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6:44 PM
@PatoSáinz lenses can also cause a slight color cast as well, particularly if the scene has strong colors that cause internal reflections
@PatoSáinz yeah, they really can
I have some pretty insane demos of identical settings for my 70-300 f/4-5.6 vs my 70-200 f/2.8 and the color is vastly more vivid on the 70-200, just because of how the light passes through
I was using fixed settings for both to do a quality comparison
@PatoSáinz and the color change there really is contrast/saturation
it isn't a tonal change
thing is that can also impact color perception pretty strongly
7:06 PM
Hello @AJH :) All going smooth and well with the little one, I hope? :)
I'm quite over the divorce myself, and also the damage to my knee last Xmas. Been to my paying job for two months now, though not 100% condition yet. Just enough to get my everyday work done. :)
7:23 PM
@EsaPaulasto yeah, very
he's sleeping through the night again it seems, after a few weeks of waking once during the night when he started teething
not as constantly active on SE anymore, not enough time, but I check it usually once or twice a day to do moderation
@EsaPaulasto that's good I suppose
glad your knee is improving
but yeah, both baby and wow guild have been taking a lot of my time
the wow guild is up to probably 150 or so actual members with 70 or so regular members
and the other two GMs have been even more busy than me, so I've basically been running things
8:27 PM
@AJHenderson isn't luma less noticed by the brain than chroma?
@AJHenderson I just bought a new PC to speed up my photography postprocessing.. and this one is not yet a so called "gaming pc"... I need to invest about 200 euros more to make this a WoW suitable computer. :)
@EsaPaulasto haha I just bought 4 gigs more of ram... my system was insanely thrashing
but right now it is time to retreat.. needing to sleep some more hours than I've done redently. :)
Right! I bought a new Lenovo 'puter, after spending some hours in searching the most economical way to get some speed boost. :)

Ended up with a ready-made system, with a lousy graphics card. It'll be just a matter of upgrading the graphics card and power unit to get this to run these modern games too. :)
Good night, folks :)
8:45 PM
@PatoSáinz we notice color shifts more than luminance, but the shift in luminance can make the color seem different, particularly if it makes it look faded relative to another color
I should try to find my test image, it demonstrates it pretty strongly
if you look at them, the red in one lens is washed out because of light bleed, really it is just a whiter version of the color with less overall contrast, but the color looks pretty radically different when compared with the colors that were actually whiter on the target since the bleed and fading were less noticeable on the colors that were already lighter
I'm probably not explaining it very well, but the test image I shot demonstrates it very well
You do explain it well
there it is
I was looking in the wrong place because it was actually a teleconverter test
although in retrospect, I don't remember if I might have done some image processing on them or not, since it wasn't the test I thought it was
either way though, the camera settings themselves should have been as similar as I could make them
and if I did do any touch up, I would have been applying best possible effort to both
I'll have to take a look at the raw files when I get home. I'm sure I still have them since I keep everything
I have photos that I took by accident with exposure fixed way wrong or where a flash failed to fire properly, and even those I keep
I'm an extreme digital pack rat
9:08 PM
@AJHenderson same here
hell I may be thinking of getting Amazon Glacier or Backblaze to backup my photos offsite
an in-home RAID array would be nice too
9:50 PM
I have a 12 tb raid array
And a 1tb server

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