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12:09 AM
Morning, to the few people floating around :D
12:51 AM
o/ @Nyoze
Heya :)
what's up?
Nothing... Work is dead quiet, and I want to do something :\
I have a scenario I'd like to RP sometime, but I'm not at all sure what system to put it under
Well, what's the scenario?
12:56 AM
"You are an elven (ranger/perhaps druid) creeping through a grassy field in thick fog, when all of a sudden you step on something that feels like a rock path underfoot...and your next step lands your other foot on cold metal. You feel left and right with your foot, and that metal object you stepped on seems awful long. You then hear a "whooooooooooooo" sound deep in the distant fog..."
Based on the Druid/Ranger class, sounds like a D&D or similar system. What do you normally play?
I've played several editions of D&D, also dabbled in FATE Accelerated. (a system like DW or 13th Age wouldn't be out of place from what I've read/heard though, and might be easier to run for a Theater of the Mind-heavy game like this scenario posits)
Fate has room for everything, and really is quite TotM-heavy. I'd love to actually try a run of Fate with D&D classes, come to think of it.
yeah, I'm just not experienced enough with FATE (either Accelerated or Core) to really run something like that well, and the dicebot here doesn't support dFs well either
dF, that's the 2 +, 2 -, and 2 blanks yeah?
1:04 AM
you can emulate it with a floor((d6-3)/2) but the roller here doesn't do maths either
Wouldn't you just use a normal D6, but asign the numbers to +, - or blank?
Say, 1, 3 are +, 2, 5 are -, and 4, 6 are Blank.
Or make it easier, 1, 2 -, 3, 4 blank, 5, 6 Plus.
@Nyoze you can -- but it's fairly tedious.
I don't know, I've never tried it before... But yeah, adding it up could be a pain lol
because dFs are rolled four at a time
Wonder if there is some way to add a dF to the Dice Service...
1:07 AM
Ah well, there goes Fate ideas out the window then.
@Shalvenay what's this scenario about? "i stepped on rocks and then some metal and heard a weird sound" doesn't convey much detail
@Nyoze A dF is just a d6, and there's a user scipt made by @doppelgreener to display the d6's as dF's.
@Miniman -- cool
@doppelgreener -- more would be very spoiler-y, although I can convey a few things.
oop, which miniman just mentioned while i was busy being scrolled up
1:10 AM
@Nyoze -- it's a mystery/exploration scenario btw -- so don't expect to be fighting. however, there are things in this scenario that can do a metric crapton of damage if you let them smack you.
@Shalvenay mm. if you're mentioning the lack of clarity because you're also open to recommendations on which system to run this in, you'll probably have to be spoilery. otherwise, cool, keep it secret. :)
@doppelgreener Yeah, but it's not like I gave the link or anything. I was mostly just pinging you so you would :P
@Shalvenay sounds like all of a sudden
investigation + creepy things + strange stuff + if you fight you will die = cthulhu dark
@doppelgreener -- wrong sort of strange for cthulhu dark's setting assumptions I suspect -- it's more industrial-technology-strange than creepy-occult-strange
@Shalvenay is the investigator's sanity at risk?
1:12 AM
sanity is probably not a problem.
It's really tempting to yell out "It's a [redacted]!"
(Because I know what it is, I mean.)
@doppelgreener -- how do I install that userscript manually? Chromium just complains "no installing userscripts from greasyfork"
Yes, well. Everything is always a trap. It just depends how you react to it that makes the difference.
@Shalvenay Use TamperMonkey.
So, work won't let me install userscripts. I'm happy with manually converting based on (1,2 -)(3,4 )(5,6 +) though.
1:17 AM
I suppose we can do that. I think Fate Accelerated would be a better choice than Fate Core for this, don't you?
I've just updated the stackapps question with install instructions
To be honest, I've never even looked twice at FAE. I'm happy to learn on the fly if you want to run something though.
@Nyoze Do you have Firefox or Chrome, and can you actually obtain Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey?
If so maybe you can manually create a new script, and paste in the userscript's contents for it :)
@doppelgreener I've got both, I prefer to use chrome. And... I'd probably rather not try. I'm the only person in my department with a computer that I get to use every day and don't have to swap, and I'd rather not have to explain why I'm installing things into chrome.
1:20 AM
If there was a way to run a PHP/HTML frame that converted D6 to DF, then I could build a frame for it, but actually installing things is a nogo.
... technically addons aren't installations? :D
(then again maybe technically they are)
If people are comfortable with not having rolls in chat, this roller exists.
@doppelgreener Haha. I'm happy manually converting, doesn't stop other people using it.
I suppose we can manually convert as well
fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/get-started for the Fate Accelerated SRD btw
Question. From my experience with Fate - Character Sheets are supposed to be open and free for all players to view. I'm assuming we wouldn't be able to just post a question and then add the sheets to answers on SE, is there anywhere you guys can suggest to hold them?
1:24 AM
@Nyoze Google docs.
Google Docs or similar services.
Question answered.
just post a link here when you're done with your character sheet (it shouldn't take too long) or fire away if you have questions :)
You've obviously got a class in mind, which would be a primary aspect. Is there anything else that I should look at, and is anyone else part of this at all? :)
i won't be participating
1:37 AM
I won't either, just poking my head in.
No pressure then :P
@Nyoze -- you're pretty much free to choose whatever aspects you want that fit with the class :) but one thing -- an animal companion wouldn't be particularly helpful here, I don't think
Now you tell me. That's okay, I'll keep it anyway :P
Lets see... I think it's Here?
1:55 AM
yep, got it
shall we begin?
Ready when you are :)
It is a cool and foggy pre-dawn for Noyze as camp is broken for the upcoming day's travel, with plenty of pastures and thin tracks ahead of him to traverse. He has been given the instruction to head southeasterly from his encampment, starting early
Noyze coos out to the pastures as he breaks the camp, and as an owl arrives perching on his shoulder, he scratches it under the chin, before gesturing to the southeast. His companion flys off into the distance, as Noyze finishes the last ties on his pack, before hoisting it on his back and starting down the same direction, listening to his friends calls in the distance
((SE chat uses Markdown syntax the same way SE comments do))
((That's better))
2:06 AM
The fog bank is thick, to the point where Noyze's elf eyes can barely see past his outstretched hand...only his compass, his ears, and his feel of the ground are left to navigate by, as the map he was given...well, it's more of a sketch, really.
He shut his eyes to focus on the ground, where he was walking. He had long ago given up on the map, walking only by the feel of the ground on his bare feet. His companion tucked in a pocket of his bag, peering out into the mist
The feel of the damp grass beneath his feet reminds him of some of the valley pastures near his homeland as he continues to plod through the fields cautiously
Noyze really wasn't sure where he was going, or why. He thought back to a few whispered words, and the map being shoved in his direction... Getting impatient with the slow progress, he focused on his feet and started running along the tracks, his eyes completely shut, relying on his companion to alert him of any obstacles.
He feels a crunching sensation under one foot, and then the sense of metal under his other as he takes his next step. Noyze backs off, looking down and staring at the fog-shrouded gleam of what looked to be a ribbon of steel in front of him, atop a mysterious layer of what felt like road-rock. He then turned, heading northeastward now, following along this ribbon, curious as to where it leads. Faint sounds are becoming audible now...howling hoots more distant than any owl's call
2:21 AM
When his foot touched the metal, he recoiled instantly. This was a material he was not familiar with, had hated, avoided at every opportunity. This was something that didn't belong. The fog was still to think to see, so he followed the ribbon, touching it every few steps to ensure that he was still on course. He cradled the owl in his hands, shielding it from the ominous noise in the distance
The distant noise grows slightly louder, clearly off to his southwest and moving eastward now, stopping and starting again. "whooooooooooooooo" "whoo" "whoooooooooooooooooooo"
He stopped, staring into the fog behind him... Those noises were not natural, but this entire situation was beginning to feel more and more threatening. How he longed to be back within his forest, away from this all. "Whooo" His owl called back into the distance, while Noyze closed his eyes, stopped moving, and focused on listening to the area around.
((Soft returns don't work with italics :( ))
The owl's call brings no reply as the fog behind him reveals nothing, not even the dim gleam of a light trying to pierce the pre-dawn gloom
His hearing, though, picks up another sound now, coming from his east, southeast, and almost dead south even, fainter now, yet perceptible as a chorus of low rumbles, to the point where it's practically impossible to pick any individual rumbling sound out
Shrugging off the noise, Noyze resumes his trek following the ribbon to the northeast, his owl noticeably uncomfortable
[my post after yours, OK? :)]
2:29 AM
(It happens :) )
With the rumbling behind him, Noyze quickens his pace, veering away from the ribbon, north, and the west. Whatever that rumbling is, he didn't want to run into it within this sort of fog. He raised a hand before him trying to conjure a light to see through the mist
((Brb 2 secs, will post when I get back))
The mist proves nearly impenetrable to his light source, but he can see vaguely that there are still pastures to his north/northwest, but the ribbon to his south is joined by another parallel to it, and he can barely make out the glint from what looks to be the ends of another pair of ribbons, somehow conjoined with the first two.
A few isolated trees are also silhouetted against the fog to his west, the strange, faint glint off to his dead east now
2:46 AM
He took off towards the trees, hoping to climb one and get a better view of the area
He climbs a tree, gaining a slight view now. A glimmer of distant light peers out at him from the gloom to his southeast.
He gestures towards the light, and his owl flies towards it, to get a better look. He focuses his gaze in the same direction, trying to find the source of the rumbling.
*The owl flies off toward the light, disappearing into the mist. The source of the rumbling isn't apparent yet, but another, more distinct set of "whoooooooooo" "whooooooooo" "whoo" "whooooooooooooo" sounds joins them, punctuating another faint rumble from the southwest, moving eastward
Noyze launched himself to the ground, and took off at a dead run, exactly towards the noise. He conjured a flame in one hand as he ran, chasing after his friend.
3:02 AM
(( Suddenly, Ghooooosts! ))
(( Ooohhhhhhhhhh... That would explain the sounds that sound owls that don't sound like owls... ))
Noyze runs along, headed towards the southsouthwest, the rumble growing stronger to the point where he can feel it in his feet as he gets closer to its source. He runs across one section of road-rock, then more grassy field...and then sees a large, bright light off to his west atop two smaller lights, forming a triangle shape, the rumbling growing yet louder
His own light and the now-dim light from the west combine to reveal several sets of metallic glints in parallel on the ground not far south to him, as well
"Flyte!" Noyze called out as he changed course and ran towards the lights, his free hand flying up and gently brushing the animal as is came charging past him, flying faster then his feet could possibly carry him. As the owl was touched, it seemed disjointed, streetching, increasing to the size of a man, rushing toward the light
The rumbling grows louder, and a "ding ding ding ding" combined with "whooooooooo" "whoooooooo" "whoo" "whooooooo" accompanies it, followed by a "chuff" of air, and a heavy mechanical "clank-clank-clank-clank-clank" sound. Flyte pulls up hard and turns to the north, using its momentum to avoid the triangle of lights, which is growing steadily bigger and bigger, becoming clearly apparent to Noyze now.
The silhouette of what looks to be some sort of machine, angular and industrial, is now visible coming nearer to him, but staying slightly southward, as are the lights
(( Now, this is where it comes into the whole does my character know what I know? No way :D ))
Noyze saw the machine coming, and panicked. He turned and started sprinting away from it, following the metal spans on the ground hoping that the machine would try and avoid them.
3:20 AM
The machine seems to keep up with Noyze for a little while, and then begins to recede as it slows down, a couple of "whoo whoo" notes emerging from it. His stride carries him along the metal spans, until he sees another set glinting at an angle across his path...
Noyze really doesn't understand what is going on. Focusing the flame in his hand, he launches it at the intersection of spans, attempting to damage or destroy the effects that are creating the awful machine he can still here behind him
((Let's see... I'm using strong magic, so that would be forceful, which is +1))
3:31 AM
((so -2 on the dFs, +1 from approach, so -1))
The flame fizzles out as it strikes the road-rock and does practically nothing at all, the rumbling noise and the lights coming closer once again...
((The flame rebounds and knocks me onto my ass across the tracks? :P))
((Or just fizzle lol))
((nah, not going to be that mean to you :P))
Noyze finally realises that the creature behind him seems to be follow the metal spans, and dives to the side trying to escape
Noyze does a head-first slide in the grass beside the intersection of the two spans. The lights pass by and disappear from his view as the guttural rumble continues on, through his entire body
Noyze takes cover as the monster slides past, his owl flying back towards him, the spell of growth having expired. He crawls away from the tracks, the rumble disrupting him every time he tries to concentrate.
3:43 AM
Noyze's crawling takes him northwesterly again, taking him from grass and dirt to more of that road-rock, this time with no sign of the metal ribbons as of yet. The rumbling continues for a while, having been since joined by a metallic squeal.
Noyze as he gets further away from the monstrosity, he slowly crawls to his feet, then making sure everything is in place, he turns and follows the road, away from the beast
He follows the road northwesterly, only to find his outstretched arm touching something metallic in front of him.
((Outstretched arm... Human arm, manufactured arm? Do I know if it's real or fake?))
Frowning to himself, he stops, and conjures a light again to try and identify what is blocking the road before him
3:52 AM
A large, looming metallic object stands before him, over twice his own height tall, its ends barely visible in the distance. It appears to be coupled onto other, similar objects as well.
Noyze walks around the side and starts walking along the length of the object, heading towards the end, bound to find out what is happening
Lo and behold, where that object ends, another begins, with only a small gap between the two, spanned by a heavy mechanical linkage that looks like a bar with two mechanical mittens in the middle grasping each other
Noyze squeezes into the gap, looking for anything about the contraption which would reveal anything more, spitting and cursing at the cold metal all around
There is some sort of pipe or hose connecting the two objects as well as the bar. A hand-wheel of some fashion has been mounted on the end of one of the objects, and the ends of the objects look to be elevated, as if they were resting on something. There are what look to be ladder rungs mounted to these objects in various places, as well
"Well... Here goes nothing" Grasping the handwheel, Brakt begins to turn it, first one way, then the other, looking for the right way to spin it
4:08 AM
((going FOrceful again))
The wheel barely turns in both directions, but does not budge beyond that. It clearly is meant to spin, but has been tightened quite strongly by someone
@Nyoze ((A 1 in 1296 chance can happen to anyone))
((Brb :( ))
4:17 AM
(( Holy shit the magic ))
(( I had to come into chat just to see that ))
4:30 AM
(( @Nyoze: gotta call it for the night -- we can pick up next time, alright?))
@Shalvenay Sorry, actually had to do some work for once lol. All good with me.
4:48 AM
It does roll high, occasionally.

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