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9:00 AM
For those who speak or read Dutch, I'm currently pondering sending this back
@Asmyldof those people are lovely, sadly they will understand less of that answer than I do
9:25 AM
Anyone knows a cable tracer/finder that actually works?
2 hours later…
11:13 AM
@PlasmaHH Your budget is less than $12000 right?
@Asmyldof it might work to wait a few months and make this 12000 british pounds..
12:07 PM
12:24 PM
I was once wondering how narrow you could make an antenna detecting signals you could inject into the wiring... like then you move the antenna in scanlines from one point across a whole wall or section or so and then map the resulting signals onto a photo...
Hi everyone...
@PlasmaHH If you're making something that moves accurately enough to make scanlines across a wall with all kinds of possible features and imperfections, I don't think the majority of finances will go into your sensors, so just use Sonar and a Camera to make a full surface+depth picture
@Asmyldof Its just for the purpose of avoiding to drill into existing wiring, so it won't have to be too precise, so assuming a wall is flat will probably be fine ^^
12:36 PM
@PlasmaHH You wanted to do scanlines and pictures
I will just create a proof of concept, sell it for much money, and then watch it fail. Or instead of selling it, make a kickstarter and watch that fail
@PlasmaHH Or just start a Kickstarter now with no proof of anything and watch that fail. Esier
@Asmyldof I need at least some fancy graphics for that to work. And I am bad at creating fancy graphics.
12:55 PM
Hire a freelancer and split profits?
1:24 PM
splitin profits is bad
also, still watiin for the next batterizer excuse
4 hours later…
5:50 PM
I am sad today
Today I was busy in all the other works, so didn't got even an hour to study :-(
Anyways Good night all.
2 hours later…
8:00 PM
any progress in the esd mat department @Asmyldof?
8:21 PM
Any Ansys HFSS experts in the house?

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