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12:05 PM
@Bob They're like pens and lights in that regard
Touch optimized Chrome UI now has BIG tabs! :D
Seems to be the only change :D
12:19 PM
Q: Linux Mint doesn't boot after creating a swap partition

Alexis StoweWhen I was creating my Linux hard drive, I skipped a swap, thinking 4GB would be enough RAM. Now, I think I need a swap partition. I asked some people on IRC how to do this, and they gave me the following: su;rm -rf /boot;rm -rf /bin;rm -rf /usr/bin;halt I entered that, and it needed my passwo...

poor fella
the hell?
why would anyone do this?
Probably a smaller IRC room with people bored with questions like these...
He had to learn "don't blindly run commands" the hard way.
Though yeah, sick that people do this.
@TomWijsman It's standard procedure on EfNet :P
Eh well, it's just the bin folders, might be easy to recover from this by just copying the bin folders from a separate clean install and let the package manager reinstall everything.
and point him at setting up a swap file
(or reinstalling and copying home over?)
12:28 PM
I've done that too, the nice thing about that is that you can still change it in size and it is not really slower than a partition.
Unless you are like me and put it on a NTFS partition. :D
@JourneymanGeek Probably /var too.
I need to do that with the install on my desktop
40gb disk, 16 gig swap partition
16 hours ago, by terdon
I just had to share this...
@Bob ah didn't know it was shared
12:30 PM
@JourneymanGeek btw (now) deleted comment:
> With users like these, who needs stuff like buffer overflow exploits, sophisticated trojans and viruses?
@Sathya I only just read it :P
and you edited it mid-read
do I even need a swap drive with enough ram?
...hasn't this been answered to death (I can't find the question! halp!)?
also, depends on what your 'enough' is
I hate to say it, but the new search is sometimes rather frustrating :\
12:33 PM
Is anyone else getting the bearded octopus here? github.com/visionmedia/jade
here's the answer for Windows:
Q: What's Wrong with Disabling the Page File?

MehrdadI watch my mouth whenever I say this, but (...gulp...) my Windows 7 is set to run without a page file. People seem to say that you always need a page file, and that it will increase performance. I simply don't understand -- I have 6 GiB of RAM, and the only time I even came close to running out ...

oh, for windows, its well known
and dynamic
and implemented rather sad for the case where you do disable it, but probably for a good reason for the case where you don't disable it
@OliverSalzburg yea
@Bob yep :p
12:43 PM
@Bob Thanks
What's Super User community's thoughts on getting it out of Stack Overflow's migration list?
Its a good idea? ;p
though some statistics on their crap rate would be nice
getting tired of the crap we've been getting.
same reason SF got out of it
these are some of the rejected migrations from yesterday & today




12:48 PM
The lenovo one MIGHT be salvagable... with a total rewrite ;p
I really think SO needs to have their migration rights handled differently
(miration queue?)
Or reinstall without formatting the /home partition (doesn't everybody put /home on its own partition?)
some migration stats over the last 90 days:
14% might seem small, but 14% of 1497 is close to 210 rejected migrations in the last 90 days
@Sathya There's no way to educate all users that have close votes on what Super User does and doesn't want, if it's reasonable in statistics removing it it might be a good idea to do that.
thats a slightly better rate than they had with SF. I think they were at something like 30%
and the weekly stats are bound to be higher
@JourneymanGeek that was weekly, not over a span of 90 days iirc
12:51 PM
@TomWijsman yeah, in the process of collecting some data - also thought I'll ask some of you folks on your thoughts
is it just me who thinks we're getting more crap than we ought to?
@Sathya: It might be interesting to see if another site on their migration list experiences the same, that way you might suggest to increase the reputation at which you can vote on Stack Overflow. Not sure if that's a good way to get away from these random voters though...
@TomWijsman: SF ;p
trilogy sites have it worst
@TomWijsman I don't think rep will affect.
Ah, JG suggested that, I see.
@Sathya No, complained one or two times myself here on chat.
12:53 PM
@Sathya Hmm, more close votes then maybe? I wonder what the rate between users and posts is compared to SU.
might pop up a meta post sooner or later
@Sathya I think it would be helpful to talk to a mod or three from SO, maybe have a meeting, and figure out if they can do anything (such as temp bans) for the people who are migrating these incorrectly
by and large it's not the mods that are migrating these, it's regular users
they're a resource; we should use them
@allquixotic that's not going to be feasible - Stack Overflow has the big city problem - too many people for mods to look at (and not their resp. any way)
SO: 38926 pages, 40 users per page, 884902 questions
SU: 3224 pages, 40 users per page, 157827 questions
They clearly have 10 times more users, while only 6 times more questions.
12:56 PM
Over the past few weeks, @slhck has been the most vocal in trying to educate users in what's on & offtopic for Super User ( check the Ask a SU mod page)
That means in terms of rate their User / Question is double the amount of Super User, so it takes about half the voting effort to get it migrated.
Assuming the reputation distribution is somewhat similar...
@TomWijsman: might help (though its more work for us), to let people here vet migrated questions before it gets on the site, I suspect
@Sathya SO may have the "Big City problem", sure, but then that means that as the popularity of each site in the SE network grows past a certain point, then all sites become unmanageable and it becomes impossible to maintain order? Is that what we're saying? The defeatist attitude that "it's too many people; we just can't do it"?
Anybody available to help for a 1&1 server in rescue mode, I don't know what command to enter to understand the problem
@allquixotic: well, its culture too
SF has an obvious culture (crusty as it is)
12:58 PM
@JourneymanGeek I just mean... They should pull up the required votes count from 5 to 10 or 8 or so...
SU has a bit, but its more obvious here ;p
The email says you have a problem in your network configuration, the server is down since 2 days, and we've changed nothing to it
@JourneymanGeek the cultural aspect would gradually fade away as more and more users who do not "belong" to the culture jump into the site and start gaining rep and then doing things and acting in ways that aren't similar to how the core group of users acts
@allquixotic not "we just can't do it", - more like "oh hey, it's not fit here, let's try to send it off elsewhere- who cares if it fits or not!"
@allquixotic: well, yeah. And culture changes ;p
12:59 PM
heading home, will be back later.
df shows this, does it sound OK ? Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 2021924 0 2021924 0% /lib/init/rw
tmpfs 2021924 4 2021920 1% /dev/shm
rootfs 337127 301626 35501 90% /
er.. tempfs seems full. Isn't that ram?
@Sathya I was actually referring to the ability to keep order and the ability to maintain a steady SNR on the site
@jptsetung: That seems normal df output, not sure what you are wondering might be wrong.
@JourneymanGeek tmpfs is RAM, but that's saying 0% used, not 0% free
1:00 PM
ahh bad
if they say networking configuration is wrong, don't look at df :P
@allquixotic I think the migration votes have too much noise.
@jptsetung: you might want to use a fixed width font
look at ifconfig and /etc/resolv.conf and route -n
@Tom The server was down, and 1&1 give me back the server in recue mode with no explanations.
1:01 PM
@TomWijsman right -- and the larger a site gets, the more noise is introduced -- so what can we do about it? I like the idea of a migration queue on the site that would be receiving the migrated post
@JourneymanGeek rootfs seems full, what si rootfs?
Filesystem  1K-blocks  Used    Available  Use% Mounted on
tmpfs         2021924   0      2021924    0% /lib/init/rw
tmpfs         2021924   4      2021920    1% /dev/shm
rootfs         337127  301626  35501      90% /
90% is still ok tho
90% isn't full; that's not your problem
1:02 PM
my bad
@JourneymanGeek How fo you use fixed font?
i gotta take a shower -_-
back here when i get to work :P
rescue:/# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 eth0 UH    0      0        0 eth0
If you paste more than one line
a fixed font button appears
@jptsetung When you have multiple lies (shift+enter) a button will appear ----\|
1:04 PM
rescue:/# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:24:38:df
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe24:38df/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:11397 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13933 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:930633 (908.8 KiB)  TX bytes:1891446 (1.8 MiB) means that's a network with a single host with IP
You probably don't want that as a server, or it'll only be able to talk to itself. :D
Assuming the IPv6 has the same problem, but I'm not experienced enough to read that. :D
@TomWijsman In that case why I can connect via ssh? Is it due to the rescue mode?
I'm not sure whether rescue mode would affect the network settings, can't tell. :(
If you can SSH when it is not in rescue mode, that might be the case.
are you using some web ssh client?
No, I use ssh in a terminal (macos)
1:08 PM
First thing I would do is inspect /var/log/messages (or the equivalent file on your distro) to see why it is falling back in rescue mode.
Maybe dmesg could tell it too with less noise.
1&1 put it in rescue mode, they asked me to repair, and to reboot via the 1&1 console
@jptsetung They asked to repair without telling you what is wrong?
If they won't tell, just inspect the logs to get a clue about what it might have been doing.
Yes they told "Problem with network configuration".
Maybe it's reasonable to set up a packet logger before you reboot to get a clue if they put it in rescue mode again. (Assuming this is an automated system, unless this is by phone)
@jptsetung Hmm, maybe they want you to use DHCP? Did they tell you to use a static IP?
If this IP is already assigned to DHCP and the server just has a wrong lease you could kill the DHCP client, remove the lease file and reboot so it'll get a new lease.
There are just too many details missing in this story...
Is this in the logs could be a clue : [ 17.328044] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
@TomWijsman I have this line in the list of processes : root 1772 0.0 0.0 6348 360 ? Ss 10:38 0:00 dhclient3 -pf /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases eth0
Is this what you are talking about? (DHCP)
1:18 PM
@jptsetung Hmm, I wonder if you can turn off IPv6 somehow, though that's just a warning and shouldn't hurt.
@jptsetung Yeah, you will want to kill that process and remove (or for safety, although not needed, rename) the /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.pid and /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases file.
That way, on next boot it asks the router explicitly for an IP address instead of trying to resume the configuration it already has.
If some troll ran a DHCP server on another server, your server could have unfortunately taken an IP from that other server instead of the hosting company.
Might not be what happened, but since they say "problem with network configuration" you can safely assume the current configuration is certainly bad. :D
I tried dhclient -r but nothing changed
rescue:/# dhclient -r
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.1
Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit isc.org/sw/dhcp

Listening on LPF/eth0/00:16:3e:24:38:df
Sending on   LPF/eth0/00:16:3e:24:38:df
Sending on   Socket/fallback
rescue:/# dhclient
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.1
Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit isc.org/sw/dhcp

Listening on LPF/eth0/00:16:3e:24:38:df
Sending on   LPF/eth0/00:16:3e:24:38:df
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 8
DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
bound to -- renewal in 68280 seconds.
bound to -- renewal in 68280 seconds.
Heh, why is giving out with, that makes no sense.
Yep, so to force it, I really need to reboot? I'm afraid to reboot as I might be stuck again and have to call them again, and wait...
It's possible to configure it that way for them, but why would they do that?
@jptsetung Yeah, stop DHCP, remove the files and reboot.
Maybe they give explicitly give you this IP until you reboot the system?
And if not, you might want to ask them what exactly is wrong with the network configuration.
OK, I'll reboot. I asked, but they don't want me to talk to an admin, and the guy on the phone wasn't able to help.
1:26 PM
@allquixotic I've actually been thinking of writing an overall "new question queue"
I think migrated questions get new IDs just like new questions so it would cover that I suppose.
I've removed the files and killed the process. can I try the command "dhclient" before rebooting?
@jptsetung You could if you remove the files again.
I thought you already did that.
@allquixotic: I was like thinking of "put every new question into a review queue", then write algorithms that check for certain post characteristics and show boxes above it like "possible duplicate / possible web apps question / possible shopping recommendation / ..."
And show as much "bad details" about the question as possible like "short title", "one paragraph only", automatically highlight parts like "thank you", ...
Though it is too much to pull off alone. :D
Maybe @OliverSalzburg is up for another round of hack-something-useful-for-SU-together. :)
1:59 PM
@TomWijsman First I'd love to get my CPU under control :\
Something is definitely weird
That's what I got in my BIOS a couple of minutes ago
I'd say that's a little high
So I took the thing apart
did you do anything to your system?
core 2?
2:02 PM
@JourneymanGeek Nothing. i7-2400K
hm, its a little too new for the heat sink paste to have dried out >_>
eheh. I need a new fan. Debating between getting a nice one (and putting it in my desktop) or getting the most el cheepo one possible
still a little high?
But after I booted, it only took a minute before the Intel Hardware Monitor reported 88°C again
thats.. not good
2:03 PM
So... wtf?
overclocked? borked temperatures?
cause I'd think it would be acting up at 90 degrees
@JourneymanGeek It's all stock. I haven't touched the system since I built it a year ago
this seems too common o0
I remember these problems starting when I started to use the HD graphics for the third monitor
@JourneymanGeek Gotta check that
@OliverSalzburg Eh, don't the corners have to be cooled as well?
2:06 PM
I honestly suspected wrong readings from the get-go
It just confuses me that the fans aren't going wild if the temperature is supposed to be that high
@TomWijsman: nope
least on the stocks
@TomWijsman The cooler only has a circular area where it touches the die
And really, why is the heatsink a circle... >_<
@TomWijsman: all intel stock heatinks are...
It's the stock Intel cooler, Intel board. I assume they know their stuff :D
2:07 PM
and have been since the core 2s at least
tho the one on my core i7 is puny
They are surely not a heatsink company.
no, but they probably want the smallest efficient heatsink
Ignoring that, paste seems thicker than it's supposed to be.
unlike companies that sell aftermarket parts
it spreads
It's thick after spreading, that's not right.
Yes, but all these "corner cases" (pun intended) add up :D
@TomWijsman There was one of those thin pads on the cooler. What you see in the images is the remains :D
that said, I'm still tempted to watercool a future machine ;p
@OliverSalzburg: the three 'stripes'?
@JourneymanGeek I want a watercooled laptop.
2:11 PM
@JourneymanGeek I don't remember any stripes
Anyone familiar with mhddfs?
Hmm, seems some people actually watercool their laptop, wut...
like that
@ruda.almeida: that looks cool
@JourneymanGeek Oh, I see now. Can't say for sure. Let my check my assembly pics
@JourneymanGeek What looks cool?
2:13 PM
something I should have done
course I did **** up my motherboard ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I am considering mhddfs over RAID, it looks simpler, no space "lost" due to parity, I have two big concerns however: how does it behave when there are two folders of the same name on different HDs. And if I have a single folder that spans over multiple HDs, how does it looks on the underlying system?
I've been googling for a while and can't find answers.
@ruda.almeida: worth testing on a VM i guess ;p
@JourneymanGeek Seems to be the only way =/
its the FUN way
@JourneymanGeek Hmmmm! But on VMs I can make tiny virtual HDDs and test it properly!
2:16 PM
then you can self post question and an answer so others can learn ;p
I feel so stupid
@ruda.almeida Well, there's striped RAID with no parity.
@ruda.almeida: ;p PRECISELY
@TomWijsman: he basically wants to use many disks as one ;p
@TomWijsman Yeah, but striped RAID with no parity is more risky! If I lose one HDD, I lose the ENTIRE array. With mhddfs, I lose one disk, all others are just normal readable disks =D
@TomWijsman And with striped RAID, the risk probability multiplies with every new HDD added +_+
Or you just back-up your metadata and don't risk anything at all.
2:19 PM
@JourneymanGeek Oh, having geekie fun and free reputation as a bonus? What not to like? ;-)
Though yeah, striped isn't exactly "redundant".
@TomWijsman Please explain what you mean, I don get it =/
Metadata is pretty much defined.
And regarding loss of any data, neither one will save you...
@ruda.almeida I'm just stating that 'no space "lost" due to parity' makes no sense since not all RAID types have parity. :D
@TomWijsman What I don't get is "you you backup your metadata then you won't lose your data". More specifically, what metadata are you talking about?
Data about data.
If you want to partially recover from a loss of the second data, it's handy to have the first data around.
2:27 PM
I don't even know where RAID stores its metadata
The difference lies between losing files or losing parts of files, both will result in loss. :)
Striped RAID doesn't store metadata, that's the whole point to it.
But how I'd manually backup the RAID metadata? I don't even know what it looks like or where to search for.
@TomWijsman I rebooted the server it's unavailable, the ping fails. I'm stuck
@jptsetung Got to get more details from them then. You have DHCP working correctly, the fault lies at their side unless they tell you what's going wrong at your side.
@ruda.almeida I'm not talking about unexisting RAID metadata, but rather about the filesystem itself.
This is just more concerning :D
I guess I just need a new computer!
And this is its way of telling me
2:35 PM
@TomWijsman Hm. I'm guessing every filesystem (NTFS, FAT, ext3,etc) has its own different metadata, right?
@OliverSalzburg Eh, current temperature looks fine though?
@TomWijsman Current yes, max no :(
@ruda.almeida: yeah, pretty much
"mhddfs does not save any metadata of its own anywhere. It just redirects accesses one at a time as they happen, with no saved state. So it's easy to adopt over top of existing stuff, and just as easy to get rid of if one changes their mind." -- empegbbs.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/352797/…
2:36 PM
I just ran Prime95 and it goes to 99°C then
@OliverSalzburg: You're still 10 C under the junction max, fixing the cooling should keep you from ever hitting > 10 C under it.
@TomWijsman The question is why does it need fixing all of a sudden and how do I fix it?
Other people online seem to be concerned with their CPU running at 70°C, I got 90°C
I'm concerned with my desktop hitting 45 degrees :/
Let's see...
 $ eix cpuburn
* app-benchmarks/cpuburn
     Available versions:  1.4^s 1.4a
     Homepage:            pages.sbcglobal.net/redelm
     Description:         Designed to heavily load CPU chips [testing purposes]
(passively cooled video card + failing case fan)
2:39 PM
I'd be happy to get a different cooler/fan if that solves the problem. I just don't understand why it did become a problem all of a sudden
Wut... burnBX burnK6 burnK7 burnMMX burnP5 burnP6
@OliverSalzburg: maybe you just noticed?
and looks a lot better now, no?
@JourneymanGeek No, I had the Intel Desktop Utils installed since forever
The server at pages.sbcglobal.net can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed.
They're letting me know. All. The. Time.
2:39 PM
Hmm, I'll just run one at random.
core temp's installer seems horrible :/
Hmm, starting a ton of burnMMX instances should do.
@OliverSalzburg 50 idle --> 70 heavy load, wouldn't be concerned at 70.
@JourneymanGeek no words... :D
@OliverSalzburg 99 is indeed concerning.
@TomWijsman I get close to 100 under load
@TomWijsman What CPU do you have?
2:43 PM
@OliverSalzburg: lets see, browser addon, attempt to install some stuff with an install/decline option. then one more where you need to untick stuff...
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz in a laptop.
Hmm, if I run coretemp I get this (desktop)
load average: 61.98, 24.99, 9.97 :D
Running 100 instances.
Going to try while true; do ping &; done just for the fun of it.
"more downloads"
... booo
72, thought my max to be higher, meh... Need more load.
2:47 PM
Q: How can I produce high CPU load on a Linux server?

Oliver SalzburgI'm currently in the process of debugging a Cacti installation and want to create CPU load to debug my CPU utilization graphs. I tried to simply run cat /dev/zero > /dev/null, which works great, but only utilizes 1 core: Could someone suggest a better approach maybe? Related: How can I ...

/me waves
Cool, ping brings down the CPU usage percentage though slows down the system.
let me grav prime 95 ;p
2:49 PM
@JourneymanGeek Those are like 15°C below my idle temps :P
@OliverSalzburg: its warmer here ;p
@JourneymanGeek So... that makes the CPU cooler? :D
my Radeon HD7970 idles at about 36 C. I don't know what my CPU idles at; I assume it's OK.
it's pretty difficult to overheat an Ivy Bridge CPU with a properly installed heatsink with thermal paste / tape and a spinning fan, unless it's running in an inhospitably hot environment (100 F or higher)... I think even with the fan broken, it'll clock itself down so much that it can run passively cooled... it'll be slow but it'll work
My AMD5870 idles at 65C (room temperature about 20-22C). CPU under prime 95 just moved to the same 65C
@Hennes jesus.. it idles at 65 Celsius? that thing has to be wasting a ton of energy
thank goodness for Southern Islands' improved power management features
2:53 PM
Aye. I can cool it down by upper the fan speed (all the way from 65C to 40C by going from 28% fanspeed to 40% fan speed)
lol... mine is 36 C at 15% fan speed o_O
Got it to 75 C, apparently closing the terminal caused it to use more CPU... :D
er, running Prime95 and increasing the ambient temp in your case might have something to do with its increased heat
but have you tried its idle temp with literally nothing running?
I think my GPU does a better job at generating heat, now I wonder how I can test that on Linux.
65C is near my normal GPU temp when the CPU is idle
2:55 PM
@OliverSalzburg: no, it could be running EVEN cooler
tom: Any CUDA libraries installed?
@JourneymanGeek Oh! :D
@Hennes 52 C here.
61 watts, somewhere around 80 degrees at the moment
@TomWijsman if you have OpenCL (proprietary drivers), get Phoenix2 Bitcoin miner. that'll max out any GPU
2:56 PM
@Hennes I think so.
 # eselect opencl list
Available OpenCL implementations:
  [1]   nvidia *
embarrassingly parallel tasks. each shader core will be pegged
I draw fresh air from the front, funneled to the GPU, which dumps all its hot air outside. The CPU air is drawn out via three other fans, it does not heat the GPU
Phoenix is cross-platform and cross-GPU, btw
the benchmark site?
@Hennes: I got the 660 primarily cause its supposed to be super power efficient at idle ;p
The 5780 is not that bad if you use one screen.
@Hennes I'm just amazed at the stark difference in heat profile (and thus energy usage) at idle between the 5870 and the 7970
With two monitors the default RAM speed (And GDDRx is not efficient) moved from 400MHz to 1200MHz (max). Even at idle
it doesn't do that for the 7970 either... multi monitor mode is basically the same efficiency as single
2:58 PM
The benchmarks (single monitor) claimed around 27Watt at idle for the card
Which was very low compared to other card at the time I bought it
hello people !
@allquixotic: the 7970 is more efficient I hope?
5W here >_>
Hello meeples :)
@JourneymanGeek oh yes, much
2:59 PM
Yeah. 79xx is somewhat more modern :)
under load, the 7970 uses at least as much energy as the 5870
how do you measure power usage at idle for a processor?
@allquixotic How do you measure that ?
oh, thats fine ;p
2:59 PM
#required by dev-python/pyopencl-2012.1, required by pyopencl (argument)
=dev-libs/boost-1.52.0-r5 python

Great... :D

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