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8:00 PM
I remember "nuking" on Windows 95... lol
there were programs that were nuke blockers that would not only prevent an inbound nuke from reaching the vulnerable target service, but would "return fire" by sending a nuke back
a lot of people still think that having someone's IP address means you can hack them, but on modern systems it's decreasingly useful aside from Geo IP if you want to go to them IRL and beat them up
a simple NAT without any explicit port forwarding rules is enough to nullify 99% of the usefulness of having someone's IP
@allquixotic GeoIP? Pffft. 1/3rd of the times it thinks I'm on a near city. And I don't live on the far countryside, I live in the second biggest city in the country
@ruda.almeida true, but Geo IP is getting better... it's stupid now, but at least until IPv6 it's going to be getting better
@allquixotic Why?
IPv6 will make the GeoIP software developers start all over and develop new techniques since the format of the addresses changed as well as the way they are allocated
it's getting better because more and more devices are starting to give out their precise location over GPS, and sooner or later your desktop will have GPS too, and then it's just a matter of having sites like Google mine that data and send it off to GeoIP services, and track your location habits
Fun thing, apparently Windows 95 has a bug when you try to install it on a CPU faster than 350MHz that when booting causes (I think random) "protected mode" errors.
IIRC, it was because Windows 95 didn't implement the initialization of protected mode properly :P
8:07 PM
When we moved, our AP moved with us. But Google had recorded the MAC of the AP at our old home address. The Google location tracker went bananas
It thought I was doing like 2000km/h for months
@allquixotic Stop making me more paranoid than I already am ;_;
/dons tinfoil hat
Whenever I walked from one room to the other, it would either detect my position through the neighbors AP or my AP
@OliverSalzburg When I started seeing the google car a couple years ago, I always wondered what would happens in cases like this
They had a problem report form where you could submit the MAC of your AP, but it was removed at some point.
I submitted our MAC several times. Nothing changed. Stopped using the feature
Well, one thing changed. They removed the form :P
8:23 PM
any java programmers here?
when i have import /some library/ in Java
does that library has to be in the same package as my Java project?
otherwiese Netbeans doesn't know how to build the project?


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
You must have 20 reputation on Stack Overflow to talk here. See the faq.
But thank you Oliver
Well in that case...

 Fake Programmers

The room for elite Super Users who realize they know nothing a...
ok, thank you
8:40 PM
Tempted to answer it with: "Your girlfriend is in the other castle."
@Hennes lol
I feared nobody would get that joke.
Water filled balloon
9:28 PM
@EinsteinsGrandson You need to get yourself some rep :D
49 accepted edits would push you to 200 on Super User, then you'd get the association bonus on Stack Overflow
And, Bam!, Java
9:45 PM
what is accepted edits?
hope you don't kill me for a stupid question
@EinsteinsGrandson You edit a post, and then it will be reviewed. When it is accepted, you get 2 rep
You can improve spelling, grammar, formatting, ... It just has to be substantial enough to justify the edit
200 on Super user?
now i have 107
so if i do 49 edits, i will have 205
i only need to do 47 edits ... to achieve 201
and then i will be able to get to StackOverflow chat, right?
but how did you get those 107
it came out of nowwhere
@EinsteinsGrandson Woops, didn't remember that right
so SuperUser reputation can be used in other StackExchange sites?
What reputation do I need to be allowed to chat in any site?
50.000 ?
Once you get 200 on any site, you will get 100 on every other Stack Exchange site you're on
9:59 PM
Ah. So that is the limit.
Because then it's assumed that you know how everything works
I just saw things start with 100 rep on other sites, but I never bothered finding out at which limit that happened.
10:17 PM
Whoops. Do not to use UEFI on any Samsung laptops (regardless of OS)
@Hennes Ouch.
Oh, do not bother reading the comment in that article. As usually it has many posts from people who only read the headlines.
10:55 PM
@BenRichards wierd thing that, update it from win98 and it was ROCK solid

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