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5:29 AM
@JourneymanGeek The German SE was closed on the a51, and it was closed on such circumstances that the adequate words would be moderated out. The SU is a friendly site, many others aren't, this is my experience having a long experience on many of them,
@JourneymanGeek as ordinary user with not exceptional, but high rep. The SE can demod you in any moment, you get significant, not very public education from them, and on your decisions is it oretty well visible for me that yes, you are balancing also their wishes.
@JourneymanGeek You, as mod, are a bridge between the se and the community, I see no problem with it, I don't understand why you find it dishonesting, and the critical aspect of my post has nothing to do with your site. That is all.
@peterh I've never had SE involve themselves in any mod decisions on a mature site ever, and quite literally there's no "secret education" to being a mod
@JourneymanGeek It is about the German language, not a German-language SO clone like the the ru.stackoverflow.com . That initiative was killed by Tim Post.
@peterh a significant amount of this is "incorrect". In this case you're providing incomplete or incorrect information to someone who has put in a lot of work in regionalisation of his site.
@JourneymanGeek After many of us worked on it months long, and after that said that it will be done, only we should wait a little bit.
@peterh not all initiatives scale well. I suppose that they realised there was a ton of work with regionalisation (and someone posted a comment with a a51 reply from Tim Post about this!).
as is, Portugese and Russian seem to be test beds, but I doubt expanding before they succeed enough to be self sustaining is a good use of resources - especially from what I learnt about project management and software development lifecycles from an IT management perspective
5:40 AM
@JourneymanGeek That is not true, translating a dict file is some hours, the SE wrote many times that they fearing the "division of the SO", but also this was probably not the reality, although it was already more close. I think the real rrason is that the English-speaking CMs would lose the control on the nonenglish part of the SE.
@JourneymanGeek Also this is not true, they shouldn't "test it" and "translate it" years long, for example on the wikipedia, the national versions was started even before their engine had been translated, actually even the starting of the mediawiki was the reason has catalized the translation of the engine. No, no, no, I simply see that US people aren't very well in nonenglish things and this causes sick business decisions by the SE management.
@JourneymanGeek Because the decision that they try to minimize the nonenglish things, surely couldn't happen without a top CEO decision. It is surely a central decision, a top level CEO decision, without him it couldn't happen.
@JourneymanGeek Another possibility, that the SE isn't very well leaded and the employee can sabotage for them unpopular developments, but in the case of a wellgoing US company, I would close this out.
Hi guys. Second opinion needed: superuser.com/a/960053/477799. Is this the most brilliant answer I've ever read or the most dangerous bullshit ever?
@peterh this is completely idle speculation based on no evidence whatsoever
And this is what gets people annoyed at you
@Fleet I would vote the first with around 90% probability
You're basically acting like you know these things, when there's literally nothing pointing at that.
and different sites have different processes for doing things.
So, if you want to say "SE is doing X cause of Y" Please back it up. With links, and details.
@peterh Is there such a thing as 64-bit ntldr?
5:53 AM
@JourneymanGeek Then let it be so. The truth is that somebody has to say what many of us only think.
@peterh back it up
@peterh Also, what's the chance of installing the wrong ntldr with Windows XP 64-bit? Zero?
I mean, it isn't that hard
"hey, not all CMs are american - there's russian, and portugese ones for the site. Oh, and some live outside the US" - someone gave an example, and I believe there's at least one "regular" moderator who is portugese.
@Fleet As far I know, yes, but I am not sure. I think the ntldr on the 32 and 64 buts is different, but I am not sure if they can load the kernel of the other win. Maybe I know badly.
@peterh " Maybe I know badly." see... if you don't know, don't sound so certain ;)
@FleetCommand I don't know. If it wasn't a 2 year old post, I'd ask for a source ;)
5:56 AM
@JourneymanGeek I had a similar problem with a similar solution, but many years ago, and fleet required an answer -> he got it, mentioning that I am not sure
So, quite literally, I have a pretty serious issue with your MSE posts - and I feel if these posts arn't countered, we may have new users coming in with the wrong idea.
It would be very nice if you understood why folks have such a reaction to the more conspitorial posts.
Part of me wants to go "Hey, knock it off" - especially since the CMs have typically been very helpful to us when we actually need their help, but Its just not how I do things. Once again, this is one of the reasons people feel strongly about your posts.
6:46 AM
@FleetCommand a quick look at the russian site suggests it has nothing to do with what he said
that said, if it mucks things up, its fixable
14 hours later…
8:19 PM
@bwDraco I am not trying to circumvent a designed-in limitation of the software. Accusing someone of violating some legal dispositions should not be done that lightly. There exists laws protecting from defamation, in such unfounded accusations are definitely defamation. — Franck Dernoncourt 7 mins ago
Do we need a CM here? I'm not engaging any further
I've deleted the comment in question but this needs a mod's attention ASAP.
...never mind, the problem appears to have solved itself.

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