poor fellow survived that.
@sphennings Yeah, me too.
High and drunk at the same time is a really really bad combo.
Did anyone see the Sandbox Question?
@FutureHistorian Have patience. Give yourself at least a day for people to comment on it. You will receive a notification if anyone comments on your post.
Oh, and I just realised something.
Based on the current situation now, is that civil war in Pakistan even plausible in the first place?
Especially by the time I predicted it?
That sounds like a separate question.
8:47 PM
I know.
But is that worth answering here or on the main site?
@sphennings? Should I keep this question in chat or save it for the site?
That's up to you.
Well, I am going to keep it in here, just in case the site gets political.
So, is a Pakistani Civil War even plausible?
So I can then justify the nuclear nightmare and chaos that ensues?
I mean, does it take all that long for a civil war to start, given the right conditions?
I don't know Pakistani internal politics at all...
The following is a List of armed conflicts involving the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. == See also == Other military conflicts involving Pakistan: Kashmir Conflict 1958 Pakistani coup d'état Operation Fair Play 1999 Pakistani coup d'état 2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff Afghanistan–Pakistan skirmishes 2008 Indo-Pakistani standoff 2008-12 Pakistan-United States skirmishes 2011 India–Pakistan border skirmish 2013 India–Pakistan border skirmishes 2014 India–Pakistan border skirmishes 2016 India–Pakistan military confrontation == References... ==
Here we go.
The Politics of Pakistan (Urdu: پاکستان کی سیاست‎) takes place within the framework under which the country is established by the Constitution. Classified itself as a nation-state in South Asia, Pakistan is an Islamic and federal parliamentary republic with Islam being its state religion. Stipulations set by the Constitution to provide a delicate check and balance of sharing powers between Executive, Parliament, and Judicature are reserved as the federal government shares sovereignty with the provincial governments. The Prime Minister of Pakistan solely leads the executive government which ...
And this.
You can read that just as well as we can.
Ideally your questions should be asked after you do the preliminary research.
8:57 PM
Well, I can deal with that.
Besides, I can think of some generals wanting to overthrow the Pakistani government, followed by loyalist response, and then....chaos.

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