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1:30 AM
So I learned something about rpg.stack today
They really like it when you describe in gruesome detail what will happen to a person who drinks green dragon acid
That post needs to be deleted. Not because it's unnecessarily graphic (though it is), but because it's an update to the question and not an answer.
I just read it and yes that is a gross amount of detail.
Oh good, it did get deleted.
@ObliviousSage what did?
I think we might be talking about two different posts (10k deleted, and sandwich's post)
For the record I'm talking about @Sandwich's post and I've left a comment.
Ah, yes, I was talking about the deleted post. Sandwich's was graphic, but (barely) within reason. The other post was both 1) too graphic, and 2) not an answer.
1:38 AM
@Sandwich So, for my part, I would advise that you not conclude which single aspect of your post was the one that resonates with everyone. I don't appreciate it for the gruesome detail, in fact I find that level of detail repulsive enough I get a physical reaction from it. But, in your first two paragraphs you aptly get straight to the point and answer the question in a no-nonsense fashion, and I appreciate that.
Other, different aspects of it are going to be the reason why other people voted.
(some votes are going to be "oh hey it's that sandwich dude, he usually knows what he's talking about and this one looks ok" for instance)
Whoo usually \o/
everyone is a dummy sometimes ;)
1 hour later…
2:50 AM
Anyone here knows where I can find an app to list activities with time based priority?
I've been looking all over, but all my google searches turn up are corporate stuff.
like a to-do thing?
Yeah, like a to do thing that takes in consideration how long something has been in the list, and when it is due.
ah, no, I don't know anything that does that kind of sorting automatically.
2:52 AM
It seems like an awfully simple application.
And still I've seen nothing like it.
It is really unusual, since these days you have an app for everything®.
@Althis You could code an excel spreadsheet to do that based on date lines
@Althis App for what? If it's for PC, I'm not sure about knowing how long it's been in the list, but I use Rainmeter. It keeps both a list of tasks and calendars and will let you know when something is due and how long it's been overdue if you don't do it.
I'd link, but the site seems to be down right now. :I
@Sandwich, I know I could code it, but I couldn't bother right now.
@Pixie, actually I want something to keep on my phone.
Ah, okay. That I haven't messed with too much.
It is just that I have all these things that I want to start doing, and I don't want to be too rigid with my time. Since my work is mostly freelance, rigid stuff never works out.
So I wanted something that I could just put stuff I want to do, and it would choose for me what I would do depending on the priority and the time I have available.
It seems really simple.
But I have yet to see an app that does that.
3:01 AM
Sad. :(
I know our IT team built a web app task-list recently that tells you if a task is overdue, and designed it to be compatible with mobiles. It shouldn't be to hard to build yourself if you knew what you wanted?
I know.
Again, it is what I told Sandwich. I could totally do it, given time and patience.
Both of which I am currently lacking.
Stuff is very, very hectic right now.
@Althis Have you used Trello? Not going to do the automation you want, but it is pretty handy for the right things.
Have tried.
I've also tried a lot of other time management apps.
But none of them did what I wanted.
So I couldn't bother to keep with them for long, since none of them did the specific thing I was lacking.
3:22 AM
Do you ever take half an hour at the beginning of the week, and up to that long at the beginning of each day, just for planning what you'd like to do?
Vin Diesel played D&D with Critical Role people. Video will be up some time soon, I believe.
@doppelgreener Nope.
I highly recommend it. It is the missing thing.
I'm still getting into the habit of doing this regularly, but every day I do this is more effective than any day I do not.
I am usually good with deadlines.
This is not an issue of maintaining effectiveness with deadlines.
3:28 AM
I am not good with deciding which of my several side projects should get attention.
It's in that half hour of planning where you make those decisions.
Well, does it make the decision any easier?
A computer won't be able to do that for you if you take some planning time and realise "wait, I need to act on this one today, because my support contact for it is going on vacation at mid next week"
It is not about making the decision easier, it's that you need to devote some time to just thinking about what you are going to do, what's along the way, and so on. Have you studied project management before?
I use a personalised hack of the Bullet Journal system.
@doppelgreener I have, but my problem is much more personal. I have absolutely no problem in dealing with deadlines, but my projects don't have any. They are just things that I WANT to do, and I want to devote time to doing. They usually don't involve anyone else but me, but I also do not like giving any of them much more time than the other.
It is a very simple data-structure that I forgot the name of now.
It is that list that gives tasks more priority the longer they've been in the list.
That is what I need.
I just need to program it.
Which I am currently procrastinating.
By playing Hearthstone.
That heaven of procrastination.
3:35 AM
Ok, and... you may also benefit from setting aside morning planning time. Which you've said you don't do.
I'm not saying this because of deadlines, I have never even mentioned deadlines myself in bringing it up.
@doppelgreener I might, but not much more than any other person.
But hey, planning time's useful.
It is just something everyone should do, I think.
... ???
If they find the diligence to do it.
3:37 AM
@Althis Well yeah, but you don't need to benefit much more than any other person. You just need to benefit from it. And people who I know do it benefit from it quite a bit.
So I don't know why you're saying you won't benefit more than any other person, since that's like... "oh, well, I won't benefit from going to the gym much more than any other person."
that's not the point?
@doppelgreener Well, I could try, but I am honestly not the most diligent person. Hence why I am playing hearthstone right now.
@doppelgreener No, I am just pointing out that it is not specially relevant to my problem. It is just a good time management practice.
I am recommending it because it is relevant because it is what I did to manage this exact same thing.
It is just not the software-deciding-for-you solution you're after.
@doppelgreener Hm... I might try it then.
Might just program my list thingy as well.
Indecision is also something I deal with, so is procrastination, so is problems with organisation. So I sit down when I have a sufficiently un-disrupted personal day, work out what I want to do, make that list, and do those things. That also gives me time to think about e.g. shopping and laundry and cooking and when I can do those things so as to keep my time relatively free. Then the things are done.
I've always got two or three things I want to get done, and if they're all equal, there's no wrong answers and I can pick any and have made a good choice. But if there are differences, having allocated planning time in which I do nothing but think about what I'll do, gives me the peace and quiet to just consider whether there are reasons to prefer one over the others.
For instance, I want to do a website for a friend, and a webservice for fate gameplay, and a video game, and some writing, and some drawing. I'm prioritising the website for a friend because it's quick, has reason to be done soon (because it's for something that people currently use), and gets me back into some technologies I'll use in my professional life and will ease me into the fate gameplay thing because it'll use the same technology.
I'm leaving the video game off my list entirely because it's way more involved and the other things are more immediately important and fulfilling. Right now it's sort of a pipe dream.
Found an app that does it.
3:50 AM
What is it?
It is a flexible calendar. It allows you to set stuff you want to do, and it suggests you to do it when you open it at a time it finds appropriate.
way to be only on IOS. :'3
If you don't want to do it at that time, it just suggests something else that fits your time.
And moves the task to another time.
Hey, apparently Google bought it off to implement their system in their calendar app.
Wonder how that is coming along.
You know, I might get a really cheap iPhone just to use this thing.
line for ya': "Dragons don't do dirty double Immelmans"
@Shalvenay Hey, I actually know what that is!
(Although it's better if you don't ask how.)
3:55 AM
@Miniman :) I would have so loved to seen one live and in person...(the dirty double Immelman that is)
They actually pulled Timeful out of the appstore.
What am I going to do now?!
@Althis I'm not sure if there's anything good here, but you could go through this list.
I've used most of those.
4:01 AM
I've searching for a good calendar since next week.
Used a lot of those already.
Most are terrible.
Very rigid.
Much harsh.
So strict.
Well, you could always do one of those things that does not involve software.
but instead hardware e.g. BESW's bullet journal thing.
Or, just do what you suggest and give up on having software make my life easier.
Weizenbaum would find this conversation fascinating.
@BESW What has you say that?
The primary theme of Computer Power and Human Reason is that humans should be thoughtful about what tasks they delegate to computers and why.
4:10 AM
He would then. I might have to read this thing.
@BESW Oh, I am totally ok with being one with the Borg, if that is what you fear.
When the singularity comes, I would be one of the first in line for assimilation.
To oversimplify, Weizenbaum (he's the guy who wrote ELIZA, the first natural-language computer interface) thinks a lot of people don't understand what computers are and what they do, and so we give computers tasks for which they aren't fit.
Specifically, the difference between "deciding" and "choosing."
@Althis I'm not suggesting you give up on using any software to make your life easier. However right now while there isn't any available, you may want to use one of the solutions already available, which is planning time. Coincidentally, you can also use software in the process, like whatever activity app you like, while you do your planning, but software won't do the planning for you right now.
Choice is the product of judgement rather than calculation, and computers are not tools capable of true judgement--thus giving them choice tasks is a mistake.
@BESW There are A.I. that are kinda isometric to judgement.
4:15 AM
(incidentally I use a mix of trello, google calendar, wunderlist todo, physical journals, and post-its depending on what exactly I'm planning and trying to do.)
Really, it's about "man's image of himself" and the risks in ignoring our tendency for technological pareidolia.
@doppelgreener That seems like a lot of stuff.
@Althis Weizenbaum isn't making blanket statements which that kind of thing debunks.
He's advocating that we understand our tools before we choose how to use them.
@Althis All good things for different tasks. Trello's for my personal project work, Calendar's for events, Wunderlist's for reminders about mishmash of arbitrary tasks I need to do at arbitrary times or whenever, journals are my day-to-day, post-its are anything I need to keep present in the meantime (but I've tended toward journals for that).
@BESW When did he write the book?
4:18 AM
Joseph Weizenbaum's influential 1976 book Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment To Calculation (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1976; ISBN 0-7167-0463-3) displays his ambivalence towards computer technology and lays out his case: while artificial intelligence may be possible, we should never allow computers to make important decisions because computers will always lack human qualities such as compassion and wisdom. Weizenbaum makes the crucial distinction between deciding and choosing. Deciding is a computational activity, something that can ultimately be programmed. It is the capacity to...
So, I think it is a bit out of date by now on what a computer can or not do.
I think that Wiki article mis-represents some of his basic thesis.
@Althis ...and?
The overall ideas might still apply.
Might the examples themselves in the book must be outdated.
I don't think it is something I would enjoy reading. Would much rather just read a digestible of his ideas.
The point of the book is to provide multidisciplinary context for technological applications.
What would happen
4:22 AM
His ideas aren't specifically about computers, but he filters it through that lens because he's a programmer and because computers are an extreme example.
If you put Frosty the snowman's magic hat on other inanimate objects
Would putting it on a dog given said dog the ability to speak
It's equally about the way society changed in response to the adoption of precise clocks, or any other technology that doesn't have a direct human correlation.
Is speech included in the magic hat formula
@Sandwich Sandwich, have you checked your head?
Insufficient data; answers will be entirely speculative and unsupportable.
4:24 AM
It is not usual that a piece of ham between bread talks.
Are you sure you are not wearing said hat right now?
If a magic hat could make snow talk, I'm pretty sure it could make a sandwich talk
Would the voices conferred by the magic hat change to suit the thing that is being animated
You imply that a sandwich could have gender.
And that it would want to, more specifically.
I am not sure it would.
Maybe it would rather just be itself without falling into any of the categorizations of our gendered society.
Would the sandwich ask to be treated as an equal in society and ask for civil rights as well
Because that could pose a problem for Lunches everywhere
Would each individual element of the sandwich be given civil rights, or only when combined a specific way?
@BESW or in this case it sounds applicable as "computers can't actually perform good judgement for the purposes of working out what you'd like to do with your time and making sure you're content with everything." Taking the time to sit back and plan one's own time would create that, but it's not a task computers are yet suitable for.
And Weizenbaum would also want us to ask whether there's value in doing it ourselves even if a computer did it just as well.
4:30 AM
@doppelgreener Training in neural networks could expand them to be able to do just that. Know your tastes and adapt to you. That is what I mean when I say it is outdated.
I work at college under a professor developing "Believable Agents", that is, A.I. that looks indistinguishable from human.
@Althis And yet, we have no such software for this at the moment which we know satisfies.
So, what computers weren't appropriated for 40 years ago, they might just be now.
@doppelgreener Well, there was. Entrepreneurism killed it.
@Althis Weizenbaum would probably join Hofstadter in asking some hard questions about that claim.
@Althis And yet, [see previous statement].
Certainly I don't believe what the wiki summary says - that AI will never have judgement. Humans are computers, so computers are perfectly capable of developing judgement.
Apparently that's not a good summary.
@BESW People make a lot of fuss about Turings tests and qualia, but in the end, we don't even understand what makes us thick yet. We just have this lingering certainty that whatever a machine will have, will not be it.
4:34 AM
Being able to judge whether or not its you or another thing in a mirror is a basic test for human level intelligence
I am particularly fond of Putnam's first assertions about it, in which mind can be recreated in whichever adequate hardware you put it on.
But, I'm getting qualifications brought up saying I'm wrong, and I'm an IT person who's studied AI as well, what do I know. I tried to make a suggestion in lieu of no software, I'm tired of that and stopping now.
Including sandwiches, @Sandwich.
Yes, Including sandwiches
or I'm probably just getting overly irritable. Either way, better I leave for now.
4:35 AM
[shrug] I can't contribute usefully to this topic getting into an entire book's worth of philosophy and social sciences, and this conversation is clearly more interested in solely technological specifications. Weizenbaum's ideas aren't rooted solely in mechanical capacity; they're rooted in human nature.
@doppelgreener Well. I will still try what you suggested. My arguing was not pointed at your suggestion, if that is what it seemed.
@BESW Well, the idea we are discussing is rooted in human dependency of technology, right?
@Althis That's part of the subject, yes. But "dependency" is a result of one implementation of the idea, not the idea itself.
It's about examining the relationship between humanity and technology, our psychology surrounding it, and how use of technology changes our patterns of behaviour and thought.
Then the idea is the gap between making use of technology and understanding said technology, correct?
@BESW Or that.
It's centred on the often-accurate but misguided generalisation that technology is an extension of our own capabilities, and suggests that the clock and the computer are unusual in that they are tools with inhuman capabilities.
This makes them very powerful, but our ingrained predilection to treat tools as extensions of ourselves leads us to assume computers are good tools for things they aren't actually suited for.
@Althis it seemed like it was, that AI could feasibly do this therefore that book is wrong based on its wiki summary therefore and planning time has no value.
But it dawned that no I was just reading that wrong and being annoyed.
(And, suddenly becoming unpleasant company by extension)
4:42 AM
@BESW Yeah, I think I understand that. But I still disagree. I am one of the people that things technology progressively blurs that division, and that at some point in time, the points he proposes will be moot.
At its most general the book is a call for careful choice born of understanding and reflection before we implement technologies, because it will inevitably change ourselves and our surroundings.
He's not (as the blurb says) ambivalent about using computers.
@doppelgreener You are never unpleasant company, dude. You avatar is King Cosmos.
He's a computer scientist, it's his profession and his passion.
@BESW He just advises more caution in doing so.
He's concerned about rash misapplication of computers born out of ignorance.
4:44 AM
Because it might shape us in unpleasant ways.
And he's not just spinning tall tales; Computer Power and Human Reason was written in direct rebuttal to some very ill-advised ideas about how ELIZA should be used.
@BESW Which were those?
@Althis I'm not going to regurgitate the whole book for you.
@BESW Just the ideas about ELIZA.
For one, mental health professionals wanted to use ELIZA to pre-screen and triage potential patients.
4:46 AM
That would not work out well.
For another, a fellow programmer who helped write ELIZA began talking to it like a person and asking it for advice.
(ELIZA was basically just the first chat bot.)
If I recall correctly, ELIZA didn't really decide, right? It just followed a conversation tree?
What generation chat bot is Cleverbot
@Althis I don't recall the specifics. I'm not a programmer.
I've tried using it, but it was very long ago.
From what I recall it was very simple, and was believable just due to the huge database of responses it acquired throughout the years.
4:49 AM
@Althis Thanks for this comment. I've got a couple of patterns I sometimes fall into which I don't see reflect well on me and I just went into one of them then. I'm not sure how to overcome them just yet.
I had a version of ELIZA on the Commodore 64 (though it may have been just a simplified imitation)
Help person -> help gets totally ignored -> get frustrated and give up, maybe make a biting remark as I do. Not a good and wholesome pattern that improves anything for anyone, and I'm trying to eliminate it.
Seeing that both computer science professionals and laypeople were so eager to use ELIZA in ways which a basic understanding of programming should show to be ridiculous if not dangerous, Weizenbaum took two years off to talk to psychologists, historians, engineers, and experts in many other fields.
He came out of it with an understanding of the progressive role of technology in society and humanity's relationship to it, and he saw that computers do not fit the traditional progression but we treat them as if we do.
Computer Power and Human Reason is an exploration of that gap, the problems which rise from ignoring it, and an exhortation to change our relationship with computers to be more informed about them.
The C64 version was not a remotely convincing conversationalist
It's not about what computers can or can't do so much as it is about our societal ignorance of what they can and can't do.
4:52 AM
@doppelgreener Are you still here because your help didn't really get ignored or because you want to be? Because if it is the former, you still need to work on that, if the latter, you already are.
@Adeptus For my college project, we completely gave up on natural language processing. At least for now.
It is too hard to break the uncanny valley.
We are working more on creating an agent that can simulate real emotions.
And have a very basic proto-personality.
After that we can focus on making it speak.
Is your work closer to the Google-style data bank approach, or the Hofstadter behavioural bank approach?
We are actually using some really simple utility based decision algorithms to model behavior working together with the psychology department here.
And trying to model response conditioning in humans and implement it in learning agents with the same tests.
@Althis I'm here because I want to be, and because I was being a bit of a jackass and didn't want to do the same usual pattern.
@doppelgreener Then hooray! You are already working on improving yourself!
Yeah. I'm breaking from it, but it takes a few iterations to break out of a pattern properly and it's not like it occurs often. I handle it fine other times, or something.
4:59 AM
Basically, we get a bunch of people to do tests, and test their emotional responses to each of them. Then we use the data from the test and try to get a model for their responses using layered utility based decision making. Then we implement the model in a bunch of agents and test them to see if they reach the same manner.
The agents also learn, so we can run a new test on them and run a new test on other real people and see if there is relation the other way around.
It is a lot of boring work, but it is cool.
It is really weird though, when we end up making agents are are just a bunch of jackasses.
Because it is awesome and annoying and the same time.
Some agents for example will just refuse to interact with us.
When we put them on a group, some will often be really nasty to one another.
What are these agents? How do they get represented in the world? How do they communicate and how do you communicate to them?
Right now?
They are only dots in a screen.
They interact with each other through certain protocols.
That we modeled after a very basic human communication.
We communicate to them through similar but slightly more complex protocols that we call tests.
But yeah, for whatever reason it is very easy to imagine them as real people in a real environment.
I guess we are just wired to anthropomorphise stuff that acts similar.
@Adeptus toon.is/…
That always reminds me of this.
Yeah, the specific theory of "mirror neurons" is apparently being dismantled, but the general idea seems to have weight.
5:10 AM
Better video.
@BESW The thing is that we don't really understand much of how the mind works currently.
So instead of poking our noses into neuroscience, it just seems easier to create something that is undistinguishable from the real thing using psychology.
People have actually been doing a similar thing in games for ages.
Here is a great lecture on it:
We used a similar concept, but we are adding a few more layers for emotions that influence behavior.
Gotta go.
See ya around.
5:41 AM
@Althis Bye!
5:54 AM
Peeple has vanished from the internet almost entirely, but apparently it's still going to be released in November.
Well, okay then.
Even more reasons for those selfie-lovers in the world to get their ducklips on :P
Also the snopes article on Peeple makes for an interesting read.
6:12 AM
Well then...
I hope it doesn't go anywhere, that's all I've got to say :(
6:25 AM
Well, if it does arise, I sense the probability of class-action lawsuits in various jurisdictions for violation of privacy (hosting public profiles for private individuals without consent) and for emotional distress inflicted upon the subjects of feedback.
More then likely.
Huh. I can't find the Genesys room :\


Creation! PCs, NPCs, worlds, etc. (This means more than just r...
I was expecting that from BESW, but thanks @Lunch :)
@Sandwich If the lunch gags ever get old, just let me know. Sorry :(
You're fine
One of my starred comments is about lunch
I didn't even realise that got starred :)
6:49 AM
Meet Nix & Hydra, two tiny moons of Pluto observed during @NASANewHorizons July #PlutoFlyby: http://go.nasa.gov/1WJdVH6 http://t.co/SzXnd5mNrK
Possible plot hook:
Parents, why give your children all the guns, powder, and matches they call for? There are other ways they may amuse themselves. MO1893
(and because this is RPGs, horrifying implications)
7:11 AM
... question. Has anybody ever seen a striped tie in burgundy, light gray, dark gray, and cream? Liiike this one?
Are you playing Hatoful boyfriend
Not currently, but I do. :P
I have vague memories of such a tie, but damned if I can remember where or when.
Still it eludes me. Someday, tie. Someday.
That being said. I typically hate stripes, but I would not be adverse to such a tie.
7:19 AM
I'm adverse to ties
I don't normally wear them, but I am seeking such a tie because reasons.
@Pixie [suspicions intensify]
\ /
That didn't work :(
@doppelgreener It's certainly not for any summoning rituals or anything of the sort! I mean- what?
(I have most of what I need for a closet cosplay. :P)
7:44 AM
What about a FOR TOTALLY REALS cosplay?
Also on that topic I am excite. Gym has me on track to be ready for a genderswapped Korra cosplay or something along those lines in a year.
A for totally reals cosplay would take much longer than the two days I have because I completely forgot my con was happening. :P
@doppelgreener Yay! :D
Oh wow XD
Have you rummaged the heck through your local op shops?
@doppelgreener One does not simply invoke a "Real" cosplay and then do something as simple as Korra. :P
Go on, try Samus...
@doppelgreener I poked through the ones I can get to a few days ago. I wasn't looking for this at the time, but I don't recall seeing anything useful, sadly.
That chest thing is so red.
Was it painted 5 minutes before the picture was taken or something?
7:52 AM
@SPArchaeologist my arts and crafts level is still only in the single digits, not at level 50 yet, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. One day!!
@Pixie aw, drat
Hmmm.... I might this month try to finally get the right face paint for the spirit of jazz and finally try that one out before I need to lose the suit from my wardrobe.
I have three weeks before I leave for Pax Aus.
I have everything I need already to be a lazy-but-still-fun-Shuu, excepting the vest and the tie. [strokes chin] This and this look to be the closest possibilities.
First one is a no :(
Second one isn't too far off though.
You just can't seem to get gray, cream, and burgundy or chocolate brown on the same tie in any configuration.
@doppelgreener If you're gyming it up for Cosplays, Try and do the Regal Byrant cosplay I always wanted to but never got the chance? :(.
Mainly cause I think walking around a Con in handcuffs would be fun lol
8:26 AM
@Nyoze that dude seems unlikely, sorry :P
I guessed as much. I'll get buff one day :\
@Pixie Shuu had to offer three lesser ties plus another pigeon to Satin in exchange for his current one.
@doppelgreener So that's his secret. I am not so well-equipped, though. The only pigeon I have is Nageki my mourning dove plush, and Satin's not getting it. :P
Alas, Satin's one flaw: a lack of autonomy in getting what it wants.
Also I'll clarify I'm gymming up for other reasons, but one advantage of having a totally rockin' bod is that you get to look good wearing whatever you want.
And the advantage of genderswap cosplay is artistic license! \o/
@doppelgreener Satin whispers to you, but only if you rub it together.
8:46 AM
a pretty funny safety introduction on an airplane from Southwest ^
@Pixie so far i have not heard the whisper of Satin. phew.
3 hours later…
12:00 PM
Probably very old, but it is the first time someone links me this
1 hour later…
1:18 PM
Tonight at 8PM EST I'll get my gold baby
3 hours later…
4:26 PM
Dammit. A 45 minute recording resulting in a corrupted and unintelligble WAV file. Damn you, Audacity on Windows 10. :(
2 hours later…
6:04 PM
For dnd5e, do you think allowing an Orc Ranger to trigger Savage attacks on ranged crits rather than melee only crits would break anything?
@TomSterkenburg I don't think so
maybe let that be a choice at character creation?
I'd have to ask my DM. I was banking on it for a decent ranged racial ability, but then read it later on lol. I'm sure he'd be fine with it. I think it should be either or, not both though
Wanted to try something that wasn't obvious, like elf ranger or something
6 hours later…
11:48 PM
@TomSterkenburg I'd allow it, personally, because it's such a crap ability anyway. On the other hand, " I was banking on it for a decent ranged racial ability" - don't. It sucks.
@TomSterkenburg D&D has always been a big fan of shoehorning people into obvious race/class combinations.
If White Wolf made D&D, it would be called Stereotypes: The Re-Editioning.

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